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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1899)
NEWS-DEMOCRAT : \ : VOLUME XIV VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , SEPTEMBER 14 , 1899. NUMBER 34 , Metzger Bros. , Pullman Neb Cherry Co. , Brandon left side 1 and thigh I Earmark , square I crop right ear Southern branded t cattle have but one "half-diamond E" . - on Lleft side Native cattle have throat wattle Bantre on Gordon and Snake Creeks Horses have same brand on left thigh A. Jteicartl of $2BO will be paid to any person for information leading to the arrest and final conviction of any person or persons stealIng - Ing cattle with above brand EDWAKD BAD HAIR. Postofflce address Allen S D On left shoulder and baron side ; horses same on thigh , Range-Bear Cmek T J ASHBURN Postofiice addres Valentine , Neb Branded on right side ; horses same Kange-lO miles east of Valentine on the Niobrara Joseph W. Bownet P. O. address Merriman , Nebr. Right ear cropped Hole in center of left ear Range Lake creek S. D. Parker & Son P O Address L. W. Parker Reige. Neb Brand same as cut , Also ZP Rantre on Niohrara south of Grookston 11. A. MeQuade. Valentine , Neb Branded on either side Bange between Thacherand Swan Lake ' Charles 0. Tackett Rosebud , S. D. Range head of An telope near St , Marys mission Horses branded on left thigh Peter Vloudray Rosebud. S. D. Left side. Left car cropped. Horses branded VB. " " "Range Little White River , at mouth of Cedar Creek. Louis J. Itichards Merriman.Neb. Gorsuch Bros. Newton , Nebroka Cattle branded as ou cut cutSome Some ft sideorhii Range on Creek > * - Louis F. Richards Merrimau Neb Henry Pratt Rosebud S. D. Leftside Horses same on left shoulder Deerhorn clip on some cattle. John DeCory Rosebud. S. D , Some branded ID 417 on left side Horses JD on left hip Kauge in Meyer Co on Antelope Creek Thomas Farren Jlqsebud , S , D. ID 1183 either left' side or hip Horses Range head of Antelope . * * & i -J , ? . * - , * * x * A * 3. * * J * W. W. AXDKUSOX. , T. C. ROUNDS Anderson & Rounds. Simeon. Nebraska Cattle branded on left side as on cut ; also 1C on left side witli on left bip of some cattle ; aiso S4G on right side Horse brand , rake and 1C on left shoulder or hit ) - Home ranch on Dewey Lake. Range on Niobrara River , east efFort Fort Niobrara ; also between Snake River ana -Simeon , known as the Felch range , all in Cherry County , Nebraska. % Marshall & Wolf en den Kennedy , Neb. Some s on the left ] hip Horses S on left shoulder Brand is small Earmark : Quarter clip behind , half c r- cle forward on leit ear Range Lone Tree Lake I. T. Richardson. Perch , Nebr Some on left hip Horses on left shoulder William M. Dunbar Lessee from Heine & Kroeger Cody. Neb DUn Either side low Also on . r/ght Left eaToTcaltle Split Range head of Hay Creek Amelia Young j Cody , Nebraska On right side. Right ear split Range , Little White river Peder Thorsen. Gordon , Nebraska On right side : T on right hip. e horse brand and T on , ' right shoulder Also cattle branded Ij S on leftside Range , fowl miles' ' south of Irwin Henry Young , Cody , Nebraska Horse brand JIY on left shoulder Cattle , right ear split Range , Little White river , S. D. Stotts & Stetter. Cody. Nebraska Bninded on leftside Range , Tin Can Lake and Morgan Flats D. C. Nelson. Cody , Nebraska. On right hip. Range , Medicine Lake to the Snake river Hutt Brothers. Gordon , Nebraska Rangel4 miles north of Gordon. F. G. DuerfeMt , Manager. Gordon , Nebraska Cattle also branded SO on right hip Horses and mules Branded same as cut on left shoulder J. C. Jordan Gordon , Nebraska One bunch branded , as on cut on left side One bunch branded C I' on left hip Horses J on left shoulder Range. 10 miles southwest of Gallop , between Niobrara and Snake rivers George F Damon Albany , Neb Cattle branded F Don left ribs or right shoulder ; SI > on right hip and left ribs ; Con left hip Horses FD or SD on right shoulder Range 7 mi north cast of Albany Neb Black rfT Leg Vaccine Joseph Fickel - Gordon Neb Also Tlorae brand F on left shoulder Range 10 miles north st of Gordon * * . Neither Jim nor Mike Harrington have ever defended a man charged with cattle stealing. We are still anxiously awaiting M. C. Harrington's withdrawal from the race for congress. When will it Nobody in this county has yet dis covered that the republican candidates have a show of election if the populists and democrats form a perfect fusion. Up % to date we have not heard a com plaint about giving the democrats the candidates for county clerk , judge , and coroner , although there is some doubt about commissioner. Rushville is well represented with distinguished candidates among the as pirants for judicial honors , " says the Recorder , of that place. After election one of them will change the prefix from < -dis" to "ex. " As to Judge Westover has made for himself the reputation not only in the district but all over the entire state , as a fearless and impartial magistrate of justice , between man and man , between btween the peop'e and corporations and between law and order on one side and crime and criminals on the other. We hear expressions of approval of his re cord from members of all political par ties and we expect to see him re-elected by the largest majority ever received by any canidate in this district. Rush ville Standard. Of all elective officers , our judges should most nearly be free from having prejudice against any of his fellowmen * but we cannot hope to obtain judges of this kind if bitter flings and innuendoes are made against them during the cam paign. These officers are supposed t& be fair and impartial in all matters , but humanity is frail , and judges are hu man , after all. These remarks are called forth by seeing an article in one of our exchanges the other day which said Mike Harrington would be sure to win all his cases , if his brother was on the bench , and another referring to Alder as the god of the cattle thieves. Neither of these papers gave a lin'e of evidence to support tlieir bald asser tions , and we are wondering what the brethren expect to gain by these state ments Tote fair , brethren , and if you have anything to say , first give us your reasons for saying it. James J. Harrington has been a citi zen of Holt county for the past fifteen years , all of which time has been spent in the study or practice of law. He graduated with high honors from the lawx department of Ann Arbor Univer sity five years ago , immediately began the practice of his perfession in O'Neill. He is a lawyer who always placed the law above the dollar and the cases in which he has defended or prosecuted have been of that charrcter wherein the merits of the case entitled his clients to a legitimate and honorable showing. No person having a meritorous case lias ever been turned away from Mr. Har rington's office in want of an attorney because of their poverty. No rich corporation - poration , has ever ridden roughshod over the rights of a poor man or woman be cause of their inability to hire an at torney , with Mr. Harrington's knowl edge. He is a good man , a good law yer and will make a judge that will be a credit to the judiciary of the state. O'Niell Independent. The Commissioner of Public Lands and "Buildings will offer about 4,200 acres of school land for lease at public auction at Thedford at the office of the " county treasurer , beginning at 9 a. m. Sept. 23,1899 , under the following pro vision of the new school land law : If after using due diligence to lease said land , at an annual rental of six ser cent upon the ap praised valuation , the Commissioner is unable to do so , he may offer the same for lease s-t less than the appraised valuation and leose it to the oerson or persons who will pay six per cent on the highest offered valuation , as annual rental , if in his judgment it is to the bebt interest of the state to accept such bid. Persons desiring to examine lands to be leased may secure lists of the same , showing present appraisement thereof , as well as any other information , upon application to the county treasurer or by addressing the commissioner at Lin coln. At the beginning of the auction the Commissioner will gladly answer all inquiries in regard to the school land business or the workings of the new law The list of lauds referred to will be found on page fiva of this paper The Commissioner will hold a similar auction in bheridan county , at Rush ville , Sept. 5 , Cherry Sept. 7lh. Sioux Sept. 18 , Box Butte Sept. 20 , Grant Sept. 21 , Iiooker Sept. 22 , Blaine Sept. 23 , Logan Sept. 26 , Loup and Garfield Sept. 28. The Woolgrowers' association met in Rapid City last Friday. f Range cattle that are going on the market now are showing up better thpn ever before , and many are being shipped to New York. The rancman who neglects to keep a water wagon or at least a tank which can be easily loaded , is not protecting himself against fire as he should. play , Robinson express the opinion in their Report that beef cattle have about reached their highest price , and advise their customers to forward their beeves as rapidly as possible. The sale of SO head of 3-year olds at this place this week for $4,15 confirms our opinion that stockmen just now can sell to as good if not better advantage .than at the city markets. Buyers are numerous and competition keen. The past season has been an unfor tunate one for European farmers , and consequently \ \ e may look for a large increase in our exports of agricultural products. And because of the shortage of forage this will also b true of live stock. From this time on it behooves every ranchman to keep a sharp lookout and take every possible precaution against hres. The sandhills are in good shape this year to invite fire , and a match carelessly dropped may cause the de struction of much valuable property in addition to ruining many miles of the range. The South Dakota people are demon strating the fact that the small stock grower is a power in the laud. In re gions where there used to be free rang t ad where it was thought when the-free was ended that the sock business would be ruined , they are to-day grow ing more cattle in small punches than they did in the open range era. The Brown county stock association will hold a meeting on the 29th at Ains- worth , to elect officers and transact other business. If reports that we hear are true , a lively time will be had , as it is expected that politics will cut a .figure in the meeting. Politics that is , partisan politics , is a bad thing to have mixed up in a stock association. A short time ago an English buyer bought a lot of range horses on the Chicago cage market for export , paying $35 a head. They were Wyoming stock and averaged 1100 pounds. It is said these were the first range horses ever bought for export , and demonstrates the fact that Western horses like western cattle are rapidly improving in quality. When haj'ing began the opinion was quite general that the crop would be short , but late rains pushed the grass ahead in good shape and now that the season is drawing to a close the crop is found to be in most localities fully as good as last year. This a matter of great moment to the sand hills country and we are glad to note that stock will not lack feed winter. Uncle Zed Godwin is happy these days over having Avon a bet of § 10 and two hats from Billy Haynes and Billy "King. He bought a bunch of steers at $ GO per head and bet them that the * steers would averag3 m weight 1,400 lbs ( and that he would make money on them. At Omaha the steers weighed out 1,430 Ibs and brought 4.75 making him good money on the transaction. Uncle Zed will'be 78 years old next month. He is the oldest cattle buyer in the United Statds. Alliance G rip. Speaking of the recent raise in the price of beef and the reports that this is due to a combination among stock raisers , the Montana Stock Journal eu ters a vigorous protest against the sto ries in circulation and says : "Let the packers make all they can , but the terrible - rible specter of a stockraiser's trust raised by them should be laid. The high prices originate in the cupidity of the packers rather than the exactions of stock raisers. The people should in vestigate. Let them compare the pres ent price of cattle on foot with last year's quotations of like grades Cap rice , not market quotations , fixes the price of beef , east , west- , north and south. " X- NGI ! ejooctofGougfefc ab-ocwcc 1 'W/u 'k&e § et.OM . / & ' Before - Buying - Elsewhere T THACHER GENERAL MERCHANTS IT COST You a great deal if you fail to get onr prices before buying Picture Frames , Mouldings , Hardware , Wii'dinills , Pumps and Fittings. See our colored gentlemen in the Avindow , introducing STANDARD SILVERWARE Call and see us about prices whether j'ou buy or not. CAELSON & ANDEKSON. JMCTO & OOX " LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS SOUTH" OMAHA , NEBRASKA " Room 1O8 Exchange References : UNION STOCK YARDS PACKERS' NATIONAL NATIONAL BANE BANK. Telphone , We have a large clientage among Nebraska Feeders and can always Deat Omaha prices to Ranch customers IF NOTIFIED BEFORE SHIPMENT. HOES Our summer line is now complete. We are better pre pared to fill the wants of customers than ever before COMPETITION DEFIED .Our prices are made on the lowest cash basis. Prac tical tailoring in connection. All work guaranteed D. Stinard , Clothier. Alex Marrivall Pine Ridge , S D Cattle branded as on cut and below on either side. Eermk swallow fork on leit and irop right Horsu Lr.mds as below on left thigh or-fiip Horses Wheeler Bros. Cody Neb Also B on right side Range Chamberlain Flats and Snake River Newman Bros. & Nations. Cody , Nebraska On point left shoul der. Also O O on point left shoulder Also jj on left shoulder Same on left hip Left side J. A. Adamson. Valentine. Neb On left side or hip A 4 left side or hip On leftside Range on Niobrara Marquardt & Bowlus OxToSinuBK. Manager. Merriman.Neh Cattle brand OM on i left shoulder. Some of cattle have various older brands. OS on left hip. Horse bra'd Aon left shouldei. Ran K Formerly Gee W Monnier nch 5-miles east of ! erriman.from F.E. &M.V. R.R. south to Leander Creek. Mar- nuardt & Rowing. Scribner.Nebraska. J. C. Trowbridge Merriman , Neb ' Range between Irwin - win and Merriman , south of railroad f. Hugh Bovill , Manager Merriman Neb Also. All on left side or hip Range north ol El Charlotte E. Bovill Merriman Neb Left side or hip Range north of Eli Taken up , at my place about 4 miles east of Fort Niobrara , May a > . one sprrel bald-fawd gelding , 5 years old , and one bay mare ! Ji years old , both branded on left shoulder ERHEST SKABS