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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1899)
rv . W. I > . McGrAA ( Jreston , S. D. Left or cither side of cattle ; also V left side ot neck. Swal low fork car , uuderbit left ; right ear ntibbed off : im- 'l"Hut l < "f fir Some on left jaw and some wattle left j.uv Ot'ier biauiiS left side or anj partofa'.imal. It stieor any paitof aniin : . ! , . ) in j bran led the following , lelt Also sumo e.iitlc bearing tlie follow lr\K \ brandb v I _ neck ; X 1'H M k or bhou.uir , Vicu liljj 01 tlileli Ipft nor-e bra-ids shoul lows icit n it n K ILU . . . , . 'high thigh Uii h , or thigh , hip. Anyone "plhnjhorses or rattlp bearing tlu- _ abo\e brandb mil be prosecuted luformatioii re aTdi.Tg-thcrft liberally regarded. Range a ! uarney fcpnn b and Cottouwood. HjnnERT o. BISONETTE. MANAGER. Posloffipp address j > j2 > Pine Riduc , S. I ) . tk liniiided as on i'iit. JSOEJ on left side home U Kr. ! , on eitliPi side ; on left side ; older stock. , anyhcrcnn JOHN GHOST BEAU , MANAGhR Postc fTic adihv ss Pine inrtprtS. . D Cattle bnindi'd IJ C on lefthipoftMtMf-n on cut. some' randed on li ftsdi'.iso : ; ! > * i on lelt side ; hoi Bameonlelt shoiddi-r Eausrcoun lc l Knee and \VaUpam- nil Lake.Shannon Co. L. G. Peyton. l-avaca , Nebraska. On It-it side. Kangc Pole Cior-k. SHOUT IIOIIS BULLS for sale Geo. H. Hill. Gallop , Nebraska On leftside nange-10 miles fconth of Mernm.m P. W. Merriman , Neb. Some i > r ndi'd same as cut on both ill.iS it nge XoitLc--t of r Geo. L. Coleman. Cofly , Nebraska On leftside ; horses O eft shoulder Ranso Ten miles west of Snake itiver Falls Alex Burr. Pullman , Nebr. On nght sidp ; same left shoulder. nerd mark-Dev. lap Range P.rusli Geo. W. Moniiier. Merriman , N ( Left shoulder and left thl2hsoim ; on lcfthphor- ! ; ses same left tluch jtange East and Southeast Meirnnan Grant Bixler. - - Merriman , Neb. Some on left side : some on left hip. horses same leff thl"h' Raug < Six mi'cs Northeast of Merri H. E. Sears. Cody , Nebraska Mostly nn right' ! j some on both hips Range-Medicine j Lake S. J. Goodin. Cody , Nebraska C : ttle branded as on cut : horses same. Range North of the Snake Codv , Nebraska On left side and thigh ; 2iurses same on left s > 3 Range Between MARTIN RED BEAR. Pos'office address Pine Ridge , 8. D. On left sldj ; horses same left thig i. Kange Wolf Creek. JL THOMPSON PostoSlce Addres ? Simeon Neb Stock branded same as cut be hind leftshoulder Range on tlif Schlagie TV O CARSON" Postofflce Addres .Simoon Neb Stock branded on left hip same IS CHt JJangchcad - i Trier * ol the ttl.lagle D II SEARS Postoffioa addre - , r > ' TT-W | * ? SL . Kennedy Neb Catto ! * tecl l P oncutleftsidesomt ; ? 5 % f n left hP | Horse.- k $ ig I | tt ' < Jon left shonl Range , Bquan Lake MORGAREIDGE .Illd SON address Simeon ? % cb Cattle brand a as > n out , or U or V 1) > n left hip ftith holu n rght tar when iu- Ier2-yrs old ; hoi sea > ameas cut and I J l.'angc Gordon Creek and Niobrorii Ither ALBERT WHIPPLE Postofflcp address Rosebud , S. D. Branded on left iidi ome SOS fzrsss. Horses onp - cither bhoul- | T _ Some UP , branded i 33 either shoul lerthus FRANK ROTIILEUTNER Postofflco address Kilgore , Neb. Cattle branded on cither side aa on ut. same on hip Some on left side VA ROBERT BAD WOUND. Postoffice address Allen. S i | Left sideialsc > n lelt 'eft ' lili' . Range Corn Creek T. F. FRANKS. Postoffico address Mcrrimnn , Neb On left sideiear-mark inder slope iiorses J S on lelt shoulder liango ten miles northeast of nierrl- s. n. KIMMEL. R0 = e v d. S. D. Also B U n left side Ca tie un ' rent on both cnra ; horses branded I < u left shoulder Range On fi nte lopu and Spnn Creeks Joseph Fairhead. Lavaca. Neb. left Pidc t&fy ? * , Als ciS'S' ? ? y i is--y oV'SSS VSS&iit on loft Mdc j Rvve KsSstfit also same reverted - * verted on left thigh Ilorsos shoulde | f | ? g g-l he.uTLaKe and Snake river Clarence Cutconob. Cody , Nebraska. Left side on cattle. On small stock left side ; s horses Al left sbouldi-r Range-Southeast o Cutcomb Lake Shadbolt and Fleishman. Cody , Nebraska Left side ; S Fv left > houlder ; herdmark- dew laj > . Range Ranges 36 and 3" , between Nio brara and the Snake. James Goodfellof7 and Son. Codv , N On left side ; hor. -es jo rigut MI. and mostly on j.u\ Rauce BPtv.ern lli ' . , - Xin'r.-n , ] Medicine Lake. W , H. Carter , rostofflce adddi > as Cody , Nebniska. On left side ; some X. T left side , horses r left shoulder SHORT HORN stock. Range Between N'iobrara and the HORACE WALL1KGFOIID Postoffice address Chesterfield yet Catt'e bran-led on left I eana lila : left ear uop edSCT square. 3omeK < E&Y nleft'lde & & 5ffi hr.rses brand d < ross au- clior on left shoulder. S E and A B MCALVEY Postofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded as on cut ; horses same on left shoulder Range on Square Lake XI MS rostofflce address < * J > Kcnnedyxeb left hip or side 01 botli Horses with n en left she ke , Gordon Loup N 3 ROWLEY us oTftcc address Kennedy Neb Cattle brr.nded on U side : * nd hiphor- : ' 3 on left Also on on either ai Itantre. Bnidman between Big Bead and the Springs NYK & rostoffioe address V Ientinc , Neb Cattle branded same as on put ; some on left side and hip , horse * same on lett shoulder. Cattle range , Gor- 451 don and liordmau ; ; ffH Her e ranne , steer * - \ Cieek , bet'teethe ' and Snake D L McLANE . 'i stofKce Address Rosebud , S D Cattle bianded s cut on either de ; also F L R ndF R Horses branded i on left ig js3 shoulder ' - - -nnnd cells ! three Links lange mouth of Cottonwood , RED SHIRT Postofflce Address Rosebud , S D Cattle branded OR left side same as cut. Horses brant ) eden left shoulder with a K. Ranch In Little White PERRY PAIMCEU 'ostofflce address Kennedy Neb rattle branded meaficut. riorEes , P on left loulder Rr.nce.Mouth ol 'ordman CLEMENT WHIRLIND Postofflce A ddre > s Rosebud , S I Catle brand oa left hip like cut Iiorses branded same on left shoul- ler. Range , on Big White Ri\er THEODORE DOYLE ' -stofflop address Kennedy Neb C.'ttle branded on iisido and hip ofbi-s same on left onlrter Some on left side a Lake.Gordon and North oup KIMB Postofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on left side with botl. ears cropped squari noraes same as cattle tlo but on leftshou'- der Has Weir's cat tie , also , UBI Kaass.Gordon Creek Q W LADELY istofflce address Newton Neb Cattle branded me as cut or on blp liorsea L on left nk Range , between > rdo i crcok and e Loup D B BTONEB Postofflce address Ne.Vion ISeb Cnttlo brandPd a : on cut Also U ou shoulder , son tide I on hi p. leftside Also C on left 1\ In addition to U B on side Range o G rdoo creek aiid south B T RAYMOND rostofflco Address Eosebnd , S. D "attle branded loft boulder asd hip Horsea bwuded vith only 9M , on lift hip OEORGK PETR Bonestcel.BD Some A B F. left aide uiid left hip Horses 31. on left hip and some same or. left shoulder No horses sold un less brand is invert ed making K Range head of Whetstone M TJ WALKER Postofflce Add re Simeon Neb Cattle branded o. lahtsiflo. hi rsr- same on left slioii ! . sum mer. on v . .i.e | ri\ er , 4 njllci from mouths inter , miles south of Sim ' .on C TV BENNETT Po offlea xddross Simeon Neb Stock Inanded 1 ith" rn left hip as cut Range , between onion and Snake ; & creeks and on tLe Niobrara rlvor J TT BTTRLEIGH 'ostofDce Address Simeon , Neb. Cattle and horse * branded same a - cut on Icftsido Knngo bctwetn Gordon and S'na'r. P t&sft3-u P * , - > i5S creeks and on thf Niobrara ruer JOHN B LOIiD Fostofflce Addres Simeon Neb Stock branded same as cut baok of right shoulder an don right hip Range , on the Niobrara P.EUBEN QUICK BEAP. . Postofflce Address Rosebud 8 I Cattle oranded sam as cut or on hip Ranch on Blacl Pipe Creek TODD SMITH. Postofflce Address Rosebud SD Cattle oranded if me as cut a Dia- iiond T Horses branded he fame , Ranch n \ \ hitu Thunder Jreek ROBERT F NLAYSON Poctoffice nddres = Newton Neb Stock brando same as cut BangeonGorc'o Creek GEORGE DECORY. Postofflce Address Rosebud , S D Cattle branded on left side same as cutHorses Horses branded G D on left hip Ranch on Lone nnd Antelope oreek e.istof Roi BEN BEAUOVIS Postofflce Address Rosebud , S I Stock brandeJ lef shoulder three inch" { long ; sloe four inehe 'ong. Brand recoid " 1 22 vrs , Ranch o : lot-so 'Seek D. BRAY Postofflce Address Rosebud. 8 D Cattle branded on 1 ft thigh or hip -.ame as cut Horses branded urae on left ahoul- ler BEN TUEOEON Pjstofflce Addrejs Bonesteel , S I Cattle branded 01 left side same as cu and right eas crop pea. pea.Horses branded Tor left shoulder Also with cir cleA WM. F. BCHMIDT. Postofflce Address Rosebud , 8 , D , randed iama as on -ut or with unatr heSrlKtitear ; \nd dulaped Horses branded : ame on left hip ALEX BORDEAUX. - Postofflce Address Rosebud , S J Horses are brand i on left thigh ; catf on left side with In crop on left ear , Also cat ' hut oar Gustave Gunderson. Cody , Nebraska On left side ; horses jon leftshoulder. Range-Between Snak .and the Wiobrara JOHN H HARNAN. Postofflco address Brownlee Neb Same as on cut Also and AE be Horses on left shoulder Rancp Gooe Creek and North Loup L K BELDINO * S2 Postoflloe address Brownlee Xeb On right side or ip I'-TST' - On left sfdiJP1 or hip ; or * > ' ; . J. on loft 1 ip. , Calf Cree ! : j B and E T SMITH Postofflce address Brownlee Neb Cattle and horses on left sidealso ; hor- es on right side Ranare.Q oose Creek E VANDEORirT. PostofTce aUrc 8 ' ' * l'n\\n'r Saino as on cu Rancjp be.uiea Goose Creek .u North Loup J. M. IIANNA. Postofficc address S .necn , Neb. Branded as on cut ; some and some on right hip Ranpe C Creole Valley In Oner county E. E. OPvR. Postofflce addres s Neuton , Neb. Cattle branded any where on left aide ; horses on left shoul der JJance , between " north "prong and Noith Loup and Gordon Creek JOSEPH KENNEDY. Postofflce address Brownlee , Neb. Cattle and horses branded on left side or hip Range , North Loup E. M. FADD1S. Postofflce address Pass Neb Range , North LOUT Rher I'ostofllce address Seneca , Neb On right 3 side , or J o > ther Jaiige , Southwest jf Seneca P. GRIER. GRIER.Postofflce Postofflce addres Sen. ra , N b. t Cn left h-p * &A ( n renter * - * 3 ' < ; iP'thip * Range , between - tween Seneca a ' Norway on M.u.i : Loup B W PEAR30N Postofflce address Brownlee Neb Same as on cut Horses same on oft shoulder flange. Goose Creek JOHN H BALZ3IANN PostoSke addres 55 * * * Brownlee Neb N' On left hip. The Lvl | ; herd mark is a dev. "m lap Range on Goo ' Cieek. FRANK T LEE ife * address Brownlee Neb kittle on left side ; 'lorsp * same on left s'-oulder. Range * "liles northeast of Urowulee L A GERMAN address Newon Ne'j Cattle bran-led * V ersi'le ' .or" * s < xi7 on left jhouldcr t " brandel SPundc ; lined. Loup DICK 3ICNALI. Pestofflce address Brownlee Neb On left sidcand hip also 8 oa ! e t hip > llange , North Loup CHARLES H rostoftlce uddrcs Hrownlep. Nebr Either right or 'eft .side on caule Horses .same on leJt shoulder Left ear cut off ol cattle Hange , Loup riv- riv'SSffssssss&sai HENRY FAULIIAKER $3@ $ $ ? & & Brownlee N > 1 f3S Bs nS&S rattle on Wt eMa vSJ Horses sir.w fin Wicft ! sho"Ider : AL' . . l lU-se. LcuartVM DAVID STEAD31AN Postofflce n-'dress " d _ "D Pass , Neb r ? g 5 Cattle on lef t side vK Ilascbargpof cattle w ? 4 l.ninded on J S ? * ' ' ; riBlits'dcandT S raftSB P i. horses gg aj , j Some horses on loft shoul der JOHN CHALOUD ptof > 'e address ( ' .a atd Soraca .1.50. l'Cre ! 5k D E PERKINS cS Fostoffice address $ PfSS Neb 3K3 flBSrt Ilaiser , On left hip ' enge , Loup Rlve TALBOT & GALLOP Pcstotflce H ' T-e 8 Seneca , 1 h Cattle brardt/1 09 left-ide Horses branaed on &tV- ? ) left shoulder * twpen Middle L U and Dismal 1 GEORGE GRAY . . . " * \ * f'ostofflce address hi le 'o d. Nebr On left lup Dr AC 011 rignt hip or side Kange , Loup and Dismal \ CRONIN BROS. V < * id ! re The > * Veby On rls : bia Range , between Loup cr.J WALT HARDY. Postofflce address SenecaNeb. Left side on cittle ; horses , left shoulder also ? o" left side JULIUS HECKMAX. Brown Nca 8 msaso ; Ranse t Brcwnleo / M. DUNHAM. rostofflce aadress Kcnnccr , Neb Sfock branded on left bid'as uncut. Range Gordon Creek. W K GRANT &esr Postoffice s Browalee N' On left * lde Range , Loup' PoatoHlce address Brownlee Neb Branded on leftaldo Sanpre , Calf Creek and Swin Lake Val ley B ORB On Icfs J R Postofflce address Kennedy Neb Stock brandei nraouoat on left oide Some branded with bar underneath W Buy/where oa l " f-1