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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1899)
WOOD BKOTHEES . Live - Stock - Commission - Merchants . , SouthOmaha and Chicago , j f-f . ' ' * * * WALTER E. WOOD , Cattle Salesman HENRY LEFLER , Hog Salesman We furnish [ Market .Reports free of expense. "Write to us. C. H. u President. JIT. V. NICHOLSON , Cashier ANK OF VALENTINE. Valentine , Nebraska. A General Banking BusincssTransacted Bays and Sells domestic and Foreign Exchange CorrcHpontlents ; Chemical National Bank , New York. First National Bank , Omaha Neb _ J et c & Ii < fl > "A ft , 3i6 6-55-6-o b o-oiowowo o-to-o o - - - - 3wo - - o o - i The DONOHER B Is continually adding improvements and it IB now the best equipped , and most comfortable FIRST-CLASS MODERN HOTEL IN NORTHWEST NEBRASKA Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Room Two Sample Room * C HERRY OUNTY RANK Valentine , Nebraska Every facility extended customers consistent with conservative banking Exchange bought and sold. Loans upon good security solicited at reasonable rates. County depository. E. SPARKS. President CHARLES SPARKS Cashier GENERAL MERCHAN Everything fresh and clean , and prices that are right. Special attention given to pumps , tanks , and ranch supplies. X N. STEADMAN & CO- Kennedv , Nebraska , OCTOBER 10,1 ! and 12 PROGRAM OCTOBER 10 No. 1 Purse § 50. Half mile and repeat , for Cherry county and liosebud horses. ' Horses must be owned in places named , for three months. $30 to firsV$15 to second , So to third. No. 2 Purse $40. Fourth mile dash $25. $10 and $5. 1 No. 6 Purse $60. One mile dash. § 40 , $14 and ? G. OCTOBER 11 No. 4 Purse § 70. Half mile and re peat. $40 , $23 and $7. No o Purse $40. 600-yard dash. $25 , $10 and $5. No. 6 Purse $25. Half mile dash for ponies under 14 hands 1 inch. $15 , § 7 , and $3. OCTOBER 12 No. 7 Purse $100. One and one- fourth miles. $20 to the winner at each quarter post No. 8 Purse $25. . 600-yard dash for ponies under 14 hands 1 inch. $15 , $7 and § 3. a No. 9 Purse § 30. Consolation race half mile dash. $15 , $10 and § 5. I ES See large bills or write any of the following for further information Geo. Elliott , Treas. , W. E. Haley , Secv. , C. II. Thompson , II. Stetter , C. Walcott. VALENTINE , NEBRASKA Strayed Two cows , about 6 years old , one dark red , one roan wieh horns tipped. Branded TC on right hip. J ; A. Adamson. If You Want to Buy or Sell / Live Stock , make your wants known to the Cherry Co , Live Stock Exch , Valentine , Nebr , o Taken up , at my place ten miles southwest of Cody , one 2-year old heif er , speckled red and white , o white face , branded left side , 3 3I right ear clipped , with white 3t face calf by her side t Arthur Heath t v FIRST CLASS MILL c I have established a Feed and Saw Mill .0 miles south ef Cody , at the mouth of a Medicine Canyon , and am now prepared v to grind Feed , Corn Meal and Graham , cr turn out all kinds of Lumber and di 1 ; mension stuff , and Native Shingles Give us a trial order. V J. F. HOOK 0 WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT BOBEET GOOD , Editor and Publisher FUSION TICKET STATE For Supreme Judge Silas A. JJolcomb For Hescnts State University "Edson Kick J. L. Teeters CONGRESSIONAL ' For Congress. Sixth District ' William Seville JUDICIAL For Judges , Fifteenth District ; VV. H.Vestover J. J. Harrington County Conventions , The members of the Democratic Par ty of Cherry County , Nabraska are hereby called to meet in county conven tion in Valentine , Nebraska , at 10 o'clock A. * M. Saturday , Sept. 28 , 1899 , for the purpose of nominating candi dates for the following offices , to-wit : County Treasurer. County Clerk. County Sheriff. County Judge. County Superintendent of Schools. Cpnnty Surveyor. County Coroner , and transacting such other business as may come before the convention. Representation is bas.ed upon one delegate at large from each precinct and one delegate for each ten votes or fraction thereof cast for A. M. Morrissey - sey for County Attorney at the last general election. Each precinct is entitled to repretent- ation as follows : Buffalo Lake 5 Lavaca 5 Boiiim : Springs 4 Merrhnan 4 Uevelaml 4 Minnenhadtr/a 4 DeweyLake : ? Mother Lake 3 Eulow 2 Neuzel 3 Eli 3 Pleasant Hill 3 Gillaspie 3 Sparks 5 German 3 Steen 'Z Georgia 3 Schlagel 3 Invin 3 Sharps Ranch 3 Kewanee 3 Table 4 Kennedy 4 Valentine 9 Loup 5 Wood Luke 7 Immediately after the convention the delegates from the second district will meet and place in nomination a candidate for commissioner. It is recommended that the precinct caucuses be held at the usual voting s place in each precinct Saturday alter- noou , Sapt. 16th , when not otherwise called by the precinct committeeman. Robert Good , W. R. Towne , Secretary Chairman. ; The populist county convention will "Vti be held in Valentine on September 23 , ti for same purpose as enumerated above , tih and representation will be the same. J. S. Estabrook , G. P. Crubb , e Secretary. Chairman. u The populists of Valentine precinct n will meet in the office of the county e judge on the evening of Saturday , Sep tember 1C , for the purpose of electing 9 delegates to attend the county con vention and nominate .candidates for precinct offices. U. G. Dunn , Com. F For the purposes named above the C democrats will meet at 4 o'clock in the afternoon , Sept. 10. W. 11. Towne Gentry Bros , dog and pnyt show ex- hibted here last Thursday evening tea a large crowd. ) John Ballard came in from Dewey d Lake , Sunday , and is quite ill at Taylor's restaurant. a Pete Hoffman and wife were down from Nenzel , Monday , looking after some cattle business. S ( We have lady's purse at this office a which the owner may have by calling acl and proving property and contents. clC cltl Carlson & Anderson have dissolved tl : tlE partnership , Carlson retiring , and R. E Anderson will run the hardware busi ness alone. a aS S ( Dad Hershey has opened a shooting gallery in the area on the north side of this office , and the merry pops of the lifles be heard t ; ( can at all hours as he teaches the young idea how to shoot di fi : The of Loaf fibi Royal Neighbors Sugar bit camp No 851 take pleasure in inviting biS the Woodmen of Camp 1751 and their S wives to join them in Davenport Hall t ( Monday , September 25 , and spend the evening eating ice cream and cake. ai aioi According to tha daily papers Car oi ey Thorn and wife have received ap is pointments at Pine Ridge , the one as teacher and the other as a house \ keeper. We congratulate this wothy couple on their success , and sincerely hope they will be satisfied with their new location. oi oiL W. H. Olney , who cut a figure here L last spring as agent for the Equitable y < Accident Insurance Co. , was arrested an complaint of George Hig-gins of Brownlee and brought from Hyannis tl iast nig-ht for having- obtained money under'false pretense. Th case wasr continued fifteen days , and the pris- . aner is hustling- for $250 bonds. 1C Tom Gillaspie died at the residence C ( af Geo. Tracewell this morning- about pi o'clock , after a longillness with Blight's disease , and will be buried this afternoon. Tom is the oldest of Cl the Gillaspie boys , and in company In with his wife and baby came to" this ) ounty from Arkansas three months sa igo , hoping the change of climate would benefit him. His lit'tle baby ; , a 15 months old is seriously ill , and the so widow and mother have the sympathy Df the entire community. ( neo M , E CONFERENCE ( Continued from 4th page ) the general conference to pass an enabling act with reference to the boundaries between this and the Western Nebraska conference. In the afternoon the Woman's For eign Missionary Society held an ener getic meeting- , and in the evening Dr. Rees delivered a stirring address , fol- Jowed by the reading of appointments as below : CIIADRON DISTRICT J. A. Scamahorn , P. E. , Gordon , > eb. Alliance E. C. Horn Box Butte . . . ' C. L. Smith Chadion D. .1. Clark Crawford C. H. Burleigh Gordon R. G. Easley Harrison To be supplied Hay Springs T. J. Hazelton Hemingford J. F. Youngman Lavaca B. Hunt Lakeside L. W. Horton Marsland J. L. Kendall Merriman C , E. Connell Rushville O. L. Ramsey Whitney / A.R.Julian , LONG PINE DISTRICT P. H. Eighmy , P. E. , Lougpine , Neb. Alnsworth Amos Fetzer Atkinson . ' . To be supplied Brownlee J , . S Campbell Butte W. E. Gray Bassett Geo. A. Hanua Crookston J. A. Johnson Johnstown W. O. Glasner Longpine To be supplied 1 < ountain Valley L. Taylor Newport V. C. Daniels Spriugview To be supplied Stuart C. F. Smith Simeon & Gordon Valley. . J. L. Baker Valentine A. F. Cumbow Most of the members remained here j and Sunday the Bishop preached a wonderfully strong sermon on Power. It is through the courtesy of the Rev. C. H. Burleigh that we are able to give our readers so complete an , account of the conference. Rev. Baker has withdrawn from r bhis conference temporarily , and will h levote the following year to study in t in Illinois theological college. t The appointments seem to be very t satisfactory ; , and the Rev. Cumbow , who has been at Rushville during the tast four years , will meet a warm 11 welcome from the members of his 11h ongregation here. t : C. F. Martin , quite well known to P Po Valentine people , has been appointed o o preach at Norden and Sparks. It tl : las been for some time his desire to ii inter the ministrv , and we wish him li lifi inbounded success in his work. fi Below will be found a few statistics elative to the church in this confer ence : ) . of probationers 220 st ; ( members 2183 : " Sunday Schools 50 O " scholars ( all ages ) 2559 re " churches 31 reC Probable value $11575 Collections : wai Missions ai $894 Church extension . . 93 ti Freedmen's aid 72 tiB . Education . . . 172 $1718 B 1 Several people were up from Ains- ei vorth to attend Conference. Seven f them came by wagon , arrivingFri - ' lay ; evening and going home Tuesday. Monday evening they were tendered ti tiw "watermelon party" by the local w Lpworth League , on Morey's lawn , at vhicb , judging from the shouts and w d aughter which proceeded from the ai icene of the festivities , a very enjoy- tv tvai tble time was had. The party was ai haperoned by Roy Barnes and Mrs. aiai 3. F. "Martin , and Mrs. C. F. Martin , siP he other members of the party being i'i P jlena and Ora Shepherd , Ova Briggs , ti vlaude Baldwin and Monta Herring , tiai aib ind they camped on Main street , just b ( iou th of Morey's. ai isif if At the residence of Dr. Lewis yes- ifm erday morning Mrs. Sam Hudson si lied after a lingering illness resulting stm rom cancer of the stomach , and was m w mried yesterday afternoon , the Rev. si lolsclaw conducting- the services. to tokt 5he was a lady who was well known kt : ktw o our people , and was very highly re- w pected. A large number of persons er ittended the funeral , and the floral , ifferings were superb. Sam Hudson w one of our most prominent stock- nen , and many are the expressions of of f ofP \-mpathy we have heard for him in P < iis bereavement. tobe be Luke M. Bates has closed his law iffice here , and last Thursday went to ea jongpine , where he has leased the eab jongpine Republican Journal for a b ie ear , with the privilege of buying- , th juke doesn't intend if f to give up the tL iractice of law , but will continue in te he of his chosen practice profession te Ve wish Luke all kinds of success in vi vim he newspaper business , although he m .dvccates the meanest political pol- te cy on earth , and hope he will soon , onclude to divorce himself from one diMl Ml trofession or the other. di Dean Efner left fo Monday night for Jhadron , where he has purchased a s ] ai .alf interest in the Journal. While aih ean has never worked for us , we feel m afe in saying that as a printer he is se seP xcelled by few , and in addition he is P r young man oi : exemplary habits , n : ( ober and industrious. We believe 5ro. Julian has secured a good part- i * .er. Bennett & Lord were in town from their ranch the first of the week , and report that they have about 1500 tons of hay in stack , and have completed their labors for this year , winding up the job last Saturday. WHITE'S CREAMVERMIFUGE is perfectly harmless , and will remove every worm. It is also a tonic , and by its strengthening properties will re store to pale cheeks the rosy hue of health. ] Price 25 cents. J. II Quiglev. Grant Dunn is keeping up his repu tation as a builder of stock tanks. 'Last week he built a hundred barrel tank for Win. Smith , and one with a capacity of twenty-seven barrels for James McClean , both of the reserva tion. The devil laughed with glee , the office cat's fur stood on end and the editor forgave all his enemies Satur day , while devouring a fine water melon presented them by Richard Grooms. The editor ate the muskmelon - melon alone. You may bridle the appetite , but you can not bribe the liver to do its work well. You must be honest with it , help it along a little now and then with a dose of HEREIN E , the best liver regulator. Price 00 cents. JII. . Quigley. TABLER'S BUCKEYE PILE OINTMENT relieves the intense itch- ing. It sooths , heals and cures chronic cases where surgeons fail. It is no experiment ; its sales increase through its , cures. Every bottle guaranteed. Price , 50 cents , in bottles ; tubes , 75 euts. J. II. Quig ey On complaint of the Rev. W. E. Utray of Butce , who was here attending ing- conference , Frank Fischer was ar rested Monday morning charged with tiaving1 furnished whiskey to an Indian the : day before. Fischer continued the : case for thirty days , at which time : the preliminary will be held. R. S. Dennis and wife of Norden are .n town and-expect to make this their lome. Dennis is an old member of he ] Twelfth , and returned from the * Philippines about three weeks ago , m : the transport Sheridan. He says he boys in the Philippines are desert < ng every day , and none of them feel ike they did in Cuba that they are ighting for the right. Ordinance No. SI An ordinance to amend and repeal ections 7 , 8 , and 10 of Ordinance No. :3 , being an ordinance entitled "An trdinai'ce ] to establish rates of water ent and to prescribe rules governing ionsumers of water obtained from the vater works of the village of Valentine ind to provide penalties for the viola- ion of the same. " Be it ordained by the Chairman and Board of Trustees of the village of Val- A intine , Nebraska : Section 1. Section ten of said ordi- Pile : umce shall be amended to read as fol- PiE ows : Section 10. Hereafter the Vil- age of Valentine shall require the set- ing of meters of improved kind , by the rater commissioner , or by his approval , ipon the service of all consumers of rater , except those using water for lomestic ( use , office and store use only , .nd for domestic use the rate shall be wo dollars per quarter and for office nd store purpose the rate shall be one nd a half dollar per quarter , which hall be the minimum rate for - any pur- le ose. < And the board reserves the ight to require the setting of meters on lede hese connections whenever a dispute de tu rises betwen the consumer and the loard as to the amount of water used , nd when so set the meter rate estab- shed by this ordinance shall apply. srp person other than the water com- 31 tiissipner or duly licensed plumber 31k : hall be allowed to set meters. Con- or timers of water shall be charged for neter the actnal cost price , payable dien set , and the water commissioner hall : pay the money received therefor the treasurer of the village whojshall eep the same in proper account. The rater commissioner is herebr empow- red to carry the provisions of this or- inance into effect at once , after it shall lecome a law , and to complete the rork within six months , and shall lave the right to go upon the premises the consumers of water for that pur- iose. and if any consumer shall refuse allow him to do so , the water shall turned off. All water rent shall be ue and payable upon the first days of anuary , April , .July and October In ach year and shall be payable'quarter- C : ( in advance , and if any payment shall o : in arrears ten days five per cent of hi he bill will be added as a penalty , and the rent and penalty are not the paid > he water shall be turned oil. The ine- er rate of chargefor water shall be fff- een cents per thousand gallons. Pro- ided that no meter connection shall be ade for less than two dollars per quar- er. Section 2. Section seven of said or- inauce is hereby repealed. Section 3. Section eight of said or- inance is hereby amended to read as m allows : Section 8. The use of lawn prinklers or any device for sprinkling utomatically is prohibited between the ours of eight p. in. and five o'clock a . Any person who shall violate this ection shall bpon conviction thereof say a fine of not less than one dollar or more than five dollars. Passed September 6 , 1899. Approved September 6 , 1893. P. F. Simons , chairman , ittest , A. M. Morrissey , clerk. Uncle Sam , ox. garments bearing pandlng , carries this trademark. to new countries Is It on your the news that best dressed Your clothse Americans are an best , on ! ) those who wear MADE TO ORDER BV EDWARD E. STRAUSS & CO. America's Popular Tailcrs , Chicago. A SIGN OF Pfl SP ERITY. That's what expansion usually is. This may not be true of the United States but Uncle Sam , in 'this pic ture at least , looks as well pleased as all men do who wear E. E. S , & CD'S FAMOUS CDSTOM TAILORED \ SDITS I AM OVERCOATS , There's reason for their pleasure. Made strictly from individual measurements , of the finest mater ials possible at any given price , by expert workmen , in the world's most scientific shops , every EE. . S. & Co. garment is perfection itself. MOST ATTRACTIVE PRICES. Pealers in other lines don't like them but YOU will. Those prices quoted , your measure taken and the magnificent line of samples shown by JACKSON & BRAYTON , . Valentine. Neb. The OWL SALOON Golden Sheaf Pure White live , Susquehanna Ilyeand. Cedar Creek Louisville , Kentucky , Bourbon Whisky. Pure Grape & Cognac 33randy's rokaAngeIlicaPortSheny and lilack berry in wood , claret , Rie ling , * Sauternes. Cooks Imperial ; Gasts and Clicquot in bet tles. Damiana and oth er Cordials. Use Agent for Fred Kings Celebrated Px- a , Pale Beer for family usa , and .Pabsts ' Bxp'b.-t Beer C. H. THOMPSON , FOR SALE 150 tons of good : "hay. R. Grooms. Two horses ; one brown horse branded O on eft shoulder , one black horse branded IX ou eft shoulder. S3 left hip. Twill jave the first lescrlbed horse to the man who llnds and re- urns the black described above. above.JOHXMOXROE. . Kyle , S. D. Taken up by the undersigned. 7 miles east of lerriman. one sorrel horse with front leg bro- en. branded T on right shoulder. Also one buckskin mare branded left shoulder- Parties can have same by proving iroperty and paying costs. 31 G. AV. Mounier , Merriman , Xeb. CHAMBERLAIN & CO , Postofflce address Brownlee , Neb Branded on either side same as on cut also both Jaws Ilervey llanch Two miles east of 3rookston , in Cherry onntv , Nebraska Cattle branded OC jnlefchip. on right up , and on right side vith 3-inch letter ' 5 Vm Cavanaiigh Mgr 5i Crookston i Neb Prideaux San ford Kennedy. Stock branded oa eft side Horses branded left shoulder Teeter ? Bros. Newton , Neb. Horses same oh left shoulder IJansze between the Gordon and the Snake