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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1899)
* ' - - > - - . - - * -JHjF I WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT. VOLUME XIV VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , OCTOBER 20 , 1899. NUMBER 39 ; Metzger Bros. , Pullman Neb Cherry Co. Brand on left bide ! and thigh | Earmark , square ! crop right ear Southern branded L cattle have but one "half-diamond E" on leftside Native cattle have throat wattle Ranee on Gordon andjSnake Creeks Horses have s.ame brand on left thigh A JlcwnrO. of5O will be paid to any person for information leading to the arrest and final conviction of any person or persons steal ing cattle with above brand EDWARD BAD HAIR. I'ostofTice address Allen S D On left shoulder and baron side ; horses same on thigh Range-Bear Uuek T J ASHDURN Postofllce addres ' Valentine , Neb Branded on right side ; horses same Range-io miles east of Valentine on the Niobrara Joseph W.'Bownet P. O. address Merriman , Nebr. Right ear cropped Hole in center of left ear Range Lake creek S. D. Parker & Son P O Address L.V. . Parker Reige. Neb Brand same as cut , Also ZP Ranireon Niobrara south of Crookston 11. A. McQuade. Valentine. Neb Branded on either side Range between riiacherand Swan Lake Charles C. Tackett Rosebu'l , S. D. Range head of An telope near St , Marys mission Horses branded on left thigh Peter Vloudray Rosebud. S. D. Leftside. Left car cropped. Hordes branded VB. VB.Range Range Little White River , at mouth of Uedar fireek. Louis J. Itichards Merriman , Neb. Gorsuch Bros. Newton , Nebrnka Cattle branded as on cut cutSome Some ft side or hi ] Kange on Goruuu Creek Louis F. Richards Meinmau Neb Henry Pratt Rosebud S. D. Leftside Horses same on left shoulder Dcurhorn clip on some cuttle John DeCory Rosebud. S. D. Some branded ID 417 on left side Horses JD on left hipMange Mange in jieyer Co on Antelope Creek Thomas Farren Rosebud , S , D. ID 1183 either lefi side or hip F on left Horses shoulder 4 Range head of Antelope AV. W. ANDKIISOX. .T. C. BOUNDS Anderson & Hounds. Simeon. Nebraska Cattle branded on left side as on cut ; also 1C on left side witli on left hip ol some cuttle ; also S4G on right side IJorse brand , rake and 16 on left shoulder or hinHome Home ranch-on Dewey Lake. Range on Niobrara River , east efFort Fort Niobrara ; also between Snake River and Simeon , known as the Felch range , all in Cherry County. Nebraska. Marshall & Wolf en den Kennedy , Neb. Some p : on the left hip Horses on left shoulder Brand is small Earmark : Quarter clip behind , half cir cle forward on left ear Range Lone Tree Lake I. T. Richardson. Perch , Nebr Some on left hip Horses on left shoulder William M. D unbar Lessee from Heine & Kroeger Cpdy , Neb , DUn Either side Left ear ot cattle Split Range head of Hay Creek Amelia Young. Cody- , Nebraska On right side. Right ear split Range , Little White river Peder Thorsen. Borden , Nebraska On right side : T on right hip. e horse brand and T on , right shoulder Also cattle branded I'S on leftfside flange , fowl miles south of Invin Henry Young , Cody , Nebraska Horse brand IIY on left shoulder Cattle , right ear split Range , Little White river , S. D. . Stotts & Stetter. Cody. J'ebraska. Branded on leftside Range , Tin Can Lake nnd Morgan Flats D. C. Nelson. Cody , Nebraska. On right hip. Range , Medicine l.ake to the Snake river Hutt Brothers. fiordon. Nebraska Range,14 miles north of Gordon. F. G. DuerfeHt , Manager. Gordon , Nebraska Cattle also branded ftOon right hip Horses and mules branded same as cut on left shoulder J. C. Jordan Gordon , Nebraska One bunch branded , as on cut on left side One bunch branded C Ij on left hip Horses J on left shoulder Range. 10 miles southwest of Gallop , between Niobrara and Snake rivers George F Damon Albany. Neb Cattle branded Bfl > on lelt ribs or right shoulder ; 8 > on right hip and left ribs ; G on left hip Horses FD or SD on right shoulder Range 7 mi north cast of Albany Neb Agent for Pasteur Black Leg Vaccine Jospph Fickel Gordon Neb Also O brand F on left shoulder Jlange 10 miles northeast of Gordon When you cast your ballots , don t forget to vote for Compton for coroner. It shows a weakness on the part of the republicans when they nominate a democrat for the office of commissioner. Moses is evidently st 11 in the bull- rushes at least he has not sheAved his face in this section of the Sixth district. , If a public officer sends to another state for his deputy , and also the goods he buys , he should get his votes for re election from those states. The Star-Journal says "Alder has practiced law exclusively for twenty - four years. " * Kinkaid says that an old lawyer makes the poorest judge. Take your choice. If Commissioner Trowbridge is hon est , why don't he resign and allow hi constituents to name his successor in stead of waiting to allow the ring to make an appointment. The Rev. Fleharty puts it this way "God buried Moses where the people couldn't find him , but this fall the pee pie will bury Moses ( Kinkaid ) where God can't find him. This may be sac rilegious , but it is a figurative truth. Lee Layporte was to have been one of the principal witnesses in the Fischer liquor case last Saturday , but he left town the day before the trial. We pre sume his friends will say this is an in sinuation that he did not care about doing his duty in the matter. "No man ever knew Mr. Alder to relax his efforts in a client's behalf until the case was finally decided , ' says the Ainsworth Journal. Mi- Alder is now attorney for several sup posed cattle and horse thieves who liave not yet been brought to trial. A letter written by "Judge'5 James .Neville , of Omaha , is being exten sively quoted by the lepublican press to show that our candidate for con gress is in reality in flavor of imperial- srn. The old ship is certainly leaking aadly when its crew has to resort to such tactics in their attempt to elect a candidate. Our old friend Jim Alderman is run ning for treasurer in Rock county this year. Jim and the writer used to spark the same girl on alternate even ings , but we forgave him for that some time ago , and now we sincerely wish he may be successful in his official quest. We know Jim is worthy of the place or he could never hava been a rival of ours. Col. Towle , of the local land office , is billed to make a number of speeches through the county and tell the faith ful how to vote. Tnis is a favorite scheme of the administration , to use one of the public servants as a mouth piece , but we don't believe the voters of this county can be brought to listen to a hired orator's mouthings and think they are the honest convictions of the speaker. Senator LTayward said in an inter view in Washington a few days ago that the republicans "want to beat Bryan in his own state if we can , for the effect it will have on the rest of the country. " This is a frank admission that it is necessary for the administration - . tion to bolster their cause in every way , and reformeis should be very careful to see that all their votes are out and cast for the straight populist or demo cratic ticket. Alex Burr , of Pullman , was a pleas ant caller Tuesday while euioute to John Henderson's at Burbank , for a short visit. Mr. Burr is a candidate for the office of commissioner of Cherry county. lie served as one of the com missioners of Box Butte county for three years and made an honest and conscientious oflicer. People of Cherry county need have no doubts of securing a faithful officer if he is elected Alli ance Grip. No man ever knew Mr. Alder to be tray a client or to relax his efforts in a client's behalf until the case was finally decided. The above was taken from the Ains- worth Star-Journal's 'steen reasons why L. K. Alder should be elected judge , and we respectfully refer it to the Longpine Journal as an answer to his query to us , asking how Alder's defense of persons charged with cattle stealing affects his elgibility for the bench. STOCK NOTES I3ennett & Lord shipped five cars , 160 head , of steers from Woodlake Wednesday morning. Some people feed their milch cows on diy bran , but from all we can learn , by study and experience , this method is very wasteful. The careful owner will always feed his bran as a mash. Dawson & Ball shipped a special train of ten cars from this point to Omaha , Monday night , loaded with 175 steers , mostly 2-year-olds , 85 cows and 2 bulls. Most of this stuff was good lor beef. The Denver Stockman says that in the vicinity of Frisco , New Mexico , mountain lions have destroyed nearly one-half of the colts on the ranges , and that horse owners are offering $5 in addition to the regular bounty for wolf scalps. W. S. Perkins , the sheep man , who recently sold out his ranch on White Clay , was in Eushville Saturday. lie is now located near Morecroft , Wyo. , and has a bunch of 0,200 sheep. Mr. Perkin's family still reside in Rushville. Rushville Standard. On account of the decrease in the re ceipts at Omaha , cattle prices went up a notch , feeders selling at an advance last week of 13 to 23 cents over the week before. Quotations Saturday placed range beef steers at $4.25@5.00 : feeders at : ? 3.7o@4.G5 ; bulk , § 4.00'J 4.25 ; cows and calves were quoted at $ 32.00 ( 45.00. Quite a number of buyers got pinched in the recent slump , and we notice that the number is not so great in this sec tion since then. We remember one lot that was bought here which sold for 60 cents less in Omaha than was paid here. Our readers will probably re member that we advised them at the time to sell at home. Bob Dickson , the cattle man , has sold upwards of 3,000 head of-cattle to the farmers and ranchmen in this local ity in the past six months. Bob is a hustler for business , and those who deal with him say he is fair and reason able and a most agreeable man with whom to do business. Bob expects to make this his home , and continue to do business with the stockmen of this locality. Gordon Journal. Ben ilobson shipped thirteen cars of cattle to the Omaha market Monday morning. They were all double win tered stuff , and would average about 800 Five cars were consigned to Evans , Snider Buel Co. , Charles Sher man's house ; three cars to Wood Bros. , who carry an ad. in this paper and are represented by W. Gf. Baker , and five cars to Flato. J. W. Stetter also shipped a carload with the train , con signing to Sherman's nrm. The Denver Field and Farm predicts that the next notable scarcity in the live stock business will be among the range horses for they are going to mar ket very rapidly and nothing is being bred to replace them. The market is 3eveloping a , wonderful appetite for liorses. and almost everything goes for some price. The range horses have been produced very cheaply , and they * re selling at high prices as compared ivitli the cost of production. The de mand of the general market is becom ing so great that almost anything with i leg on each corner will bring a price ; hat makes a horse produced under : ange conditions profitable. Considering the enormous receipts at : he cattle markets , it is indeed some- : hiug remarkable that prices have been ; o well sustained. That they have not woken disastrously to some of the shippers demonstrates the fact that the leinand is unprecvdenlediy strong , rhousands of thin cattle are going to : he farm in all of the corn states , and ; he packers are taking enormous sup plies. During the month of September Kansas City alone sent to the country nore than 126,000 head of stockers and : eeders , and the packers handled about 114,300 head. The droutli has caused i heavy run of thin cattle to the mar- set , such as , under ordinary condi- , ions , would have caused a slump , but lie beef demand is unprecedeutedly itrong , and there is every assurance , hat it will not weaken , and there is an musually large quantity of cheap feecl- ng stuff which the fanners can use to > est advantage by converting it into neat , and this they -propose to do. Cexas Stock Journal. WE AEE AGENTS . . . . Busby Gloves , Douglas Shoes , Henderson Shoes , Cordette. Cordette is the Tiffenins ! Cordette in the world We are Agents for . - . Eose & Co. for Custom Made Clothnig .Fit always guaranteed. _ . We pay the Highest Price . . . For butter and eggs , and charge .the lowest price for our goods T& GENERAL MERCHANTS STOVES Having- just received a large shipment of GENERAL. HARDWARE and STOVES , we are sell at prices that cannot be beaten. Large sales and small profits is what we want. People in need of anything in our line should call and see our sfoods. ial attention given to orders for Bed Springs , Mattresses and Other . Furniture. E. ANDEESON. i , u LIVESTOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS- SOUTH OMAHA , NEBRASKA Itoom 1O8 Exchange It 1 ( Iff. Inferences : CTNTOW STOCK YAHDS < * s > PACKERS' NATIONAL WATIOWAL BANK * . BANK. Telphone 141 We have a large clientage among Nebraska Feeders and can always neat Omaha prices to Ranch customers IF NOTIFIED BEFORE SHIPMENT. NTER--COLD BLIZZARDS ! Ladies' and Gentlemen's Fnr Coats , Ladies' and Children's Pelt and Warm-Lined Shoes. Boots and Shoes and Furnishings of all kinds. Practical Tailoring. our work iriiaranteed. D.-Stinard Clothier. . - , . Alex Marrivall Pine nidge , S D Cattle branded as on cut and below on either side . Eermk swallow fork on leit and crop right Horse Lninds as below on left thigh or hip Horses Wheeler Bros. Cody Xeb Also 15 on right > ide Range Chamberlain Flats and Snake River Xewman Bros. & jSTations. Cody , Nebraska On point le/t shoul der. Also O < on point left shoulder Also jj ou left shoulder Same on left hip Left side J. A. Adamson. Valentine. Neb ) n left side or hip 4- left side or hip ) n left side lange on Niobnu-u Marquardt & Bowlus OTTOSTUUBK. Manager. Merriman.Neb Cattle brand OM on left shoulder. Some of cattle have various older brands. O S on left hip. Horse bra'd A on left shouldei. Range Formerly Gee W Monnier ranch 5-miles east of iMerri man , from F.E. & M. V. R. R. south to Leander Creek. Mar- quardt & Bowlus. Scribner.Nebraska. J. C. Trowbridge Merrimau , Neb Range between Irwin - win and Merriman , south of railroad Hugh Bovill , Manager Merriman Neb Aho All on left side or hip Range north of El Charlotte E. Bovill Merriman Neb " C j. Left side or hip Range north of Eli Taken up , at my place about 4 miles east of Fort Niobrara , May 26. one sorrel bald-f frd 'gelding , 5 years old , and one bay maral . 2 years old , both branded on left shoulder f