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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1899)
FREE CURE Prevents Hair Fulling Out , Remove ? Dandruff , Stops Itching and re stores Luxniient Growth to Shining- Scalps , Eyebrows ' ' nnd Eyelashes. People who need more hair , or are anxious to cave what they have , or from sickness , daudrul ! or other causes have lost their hair should at once send their name and address to the Alteu- lielm Medical Dispensary , 227 Btitterlleld Build- Inc. Cincinnati , Ohio , and they will forward nre- paid , by mall , a sutllclent free trial package of their remedy to fully prove Its remarkable action In quickly removInR all trace of dandruff and scalp diseases and forcing a new growth of hair. it also quickly restores preinaturo gray hair to natural color , produces lustrous eyebrows and eyelashes. i'jioi remedy has cured thousands and uo one need fear that It Is harmful. \VrIte today for a free trial pnckago. Jt will be mailed securely scaled In a plain wrai r so that It may be tried privately at home. Miss Emoud was totally bald , tlio h2r follicles not only upon her head , but upon her eyebrows , being completely coutracted , not the/ sign of a MISS EMMA EMOND. hair being found. Of course she was the object of many experiments , all of which failed , anil the offer of a well known dispensary to sind a free trial of their remedy was peculiarly allurine to her. She sent for the free trial , followed all directions faithfully , and soon she was rewarded by a growth of hair which for thickness , quality aud luxuriance was as remarkable as the resul ! was gratifying. Miss Emoud lives hi Salem , Mass. . at v:7G Washington St. . and naturally feels very much elated to recover from total baldness. Holding All the Jobs. A 'canvasser for a religious publica tion entered the yard of a residence in the southern portion of the city a few days ago. A small wagon in the yard and several war whoops from the rear of the house announced that the fam ily was not out of the city for the sum mer. A pull at the front door bell torought no response , so he went around to the side porch , where he found a small boy with his face smeared with jam making a pyramid with lumps of loaf sugar. "Any one at homeV" asked the can vasser. "Me. " "No one else ? " "Nop. Pap went to the store an' left me wif marmer. Marnier went up Z9 street an' left me wif nurse. Nurse's aunt died an' she left me wif ze cook. Cook just runned up ze alley to see her frenz an' I'se got everyfiug to see after , an' if s all right. " The canvasser felt that the sunshine of his paper was not needed in that family and he went his way. Louis ville Courier-Journal. C WITH A TAIL ! Every One Has Noticed the New C" in Town. it Has Come to Stay with Us Forever Health Follows in It5 Trail A Welcome Awaits It Everywhere. Not to long ago everybody's curiosity was aroused by the appearance in town of r ew "C. " It looks like this : The queer 4 < C with a Tall" has made Its way all over the United States , nnd here aa everywhere It promptly Jumped Into popu larity. Why ? Because the "C with a Tail" la a comet of health followed hy a coma of happiness and Jov. It has come to stay with us and radl- at'e Its benefits In all directions. The new "C" Is part of the trade-mark of Cascarets Candy Cathartic , the Ideal laxa tive and guaranteed constipation cure. They make the liver lively , tone up the Iwwels , purify the blood , brace the brain , put everything right as It should be. Buy and try Cascarets to-day. It's what they do , not what we say they'll do , that proves their merit. All drugzists , lOc , 25c , or 50c. or mailed for price. Send for book let and free sample. Address Sterling Rem edy Co. , Chicago ; Montreal , Can. ; or New 1'ork. This Is the CASCARBT tablet. Every tablet of the only genuine Cascaret bears the inaeic letters "CCC. " Look at the tablet before you buy , and beware of frauds , Imitations and substitutes. ONE OF OUR SAMPLE OFFERS buy this elegsnt Boucle Jacket Made of black curly boucle. all lined , in cluding sleeves , with stlkolineand interlined double-breasted , storm collar , eight horn but tons * Our handsome Illus trated Fashion Cata logue. Mailed Free to any address. Boston Store , State and Madison Streets. Chicago , HI. , C08fcS WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. CcsiCoasnSyrnp. Tastes Good. Uco tatfaae. gold STATE OE NEBRASKA NEWS OF THE WEEK IN A CON DENSED FORM. The Supreme Court Adjourns After Handing' Down a Iiarce Number-oi Important Decisions Unknown Man Found Dead at Plattsmouth. The supreme court adjourned Oct. 5 and lianded down opinions in twenty-one cases. The following cases were reversed and re manded : F. C. Fiske against Lincoln School Dis trict , George II. Downing against A. F. Lewis , First National Bank of Chadrpn against Kate Tootle , Fannie Bowman , ad ministratrix , against City of Omaha , Ilaines Meyer against John R. Smith , Al fred R.Dufrene againstDavid D. Smeaton , Minnie Zimmennann against 1'hillip Jlimmermann , National Bank of Com merce against Thomas Bryden , Paul F. Clark against Missouri , .Kansas and Texas Trust Company , Jjolm W. Swords against George II. Moss , Milton B. Whit ney against .Sallie 11. Howe , Charles Shiv- erick against R. .1. dunning. The following cases were affirmed : Ferdinand Vanhousen against Herman Brochl , Ilaines Meyers against .John It. Smith , Charles T. Jenkins against State of Nebraska , Nebraska National Bank against Grctna [ State Bank , First National Bank of Plattsmouth against Simeon Re'ctor , Council Bluffs Savings Bank against Lizzie M. Smith , Norfolk Beet Sugar Company against Edmund Paulsen. In the case of B. .1. Studervant against Bonn Sasli and Door Company the judg ment of the lower court allowing interest is reversed , but otherwise affirmed. HEAD SEVERED FROM BODY. An Unknown Man Found Dead at Plattsmouth. A switchman found the body of an un known man on the track a short distance north of the B. & M. depot at Plattsmouth the other morning. Near by was found the head , which had been severed at the neck. There was a deep wound in the forehead about two inches long and one on the back of his head , either of which would have caused death. His hair was cut short ; he is about 25 years of age and wore a blue-black coat and vest , a pair of blue overalls , well worn , a good suit of underwear , a pair of heavy socks and shoes and a black stiff hat , comparatively new. There were no papers to identify the unfortunate victim , but $23.85 was found on his person. Doubtless he was at tempting to board or alight from a train and , falling , met his death. Other facts leading to his identity may be brought out by the inquest. BORROWING TO BUY CATTLE Why Osceola's 3Iortgage Record Is Showing an Increased Debt. At this season of the year there is usu ally an increase in the mortgage indebted ness of Polk County on account of the large number of cattle that are bought and shipped in to feed on the surplus corn , and the last month is not an exception , as shown by the records. There were sixteen farm mortgages filed , amounting to $20- 708.85 ; thirty-one released , amounting to ? 3'JG27.50 ; city mortgages filed , $2,350 ; city mortgages released , $8,800 ; chattel mort gages filed. $05,808.20 ; chattel mortgages released , $17,381.05 , making an increased indebtedness of $34,057.90. Child a Victim of Matches. Stanley Livingston , 3 years old , a son of Duncan Livingston of Fremont , in some way obtained matches. lie went out into the yard with them and tried to light some rubbish and his dress caught fire. Mrs. Fisher , an invalid living in the next house , heard him scream and saw his clothes ablaze and called to a man working near by , who put out the flames , but not until all the child's clothes , except the belt around the waist , ha'il been burned. The child died a few hours later. "Work on Hartville Extension. The laying of rails on the new southern extension of the Burlington has reached a point about twenty miles from Alliance and is at a standstill because of the great rock cut down the valley on Indian Creek , which will not be completed till Oct. 25 , when track laying will go forward with out interruption to Hartville , Wyo. Farmers Sowing More Rye. The area of fall wheat in the vicinity of Farnham will be much less this fall than last year and more rye will he sown , it being regarded as a surer crop. Corn harvesting has begun and a fair yield is reported. All the old corn held for two or three years has been shelled and shipped. Hurt Working in a Well. Fred Krouse oE Tecumseh was working at the bottom of a well , the workmen above were letting down material , when a small piece of oak plank fell out of the bucket and struck Mr. Krouse on the head. A severe gash was inllicted. Death in a Collision at Seneca. A head end collision occurred between two freight trains on the Burlington at Seneca , killing Fireman Hamlin , fatally injuring Engineer McNeff and seriously injuring Engineer Peterson of Alliance. The engine and several cars were demol ished. Hurt in a Thresher Wreck. John Neu , son of Fred Neu , a wealthy fanner living near Berlin , was seriously , possibly fatally , injured by a bridge giving away under a traction engine , which was precipitated to the bottom of the creek and completely wrecked. liiin Over by a Disc Harrow. Fred Durst , a 16-year-old boy wno re sides with his parents near Tecumseh , lost two toes off his left foot recently by hav ing the member run over by a disc harrow. Thomas Bottorn ? Dies in Jail. Thomas BottoriT , who was convicted last week of assault on the 10-3-ear-old child of Mitt Allen at Blair , died , in the county jail. There is strong suspicion of suicide. All the Watson Counts Stand. In the case of the state against John C. Watson , at Nebraska City , charged with forgery , the defense filed a motion to strike four counts from the indictment , but after three or four hours of argument the judge overruled the motion. Harry Foil Arrested at Columbus Chief of Police August Schaak arrested Harry Fen , a Jew , in the Union Pacific yards at Columbus on a telegram from the authorities at North Platte'that lie was wanted in Lincoln County for grand lar- cenv. * ASSIGNED TO PASTORATES. Ministers Appointed to Charges Over Which They Will Preside. The following arc the assignments made by the JSorth Nebraska Methodists at their eighteenth annual conference in Omaha : Omaha District J.'W. Jcnnins , presid ing elder , Omaha : Arlington , C. M. Couf- fer ; Blair , G. W. Corey ; Craig , W. L. Elliott ; Elkhorn , E. T. Antrim ; Fremont , F. H. Sanderson ; Herman , It. J. Cocking ; HooperB.B.Kiester"KennardJ. ; Charles ; Oakland , E. E. Shafer. Omaha City Missions Monmouth Park. Southwest , West Omaha , G. A. Luce ; First Church , M. W. Chase ; Hanscotn Park , C. C. Cissel ; Seward Street , A. C. Welch ; South Tenth Street , C. O. Larrison : Trin ity , H. II. Millard ; Walnut Hill , C. N. Dawson ; South Omaha , J. A. Johnson ; Tekamah and Arizona , J. F. Poucher ; Valley , 0. Eggleston. Charges to Be Supplied Albright , Ben son , Nickerson , Papillion and Rfchlield , Springfield. J. W. Shenk , editor Omaha Christian Advocate , member Hanscom Park quar terly conference ; O. J. Nave , postcljaplain U. S. A- , member First Church , quarterly conference ; H. L. Powers , conference evangelist , member of Hanscom Park , quarterly conference ; D. W. McGregor , conference evangelist , men.lnr Trinity , quarterly conference ; D. C. Winsliip , mis sionary in Colorado ; J. A. lihoades , mis sionary in Montana ; F. W. Bross , mis- sionarv in Wvoming. Grand Island District D. K. Tindnll , presiding elder , Grand Island ; Alda , E. D. King ; Archer , II. F. Shacklock ; Belgrade , L. It. DeWolf ; Cedar Ilapids , 11. C. Mc- Keynolds ; Central City , T. C. Webster ; Chapman , J. W. Hobinson ; Claries , 11. E. Neal ; Columbus , J. P. Yost ; Fullerton , A. L. Mickel ; Grand Island First Church , H. A. Barton ; Trinity , Alfred Ilodgelts ; Genoa , J. Crews ; Greuley , R..7. McKenzie ; North Bend , II. Trezona ; Purple Cane , A. L. Kellogg ; St. Edwards , C. F. Hey wood ; St. Paul , L. Campbell ; Schuyler , J. M. Bothwell ; Scotia , W. Ik. Peters ; .silver Creek , W. D. Stambaugh ; Walbach , J. S. Green ; Wood lliver , It. H. Gammon. Charges to BcSupplied Bartlctt , Boelus. Glenwood , Mapleville , Richlaml. J. B. Cams , superintendent Anti-Saloon League , member Trinity , Grand Island quarterly conference ; E. E. Day and W. W. Shenk , members Trinity , Grand Island , quarterly conference left without appoint ment to attend some one of our schools ; E. D. Snyder , member of Central City , quarterly conference , agent for promoting temperance. Neligh District Win. Gorst , presiding elder , Neligh ; Albion , J. B. Priest ; Battle Creek , E. W. Wilcox : Battle circuit , D. E. Baldwin ; Boone , II. A. Chappell ; Clearwater - water , A. E. Fowler ; Creighton , A. J. 3Iarkley ; Elgin , J. N. Gortner ; Emerick. W. II. Phelps ; Ewing , G. W. Kliver ; Meadow Grove , E. E. Hunt ; Neligh , E. T. George ; ' Newman Grove , A. Bishop ; O'Neill , E. G. Ilutchinson ; Osmond , A. J. Warne ; Page , E. W. Wilcox : Pierce , J. G. Shick ; Plainview , E. E. Ilosman ; Plain- view circuit , N. E. Wood ; Savage , E. D. Griswold ; Tilden , W. A. Iloininger. Norfolk District : F. M.Sisson , presiding elder , Norfolk. Allen , II. N. Throckmor- ton ; Bancroft , J. Q. A. Fleharty ; Beemer , F. A. High ; Bloomfield , W. J. Brient ; Carrell , C. W. Davidson ; Coleridge and llartington , C. P. Cheeseman ; Decatur , L. K. McNeil ; Dakota City. F. M. Clark ; Humphrey and Piatte Center , II. II. St. Louis ; Laurel. J. H. Frazer ; Lyons , A. L. Hray ; Madison , J. E. Fowler ; Norfolk , G. II. Main ; Pender , C. M. Griffith ; PiJger , C. F. Knise ; Randolph , William Espliu ; Scribner , Willian Shambaugh ; Stanton , D. Marquette ; Wakefield , J. II. Johnson ; Wausa , W. H. Carter : Wayne , T. Bithel ; West Point , supplied ; Winside , C. P. Mueller ; Wisner , J. L. Phillips. Charges to Be Supplied : Chambers , In- man , Loretta , Lynch , Niobrara , Oakdale , Paddock , Spencer and Highland. II. G. Kemp , G. W. Shick , members of Neligh quarterly conference , left without appointment to attend some one of our schools. Charges to Be Supplied Emerson , Homer , Hoskins , Leigh and Creston , Ponca , St. James , South Sioux City , West Point ! W. K. Gray , member Dakota City quar terly conference , left without appointment to attend one of our schools. Tramp Thief Arrested. Chief of Police Overmeir found that several of Kearney's small boys had new $1.50 knives , bought from a tramp at 25 cents each , and concluded to investigate. The tramp was arrested and a thorough search revealed forty knives and two re volvers. The tramp had just been lodged in a cell when Chief Overmier received a telegram from North Piatte stating that a hardware store had been robbed the night before and. asking him to keep his eye open for the thief. Nebraska Short Notes. William Madgett has opened a new bank atliolstein , starting with a capital of $10- 000. 000.Charles Charles E. Schaffer , a train hand , fell from the cars at Johnstown last week and four cars passed over him , cutting his body in two. Lexington's street fair ended with a fine display of fire works , throwing of confetti , cake walk , etc. Ground will be broke this week for Norfolk's new theater. Adams County will have an exhibit at the Paris exposition. A large box contain ing samples of wheat , oats , corn , barley , rye and other grains has been forwarded to Washington for shipment to the exposi tion. ' J. Knollin & Co. have a large force of men at worlat Norfolk building a winter sheep ranch for 10.000 head of sheep. About twenty new residences and a new dormitory 'iave been built on the college section noithwest of Central City by the Quakers. Three . ' .pans of horses stolen near Cen tral City recently have been recovered at O'Neill , where they had been sold. The thieves escaped. The i/ublic schools at Hastings are so crowded > hat a new buiklingis a iecessity. The NorMi Piatte creamery has resumed operations. Land owners in the vicinity of West Point are being besieged for the rental of farms for the Doming year. The Elkhorn road ] s-builfing , a new depot at Hooper. ? ' Norfolk Catholics will soon start work on a $10,000 church. Work has been commenced on the new 2lectric light plant at Holdredge. The Dundy County cattle men will meet on the 14th to form a county organization. The Plainview poslofllce has been raised from a fourth class to a presidential office jf the third class. The Fremont Creamery Company has leased and will operate the Calfaway . reamery. " What's in a Name ? " Everything , when you come io medi cines. cA sa.rsapa.nlla. by any other name can nefoer equal Hood's , because of the peculiar combination , proportion and pro cess by which Hood's possesses merit peculiar to ftself and by which it cures when all other medicines fail. Cures scrofula. , salt rheum , dyspepsia , catarrh , rheumatism , that tired feeling , etc. W. L , S3&S3.50 SHOES Worth § 4 to $6 compared wiih other makes. Indorsed by over 1OOOOOO wearers. ALL LEATHERS. ALL STYLES THE GESCIXE bate W. L. Uoaila , ' name and price itampcd on bottom. Take no substitute claimed to be as good. Largest makers of * 3 and S3.50 shoes In the world. Your dualershouldkeep them If not. we will send you apalron recelptof price. State kind or leather , size and width , plain or cap toe. Catalogue 13 Free. . W. L. DOUGLAS SHOE CO. . Brockton , Mass. ELY'S CREAM BALM Cures CATARRH. It is placed into the nostril ? , spreads over thr membrane and IB absorbed , * .ncm. . .o'im- mediate. It is not drying , does not produce sneezing. Druggists , CO cts. or by mail. ELY EROS.,56 Warren St. . XY. Cures ! lU diseases without medi- Cje Guarantees a paying busl- IJ r fl I I fil P ness- Makes you healthy and K L A LI H U liapi.y. To learn dow to do It. ad dress KEY. , J. AY. Kiniincl , Leavemvorth , Kau You deny yourself pleasure and comfort if you don't use it. Get Your Pension DOUBLE QUICK ! V7its Cast. O'FABEELL. Pension Agent. Washington. D.C. The First Congress. The first woman's congress on rec ord was held in Seneca Falls , N. Y. , in 1848. Elizabeth Cady Stantoa was present at the meeting. SWANSON'S " 5 DROPS" is the sun of the sick room. It has saved the pub lic , in less than live years , more money than the national debt of this country , when you measure the value of health re stored , suffering humanity relieved of its agonies and diseases. Money which oth erwise would have been expended in fun erals , doctors and drug bills , loss of labor , < > tc. tc.SWANSON'S SWANSON'S " 5 DROPS" never fails to cure. It has cured aud is curing mill- ionso people afflicted with ACUTE and CHRONIC RHEUMATISM , SCIAT ICA , NEURALGIA , ASTHMA , LA GRIPPE and CATARRH of all kinds. " 5 DROPS" has never failed to cure these diseases , when used as directed. It will cure you. Try it. Price of large tized bottle $1.00 , sent on receipt of price , charges prepaid ; 25-cent sample bottle ic'n't free , on receipt of 10 cents to pay lor mailing. Agents wanted. SWAN- SON'S RHEUMATIC CURE COM- -ANY , No. 164 Lake street , Chicago , 111. Corrected. Binks ( on the beach ) EujoyLng a rest ? Spinks No ; taking a vacation. Phil adelphia North American. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All druggists refiuid the money if it fails to cure. 25c. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. United States Lust. Germany publishes about 20,000 books a year , France 11,000. Italy 9,000 , England 0,000 , United States 5,000. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally. Price 75 cents. It is a wise barber who never illus trates his stories with cuts. I believe my prompt use of Piso's Cure prevented quick consumption. Mrs. Lu cy Wallace , Marquette , Kan. , Dec. 12 , ' 95. A captain in the navy ranks with a colonel in the army. Mrs. Wlnslow'H SOOTHING STBUP ror Children teething : softens the gums , reduces inflammation , allays pain , cures wind colic. 25 cents a bottla. Even the worm win turn perhaps Into a butterfly. Mrs. Baroard Thanks MRS. PINKHAM FOR HEALTH. ' ' [ LETTER TO MRS. PINKJIAIT NO. 18,992 ] " DEAB FIUEND I feel it my duty to express ray gratitude and thanks to you for what your medicine has done for me. I was very miserable .and los ing flesh very fast , had bladder trouble , fluttering1 pains about the heart and would get so dizzy and suffered with painful menstruation. I was reading1 in a paper about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound , so I wrote to you and after taking two bottles I felt like a newperson. Your Vegetable Compound has entirely cured me and I cannot praise it enough. " MRS. J. O. BARNARD , MH.I/TOWN , WASHINGTON Co. , ME. Iowa Woman's Convincing Statement. "I tried three doctors , and the last one said nothing but an operation would help me. My trouble was pro fuse flowing ; sometimes I would think I would flow to death. I was so weak that the least work would tire me. Reading of so many being cured by your medicine , I made up my mind to write to you for advice , and I am so glad that I did. I took Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills and followed your directions , and am now well and strong. I shall recom mend your medicine to all , for it saved my life. " Mies A. P. , Box 21 ABBOTT , IOWA. iFQTne Periodical'Monthly Eegulator norer lLu. fallso mvlncoToursolf : write for frcobox. YCSI Su.--AL CO. , Dta 75. fAiffi. . A Dilemma. "It's no use , " remarked Mr. Blyklns , as he looked at the thermometer. "What's the trouble ? " ' "A man can't tell wbat to do. It's so warm that I can't get along without a fan , and if I fan myself sufficiently to make any impression I'm sure to over exert myself and get still warmer. " Washington Star. CHFtlSTMAS PRESENTS FREE. One of the Grandest Offers Ever Made. The first five persons procuring the Endless Ohaln Starch Book from their grocer will each obtain one large lOc package of "RED CROSS" starch , one large lOc package of "HUBINGER'S BEST" starch , two Sbakspeare pic tures , printed in twelve beautiful col ors , as natural as life , or one Twenti eth Century Girl Calendar , the finest of Its kind ever printed , all absolutely free. All others procuring the Endless Chain Starch Book will obtain from their grocer two large lOc packages of starch for oc , and the beautiful pre miums , which are being given away. This offer , is only made for a short time to further introduce the famous "RED CROSS" starch , and the cele brated "HUBINGER'S BEST" cold water starch. "RED CROSS" laundry starch is something entirely new , and is without doubt the greatest inven tion of the twentieth century. It has no equal , and surpasses all others. It has won for Itself praise from all parts of the United States. It has supersed ed everything heretofore used , or known to science In the laundry art. It is made from wheat , rice and corn , and Is chemically prepared upon scien tific principles by J. C. Hubinger , an expert in the laundry profession , who has had twenty-five years of practical experience an fancy laundering , and who Is the first successful and original Inventor of all fine grades of starch in the United Stales. If you would have the best , ask for "RED CROSS" and "HUBINGER'S BEST , " which are the finest starches on the market to-day. The jobbing houses all handle it , the retail grocer has it on his shelves , you find it in all the homes , while the care ful housewife has adorned the walls of the "house with the beautiful Shak- speare pictures which are being given away In Introducing "RED CROSS" and "HUBINGER'S BEST" starch. Nothing Else. Fred And what do you think of my argument , Will ? Will Sound most certainly sound. Fred And what else ? Will Nothing else merely sound. Tit-Bits. First-Class Suit of Clothes for$7.9O. For those who are accustomed to send ing away from home for their goods it is of the greatest importance to know the character and * reliability of the establish ments selling goods to families from cat alogues. The great emporium of the John M. Smyth Co. , located at 150 to 166 West Madison street , Chicago , has been established for a third of a century , and has furnished over half a million homes in Chicago and vicinity alone. This firm enjoys the confldence of the public by its many years of fair dealing. It issues an immense illustrated catalogue that should be in every family , as it describes and gives the price of every article required for household use. A sample of the ex traordinary valuqs offered by this firm is shown in the illustration of the gentle men's suit of clothes at $7.90 in another column of this paper. These suits are in deed wonderful values , and yet they are bui : a sample of the thousand and one useful articles illustrated and described in the beautiful catalogue of the John M. Smyth Company. A Diplomatic Doctor , "I wonder what makes Dr. Fitz Hlg- gins so popular ? " "Why , his patients always have all the newest diseases. " Detroit Free Press. Look at your tongue 1 I fit's coated , your stomach is bad , your liver out of order. Ayer's Pills will clean your tongue , cure your dyspepsia , make your liver right. Easy to take , easy to operate. 25c. All druggists. Want your moustache or beard a beautiful Tirown or rich black ? Then use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE BO CTS. Or DUCCHT . CH R. P. H l . A CO. H. ACTS GENTLY ON THE KIDNEYS , LIVER AND BOWELS THE CLEANSES . * N4BITUALCSTIPAT.O PERMANENT ! * . BV7 THE GENUINE - M ANT D By f Oi SAU BY All DRUGGISTS PSlCt SCe. PW BCir. SLICKE WILL KEEP YOU DRY Don't be fooled with a mackintosh or rubber cot. If you want a coat that will keep you dry In the hard est storm buy the Fish Brand Slicker. If not for sale in your town. He for cataloeue to A. J. TOWER. Boston , Mass. WF WANT MEN WW WWaT * * 10 Our Northern Orowoh " Stock. Best Wages. Pay Weekly THE JEWELL MIRSEHY CO. . L k. Utr. Ula- . S. O. N. U. - - 41-99 "Say Aye 'No' arid Ye'll Ne'er Be Mar ried. " Don't Refuse All Our Advice to Use APOLSO 166" JWEST MADISON erj CHICAGO TO YOU IT COMMENDS ITSELF FROM AN ECONOMICAL STANDPOINT Our No. 60. The illustration represents a Business Suit of unusual merit , made of strictly all wool AlmontTweed , which has no superior for wear in medium grade goods. It is made in single- A Suit Business at a breasted four-button round-corner sack Business Price. style coat with deep French facing , body Not a. bargain suit , lined -with extra quality farmers satin , sleeves lined with fine quality fancy silesia - but a thoroughly sia : two outside pockets and ticket first-class suit at a pocket : two inside breast pockets with genuine bargain. Baps. The vest is made in the late fall and winter style , high cnt , air buttons honest It is by selling and collar , thoroughly well lined. goods coupled with Trousers are cnt in the prevailing fashion. lair and truthful The entire suit Is sewed with silk and linen thread , cut and made in the best dealing that we have possible manner known to the trade. gained the confi The cloth is heavyweight , neat , atylish dence of the people. brown check patterns , and to those who " desire a suit of this cbaracterwe strongly Jg P"Send for our recommend this number and positively Clothing Booklet assert that it cannot be duplicated at our price. Our advertised lines era containing samples. quickly ordered ; tliis we interpret es an It is mailed free. assurance that the high estimate wo place on the qualities and values Is justi fied by public judgment to you it should be a guarantee of satisfaction. Sizes , coats 85 to 44 inches chest measure ; trousers 32 to 42 inches waist and 30 to 33 inches length of inseam ; no larger ; price v. * a-5 _ n which is listed at lowest wholesale prices everything to eat wear and useis furnish ed on receipt of only 109 to partly pay , , postage or expressa e and as evidence of gpocl faith , the 109 is allowed on first purchase amounting to S199 or above. MONTHLY GROCERY PRICE UST FR E.Q ]