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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1899)
It- * It' " IT- , r i ' WESTE 0 OR AT. \ JMeisrs , F arm ana stocR .Journal. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , - * f VOLUME -v. XIV. VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , AUGUST 24 , 1899. NUMBER 31. .Metzger Bros. , Pullman Neb Cherry Co. I Brand on left hide and thigh Earmark , square crop right ear ' Southern branded .cattle have but one | "half-diamond E" on lleft side I Native cattle have throat wattle Ranee on Gordon and Snake Creeks Horses have same brand on left thigh A Jfetrarrt of $25O will be piid : to any person for Information leading to the arrest and llnal conviction of anv person or persons .steal ing cattle with above brand EDWARD BAD UAIU. I'ostofflce address Allen S D On left shoulder and baron side ; horses same on thigh Range-Bear Utcek T J ASHBUKN rostoflice addres Valentine , Neb Branded on right side ; horses same Rantte-lO miles east of Valentino on the Niobrara Joseph W. Bownct P. O. address Mernman , Nebr. Right ear cropped Hole in center of left ear/ - Range Lake creek S. D. Joe Vlondray Cody , Nebraska Leftside. Left ear cropped. V on left shoulder ol horses. R. A. McQuade. Valentine. Neb Branded on either bide Range between Timelier and Swau Lake c Charles 0. Tackelt Rosebud , = ? . D. Range head of An telope near St. Marys mission Horses braudPd on left thigh Peter Vlondray Rosebud , S. D. Left side. Left car cropped. Horses branded VB. VB.Range Range Little White River , sit mouth of Cedar Greek. Louis J. Richards Meriiman.Neb. Gorsuch Bros. Newton , Nebrnka Cattle branded as ou cut cutSome Some ft side or hi ] JiaiiL'e on Gorutm Creek Louis F. Eichards Meriman Neb Henry Pratt r V ' ' , Rosebud S. D. - " . leftside Horses same on left hhotilder Dcerhorn clip on some cattle r- . John DeCory Rosebud. S. D , Some branded ID 417 on left side JXD Horses JD OH left hip lip.ugc in jf nyer Co on Autelope Creek Thomas Farren Rosebud , S. D. ID 1183 cither side or hjp Horses f Range head of Antelope . W. AKDRItSOX. T. C. HOUNDS Anderson & Hounds. " 5. Simeon. Nebraska Cattle branded on left side as on cut : also 10 on left side willi ZZ on left hip of some cattle ; also S4C on right side. Horse brand , rake and 1C on left shoulder or , hln I Home ranch-on Dewev LakeRange on Niobrara River , east efFort Fort Niobrara ; also between Snake River and Simeon , known as the Felcli range , all iu Cherry County. Nebraska. Marshall & "Wblfcndcn Kennedy , Neb. Some A on the left hipHorses Horses K on left shoulder Brand is small Earmark : Quarter clip behind , half cir cle forward ou left ear Range Lone Tree Lake I. T. Richardson. Tcrch , Nebr Some on left Horses on left shoulder William M. Dunbar Lessee from Heine & Kroeger Cody. Neb DUn' Either side low Alsr on right Left ear ot cattle Split Range head of Hay Creek Amelia Young. Cody , Nebraska On right side. Right ear split Range , Little White river Peder Thorsen. Gordon , Nebraska On right sideT ; on right nip. horse brand and Ton ; right shoulder Also cattle branded ? .i . on leftside Hange , fowl miles bouth of Irwin Ilenrv Young , Cody , Nebraslc ; ; Horse brand JSIY on left shoulder Cattle , right ear split IJiinge , Little White river. S. D. Stotts & Stetter. Cody. 3f cbr.ibl\i Branded on Mt idc Range. Tin Can Ijike and Morgan Flats. D. C. Nelson. Cody , Nebraska. On ri'Klit hip. Ilange , Medicine I .ake to the Snake river Hutt Brothers. Gordon , Nebraska H UT ltan e,14 miles north of Gordon. F. C. DuerfeWt , Manager. Gordon , Nebraska Cattle also branded S on right hip IIor.-es and mules branded ame as cut on left shoulder J. C. Jordan Gordon. Nebraska One bunch branded as on rut on left side Oius bunch branded . ' , it on left hip Hordes J on left shoulder liance. 10 miles souihwi t of Gallop , benu-L'ii Niobrara and riuake rivers George E Damon i _ Albany. Neb or . . , ! > SD FD , audleft ribs ; 6 on left hip risht shoulder , tf s Range 7 nil north WT- . cast of Albany Neb d.V i Agent for Pasteur Black Leg Vaccine Joseph Eickel Gordon Neb Also Horse brand left shoulder - JJ.uuje 10 niHes northeast of Gordon * tM Bro. McFarland , of the .Lynch Jour nal , lost his -wife last week by death , after a week's illness. In this his hour of suffering , we nre sure the heartsof all the newspaper boys in this section of the state will beat with sympathy for him. Nothing but an army can be used to set aside a popular verdict at the polls. Do you want to have it so that your will may be thwarted at the pleasure of plutocrats ? Keep the republican party in power and you'll get what you want. State Democrat. It seems that L. K. Alder does not stand very high * in the estimation of a certain element of the republican patty in Brown county , and the caucuses last Saturday * were all fought out on the question of Alder. In Ainsworth , where his foes seemed to have centered their energies , Alder won out to the tune-of 4 to 1 , and consequently will come to Valentine September 4 with a red hot delegation in his favor. Verily the world do move , and times are very rapid just now. A few years ago it was thought a sacrilege to doubt the Wisdom of Washington and Jeffer son1 , whose words were spoken a cen tury or more ago , but now a man's wisdom is wisdom for only a few days. Even the AinsworthStarJournal last week spoke derisively of our martyr president's words as "antedated Abe Lincolnism. " AVhy didn't it say "antiquated ? " ' At Lexington last Friday the popu lists nominated Judge Neville for congress - - - gross , and the democrats nominated M. 0. Harrington , and both conventions adjourned without effecting a fusion.- We are sorry the two parties did not get together , and hope that the differences which now exist will be smoothed away before election. It is folly for the democrats and populists to quarrel , and everybody knows it. Why then should they act the fool as they did at Lexington' ? According to the modern money bosses of the g. o. p. it is a more un pardonable sin to be for free silver than to compare MeKinley to JeE Davis to the. former's discredit. Why don't they read LToar and IJoutwell and Carnegie and that kind of trash out of the parly as well as they pretend to do the free silver men ? Because it is treason only to touch the sacred dollar of the capitalist ; no other interest is important enough to make up a division. Delphor (0. ( ) ( Jour nt. Ilcie is the latest version of the T \veuty-iliird Psalm given by an ex change : ' 'The politician is rny shep herd ; I shall not want any good thing during the campaign. lie leadeth me in the saloon for my vote's sake , lie filleth my pocket with good cigars ; my glass of beer runneth over. lie pre- pureth my ticket in the presence of my better judgment. Yea , though I walk through the mud and rain to vote for him and shout myself hoarse , when he is elected straightway he forgetteth me. Lo , when I meet him in his own oft'ice , he kuoweth me not. Surety the wool hath been pulled over mine eyes all the days of my life. " A great nwuy peopio'in this count } ' , regardless of party , think that Alder and \Vcsio\er will be elected judges this year. A Vc are not so sure of that however. They seem to think that Alder's age and experience will cause him to win over the probable nominee from the east end , and yet Bro\vn county concedes that Iho youngest judjo ever elected in that county ( Will Ely ) has been the best one they have ever had. And it isn't even sure that Alder Avill be nominated by the repub licans. Diekson and Fisher have a goad combination working , and besides , Cherry county will probably have a strong candidate in the Held. I'he Commissioner of Public Land and Buildings will offer abouL 10-3,000 acres of school land for lease at public auction at Valentine at the office of the county treasurer , beginning at 9 a. in. Sept. 7th 1899 under the following pre vision of the new school laud law : If after using due diligence to lease * aid land , at. nn annual rental of six s r cent upon the ap praised valuation. tle Commissioner is unable todoso , he may offer the tame for leuse it less thnn the appraised valuation and leose it to the person or prisons who will pay six per cent on the highest offered -valuation , as annual rental , if iu his judgment it is to the best interest of the Sate to accept such bid. Persons desiring to examine lands to be leased may secure lists of the same , showing present appraisement thereof , as well as any other information , upon application to the county treasurer or by addressing the commissioner at Lin- coin. At the beginning of the auction the Commissioner will gladly answer all inquiries in regard to the school land business or the workings of the new law The list of lands referred to will be found on page fiva of this paper The Commissioner will hold a similar auction in blieridan county , at Hush- ville , on Sept. nth. Bob Faddis shipped six cars of cows and one car of off-color steens to Omaha from Woodlake the first of the week. Clicap corn and high beef always a good market for feeders , and those are.- the conditions that prevail this year" . v * > " * - - Jacob Kraft has just received a car load of Percheron-Norman horses , ranging in weight from 1100 to 18oO , which he has placed in his pasture. Stuart Ledger. Owners of hogs in this vicinity have recently , in a number of instances , had their herds depleted by a disease that is now pronounced the swine plague. It is not as virulent as cholera , but seems to get in its work about as effectually. Xcligli Leader. R M. Faddis and Win. Steadman , of Pass , sold all their two and three- vear old steers , about 1,000 head , to parties in Missouri , and will begin shipment next week. These steers will average over 1,000 , but we could not learn tne figures at which they solu. Cattle shipments . t , . , _ from j , this j section , of the state promise to be light , much more so than for many years past , saj'S Uie Caspei Derrick. The larjre cattle companies , with few exceptions , ' have either gone out of business , or like the CY have moved to other ranges. The M Avill ship this fall , but they will not have the twenty train loads which the company have been accustomed to ship to eastern markets every year. Feeders Sell Light Cattle. Vast numbers of cattle now coming make people wonder why , with corn so plenty , feeders did not put on more pounds and better finish The people who send them in do so because the7 believe the } ' get more money than they would by following another course. They say they have seen too many turn's when ripe , heavy cattle had to be sold for less than short-fed cattle , and prefer to make a sure thing. Prices lately have been fairly remuner ative on the unfinished cattle , but the gap in prices between them and the good ones is wide and growing wider. Drovers'Journal. Feeders Scarce. A prominent South Omaha and Chicago commission firm sends the following advice to its-patrons who are buj'crs'of feeders : The shortage , now plainly apparent in local territory. AM'11 necessitate a larger absorption of v/estei n calllo by the packers and force them to a cio-.tM- competition with feeder buyei-s on the medium weight uTei-ings. There < i"e- not appear to be much of a disposition on the part of ranchmen to part with their voting and light stuff ; they take a stronir view of ihejuture , and with favorable prospects for winter iv.nge and a generally good supply of hay. are inclined to hold over unless o ! ered very tempting figure' : . Viewing the situation irom thi.s standpoint , v.hieh , to us , appelirs to be the proper one , we can see nothing but u high range * of feeder values running all the way through the comiug fall and winter , and firmly believe that early purchases are advisable. Cattleman Killed. A special dispatch from ( Jlmdronv to the State Journal , dnteJ August 21 savs : uGeorge Coil shot and instantly , killed Tom Ityan on account of the differences between the sheep and cat tle range lines and the trespass of one. on the other's range , about twenty-five miles southwest of Gbadrou. Coil is a young man. just past twenty-one , son : of JL < rank S. Coil , a sheep rancher who was formerlj * a. prominent business man and politician of Eurt county * > -eb. He is the only living witness to the killing , and says that he did it in salf-defense. Every flock-master will give young Coil every assistance , while the cattlemen and ranchers arc bitter in denunciatioil1 of what they denounce /cold-blooded murder. " Coil's father is a leading republican and sheepman. * -i W < - - - ' : * ' - * x abucmcefie ] Gj-e-t Before - Buying - Elsewhere THACHE . A , GENERAL MERCHANTS IT You a great deal if you fail to get our prices before buying Picture Frames , Mouldings , Hardware , Wirdinills , Pumps and Fittings. See our colored gentlemen in the window , introducing STANDARD SILVERWARE Call and see ns about prices whether you buy or not. ' CABLSON & ANDERSON. Mi - * ? LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS SOUTH OMAHA , NEBRASKA : : < mm 1CS i : > ( -iianff * Kltls. Kefcrecces : UNTOTT STOCK TTAEDS FACKEES * NATIONAL BAKE J3A2TC. Telphone We have a large clientage among Nebraska Feeders and can always neat Omaha prices to Kaacli customers IF NOTIFIED JJEFOIIE SHIPMENT. ASTfUJ &n UU&n Our summer.line is now complete. T/e are better pre pared to fill the \\ants of customers than ever before COMPETITION DEFIED Our prices arc .made on the1' lowest cash basis. Prac tical tailoring in connection. All work guaranteed JL Alex iJanivall rimlUdgi' , S D tt Cairlc 'mindi'd ; i.s - < > n c it ' ' ! ' ! bflmv (1:1 cMVrs'de 1 . \ \ fcil ; on I mnd * ri1- h-n\\ ! .ji lct t'.njrh or T orses H -T PI * JT"-5 rif'TT Cuttle g/J / jj : TrtSwf J J i ? 7sr 5 ' x ifi foi' : A < 5' isa r i | fci ? | Sp | ftb ? > 3l & 1 Ml i ± - J iiti.csriSSss Whepler llros. Cody Also IS on right side Tiantre Chamberlain Kirvts : > : id kinaku cin Dros. icc Xsttioiis. * > Q 5 S" Onfiolut left hoil- nrn j . Ltlrr Also O o on i point left shiuldt'r ! Also n nj left bhonldi'r Same ou left hip Left side J. A. Adamsou. Valentine. Neb On leftside or hip left side or hip On lefts df Marquardt & l.owlus OTTO STUUUK. j\Icrriinaii.N ! CaUIebr.uidOr.f enl l -lionlder. . Son < of ' : : ttle have 'eft hip. Hors bra'd A on left shonldei. f o W Jfonnier f. V. li. K. r.uth * o leander Creek. Mart - ; t ISmvJim. S < ] J. C. Trowbridge .Merriman , N'eb Range between Jr win and Merriman , south of railroad Ilugh Bovillj Manager - Merriman Al'O A ! ! on left side or Hp IJan4e north erf El Charlotte "E. IJovill Neb Left side or hip ge.north of Elt T kcn up , nt my place nftout 4 miles east efFort Fort Niobrara. May IK ; , one sorrel bid-fa d -.tuiiiT , 5 year-iold , anir oiie bay mara j-eirs old. botli branded oa left bhoiiltler -EUXEST" "