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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1899)
17. D. . Creston , S. D. .Left or either sldo of cuttlealso Vleft side of neck. Swal low fork ri ht car , underbit left ; right ear uubbcd off : nn- derbit lef ear Rome on left Jaw and some wattle lei : Jaw Other brands left side or any part of animal. left side or any 1 3 part of animal , iome branded j the following , left Also some cattle bearing the follow ing brands : Alelt _ 'fX left side or shoutder ; W leit hip or On left side left erse brands at slioul ifows der ieit IHC letc leit nip or thigh thigh thigh , or tnigh , hip. 'Anyone selling horses or cattle bearing the * * bove brands will be prosecuted. Information regarding theft liberally rewarded , Range al uarney Springs and Cottonwood. TIERBERT O. BISONETTE , MANAGER. Postofflce address Pine Ridge , S. D Cattle branded as on cut , HOB on left side ; some U H eltherside ; Some on left side ; some older stock , .anywhere on animal. Horses B R Ieft hlp Range-Seven miles n- Pine Ridge , in 1nonOo GHOST BEAR , MANAGER tPostofflce address Pine Ri'irfi , S. D. Cattle branded B C on left hip of cattle aa -on cut : some branded -on lcftsidealso r > ji -on left side : horses .same on left shoulder Hanffe Wounded Knee and Wakpam- -ml Lake.ShannonCo. L. C. Peyton. l avaca , Nebraska. On left side , uange Pole Creek. SHOUT HORN BULLS for sale Geo. H. Hill. , Nebraska On leftside sa.nge-10 miles t wjuth of Merriman P. W. Pruden. Merriman , Neb. Some hmnded same as cut on both lllJJS iwiige Northe.ibt of Merrimau Geo. L. Coleman. Cody , Nebraska * On leftside ; horses O eft shoulder nance Ten miles west of Siiako iiiver Alex Burr. Pullman , Nebr. On right side ; horses same left shoulder. nerd mark-Dew lap Range Brush Lake and South Geo. W. Monnier. Korrlman , Neb. XMt shoulder and leftthlghsome vii lefihphor- ! ; It , ses acK > left ihich uange East Southeast Merriman Grant Bixler. - Merrlman , Neb. Seme on left side ; some on loft hip ; horses same lef' thigh. . Range Six miles Xortheaatof Merrl man. H. K. Sears. -Cody. Nebraska ilostly on rfghthip j ome on both hips , Range-Medicine 8. J. Goodin. Cody , Nebraska Cattle branded as on cut ; horses same. Bangs North of the Snak * C. Bvenson. , Nebraska left side and ; horse * sam on left side . Rangs Between and Ntobrara. MABTIN BED BEAB. Postoffloe address rineBldge.S.D. Oa left side ; horses same left.thigh. Uange Wolf Creek. THOMPSON Bfmean Neb Stock branded same as out be hind leftsfeo older Ranffe on the Bchlaglc O CARSOK 4 Tostofllce Addres. Simoon Neb Stock branded an leit hip came is cut cutBange Bange , head- warterj of the Schlagle D H SBABS SBABSPostoffioe Postoffioe addrsjs Kennedy Neb C ftte branded as on cutleft side ; some on left hip Horse : same on left ahoul- der Kenge , Square Lake MORGAREIDGE and SON Postofflce address Simeon .Nob Cattle branded as on cot ; or IJor-V D on left hip with hole In-relit car when - uu- deri-yrs old ; horses same aa cut and IJ Range Gordon Creek and Nlobrara Klver ALBERT Po-stofflce-address Rosebud , B.D. Branded on left aide , some SOS - Horses on either shoul der are brundedfgpn eittiar sooiil. der thus FRANK BOTHLEUTNEB PostoSlco address Kilgore. Neb. Cattle branded on eltherside as on rut , same on hip Some on left side VA ROBERT BAD WOUND. Postofflce address Allen. S. D Left side ; also ( on leit side norse 10 on left Range-Corn Creek T. F. FRANKS. Postofflce address Merriman , Neb. Onleftsideear-mark under slope Iiorses J S on left shoulder Bange ten miles northeast of JHerri- man. S. H. KIMMEL. Rosebud. S. D. Also B.U rn left side Ca tie un'k rcut on both ears ; houses branded 4 on left shoulder Range On Ante lope and Spring Creeks Joseph Fairbead. Lavaca. Neb. left' side Ala on leftside also same re verted on lef t thigh Horses shoulder Range-Between Fajr heau Lake and Suake rlvor Clarence Cutcomb. Cody , Nebraska. Left side on large cattle. On small stock left side ; horses Al left shoulder Range-Southeast o' Cutcomb Lake Bbadbolfc and Fleisbman. Cody , Nebraska Left side ; S F left shoulder ; herdmark- dew lap. Range Ranges M and 37 , between Nlo brara and the Snake. James Goodfellow and Son. Cody , Nebraska. On left side ; hor. ses JG right siile and mostly on Jaw. Range Between the Niobrira and Medicine Late , W , H. Carter Postofflce adddrwss Cody , XebrasKa. On left side ; some X T left Elde , horses T left shoulder SHORT HORX StOCk. nange Between Nlobrara and the Sna&i. HORACZ on left horses brand _ ed cross , oo * cnor on left shoulder. S B and A B HCATiTKY Postofflce address EannedyNeb Cattteftranded ai o ant rborsea sam Hl ft shoulder Range on 8 quart Lele 3 K11IB PostofQce address Kennedy jreb Gattfo branded as on cd * or oa hip ; horses sama * Setae offlHifoAjel * * IM andbaron i FLOYD KIM3B Posrtofflce addreas Esnifledy Keb * Cattle branded oa left hip % side cnt botk Borses YTltli H on ? felt 6b cider ( n&nca i. Gordoa N 8 RQTOLIBY Posrofflee address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on left Bide and hlf es on left p Sg&r8& ° on dtfi sldw i.crgo. Sordman between gse dwidtaj rostofilce address Valentine , Neb Cattle branded same .as on cut ; some on left eide and hip ; horsen same on left shoulder. Cattle range , Gor don and Bordman ; Horse range. Steer Creek , hetween the JNiobrara and Snake D L Postofflce Address Bosebud , S D Cattle branded SB cut on eittrer sLdo ; also , F L B and F K Horses branded on e shoulder and eolLs three Unkji Range' month of Cottoawoffd , BSD SHIRT Postofflce Address Bosebud , 8 D Cattle branded on left side same as cut. Horses brand ed on left shoulder Urtth a K. Eanch in LltUe White FEKRY PARKEB ? ostofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded line as cut. Horaes , P on left houlder Rangc.Uouth of Ocrdman CLEMENT dOLDIER * Poahfflce Address Bosobud , 8 D Cattle brand oa left hip like cut Morses branded same on loft shoul der. Bange , on Big White Blver THEODORE DOYtB .JostoflSc8 address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on dt side and hip Horses earn ? oa left ' .LPuIder Some on left side nan&c.EUsh and .oup KI3IBPostofflce Postofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on feft Bide with both .eftct oropped'sqaaj-e HOTGea fifatno aa cat tle buton-lelfrsboul- tier Sftfr'V/elr's cat- .te , also.'U-BJE rcaa go .Gordon Creek Q LAS2LY 'ostofflce address Nevrton Keb Cattle branded ame aa cut er on hip llorcei L on left lank Range , between .lordon creek and rlio Loup TOXSB PottoEcp branded on cut Also U on shotulder , &pn aide , I on hlpTleft-eldc C pn left lev ; K&oga on eresk aud RAYMOND Postofleo Adflrexa Eosebufi , S. D Cattle branded felt houlder astfhlp Horses br&sde4 vith only eos 9 s l-U kip Horses SL some larert- ed racking j5 head of no KX Postofflee Address Cattla branded oa n btfijde ; norses 4sr. mer. on Mnafee f mU frora , ralltia south of-Sfra- eon Posters e also att aa cut Gordon &n4 Sfa k creeks and on Niobraza rivet * BTTRLEIQH Postofflce Address Bteson , NeD. Cattle and horses branded sama as cut en left sldo Bangq between Gordon and Snake creets and on the Nlobraea river JO33T B LORD PostoffloeAddras Ntobraxa REUBEN QUICK BEAK. Address 85 Cattle QTKB&S& aem as-out or ob hip Rsoch on BlacI TO1 > D 8HTTH. PostoJBce Address Bcrs btHS3D Cattle bramled saotesaout a Diamond mend T Horses branded t-heeflffle , on White Thandor Creek BOBEftT FINLATS02T Pfcstoffice address NervttaaNeb Stock brands' ) same as eat Range on Gordo Gfeca GEORGE DECORY Poatofflce Address Rosebud/-S.D * / . Cattle branded on left side saut'eas cutHorses Horses branded G Don reft hip. Ranch on Xpne and Antolupe creek east of Rosebud BUN BEAUOVIS Postoffice Address Rosebud , S E Stock branded left shoulder three inches long ; side four Incbe. jlongr. Brand record y23 rrs , Ranch oc iHorso Creek D. BRAY Postofflce Address Rooebnd , 8 D CatUo branded on left thigh or hip same as cnt Horses branded same on left shoul der BEN TURGEON Pastofflce Address Bonesteel , S E Cattla branded on left'Eide same as cut and right car crop pea. pea.Horses brooded Toni leftahouldor Ale Witt eir cle A W2L F. SCHMIDT. PostofQca Address Rosebud , 8B , Branded came aaea tut or with unaer theBri nte2 ? Blip uid dulaped. Horsas branded sama alalt hip ALEX BORDEAUX. Fostoffiee Address Baaebud , S I Horses are branded on left tblgn ; cattli OB left Bide with hal crop on left | , tar , ' orop on ear Gustave Gunderson. Cody , Nebraska On left side ; horses xon left shoulder. Range-Between Snak and the Nlobrara iOIDX H HAKHA27. Brown ! { ftanw as oh out Alae and AS Horses OB Jcfl shoulder Eanpo Goove Creek and North L K BELDINO Postoffloo addresi Brownl Neb On right side oz or trip ; OF . L on left hip. Range , Calf Creek 3 B and E T SMITH PostofEea aadre&s Brownlee Web Cattle and horses en left ld ; also her E. B. VANDEGRIFT. Postofflee address Brovvnlce. Neb. Saxntf as oa c * Baige between Gooja Creak end North Loup J. M. HANNA. Postofflco address Seneca. Neb. Branded as on cut ; sama w &Pcn and come on right hip R je Gal Cretfk c unty E. E. ORK. FostolHce address Kewton , If eb. Cattle branded * isy- wfcere.onrief tf side ; boraes on loft shoul der . north prong and North < x > up and Gordon Creak JOSEPH KENNED'ffi Postefftce address Bro-wulee , Neb. Cattle and horses brandedon left stda or hip Range. North Loup B. M. FADDIS. FostofQca address Pass Neb Range. North Lour Biver I. L. MEKCUBE. Postofflce address Seneca , Neb On right side , or J on eit&er hip Range , Southwest ofSeneca P. GRIEE. GRIEE.Postoffiee Postoffiee addrcsj Seneca , Neb. On left hip On right or left hip Banse , be tween geneca and Norway on Middl ? Loup B W FEAR30S FostofDce address Brownlee Neb Same as on cut Horses same on eft shoulder Range , Goose Creek JOHN H SALZ1TANN Postofflce addres > Brownleo Neb On left hip. The herd mark Is a devr. lap Range on Goose Creek. FRANK T LEB Postofflce address ! ? rownlea Neb Cattle on Iclt side : horses same on left shoulder. Bangs 4 miles northeast of Urownlea X. A 02RHAN PcsttBce address Newton Neb Cattle branded clt' ersidehorses sanp onleftshonldaako have care branded BP under lined. Loup DICK MCITALL Peatotflce address Brownlee Neb On left sidcand hip alto 8 oa I f t hip Range ; North Loup CHAV.LZS S PostofQcs BroTrnIe . Nebr left side on cattle Horsas same on leit shoulder Left ear eel off ofeattlA Range , Leuj > riv er HENRY FATTLHADEX PostoCScc Browcle . Neb Horses SU o * leftshouMer riT DATID 6TBADMAK FoettrSRce address Pass , Neb Cattle on leftside Has charx * oca5 branded on rightslde * horse * ris s hip der JOHN CHALOUD Postofflce addre Browalea , Cattle and eo right side . BlgCre h D E PERKINS f Fostofflce addrsu Halser , N Jt Oalefthtp T ange , Loup TALBOT A GALLOP Postofflco oddraa * Seneca , Nek. Cattle branded e * left side Horses bnnd d on leftsbcraldor and Dismal EOROE GRAY Poitofflce address TheJford. Nebr On left hip DrA8 on rigfct hip - or side Bange. Loup and Dismal \ CRONUT BROS. Postofflce addres * ThwltonJ.Nebr Oix right side Range , betwe a and WALT HABDY. Postofflce address Seneca , Neb. Left stde on cattle ; horses , left Sjiouldetale on lefi stde some on rfcbt hip 'MuldteLoup. ' JULIUS HECKMAN. PostodconddreH Brownlee , 2C % Same as on cut Range south of Brownie * 11 : DUNHA3I. Pogtofflceaadress KenneCv , Neb Stock branded on left gide as on cut. Bange Gordon Creek. TT K GBAST FostoUce zxldrott Browmlea Neb Oa left side Baaga. Loup Zlres IKA BPHNCER Fostofflce address Brownlee Neb Branded en lei * aUU Baaet Call Creek and Swan Lake Vai- a if H "VTAIL13GFOno Postofflce address J6L 3 * Kennedy Neb Sock biacdod iiraeasout on left tde Pome branded on