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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1899)
A Few Facts For Cattle Dealers. " * It lias * been'repeatedly ; demonstrated in y the past that , > SIOUX CITY IA. Stands at top as a market for Range Feeders ; You can satisfy yourself as to the truth of that dtarement by comparing the sales at Sioux City , last year , with those at any other competitive market. You can also ask your neighbors who have sold cattle at Sioux City. This year Sioux City is in the field for fat cat tle as well as feeders. The great beef slaughtering plant of the Cudahy Packing Co. Is ready for business No charges , except for feed ordered if your cattle are not sold on our market The Sioux City Stock Yards Co. JOHN H. KEENE , General Manager. WOOD BEOTHEKS Live - Stock - Commission - Merchants So uthOmaha and Chicago > JfcAA > WOOW3 ' ' WALTER E. WOOD , Cattle Salesman HEXRY LEFLER , Hog Salesman \Vc furnish Market .Reports free of expense. Write to us. THOS. MCCULLOCH BUYER OF WOOL AND HIDES We furnish Sacks , . Iwine , Tags and Ned lies to Shippers at Wholesale Prices. Send us your name and cet onr prices. 917 Q STREET LINCOLN NEB Headquarters for this section of the state is found at my place. Deering mowers .and rakes are admitted to be ; , the best. I also handle "Rushford wagons and Robinson bno-0-ies , in addition tea * full line of harness and saddles * OO ' 'JOHN WHILLANS THE ITOCK tXCHANGE LIQUORS , WINES AND CIGARS ; . SPECIALTY JUG AND BOTTLE CUSTOM * " , ' * Milwaukee , St. Louis and Fremont Beer. We solicit the trade of those o who ap preciate good wines and liquors ' WALTER F. A. MELTENDORFF. PROPRIETOR OUR MOTTO Honest Goods ; Ilonest Prices ; Courteous Treatment. * . C. II. COBXEI-.Ii , President. HI. Y. KICHOI.SON , Cashier B ANK OF VALENTIN Valentine , Nebraska. A General Banking BusincssTraasactetl Bays and Sells Bomcstic nnd Foreign Exchange er Correspondents ; Chemical National Bank , New York. First National Bank , Omaha Neb " the 2 , 4 ? 49 The DONOHER $ 4 ? | - 16 KB continually adding improvements and it is now the 49Q best equipped , and most comfortable $ Q ftfr n2nw m&Q FIRST-CLASS MODERN HOTEL 4 ? IN NORTHWEST NEBRASKA - 49 49 Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Room Two Sample Room * in HERRY C ! OUNTY KANK 25 Valentine , Nebraska Every facility extended customers consistent with conservative banking Exchange bought and sold. Loans upon good security solicited at reasonabU Tl . depository xutes. County "M E. SPA HKS. Prnstdeni CHARLES SPARKS Cashier Vet GENERAL MERCHANDISE. The Ins Everything fresh and clean , and prices Sell "A that are right. Special attention given to pumps , tanks , and ranch supplies , Scene J. STEAD MAN & CO- and J : } . Kennedy , Nebraska , is V WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT BOBEBT GOOD , Editor and Publisher Teachers' Institute. The teachers have come ; they are now seeing" and heinjj seen ; after Sunday they mil have conquered all the young men in town. Thirty-seven of them enrolled themselves as memberih &the teach ers' institute the first day ; and at the close of work last evening the num- her had increased to forty-eight , with more to hear from. The west ers part of the county is especially well represented , eleven wielders of the hirch arriving in town on the' same freight train , Saturday. Great interest is heing manifested in the work of the institute , and many words of praise are heard about the instructors. Prof. Condra teaches geography , physiology , history and didactics ; Prof. Watson teaches grammer , arithmetic , civics and orthography ; Mrs Crawford instructs the classes in reading and numbers , Edith Turner in plsical trainin and I. M. Rice in vocal music. The work bagins at 8 a. m. and continues according to the following program : ' ' 8 :00 : to 8 :4o0 ranunar. 9:25-Arithmetic : , 10:00Heading. : . I0l0-Intermission. 10:45 : Geography. - - -Physiology. . 12:00 Physical training. NOON 1:00 to 1:45 Vocal Music. 2l5-Numbers. , < -History-Civics. . 3:25 Orthography. 4 ; 00 Didactic" . At times when other affairs do not- conflict Airs. Crawford takes a class interested in kindergarten work , after the close of the regular session. The classes in geography , physiology , grammar and civics are especially interesting , and visitors are cordially invited to attend. Prof. Watson will lecture tomorrow evening on "The Essence of Life Literature. " The teachers will attend the Sparks picnic , Saturday ? Prof. Condra will lecture Tuesday evening on "Our Greatest Products. " Edith Turner will give a recital the next evening , a reception will take place Friday night , and final examin ations Saturday. So far as known this is the program for the balance of the session. Last evening the enrollment was as below : RennettMaurt Baker Carrie Bowrlng Jessie Bonnclle Grace Baker JL Bnllis Nellie Irowe Jennie Oollett Tacey look Mrs V Collett Lillie Irowe Mrs Kittie Crowe Winnie DeFrance Edith Dwyer Mae Dwyer Ada Folks Maud Fuller E hel Folsoni Lottie Fairhead Lillian Ford Mrs A D Green Alvi'j Gee Carole rlahn Makel Hornback Paxson laycs Lizzie Harden Mrs Irwin Carl Jerman Nellie Jennan Mary Lewis Alfred tlaim Linda Slorgareidge Eosa Maxwell Martha Miller Donna 'ayton Eva J'ettycrcw Edith PaxtonMary lloherts-Fanny iin .tichardson Cassie KutherMiss . Smith Inez Stfliwell Jilla Stevenson U G Thackrey Com Thorn C V VanBoskirk Jennie Williams Stella Mac Watson Mary Real Estate Transfers Following is a list of the real estate transfers filed in the office of county clerk during the week ending Aug. 10 , and furnished us by F. M. Walcott , attorney at law and bonded abstract- , Valentine , Nebraska : ' . ' CThiem&wife to JBLeader , e2nemvne and left ] nenw 24.TOJ7700. . RHHurlburtwf toFHGoodfellow , re 24-33-37 left $100. "WH&MaoESpenceto JGoodfellow , ae 25-33- 37-S3CO. CHBetts wf to HSLockwood , lot liblklSin original village of Valentine $350. GSchmitt to CA Johnson , neseand part of sese andjpnrt of nene 11-3I-2R § 150. FPMilIs wf to Ellztibeth Walker , sw 33-35-35 $1,000. 10th JL&JHMooreto APeddie , w2ne 25 and e2ne 26-34-28-S100. j tacl Transfers for week ending August pen were as follows : j is CHWalcnttwfto VGSteyenson. lots 4&5 blk that villnpe of Valentine-J)03. ) J ? " United States to BDa.e , f2nw and . " 2ne 2-29-26 | X.1,1 FEGillett wf to JStolzIe. . Sals nc ! f KSKimplt ! to JBFimp.e , s2sw and s2se 35-25-3G , ltl" $1,000. United States to Anna MNoIson , Itll wine an ' By 13-28-37 $500. SCarver wf to Standard Cattle Co . v2ne D2mv 13-28-37 $900. GHUrown wf to ElsonJIFttlier , s-2sw and s2se ' 20-33-37. Turner Recital. < thai real Miss Turner's recital will be held filed Cornell hall Wednesday evening- , nrUJ August 23. Tickets will be on sale at swJi lien Quigley's drug store. Adult tickets 20 , cents , reserved seats 30 cents. 'qiie Tickets for children under sixteen 15 $32 cents , reserved seats 20 cents. of Instrumental solo. Mre. J. C. Wells. and The : Night Win ! " Eugene Field , i Miss Edit h Turner. ment "Mary ! Elizaheth" Qier true story ) the Elizabeth Stuart Plielps. Miss Edith Turner. 27 Voealsolo Miss Myrtle Query. ° quarrel scene from "School for Scandal. " . .Sheridan , and lied Miss Edilh Turner. Hoyt Instrumental duet . i j ch | Misses Query and Pettycrew. j j i et\ Sisterlv Scheme" . II. C. Bruner- AKA Selected Music . . . . see Quartette. : taxes Scene"Ben Hu rand Iras"Lew Wallace. . the Miss Edith Turner. j j " ! l ° ! prays the Clarence Walcott is buying cattle in < shipping to South Omaha. He as claim well acquainted here and should said . 1SOO. make some money out of his Venture.1 ir ! Populist Delegates. I At the populist county convention ' held . here last Saturday afternoon , S. P Crabb was elected chairman and PA A. M. Morrissey secretary. Every- thing- was harmonious and the fol lowing delegates were selected to attend the various conventions : State- . P. Crabb , A. M. Morris sey , L. C. Sparks , G. H. Q. Smith , Ij ; M. Rice , G. Carlson , J. A. Whillans. Congressional N. J. Grooms , G. H. Reinert , A. M. Morrissey , J. H. Quigley - ley , A. Carson , J. R. Ayers , J. W. Burleigh. | Judicial iff. A. . Daniels , N. J. Grooms , Hjtofurphy , J. W. Bur- leigh , Jasr 'wV A. Melten- dorif , G. # . Binert. Democratic Delegates. . At { he democratic county conven tion last Saturday 'Judge Turner wafe ejected chairman and Robert Gooc secretary. But five precincts were represented and the following- dele gates were elected to the various conventions : State M. Christensen , A. C. Reim- enschneider , Wm. Steadman , John Sheve , Robert Good , P. Sullivan. Hugh Bovil" ' "I R. Towne. CongressioP. . Simons , Henry Stetter , P. Dvlioher , Robert Good , Geo. < Hig-gins , John Shore , James Childers. Judicial Robert1 Good. P. Simons , Geo. < Hig-gins , Thos. Hudson , P. Sulli van , ( J , B. Ricketts , John Britt. Where the digestion is good , and the general powers of the system in a , healthy state , worms can find no habi tation in the human body. White's Cream Vermifuge not only destroys ev ery worm , but corrects all derange ments . of the digestive organs' Price 25cts. J. II. Quigley. Fusion Conventions State Conventions. The state conventions of tho- populist and democratic mi r ties will be held in of the city of Omaha on August 22 , for the purpose of nominating the following candidates for of lice : One candidate for supreme judge ; and two candidates a for regents of the state university. ef The representation for counties in this section is : Brown 4 ; Cherry 7 ; Dawes 7. ; Keya Pnhn. 4 ; Sheridan G ; Thomas 2. No one knows the unbearable torture the peculiar and agonizing pain , caused of by piles , unless they have suffered from them. Many believe them in curable. This is a mistake. Proper All All treatment will cure them. Tabler's AH Buckeye Pile Ointment is an infallible All cure. Price uOcts in bottles , tubes 75c. All J. H. Quigley. All All BLtches and excresences , which so All often annoy people , are simply efforts All Nw of nature to throw off impediments to AH All the proper performance of her duties. Wi Herbine will aid and assist nature in AH her work , and insuie a skin pure and All beautiful , entirely free from all imper All Se fections. Price oOcts. J. II. Quigley. Sese N2 Strayed , two 2-year old steers , and Se All on yearling , branded on right hip as All cut elsewhere. Also 2-year old bay All Ali .horse , branded 8 on right shoulder. All 28 Teeters Bros. , .Newton , Neb. All S2se Sen FIRST CLASS MILL All All Sw I have established a Feed and Saw Mill All B miles south ef Cody , at the mouth of S'2 Medicine Canyon , and am now prepared ! N2 to grind Feed , Corn JHeal and Graham , All cr turn out all kinds of Lumber and di S2IIV mension stuff , and Native Shingles Ne Give us a trial order. All J. F. HOOK S2.s\\ All Sw S2 Eslraveil . Two . horses ; one brown horse 7 randed O on shoulder , one black horse branded IX on 52 52V2 \V2 shoulder. SS left hip. I will { rive the first AU described horse to the man who linds and re All turns the black described above. above.JonxMoxuoE. une JonxMoxuoE. nvm Kyle , S. D. n2ne ness v2nsc Fay Tenipleton will lake notice that on the day of July W. K. Towne , county judge of s2ne . Cherry county , Nebraska , issued an order of at ' tachment for the sum of .fCO.oo in an action VI'IHw pen'ing before him wherein Daniel S. Luthvig ie plaintiil , and Fay Tenipleton is uefeiidanr , ne * ' property of the defendant consisting of one StllW one-story frame and the material of which it is lene constructed , ; lias been attached under .said order s2ne , cue 1' cause was continued to the 1st day of Sep- , , > temher , 189U , at 9 o'elock a.m. \ n DANIEL S. LUDWIG , > bLS A. M. Morrissey. Plaintiff. iwne - Ills Attorney. \-2ne Daed July I7lh , 1830 c2ne s2ue rJne lone Notice to 2Ton-Resident Defendants. i2ue E E Gustin and Mrs Gustin. his wife , first and i2se Lots name unknown , jou are. hereby notified on the 2Cth day of .Inly. 1809. Fred lloyt line his petition in the disfrijt court of Cherry I2SW - _ ' county , Nei > ra ka , against v u. the object and S-JIIK prayer of which aie to foreclose a certain tax v2ne ? owned and held by plaintiff against the e4 ! VJillC n'/2 se'i. slA se 10 and ne ' < / sec , wj sw4 sec tp 32. r 4 < ) , in Cherry county. Nebraska , s2ne acquired by virtue of the payment of delin etiue quent taxes tiitou thu above described real nvm lor the 1897 nd \\nu estate years 189S amounting to 37. together with interest from the 18th day i2ne Julv , and ' j sesw 1800 for , attorney's-fees which sura ulaintilf prays judgment and decree tiiat de- All ffandants pay the same , together with interest n2sw cost and in default thereof that said real -2ne estate be sold as jjrovided by law for the pay 12 1J of plaintiff's claim and costs. YOU are 12 required to answer said petition on or before sesw , 4th day of Sept , 1890. 1890.FEED Allli . FEED HOYT. Plaintiff. By F. M. Walcott. his atty. IUD 2ne 2ne Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. test i2ne George Listen and Mrs Liston. his wife , first lene real name unknown , ynu ftre hereby noti- e2swie that on the 2Gth day of July , 1890 , Fred swiu ; filed his petition in the district court of > 2ne Cherry county. Nebraska , against you , the \-2ni object and prayer of which are to foreclose a e2n\i certain \ tax lien owned and heldbyDlaintiff neue asr.iinsttlionwi4seJ4.neJi sw4 and sy swj * iesl ll. tp 32 , r 40. in Cherr.v county , Nebraska , acquired by virtue of the payment 01' delinquent upon the above described real estate for All years 18 % , 18D7 and 1S9S , amounting to 2720 All together with interest from the 18th d y of J uly. 90. and attorney's fees for whicn sum planit-lf 12SW judemeut and decree thai dffeudants pay Lois same together with in terest and cost , and lese default thereof that said real estate ba sold s2ne provided ! by law for the payment of plaintiff's Lots and costs. You are required to answer Ixt- < petition on or before the 4th day of Sept , Lots . FKEI ) HOYT. I'laintill. Lot- By F. M. Walcott , his atty- Lots.45 * - . Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. ( JeorgeC Merrill , and Mrs Merrill , his wife , first and real name unknown , you are hereby notified that on the 26th day of July 1603 , Fred Hoyt filed his Dentition in the district court of Cherry county , Nebraska , against j'ou , the object J sind prayer of which are to foreclose a certain tax lien owned and'held by plaintiff against t ne 11 w * sec 14. tp32 , r40. in Cherry county. Nelmwka , acquUcd by virtue of the paymeut oi delinquent tnxca upon the above named real rMate for the veara 1897 and 1893 , amomiting to $1649 tocether with Interest from the 18th day of Julv , 1800 , and attorney's fees , for which sum plaintiff prays judgment and dt-cree that defendants pay the same together with interest and cost and ia default thereof that said real estate be cold as provided by Jaw for the payment of plaintiff's claim and costs. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 4th day of Sept- eaiber , 1890. FUED HOYT , Plamtllff -7 By F. M. Walcoit. his atty. Notice to Non-Resident Defendant. Barah E Listen , you are hereby notified that onthe2fithdayorJidy , law. Fred Hoyt filed nl ? , , , 11 011' * 1-1-1' ' 561 011" ° r Cherry " ' " . "f-J raaka. against you , \ii ? object and inttyer01 which are to foreclose 3H * * i ! ; x , Hen owned and held by plaintiff against the n& swii , se4 ! swM and iiw& se4 sec 14. tp 32 , r 40 in Cnerry county , Nebraska , acquired by virtue of the payment of delinquent taxes upon the above described real estate for the yeajs 1802. 1883.1894.1805,1800' , 1807 and 1898 amounting to $04 78 tpgether with interest from the 18th day of July , ' 18K ) . and attorney's fees for which sum plaintiil' prays judgment ani decree that de- landant pay the same together with interest and cost and in default thereof that said real estate be sold as provided by law for the pay ment of plaintiff's claim'and costs. You are required to answer slid petition on or before the 4th day of Sept , 1S99. l-'HED HOYT. Plnietiff. 27 By F. M. Walcoit , his alt * . Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. Fred B Kridler. Mrs Kridier , his wife , first and real name unknown , and Nebraska Alort- gage Investment Co , you are hereby notified that on the 2Gth day of July , 1800 , Fred Hoyt filed his petition in the district co * .rt of Cherry county , Nebraska , against you , the. object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain tax lien owned and held by plaintiff against the oc.i } of bee 13. tp 32 , r 40 in Cherry county. Ne braska , acquired by virtue of the pavment'of delinquent taxes upon the above named real estate for the years 1893,1804,1805,189C , 1807 and 18S. ! amountibgr to $52 so , together with interest from the 18th day of July. IbOO , and attorney's fees for which sum plaintiff prays judgment and decree that defendants pay the same to gether with interest and cost and in default thereof that said real estate be sold as provided by law for the payment of plaintiff's claim and costs. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 4th day of Sept , 1890. FKEU HOYT , Plaintiff. 27 By F. M. Walcott , his atty. SCHOOL LAND LEASING. The following described school lands in Cher ry county will tie oliercd for lease at public auc tion at Valentine at the county treasurer's of fice , on Sept. 7 , 18iio A. 3i. and cUiitinuing uiiti ail of said limns have been offered. " Thes lands may be leased at an annual rental \ \ 6 per cent of the present valuation , by the first \ jierson offering to take bainu when they are c.'U- 112 ied fur lease at the auction , unless a premium is ne ottered , in which case the lease contract will be. awarded to the person paying ? he greatest aniounl of bonus therefor , hailing to receive a bid of ' c per cent upon tLe present value of any these lands , toey may be leased to the person wlio will pay G per cent upon the highest valua 112 tion , as provided in Section 15 of the new school : land law. 112 In order that all interested may have an equal opportunity to secure leases , these lands anj liereby withdrawn from the market until the beginning ot the imblic auction aforesaid. 112 A portion of these lands are vacant by virtue 112 orders of the Board of Educational Lands and Funds , duly made , and may be redeemed if de linquencies and costs are paid before the land is 112 loused. 16-25-25 AH 3G-2ti-25 All 30-27-25 Ail 30-20-25 All 30-35-25 All Se&nw 10-27-20 Nu 3G-28-20 -All _ N2&SW 30-35-2(5 ( All Nws 3C-27-27 All 30-20-27 N2 * 3G-30-27 E2 30-33-27 All 31HS5-27 All : 10-25-28 All Sew 1 0-27-28 All 30-20-28 All 16-28-29 ScSC 10-29-29 Nesw 10-32-20 N2IIC Nesi 30-29-30 All 36-31-30 AH 30-35-30 N2 10-2T-31 All 37-20-31 S2 S2Alt 10-31-31 Alt , 10-25-32 S211C on 1C-20-32 All hip. 36-32-32 All 10-2J-33 Nene 30-35-33 All Wm Senw 30-20-34 All 30-31-34 All 1025-35 S2 33-25-35 S2 S2All 30-27-35 All .30-31-35 K2S'V 10-33-35 N2&6W 36-27-30 S2SW -30-30 Nw 15-31- : All 30-31.30 N2SW 10-2037 N2 \ \ 16-25-38 iN23W 1425-39 S2 2-28-39 3G-3U-39 S2 S2All All AllV2 22-27-40 \V2 16-29-40 All 1034-40 SW 16-33-31 Ail 36-28-33 e2neswswnese . 10.26-25 w2 w2se sese . 10-20-25 nenwsws2se . . . 16-30-i5 s2nw w2sw FCSW nese s2se . 10-31-25 Ken v2n\vsPHW sw WJse . 1C-32-25 iesenwsws2se - . 16-34-25 left u2nw eenw sw w2se . 30-34-25 .0181234 . 16-35-25 w2se seue . 16-25-26 w2nw senw sw nese s\vse . 30-25-20 neii2inv . 3C-J7- stiiwe2sw se . 1B-30-20 2ne n2uw senw2stv st-sw sese : J6-'JO-20 w2 n2sc ese . 16-31-20 2ne s2nw e2sw se . 30-31-20 2ncswnws2 . 16-34-26 I * * > * I . . . . * . . . . . . * . . . . * I'lOt > ' * .O n2uw nesw sese . 3CV26-27 w2 nwse . 16-27-27 s2sw e2se . . - _ 10-2S-27 nw ne.neriJse . 10-29-27 ii2uwMvnw . 16-31-27 ne s2nw sw w2se sese . 30-31-27 sene nesw s2sw . 36-32-27 i2seswsc . 30-32-27 1234 . 16-35-- swne nen\v s2nw . 10-26-28 n2se sese .sesw . 16-26-28 s2nw n2sw n2se . 36-26-28 sene s2nw nenw nesw . 10-28-28 v2iiesene w2 swse . 10-30,2 S2neiiwn2se . 3 .30-28 B2iiw n2aw se . 16-31-23 e2liee2se . 30-31-28 e2ne n2nw e2se . 3G-33-2S nvnenesc . 10-34-28 sene n2nw v-2sw . ltf-27-29 swse . 10-27-20 btltw2.SW . 36-2720 n2swseswse . 36-31-20 2ne2 n2se swse . 16-25-30 uesw ( ii2se swfce . 11-2C-30 e2sw se . Ifi-20-30 seswn2sw . 2-27-30 ,015123 . 3-27-30 but sese . . - . . 11-27-30 i\\neseiie nenw- . 12-27-30 L s2neseuwswse . 15-27-30 e2nenws2 . 10-27-30 Pure iesenwn2sw . 22-27-30 iSnesene nenws2uw . 23-27-30 leneswue n2nw swnw . 24-27-30 , . 24-27-GO Tot f2UW S'.V . 25-27-80 i2nenwswue . 26-27-30 \-2nwseuw s2se . ' . . lfi-28-30 lots 1234 . 31-2S-30 neiiee2sw . 36-2830 . 21-25-31 s2nesen\v . 13-26-31 w2nescue nw . 14-20-3J but swsw . 15-26-31 * Also butsese 1 . 16-20-31 W2nesenws2 . .1G-J7-31 . 2G--J5-31 ra 123 seiie s2iw sw . 1-2S-31 neses2se . 1231 S2UW s2 1U > 3 4 i . 2-23-31 1,0151234 - , . 3-2S-31 Ixt4swuw . 4-2S-3I 1 2 3 4 s2ne S2UW sw . 5-2S-31 * 1 to 5 s2nc senw ucse . G-2S-3I . U . ; . - . ( XJO-31 no n2nw s2sw nee2nws r wzse. . . . . . 35-aKH Lots 50t2sw $ -31-31 Il2ll2se 101334 . . . . . . . . . .36-33-31 lie nwse 16-31-31 l)2lie Il2nW . .36-33-31 n'J w2aw eJSse i 36-2XTJ nene s2ne nw H2sw 16-2G-32 n2scBWSe 1C-2C-.T ! i&neswne iiemv .vjmv . - . sn-2txa n2 SW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ( j-33-32 nene swne sen w nesw so 1G-34-32 2ne n2swn2 < fc . . . . . . 3 > 34-32 s2nes2nw . . - . 36-29-33 u2nen2nw * 2 16-2G-34 n2re nw 3V27-3I nee2nws2 lti-29-31 s nes2 . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-30-34 n-j n2swse 1. . ! 30-32-34 ne n2nwsenw.swswe2se . ' 36-34-3 * wsuesenenu u2se sese 3fi-.T5-34 n2 n'Jswv2au .16-"G-3.1 ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' " e2nesese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! ! . .irr28-33 ii2neswne nw w2sw seaw s2se sc-28-35 ne e2nw e2sw nese 2se 16-29-35 s2ne W2nw * enw sw n2so swse 23-29-3.1 n2nc sene n2nw " .3c-29- : ne U2nws2sws2se . 36-30-15 Iies2nws2 36-33-35 " " * * * " " S2nes2mvn2sw n2se . . . . . ! /.36-34-35 ! s2ne senw nesw n2se 1C-25-.T6 ll M2s\Vli2Se 3C-25-3G swiie u.5'v senw nwse 1S-26-3C AllblltseSC 36-26-36 SeilCSW , , 16-27-36 iies2mvn2swswsw ilr > : : e I6-28-3C s2nw ii2sw swsw sese . . . . 16-29-3T. nwnw senw sesw 2C-29-36 W2nesenemvs2se " . : : , . ' . .3C-29-3 a2hes2nws2se . . . . .az-av ? ! ne sw nese s2ie , 28-3C-3C swne senw 34-30-36 nwne nw s3 ' 3OBO-'j < ; " " swne s2nw sw w2se . . "lc-32-36 X neepiiw 36-e-36 Ah but H2UW.T 10-33-WG i 2ne ir.'nwswnws2 Xi-XMi u2iicn2nwsVvso J6-2.V37 W2SWSCSW .TC-2.V37 n2ner2nws2 _ . 3tf-"c-37 S2SWS2SO ; IC-27-37 " ' " " " " n2ne sene n2nwswnw s2.I. . ! . . . . "so-27-37 sesen2nc u2nw lfi-28-37 s : j\VS2se 33-28-37 Allbllts2se 36-29-37 S2lie S211W n2sw U2SO 36-30-37 AllblltwSW 36-33-37 snnesenw nesw nwse 3O34-37 e2new2ii2se 3 KJ5-37 nwne eene nenw s2nw 36258 : ii2n swne nw n2 * ' ! * . ! ! . ' . " . ! " ! ! ! ! ( > 26-3S w2sesese 16-VJ6-3X ii2ne ii2nw swnw nesw 36-26 38 S2SWSB 36-26-3S - - n2ne ii2nw neaw n2se BWSO 327 38 nene swne nw n2swswsw 16-28-38 nwne n2nwswnw 16-29-38 82ne s2nw n2sw s2se 36.29-38 n2ne swne nw n2sw nwse 16-31-38 wane sene e2nw swnw 36-31-38 neswii2so 36-ai-38 n2iie n2nw w2sw sesw e2se 16-32-38 ne e2nw s2se - . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36-32-38 W2ue s2nw . . . . . . . ' 6-33-3fl sene sesw s2se -36-33-38 n2ne nenw s2 . . . .30-34-38 n2swn2se 16-23-31) Il2ne Il2nw SW .3G-25-39 MW M-i-e 33-26-39 ne nwnw s2nw nese 36-26-sa n2ne ii2nw hwnw . 1K-27-39 ii2ne sene s2 w se 36-27-s : ) w2ne sene wz -li 2x-3 < > \\-2ue nw nesw . . . . .36-2S-B ) \v2nw senw s2 .l6-29 39 nwsw nese s2se 3 ( > -v9w n2nw benw s2sw s2se . .16-31-39 w2ne uw n2sw nwee . .36-3l-3a ii2ne nwii2swse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-32-31I hwne 2nw s\v - . . . . ' . 16-33-39 C211B W2se . 32-33-39 W2I1W U-2SW 33-33-30 se - -36-33-39 H2ne H2nwswnw u > 2sw. . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . .36-34-30 I12SW n2se - 16-25-40 nesw n2se sene < . . . .25.26-40 swne j > 2nw n2sw n2se - 36-26-10 s2ne saiiw n2sw n2se . : ; 23-40 1122SW 2se - 26-23m ) H2.SW n2ie sese * . . 36-29-40 n2nwswnw - . . . . . . . . . . . . .11x51-10 W2ne sene e2nw se . . . . .34-34-io nwsw n2se swse 3J-31-40 .1. V- Wolfe , Commissioner of Public Lands and Build.nga. 29 CHAMBERLAIN ' & CO 10 , ] - - - J Postoffice acldress Brownlee , Neb Branded on either side same as on cut also both jaws Ilervey Ranch Two miles east of Crookston , In Cherry countv , Nebraska Cattle branded OC left hip. on right . and on rieht side with 3-Inch letter Cavanatigh Mgr Crookston Neb Parker & Son P O Address L. W. Parker Ueige. Neb Brand same as cut , Also ZF Ranee on Niobrara south of Crookston Prideaux Sanford Kennedy. Neb Stock branded on side Teeter ? Bros. Newton , Neb. Horses same on left shoulder between the Gordon and the Snake The OWL SALOON Golden Sheaf Pure White Rye , Susquebanna Byeand Cedar Creek Louisville , EeHtucky , Bourbon Whisky. Grape & Cognac Brandy's Wines TokaAngeIlicaPortSherry and Black berry in wood , claret , Riesling , Sauternes. Cooks Imperial ; Gasts and Clicquot in bet tles. Damiana and oth er Cordials. Agent for Fred Krugs Celebrated fo Pale Bssr fop kaily 033 , and Jatsts Expwt Bear CH . THOMPSON ,