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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1899)
CR& ! VOLUME XIV VALENTINE. NEBRASKA , SEPTEMBER 21 , 1899. NUMBER 35 , " - Metzger Bros. , Pullman Neb Cherry Co. Brand on left ide uim thigh ; Earmark , square crop right ear Southern branded cattle have but one 'half-diamond E" on ileft side Native cattle have throat wattle nance on Gordon and Snake Creeks Horses have same brand on left thigh A Itcicttnl of $ 5O will be paid to any' person for information leading to the arrest and iinal conviction of any person or persons steal ing cattle with above brand EDWARD BAD HAUL 1'ostoflice address it * Allen S D On left shoulder and "S baron side ; horses same on thigh Range-Bear T J ASUBUKN : 4 Post office addres Valentine , Neb Branded on right side ; horses same Range-lOmlles east ' of Valentine on the Niobrara Joseph "VV. Bownet P. ( ) . address Merrinian , Nebr Right ear cropped Hole in center of lelt ear Range Lake creek S. IX ; Parker & Son r O Address L. W. Parker Reige. Neb Brand same as cut. Also ZP Rantre on Nicbrara south of Crookston 11 A. McQuade. Valentine. Neb Branded on either I , Range between JR Thacher and Swan J Lake Charles C. Tackett " Rosebud , ? . D. Range head of An- teloue near St , Marvs mission Horses branded on left thigh Peter Ylondray Rosebud. S. D. Left side. Left car cropped. Horses branded VB. VB.Range Range Little White River , at mouth of Cedar Creek. Louis J. Kichards Merriman. Neb Gorsuch Bros. Newton , Nebraka Cattle branded as on cut ' Some ft side or hi ) Ranee on Gordon Creek Louis F. Richards Merriman Neb Henry Pratt Rosebud S. D. Left side Horses same on left shoulder Deerhorn clip on some cattle John DeCory Rosebud. S D , Some branded ID 417 on left side Horses JI ) on left hip Kange in Meyer Co on Antelope Creek Thomas Farren Rosebud. S. D. ID 1183 either left -side or hip of , v. Antelope > & t i ii.'i k'jiiW \V. W. ANDEHSOX. T. C. HOUNDS . Anderson & Hounds. Simeon. Nebraska Cutl branded on left side as on cut ; also 1C on left side with on left hip of some cattle ; also S4 on ri Iit side Hoi e brand , rake and 1C on left shoulder or hii ) Home ranch-on Dewey Lake , llange on Niobrara lliver , east efFort Fort Niobrara ; also between Snake River and Simeon , known as the Felcli range , all in Cherry County. Nebraska. Marshall & "Wolfenden Kennedy , Neb. Some s on the left , hipHorses Horses K on left shoulder Brand is small Earmark : Quarter clip behind , half cir cle forward on left ear Range Lone Tree Lake I. T. Richardson. Torch , Nebr Some on left hip Horses on left shoulder William M. Dnnbar Lessee from Heine & Kroeger Cody. Neb DUn Either side low Oil right Left ear oi cattle Split ' Range head of Hay Creek Amelia Young. Cody , Nebraska On right side. Right ear split Range , Little White river Peder Thorsen. Gordon. Nebraska On right sideT on right hip. e horse brand and T on right shoulder Also cattle branded 1 * S on leftside Range , fowl miles south of Irwin Henry Young , _ Cody , Nebraska. Horse brand HY on left shoulder Cattle , right ear split Range , Little White river. S. D. Stotts & Stetter. Cody. Nebraska , Kramled on left side Range. Tin Can Lake and Morgan Flats D. C. Nelson. Cody , Nebraska. On right hip. Range , Medicine Lake to the Snake river Uutt Brothers. ( Jordon. Nebraska ltaiige.14 miles north of Cordon. F. C. Dueri'eMt , Manager. Gordon , Nebraska Cattle also branded DO on right hip Horses and mules Branded same as ent on left shoulder J. C. Jordan Gordon , Nebraska One bunch branded , as on cMit on left side One bunch branded r I. on left hip Horses .1 on left shoulder Range. 10 miles southwest of Gallop , between Niobrara and Snake rivers George F Damon Albany. Neb " Cnttl ? branded PDonleit ribs or right shoulder ; SB > fso FD on right hip and left ribs ; Con left hip Horses FD or SD on right shoulder Range 7 mi north cast of Albany Neb Agent for Pasteur Black Leg Vaccine Joseph Fickel Gordon Neb Also brand V on left shoulder lunge to miles northeast of Gordon THE DOLLAR ABOVE THE41 AN The editor went-down to O'Neill , Monday , to hear William Jefr- nings Bryan , the fount of wisdom from whom all good democrats can draw inspiration and rest assured that the supply will never fail- He was honored by being given a seat on the platform near the great leader of the nation s democracy , and can therefore report truly his. words as uttered before the congregated thousands. If our political enemies doubt fora moment Bryan's drawing power , they should at tend cne of his meetings. The little city of O'Neill was simply full to overflowing , and hundreds were forced to leave without hearing Nebraska's great commoner , although the address took place in the open air. After paying the people of O'Neill and Holt county well deserv ed compliments , Mr. Bryan began his speech by saying that he re garded a political party as he did a-'coat so long as jt protects one it should be worn , and when it ceases to fill that function it should be cast aside. Proceeding upon this assumption he showed that the republican party is full of holes , and should be worn no longer. He then proceeded to argue republicanism republicans , and asked the latter to gaze upon the toboggan slide ivhich runs from Abraham Lincoln , the martyr president , to Marcus Ilanna , the present leader of the republican party. Taking up the question of revenue , he announced himself as be ing eternally in favor of an income rather than a stamp tax as means of raising revenue. ( At this juncture he was interrupted by some republican who wanted to know why he didn't go to Cuba. Instead ot being rattled by "this irrelevant question , Bryan courteously volun teered the information that at the beinnnin of the war he volunteered O O his services to a republican president , and had not yet received reply to his offer. Later he offered himself to the governor , raised his regi ment , and served with it until the end of the war , or the signing of the treaty of peace , which was accepted. This he said he did because he thought the people of this country in more danger than the people of Cuba. In conclusion he remarked : "I nad five months of peace in the army , and I have had nine months of war since 1 left it./ ' ) _ \ C Taking up his discourse , he showed the inequality of our present system of taxation , when all the poor man's" visible wealth , property furniture , live stock , etc. , is taxed , and the rich man's invisible wealth stocks , bonds , notes and mortgages , escaped Proceeding to the pro tective tariff , its injustice was also shown : Tariffs are levied upon the things we use , consume or wear ; the man worth $1,000.000 does not consume one thousand times as much as the man worth $1,000 hence our boast that this government is supported by the people in accordance with their wealth is untrue. In. conclusion Jie saij. .that he expected to see the day "when the constitution will specifically authorize the income tax so that neither , one judge nor nine judges can build a bulwark around the fortunes of the great and place the burdens of government upon the backs of the struggling poor. " Next came the money problem , and the speaker apologized for talking about a subjer-t which had been killed and buried so often by the republicans but expressed his belief that it would prove to be a very lively corpse in 1900. The republicans would rather attend a funeral than a debating society upon this question , but he intends sticking to it until the fate of this nation is settled and its financial independence is declared. Quoting McKinley's words that Cleveland had tried to make money scarcer , and therefore dearer , he claimed that since McKinley was elected he had been following exactly in the footsteps of his predecessor. Asking republicans if they thought the gold standard a blessing , he wanted to know then why the president sent a commission to Europe for the purpose of obtaining permission to let go of the blessing. Many people believed that the' rise in the price of wheat last year was due to McKinley , whereas the raise was caused by speculation at home and short crops abroad. If McKinley raised the price , why didn't he keep it up ? Speaking of the attempt of the bankers to reti-e the greenbacks he said he was in favor of the banks going out of the governing bust ness , and the government going into the banking business. ' If the re publican plan is carried out the government will issue 2i per cent gold bonds , the banks will , buy these bond ? , deposit thorn with the U. S. treasurer , issue the face value in banknotes , and draw interest on the bonds , too. Naturally the spcaker next touched upon trusts , and said that the only power that can adequately cope with these arch enemies of the people is the federal government , and emphatically claimed that wjtli the laws now on our statute books the attorney general could suppress the trusts , if he so desired. Then came imperialism , and Bryan warned his hearers against the dangers of a large standing army , saying that it will be easier to increase the army to 200,000 from 100,000 , than it now is to increase , s it from 25.000 to 100.000. Paying a plowing _ tribute to the citizen * i/ c ? u / soldiery he said that in them lay the nation's sure defense , not in the standing army , and then he'quoted from an interview with Marcus Ilairha , when the latter , comparing England vith the United States said that this country lacks stability Speaking of the Philippines he said there should be no distinction between1 them and Cuba. Each should be free , and if we gave the Filipinos the same assurances that we had given the people nearer home , the war would be ended with out delay. There are but two sources of government force and oon- sent ; we should Always gover by consent , and it is because we have violated this principle that we are now in trouble , and congress should sider the benefits , and who will get them. Second is the argument for Christianity , but a gatling gun gospel will never convert the Fil ipinos. _ r _ A. _ _ rr _ , _ _ 0. _ .v . . two points upon the assembled thousands , 'viz1 : The republican party' ' places the dollar above the man , and because congress" attends to all ( these matters , Judge Neville should be elected. . _ . . . - ] f A" 4I , , & & ' - , jf&xC&rV * r-Steuc * & * * & * . * rKSVis * WE AEE AGENTS Busby Gloves , Douglas Shoes , , . Henderson Shoes , Cordette. * / rfe Cordette Cordette. in the We are Agents for . - . Eose & Co. for Custom Made Clothnig Fit ahvnvs guaranteed. We pay the Highest Price . . . For butter and eggs , and charge the lowest price for our goods ER GENERAL MERCHANTS T You a great deal if 3011 fail to get our prices before buying Picture Frames , Mouldings , Hardware , Wh'dmills , Pumps and Fittings. See our colored gentlemen in the window , introducing STANDARD SILVERWARE Call and see us about prices whether you buy or not. E. ANDEKSON. COX LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS SOUTH OMAHA , NEBRASKA Itoom 1O8 Exchange .References : ONION STOCK YARDS PACKERS' NATIONAL NATIONAL BANE BANK. Telphone 141 We have a large clientage among Nebraska Feeders and can always oeat Omaha prices to Rancgi customers IF NOTIFIED BEFORE SHIPMENT. Our summer line is now complete. We are better pre pared to fill the wants of customers than ever before COMPETITION DEFIED Our prices are made on the lowest cash basis. Prac tical tailoring in connection. All work guaranteed D. Stinard Clothier . , , , Alex Marrivall Pine Ridge , S D Cattle branded as on cut and below on either side Kennk swallow fork on leit and crop right Horse L rands as below on left thigh or hip Horses Wheeler Bros. Cody Neb Also B on right side Range Chamberlain Flats and Snake . River Newman Bros. & Nations. Cody , Nebraska On point left shoul der. Also O o on point left slnulder Also jj nn left shoulder Same on left hip Leltside J. A. Adamson. Valentine. Neb On left side or hip A 4 left side or nip On left side * I Range on Niobruia ' Marquardt & Rowlns OTTO STHUBK. Manager. Merriman. Neb Cattle brand OM on left shoulder. Some of cattle have various older brands. O S on left hip. Horse bra'd A on left shouldei. Range Formerly Gee W Monnier ranch 5-miIes east of SMerriman. from FE. & M. V. R. R. south to Leander Creek. Mar quardt & Rowing. ScrihnerNebraska. J. C. Trowbridge Merriman , Neb ' Range between Irwin - win and Merriman , south of railroad Hugh Bovill , Manager Merriman Neb Also All on left side or hip Kange north of El Charlotte E. Bovill Merriman Neb . Leftside or hip "Rangenorth of Eli Taken upvat my placa about 4 miles cast Fort Niobrara , May 2U. one sorrel gelding , 5 years old , and one bay man * 2 years old , both branded on left shoulder EKXKST SKAXS . ; *