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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1899)
w I DEMOCRAT v / VOLUME VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , OCTOBER 5 , i.899. NT'MBER 37. Metzger Bros. , I'ullinan Neb Cln-rry Co. Rrand on left side aim thigh Khrmark , sq.iar crop right ear Southern branded cattle have but one "half-dlamond E" on .left side 1 Native cattle have _ throat wattle Ranee on Gordon and < Snake Creeks Horses have same brand on left thigh A Itctcartl of # 50 will be paid to any person for information leading to the and flnal conviction of any person or persons steal ing cattle with above brand EDWARD BAD HAIR. Postofflce address Allen S D On left shoulder and baron side ; horses same on thigh Range-Boar bieek T J AHHBURN Postofflce addres Valentine , Neb Branded on right .side ; horses same Range-10miles east of Valentine on the Niobrara Joseph \V. J3owuet P. O. address Merrmian , Nebr. Right ear cropped Hole in center of left ear Range Lake creek S. D. Parker & Son P O Address L. W. Parker Reige. Neb Brand same as cut. Also ZP Ilantrcon Niobrara south of Crookston 11. A. McQuade. Valentine , Neb Branded on either side Range between Thacherand Swan Lake Charles C. Tackett Rosebud , = > . D. Range head of An telope near St , Marys mission Horses branded on left thigh Peter VI on dray Rosebud , S. D. Leftside. Left car 3ropped. Hordes branded VB. VB.Range Range Little White River , at mouth of 3edar Creek. Louis J. Hicliards Merriman , Neb Gorsuch Bros. Newton , Nebraka Cattle bramied as on cut cutSome Some ft side or hip ] Range on Gordim Creek Louis F. Richards Meirhnan Neb " " . Henry Pratt Rosebud S. D. Left side Horses same on left shoulder Deerhorn clip on some cattle John DeCory Rosebud. S. D , Some branded ID 417 on left side Horses JD on left hip Uange in Meyer Co on Antelope Creek Thomas Farren Rosebud. S. D. ID 1183 either left side or hip Range head of W , \V. AXDEIISOX. J" C. KOUXDS Anderson & Hounds. Simeon. Nebraska Cattle branded on left side as on cut ; also 1C on left side with on left hip ol some cattle ; also S4C on right side brand , rake and 16 on left shoulder or hin Home ranch-on Dewey Lake. Range on Niobrara River , east ol Fort Niobrara ; also between Snake River and Simeon , known as the Felch range , all In Cherry County. Nebraska. Marshall & Wolfenden Kennedy , Neb. Some a on the left hip Horses G on left shoulder Brand is small Earmark : Quarter clip behind , half cir cle forward on left ear Range Lone Tree Lake I. T. Richardson. Perch , Nebr Some on left hip Horses on left shoulder William M. Dunbar Lessee from Heine & Kroeger Cody , Nth DUn Either side Left ear ol cattle Split Range head of Hay Creek Amelia Young. Cody , Nebraska On right side. Right ear split Range , Little White river Peder Thorsen. Gordon. Nebraska On right sideT OP right nip. e horsr brand and Ton , richt shoulder Also cattle branded fj M on leftside Range , fowl miles south of Irwin Henry Young , Cody , Nebraska Horse brand IIY on left shoulder " " Cattle , right ear split Range , Little White river. S. D. Stotts & Stetter. Cody 'ebraska Branded on left side Range. Tin Can -ike I and Morgan Flats D. G. kelson. Cody , Nebraska. On right hip. Range , Medicine 1 .ake to the Snake river JJutt Brothers r Gordon. Nebraska Range.14 miles north of Gordon. F. C. Dueri'eMt , Manager. GordonNebraska Cattle also branded O on right hip Horses and mules Branded same as cut on left shoulder J. C. Jordan Gordon , Nebraska One hunch branded as on rut on lelt side One bunch branded r 11 on left hip Horses < i on left shoulder Range. 10 miles sowlwst of Gallop , between Niobrara and Snake rivers George F Damon Albany , Neb Cattle branded FI > ofileft ribs or right shoulder ; SI > on right hip and left ribs ; G on left hip Horses FD or SD on right shoulder Range 7 mi north cast of Albany Neb | Agent for Pasteur . Black Leg Vaccine Joseph Fickel Gordon Neb Also _ 'brand fr' on left shoulder Range'10 miles northeast of Gordon FUSION TICKET Many of our readers are not acquaint ed with the fusion ticket , and for theii benefit we give the following short ac counts of them and their qualifications , To begin with we have STATE For Supreme Judge Silas A. Holcomb In speaking of fusion in this state the mind of the voter 'naturally reverts to Silas A. llolcomb , who was twice elected governor of this state by the fu- sionists. llolcomb is recognized by all as a good lawyer , and combined with his legal ability is a mind remarkable for its balance. If elected to the office of supreme judge the people may rest in the knowledge that they have one more champion.of justice on the bench of our highest tribunal , and with Sulli van already there the people will with Holcoinb's election be able to fight the trusts and corporations which menace our liberty with some show of success. For Regents State University Edson Kich J. L. Teeters Schools are said to be the bul jviirk of our nation's safety , and chief among the educational institutions of the west is the Nebraska state university , the pride of the commonwealth. But few of our. people realize the responsibility attached to the office of regent , but wo can assure them that they will make no mistake in voting for Messrs. Rich and Teeters. One is a democrat and the other is a free silver republican ; both are well qualified for the position and if elected will do all in their power to maintain the university's present high standard. CONGRESSIONAL For Congress. Sixth District William Neville In the opinion ol this paper there is no office more regnaus with politics than that of congressman , and this is peculiarly so in this district , which will elect a successor to "W. L. Greene. At the time the democratic and populist conventions met in Lexington , the pie hunters caused a diagreement and two candidates , one calling himself a popu list and the other a democrat but both advocating the-same doctrines , , werp placed in nomination. The dsmocrat placed himself in communication with bhe members of his congressional com mittee , and netn-ly every one advised liim to withdraw , and in a very grace ful and patriotic manner he did this on September 26 , and asked that the com mittee nominate "Wm. Neville in his place , concluding with the words , "and I pledge him my hearty support. " It is through congress alone that our po litical principles are given expression by appropriate legislation , and this fact alone is a sufficient reason for Neville's election. We may elect all the other officers , but without congress our political - ' ical principles will never become a part of the nation's laws. JUDICIAL For J ndges , Fifteenth. District W. H. Westover J. J. Harrington Four years ago a populist was elected t o the bench in this judicial district , a id many were the wails of woe and prophecies of dire disaster that went up from the republican camp. That pop ulist is now a candidate for re-election , and in looking over his record , made during the last four years , we fail to fin Ia single blemish on it. Always fair , ! honest and just , the nani3 of Judge Westover has become a house hold word , synououious with honor , in tegrity and truth , and because of this it possesses a terror to evil doers , and nil who engage in unlawful practices. Being a God fearing man , he has an in stinctive dislike for hypocricy , and al ways strives to decide foe what is right morally as well as legally. Associated with Westover in the campaign this fall is a new aspirant for honor , and one who bids fair to become one of the brightest stars in this par ticular section of the political firma ment. Practically raised in a law of- nc8 , he has developed into a brilliant attorney , and now at the age of 33 he possesses as finely balanced a judicial mind as can be found in the northwest. Some people argue that J. J. Harring ton is too young for a district judge , but to these carping critics we quote the words of M. P. Ivinkaid to a young republican aspirant for the position. Moses said : "I would rather try a case before a young judge , a man who will listen and learn , whose mind is not full of idiosyncracies and prejudices , than to try a case before an older judge , es pecially an old attorney who has prob- ably never seen but one side of a case ard is a stickler for technicalities. There's logic for you , and common sense , and it comes from an eminent re ublicanjurist. * COUNTY For County Clerk Peter J. Donoher When the question of fusion came up in this county , the demacrats asked to be allowed the nominee for clerk , at the same time promising to name as their candidate a man who would be thoroughly qualified for the position and who if elected would be a credit to his party , his constituents and county. The request was granted and the prom ise fulfilled in the unanimous noiiina- ion of P. J. Donoher , which was rati fied by the populists without a dissent ing voice. Pete , as he is known famil iarly to hundreds , has had a great deal of experience during the 31 years of his life , and we doubt if there is a man in the county who possesess more clerical ability than he. lie came to northwest Nebraska in 1880 , with his parents , and to Valentine in 1882 , so practically he is a product of this great northwest. In the spring of 1888 Pete worked in the laud office , and that same fall went in to the office ofV. . E. Haley , and wrote up that gentleman's abstract books , working for over a year. In ' 91 he ac cepted a position in the internal reve nue collector's office at Omaha , where he/remained three years , keeping books and doing other clerical work , since which time he lias been assisting his sisters in the management of The Don oher. This is but a small portion of our candidate's life history , but it cer tainly is enough to show that he is ca pable of filling the office to which he .aspires. Socially Pete is all that could be desired ; morally he is above criti cism ; politically he is and always was a Bryan democrat. These qualities , combined with a quick berception , rare wit and a happy faculty for making and keeping friends , almost insure his election without effort. For County Treasurer O. W. Halm When the fusion conventions met one week ago last Saturday the field r > vas thoroughly canvassed for a candi- date'for treasurfe witllTa "view"to- get ting , the best possible timber , and the choice fell upon O. W. Hahn almost without opposition. "Ote" is not a stranger to our people , having been a resident of the county for fifteen years or more , and is now living on his farm in Table precinct. lie has not been an aspirant for office since ' 93 , and was not tliis year , the nomination coming to him unsought , and it couldn't have gore to a better man for the place. In this particular we are fortunate. Dur ing Mr. Crabb's incumbency of the of fice Mr. Hahn obtained considerable experience in the work connected with the county treasury , hence if he wins the election no confusioh will result bb- cause of the change in treasurers. So well qualified is he , that when the pres ent treasurer got into difficulty a couple of months ago he sent for O. W. to as sist him. Aside from his qualifications "Ote" is a pleasant , genial gentleman , thoroughly honest , an industrious and conscientious worker , and if elected we will guarantee that he will publish his financial statement within a reasonable length of time after the commissioners' meeting. For County Sherilf John II. Skirving In this county the office of sheriff is one of g. eit importance , and if he is so disposed the sheriff can greatly increase tie burdens of taxation ; he can make the countyV. good name suffer , and he can render inoperative the decrees of courts and impede if not stop the work of justice. With these multifarious op portunities present , it is well that we select a good man for sheriff , and this man the populists found in their ranks in the person of John 11. Skirving. of Brownlee. Earnest , honest , upright , sober and industrious , genial , erudite and firm in manner , he will make an officer in whom , we can all have confi dence and one who will command the respect of all classes of society. Skirv ing first came to this county in 1890 and during that time he made friends with large numbers of our people , but later on moved to his old home in Iiolt county. About three years ago , how ever , he returned to Cherry county , set tling near Brownlee and afterward in company with his father buying the general merchandise business of Fritz & Lewis , in which business he is still engaged. John has lots of friends who ( .Continued on oth page. ) rf WE AEE AGENTS Busby Gloves , Douglas Shoes , Henderson Shoes , Cordette. Cordette is the W 5SlteI"Iie Cordette in the world We are Agents for . - . Eose & Co. for Custom Made Ciothnig Fit always guaranteed. We pay the Highest Price . . . For butter and eggs , and charge the lowest price for our goods T THACHER GENERAL MERCHANTS IT You a great deal if you fail to get our prices before buying Picture Frames , Mouldings , Hardware , Wii'dmills , Pumps and Fittings. See our colored gentlemen in the window , introducing STAKDAKD SILVERWAEE Gall and see us about prices whether you buy or not. E. ANDERSON. COX , JONES & COX LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS SOUTH OMAHA , NEBRASKA lloom 1O8 Kxehnnjse References : ( JNION STOCK YAHDS PACKERS' NATIONAL . BANK. Telphone' 141 We have a large clientage among Nebraska Feetleps and can always Deat Omaha prices to Ranch customers IF NOTIFIED BEFORE SHIPMENT. Our autumn line is now complete. "We are better pre pared to fill the wants of customers than ever before COMPETITION DEFIED Our prices are made on the lowest cash basis. Prac tical tailoring in connection. All work guaranteed D.-Stinard Clothier . - , , Alex Marrivall Pine Ridge , S D Cattle branded as on cut and below on either side. Eermk swallmv fork on leit and crop right Horse I rands as below on left thigh hip Horses Wheeler Bros. Cody Neb Also 15 on right side Range Chamberlain Flats and Snake River Xewman Dros. & Nations. Codv , Nebraska On point left shoul der. Also O < on point left shoulder Also o on left shoulder Same on left hip Left side J. A. Adamson * Valentine. Neb On left side or hip A 4 left side or hip [ ) n left side Range on Niobrara Marquardt & Bowlus OTTO STHUIIK. Manager. Merriman. Neb Cattle brand OM on left shoulder. Some of cattle have various older brands. O S on left hip. Horse bra'd on left shouldei. Ranirp Formerly Gee W Monnier ranch 5-milesj east of iMerrlman. from F.E. & M. V. R. Hi. south to Leonder Creek. Mar- t. & Bnwlus. Scrinner.Nebraska. J. C. Trowbridge Merriman , Neb Range between Irwin - win and Merrima'i , south of railroad Hugh Bovill , Manager Merriraan Neb Al. o All on left aide or hip Range north of El Charlotte E. Bovill Merriman Neb Left aide or hip Range north of Eli Taken up , at my place about 4 miles east efFort Fort Niobrara , May 'M. one sorrel bald-fai-rd . gelding , 5 years old , and one bay mareP"SS 2 years old , both branded on left shoulder 1 EitXKsr SKAP.H li