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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1899)
ftftftftft INEW ftft * u 49 ftft ft ftft 49 ftft 4 ? ftft 4 ? Goods Shoes , ' ft 49 Our stock of Dry , ftft ftft 49 Hats , Caps , Trunks , Valises , Clothing ftft 4 ? ftft 49 ing and Gents Furnishings has been ftft 49 ftft 4 ? replenished throughout and we now' ftft 4 ? ftft * have some of the best values ever ftft ft 49 offered for the money. ftft ftft 49 Get our prices on Groceries- ftft ftft ft 49 ' . T ftft ftft 49 ftft 49 ftft ft 49 49 49 49 ED FRONT ' ftft 49 ftft 49 ftft 49 VALENTINE NEBRASKA ft 49 ftft ft STILLAnd And will for two or three months boil many other things , among them Buckeye Movers and Hepairs and cutting parts for any and all makes of machines. I also handle Binding Twine in season. Wagons and spring wagons always on hand. Am prepared to do all kinds of blacksinithing , wagonniaking and paintiiig. Brand mak ing a specialty. r" E . L. TEVENSON SUCCESSORS TOTHEO.TILLSON , L V WE HAVE RECENTLY DOUBLED THE. SIZE OF OUR BARN A. M. MOBBISSEY ATTORNEY AT LAW VALENTINE , NEB O.W.MOREY THE VALENTINE } 'WATCHMAKER AD JEWELER > Carries a full line of ster ling silver novelties (3. A. WELLS J. 33. WELLS WELLS BROS. PENTISTSI Office over CJterri/ County M. WALCOTT ATTORNEY- AND.A&3TRACTBR line , Nebraska 'Practices in District Court and U.j& Lt Office. Heal Estate and KancliTroperty bought and sold. ' Bonded -Abstracter J. C.DWrER. E. H. DWTER. DWYEK BEOS. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Superintendents of Private Hospital , . EflSfc.s- - the Treatment of Diseases- All Kinds of Surgical Oper ations /Successfully " Performed. . VALENIINB , NEBRASKA. A. N , COMPTON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office at Quigley's Drug Store. Front Nights-Upstairs-Red J. S. ESTABROOK COUNTY SURVEYOR All work executed with promptness and accuracy Office at Estabrook House on Cherry St. VALENTINE , Valentine I louse J. A. IIOOTON , Prop. Kecently opened and newly furnished. Not a restaurant , "but a hotel. 1.00 PER DAY The best of viands and treatment given to our patrons. FirsfDoor South of Bank of Valentine M , BATES L ATTORNEY AT LAW Office over T. C. Ltornby's store "West Entrance VALENTINE - Selling at Cost . Here , is 3011 r chance to purchase' all kinds of goods at , cost. . ITor the next 30 days wevill sell om en tire stock boots , shoes , hats , caps , dry goods , etc. , at cost. E. WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT ROBERT GOOD , Editor and Publisher $1.OO Per Year in Advance PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. Entered at th e Post-office at Valentine. Cherry county. Nebraska , as Second-class matter. This paper will be mailed regularly to its subscribers until a definite order to discontinue is received and all ar rears are paid in full. Stinard moves Sept. 1st. L.L. Raisins $1.75 per box at T. C. , Hornby's. > 27 Jim Hudson was in from Sparks yesterday. Best eating apples at Farnham & Dikeman's. 20 . New crop Evaporated Apricots at T. C. Hornby's. * 37 The hay crop is better than was thought a few weeks ago. Tents , 'Paulins and Haymakers' supplies , at T. C. Hornby's. - 27 F. Fischer built a new sidewalk in front of his saloon this week. See those small hams , just the thing tor haying , at Faanham & Dikeman's. Goods at half price at Stinard's. 29 Reliable man .wanted to take 500 head of sheep on shares. . Call on T. C. Hornby. . 29 W. A. Parker and father , of Wood- lake , were in town Saturday , looking for "feeders " for sale. " - A. Durham , of New York , is in tne city and contemplates putting in a cold storage plant for game. G. H. Q. SMITH House and carriage painter. Shop corner of Hall and Catherine streets , Valentine , Nebr. FOR SALE Team of work mares , weight about 1200 each , also horse , weight 1400. Enquire at this office : , Ballard's'Snow Liniment , gives in stant relief in cases of bleeding , burns bruises , scalds , cuts. J.H.'Quigley. 8 Tom Gillespie is very ill at the residence of Geo. Tracewell , and small hopes for his recovery are entertained. Geo. Kimball is up from Ainswjorth this week on a stock buping trip. This makes three Ainsworth buyers in this field. W. E Waite and family are' . Jiving in the editor's house during his. fife's absence , having rented the. , same for a short time. < - . i Several parties are accus'efl of shooting "stubble duck , " but as yet none of them have bribed the editor to keep quiet. Newt Grooms and G.H. . Reinert went to Lexington this week to attend the congressional convention. They went overland by way of. Ains worth and Brewster. ' ' ; ' " b ' J. A. Sparks has Rented the rooms over the Red Front , recencly vacated by Frank Brayton and wife , while the latter are enjoying all the de lights of housekeeping. A free and easy expectoration is produced by a few doses of Ballard's Horehound Syrup , in all cases of sore throat , hoarseness or difficult breathing ing25 and 50c. J.H. Quigley ' 8 T. A. Yearnsh.w came uj > from Clear\vater Tuesday night and visited his many friends here , yesterday. Tommy is looking well as ever , and has a splendid business in Clearwater. C. E. Ingalls , the gentleman who put in the creamery at Chadrpn and the separator at Rushville- ! re ported to have skipped the jjbuntry and a lot of creditors are holding the sack. * - j > We want contracts ior building Pitches and guarantee satisfaction. Top of ditch 3 * feetbottom ; 14 inches ; lepth from 16 to 24 inches.Gall : on or address Lane & Smith , Cody , Ne braska ' ' . ' 19 A friend sends the following query from Bromlee : "Will the editor of the Bromlee News kindly inform one 3f the selfish people why the. tax pajr- : rs of district No. 52 should support-a ' ; ity school ? " , , fy A porch musicale will be given by the ladies of the Episcopal church on Saturday , August 19 , beginning at 5:30 : p. m. at the residence of Mrs. J. B. Wells. 15 cents admission , includ ing ice cream and cake. LOST OR STOLEN Greyhound pup , ileven months old : yellow.white legs ind breast , answers name jBismark. 3one since Monday morning. Liberal reward for return to - ! W. F. A. Meltendorf. c The editor's wife and .baby and vlrs. J. S. Davisson went to Long Pine Monday morning. Mrs , . Good has ) een quite ill for some time and will emain in Long Pine for a month or iot recuperating. In the meantime ihe-editor will spruce up and look as Peasant as circumstances .will ) ermit. i Go to Stinar'd's-for bargains. 29 Cut prices on everything at D. Stfnard's. ' 19 Go to T. C. Hornby's for Clothing He has the largest stock and lowest prices. 27 John Tucker made a speech s&t Chautauqua , Woodman day , respond ing to Neighbor Johnson's speech. Quite a number of antelope liye .on the reservation , 'near Sparks , and we are told parties are shooting them. Don't ! Tom Yearnshaw , Jake S tetter , Dr. Donpher , Mrs. Summers and Kate D.onoher went out on the Schlezel this morning to fish for trout. Brof. R. H. Watson returned to Valentine Sunday evening. Mrs. Watson is visiting relatives in Saunders - ders county and will come home in a couple of weeks. ' Miss Dewey , of Woodlake , spent a couple of days here this week. She , in company with Dr. Wells , -gave this office a brief call Wednesday even ing. Rushville Standard. The railroad company sent , engine No. 14 to Valentine this week to act as "pusher" and help trains over the hill. Another engine will soon be sent up for the stock season. Herbine is well adapted to the cure of fevers-of all kinds , because it thor oughly cleanses the stomach and bow els of all bilious humors and expels all impure secretions. J.H. Quigley. 8 The railroad company tested the wells at the crgek , Tuesday , and re port that the supply of water there is insufficient. The company will probably put down a new 4-inch well near the water tank this fall. The republican judicial convention will be held in Valentine on Septem ber 4 , the date hauing been changed from September 2 so as to not cor- flict with the fusion conventions which meet on the latter ca'-e. Arthur Coykendall , of'O'Neill , is assisting us in the mechanical de partment of this office this week. He is a Spanish-American war sol dier , having served as first sergeant in Go. M , of the Third Nebraska. D. M. Utter , who sold so many cat tle in this county for H. Clough & Co. of Sioux City , last season , is now working for Snyder & Siemen , of the same place , as solicitor. Dan is pretty well-known here and ought to do a lot of business for his firm. While 'playing on the' dam at the mill pond , "Tuesday , Orland Grooms , about 9 years of age , fell off the em bankment , dropped a distance of about twenty feet , and was knocked senseless but soon recovered , and beyond a few bruises and sore spots on his anatomy is now none the worse for his tumble. Fred Dueif eldt had a narrow escape from what .might have been a serious accident last Monday. He was hitch ing up a span of mules when one of the animals kicked him squarely in the face with both feet. He was picked up unconscious and badly bruised , but no bones were broken and next day he was able to be out and superintend the work of the ranch. Gordon Journal. Miss Turner is desirous of securing a class in elocution and physical training heie. Her terms are as follows : Ten private lessons in elo cution , $5 ; ten lessons in elocution and physical culture , $ (5 ( ; ten private lessons in physical work alone , $3. Miss Turner is a graduate of the Cor nell School of Oratory , of Iowa , having had three jrears of instruction in elocution and 'physical culture under Frances Clark Hoadly and Albert Mson Harris , both graduates of the Emerson School of Oratory at Boston. Miss Turner promises very satisfactory results.\ Tuesday was Woodmen's day at the Long Pine Chautauqua , and a large crowd turned out to see the boys who wield the axe. From Valentine-the following persons were present with their better halves : M. V. Nichol son , W. E. Haley , H. Hoenig , P. F. Simons , L. L. Anderson , J. B. Hull. En addition to these were W. A. Taylor - lor and two daughters , D. E. Sher man , J. M. Tucker , Clarence Sageser , Robert McQuade , John Helzer , Mrs. J. C. Dwyer and daughter , Mrs. C. R. Walcott and daughter , Annie Wil son and Cora Gillette. Several also went from Crookston and Woodlake. Two fatal accidents accurred near Gordon last week. While riding to a Sunday school picnic , Wednesday , Earl Jordon's pony fell , Earl's foot : aiight in the stirrup , the pony ran iway and the boy was dragged about aalf a mile before the stirrup broke. EEe was dead when friends overtook lim. The boy was 13 years old and .vas . a son of J. C. Jordon , the well cnown hardware man. Monday , Ed. Wasmund , son of Treasurer Was- nund , met death , in a curious way. tVhile sliding off a hay stack he itruck the handle of a fork which vas sticking near , and the handle jenetrated his body about eight nches. He .lived about 24 hours if ter the accide'ht. ' - J" r i' * EE-OPBNBD RE-FURNISHED RE-MODELED Good cooks , good beds , good rooms , good service and good provisions- x Try us once and you will come again $1.00 per day Opp. Court House H. K. BROWN , PROP VALENTINE. NEBR. Wide Tire Wagons Are acknowledged to be the best and to meet the growing demand I ordered and HAVE JUST EECEIVED A CAE LOAD In addition to this I have just received a car of "WIND MOTOR" WIND MILLS Which I am selling very cneaply Try me before buying anything in my line elsewhere Valentine Nebraska D , S. Ludwig That's what we want you to d0get posted on our stock before buying elsewhere. If j'ou do we'll be glad of it , because we can save you some money. We don't mean that \ve will sell you a very poor article at a very low price. We don't do business that way. We mean that the. prices on the best goods are the' lowest that you can get. Come and see. Agent for MAX E. Pasteur Blackleg Vaccine. . We have some good horses for sale Crookston , Nebraska ET & I GEO. G. SCHWALM , PROP. ' V ' - - asSSJpfc ; This market always keeps a supply of In addition to a first-class line of Steaks , Eoasts , Dry Salt ITeata Smoked Ilams , Breakfast Bacon and Vegetables AtStettcr's Old Stand on Main Street. VALENTINE NEBRASKA 1 THE PALACE SALOON I o * HEADQUARTERS FOR W Wff ES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS ' . . ' 7 - ft * Of the Choicest Brands W VALENTINE i * NEBRASKA ft When Visiting Valentine Stop at. THE CITY HOTEL , vwwwvwvvv J , A. HORNBACK , Proprietor , , -4 f BLOO per day. Good Service. 7eed in Transit at Fremont Capacity : Sheep , covered heds , 24 : cars ; open pens , 15,000. Gaitle 28 cars. The place to rest and feed for lie Omaha market. Easy run to feeding points out- ide Chicago. Long distance telephone. Vrite or wire when you will ar- ive , tj Fremont Stock Yards Co 311112'rlccs for Iceit. Iran , bulk 50c per cwt $9.00 ton horts bulk 60c per cwt § 11.00 ton creeningsiOc " $7.00 " hop Feed 70c " $13.00" orn. 65c " , , ' iats § 1.00 " , . : ' * : , , Strayed , si ° ce June 1 , one roan sad dle horse branded IJ OA left hip Sd one gray branded SAM on leftshoulder - ° 4. U. Lord , Simeon , Neb. = Stmj/ert or Stolon. Several head of horses and catj j Amos Strong , L W Handy of Valentine has all kinds of horses and mares ' Broken and ' unbroken. -37 If You Want to Buy or Sell Live" Stock , make your wants known to the Cherry Co , Live Stock Valentine , Nebr , y > 'U , y i