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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1898)
WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRA rsrews , F arm ana stocR Journal. * . * * VOLUME xni. VALENTJNE , NEBRASKA , DECEMBER 29. 1898. NUMBER 40. THE LATEST MEW3 FROM EVER" * LACD. CUBANS TO EEJOICE FIVE DAYS' CELEBRATION BE- GINS ON NEW YEAR'S. Evacuation of the Island by Span iards Will Be Commemorated in a Fitting Manner Havana Will Be - \ in Holiday Attire. Celebrate for Five Days. The Cubans will celebrate American oc cupation January 1 by tremendous rejoic ing . The junta , various patriotic- clubs "V and an executive committee in each dis- trier , have appointed a general committee to make arrangements and raise funds for the purpose. The festivities will last five days and will be of the most varied char acter. A great meeting will be held in the Tacon Theater , Havana , at which speeches will be delivered by well known Cubans. All the clubs will combine in a grand pro cession. a race meeting will be held and a campaign dinner will be given to Hie Cuban troops. An effort will be made to have Gomez come to Havana to take part. .Solemn high mass will be celebrated in the morning at the cathedral , at which spe cial prayers , suitable to the occasion will be read. Arches will be erected in all the principal streets and the houses will be decorated. Numerous private balls will be given/ which invitations by the hun dreds arc being showered 011 the American Officers. _ MINNESOTA LEADS. Nearly 3OOO Miles of Railroad Con structed During 1898. 'Preliminary estimate * , made by the Kail- road Gazette , New York , show an increase of 2.867 miles during 18 8 hi the railroad mileage of the United States This is the largest increase reported since 1S92 , when miles were addod. Of the increase more than one-third was supplied nine roads , among which was the Great Northern , 1C5 miles ; St. Louis & San Przracisco , 142 : Mobile & Ohio. 128 ; Wash ington County ( a new road in Maine ) , 118 ; Pecos Valley & Northwestern , 106 ; El Paso < fc Northeastern , 100 miles. In the distri bution of the new mileage by states Min nesota takes the lead with 253 miles. Then follow Texas. 188 ; Louisiana , 171 ; Ala bama. 161 : Oklahoma , 157 ; Arkansas. 140 ; 3Iaih"e , 123 ; California , llo ; Missouri. Ill ; Michigan sind Georgia , eaoli HU. STEALS" WHOLE HJBRARY. James Miller , a Divinity Student at Yale , Steals 5OOO Volumes. James P. Miller , a Vale divinity student and a three years' graduate , was arrested at New Haven. Conn. . Saturday evening for shoplifting. He was seen by the de tectives to purloin three books in a book store and bj tracking the man they dis covered that he was evidently a profes sional shoplifter. Five thousand volumes were discovered in his rooms at his home. The books ranged from editions de luxe to pocket edif ions. The dealers have already identified 2,000 volumes. Miller wore a coat fitted with pockets such as professional thieves wear. HITT FOR AMBASSADOR. Said the Illinois Man Has Been Asked to Go to Russia. The indications are , s > a\s the correspond ent of the New York Press , that Kobert IJ. Hilt of Illinois , chairman of the house ipreigi * affairs committee , has been asked totfccept the ambassadorship to llussia by the president. Senator Cullom recently .recommended Mr. 11 ill for the British post. This is of importance as an indication that Mr. Ilitt is willing to leave congre.- to enter the diplomatic si \ ice. Rubber Firms Will Combine. A now fombinathm of some of the lead ing rubber firms in the I'liitod States is now in process of formation in New York city and is expected to be completed in about a week. It is said the organ i/ation will have a capital stofrk of $30,000,000 , half to be preferred stock and 'half common shares. _ _ Frozen to Death. Kellog died in St. Paul , .Minn. , last week from the effects of having been badly frozen , near Faribault. He was 28 years of age. and so far as is known has no relatives or fronds. At the hospital he claimed to have been put off a train on a -cold night , several miles from Faribault. To Survey Porto Rico. The coast and geodetic survey steamer Blake left Baltimore Saturday for Porto Bican waters. Its departure marks the "beginning of work by this govornmoiit in the new possession , this being the /irsl ex pedition sent to any of the islands for the purpose of making surveys. Losses on the Great Lakes. Marine losses during the season of 1898 were much greater than during any pre vious season of late years. The tolal losses no two underwriters will make an estimate ofithin 5 = 500,000 of each other. A gen eral average placesuthe aggregate loss at $ - > ,600. < _ ipson IlencliCH Nb\v York. The cruiser New York arrived at New from Havana Friday bringing Ad- Sampson. 'Admiral Sampson said he had come home to attend his daughter's wedding January * , at Glen Jiulge , N. J. TO BUILD GREAT COLISEUM. Chicagoans to Make an Active Cam paign for National Conventions. A company of which Charles F. Qunther is president , backed by " $800,000 capital , will erect a mammoth new coliseum on Wabash avenue , Chicago. Work will be gin as soon as the land can be cleared of the buildings now on it. The hall will be completed before next fall and an active campaign for the national convention of 1900 will be inaugurated. The extreme in side height of the building will be eighty- six feet. A seating capacity of 10,000 on the main floor and galleries will be pro vided , capable of extension to 15,000 or 18- 000 for extraordinary occasions. The out side dimensions are to be 300 by 175 feet ; $150,000 will be expended in the construe' tion. MORE DEFENSES AT MONROE A. Formidable Fortress Will Be Ex tended. A special from Norfolk , Va. , says that Fortran Monroe , already styled the "Gib raltar of America , " is to be made even more formidable than now. It is proposed to extend the fortifications at least half a mile on the Chesapeake Bay side , so that the big guns which now comand the en trance to the Virginia capes , can also guard the approaches to Washington. Crushed stone , of which 1,000 tons have arrived , will be used mainly for the building of the defenses. RESIGNS TO PROTECT LIFE. Gov. Smith of Santa Monica Sold- ies' Home , to Retire. The resignation of Andrew J. Smith , governor of the soldiers home at Santa Monica , Cal. , has been accepted , to take effect March 31,1899. Gov. Smith gives as his reason for resigning that two attempts to take his life have been made , one at Leavenworth , Kan. , and the other more recently at Santa Monica. His family , he says , have prevailed upon him to retire to private life. TO COST MORE TO SWEEP. Broom Manufacturers' Association Advances Prices. The Broom Manufacturers' Association of the United States. met in Chicago and decided to advance the price of brooms 25 cents a dozen. The general understanding is that there will be another advance in the- next few weeks. A serious shortage in the broom corn crop is said to be the cause of the advance. Farmers curtailed planting on account of low prices.- Day to Get Only $2OOOO. The continued repetition of the story that William R. Day and Whitelaw Reid will receive $100,000 each nul John B. Moore $50,000 for services on the joint peace cammission'has at length brought out positive denial. The peace commissioners are receiving an allowance of $150 a day each , which will make the total amount received by each fromjthe time of appoint ment until their return to the United States not more than. $20,000. Secretary Moore is receiving $75 a day , making his total al lowance about $10,000. Refused to Turn Over Trust Funds The board of education of Duluth , Minn. , has brought suit for $100,000 damages against Henry Lander , a capitalist of Niles , Mich. The board , it is alleged , de posited about $6,000 with the Security Bank of Duluth , of which Lander was president , and the bank failed. The board declares Lander brothers signed a contract is the cfl'cct that its funds would be turned over to thorn upon demand. When the demand was made the bank officials refused to turn the funds over. Bi Fire at Montreal. A fire which broke out in Montreal Wed nesday night-completely gutted the dry goods warehouse of S. Greonshields , Son fc Co. . one of the largest dry goods houses in Canada. The fire spread from the Green- Holds building to the lacgc dry goods house of Mclnt\re& Co. . and flames gutted the premises of that firm. The loss will prob- nbly exceed $500,000. Investigating Colorado Asylum. Gov. Adams of Colorado suspended Dr. T. 1 * . Thombs as superintendent of the state insane asylum at Pueblo for sixty days , pending a full investigation of the charges that have been made against the management of the a * , } him. This action vas taken at the request of Dr. Thomb . Patent Leather AVorks Burn. The plant of the Chromo Patent Leather Compaiu at Newark , N. J. . was destroyed by fire Wednesday. One hundred girls and a number of men were at work in thq building when the flames broke out. No one seems to have been seriously hurt. The loss is stimatecl at $100.000. Hundred Saloon Keepers Tudicteci The grand jury returned indictments aginst Mayor Simrall. Police Commission ers George Land , W. II. May , J. Bc Rogen and E. B. Ellis ot Louisville , Ky. , for fail ing to enforce the law regarding Sunday closing of saloons. Over 100 saloon keep ers are indicted. Enters Into a New Contract. The Merritt & Chapman Company ha made a contract with the government fet the raising of the Spanish warship Reina Mercedes. At the company's office in Ne\ York the firm declined to discuss the con tract further than to say one was signed. Gold Hunters Wrecked. The Roslia , from Skaguay , reports thq tvreck of a sloop which left Wrangel two weeks ago for Skaguay with a party o | twelve , bound for Atlin. The sloop wag found bottom up by Indians and it i\ \ feared that all have been lost. BECONSTRUCTED CITY MATTERS PROGRESSING FAVORABLY - ABLY IN SANTIAGO. Special Commissioner Porter Re ports on Sanitary Condition of the City Law Courts Are ReEstablished lished Millions Delinquent Taxes Situation in Santiago. Robert B. Porter , special commissioner for the United States in Cuba and Porto Rico , has returned from Santiago de Cuba , and has submitted his report to the secre tary of the treasury. While in Porto Rico Mr. Porter held public hearings , and all persons interested in the welfare of the island were invited to submit statements and give oral testimony. The chamber of commerce , representing the commercial and industrial interests of the province , re sponded. The machinery of the military government , Mr. Porter says , is running with a fair degree of smoothness , and meu responsible for it understand their business thoroughly. Mr. Porter details at considerable length the vigorous methods adopted to bring about a reformation in the sanitary condi tions of the city of Santiago. The law courts which were abolished when Gen. Shatter took the city have been reorganized. The judges appointed are men of good character , and are eminently qualified for the positions. The internal , industrial , professional licensing and other miscellaneous taxes have so far been re mitted in this part of Cuba , but the author ities are now preparing to enforce them. Now that the customs tariff has been dis posed of Mr. Porter recommends that an immediate scheme be prepared for the levy ing and collecting of internal revenue for the entire island. The question of sepa rating these taxes from purely municipal taxes should also be considered. The large amount of delinquent taxes during the last three years , which have amounted to about $6,000,000 , was , of course , due to war. In normal times there are $4,000,000 or $5:000,000 of revenue that must not be overlooked , revenue which , if properly and economically employed , would aid in the industrial rehabilitation of Cuba. Some of the more onerous , exac tions , however , should be abolished. Mr. Porter makes several other recom mendations , principally with regard to im provements of harbors and location of buoys , etc. He speaks in high praise of the admin istrative ability of Gen. Wood , the mili tary governor of Santiago , as shown in his admirable management of the affairs o/ the province under his jurisdiction. MUSTER OUT OF TROOPS. Plans for Discharge of Volunteers Nearly Decided On. The war department has not yet made definite plans for the muster out of 50,000 volunteers , decided on at a recent cabinet | ! meeting , but it is understood the work will be pretty well mapped out by the first of the year. The time required to muster out will depend on whether the department adopts the plan of a three months' furlough or immediate discharge with two months' extra pay , as suggested by Congressman Hull. There are a number of regiment which have already returned from foreign service and are awaiting discharge in this country. These will be discharged early. It has beeif practically decided to also muster out all the volunteers in the Philip pines as fast as they can be replaced with regulars , so as not to hamper the military administration of the Island. WELCOME TO THE NEW RULER P"inee George Arrives in Canea and Hoists Flag of Crete. Prince George of Greece , the high com missioner of the powers , arrived at Canea , Island of Crete , Thursday. He was salu ted by the forts and was welcomed by im mense crowds of people on landing. The prince and his party stopped before the church , where a Te Deum was sung. He then proceeded to the government building where the Cretan flag was hoisted and sa luted by the warships. Prince George is sued a proclamation promising to govern with justice and impartiality , securing lib erty to all without distinction. Strikers Explode a Mine. An attempt was made Thursday to blow up the Terre coal mine at Lentzeberg , 111. . a small town in St. Clair County. William H. Perry & Sons own the mines , which are being run with non-union men. Several months ago the union men struck for better wages. Only the watchman was about the mine when the explosion occurred and no < body was injured. Historic Building Burned. Continental hall , an oid land mark 01 Peterson , X. J. , was destroyed by fire Fri day. The building , which was three stories high , was occupied on the ground floor by storekeepers , while two families livecf above. The occupants had narrow escapes from suffocation and burning. Loss , $75.- 000. . Report of Explosion Unconfirmed. No confirmation lias been received of the report circulated recently bja news agency in a dispatch from Shanghai , say ing that a powder magazine in the center of the Chinese camp at Hang Chow had exploded ani killed 3,000 soldiers. Detroit Seed Man Suicides. John A. Severns , superintendent of the D. M. Ferry Seed Company of Detroit. Mich. , shot and killed himself. He had been in poor health for some time and is said to have shown signs of insanity the past few days. PLEADS FOR HER RIGHTS. Former > fonarch of Hawaii Wants to Reco er Real Estate . Ex-Queen Lilioukalani has sent to the senate the following protest against the ap propriation of the crown lands of Hawaii by the United States : To the senate of the United States : I , Lilioukalani , of Hawaii , named heir ap parent on the 18th day of April , 1877 , and proclaimed queen of the Hawaiian Islands on the 20th day of January , 1891 , do hereby earnestly and respectfully protest against the assertion of ownership by the United States of America for the so-called Ha waiian crown lands , amounting to about 1,000,000 acres , and which are my property. Therefore , supplementing my protest of June 17,1897,1 cad upon the president and the national legislature and the people of the Ujiited States to do justice in this mat- , tee and to restore to me this property , the enjoyment of which is being withheld from me by your government under what must " > o a misapprehension of my right to title , ( Signed ) LILIOUKALANI. WRECK IN NEW JERSEY. Express Trains in a Rear End CoN lision Two Persons Killed. An eastern express collided with a Chicago cage and New * York express , both east boundr on the Pennsylvania Railroad neai Rahway , N. J. , Wednesday. A colored porter and one * passenger were killed. About twenty persons were cut andbruised Nearly all the occupants of the trains were thrown from their berths. Three miles from Eahway the Chicago and New York express was stopped , ac cording to the engineer , by signal. A rather thick fog prevailed. Theeastert express was coming up from behind w twenty miles an hour and dashed into the other , crushing into the Pullman sleeper which contained fifteen passengers. Tlu colored porter and one passenger wer caught on top of the boiler ; their bodies twisted by the tlebris and badly mangled None of the passengers on the eastern ex press were seriously hurt. NEW CABINET MEMBER. Missourian Chosen to Succeed Sec retary of Interior Bliss. The president has nominated Ethan A Hitchcock of Missouri secretary of the in terior. Hitchcock is at present ambassadoj to Russia. The senate in executive sessiot Wednesday cqnjfirmed the nomination oi Hitchcock. Hon. Ethan Allen Hitchcock is a Avealthy St. Louis lawyer. He is a personal friend of the president. He is a lienal de scendant of Col. Ethan Allen of Ticonder' oga fame. Standard Oil Investigation. Developments of a sensational nature in the Standard Oil investigation came tc light at Cleveland Wednesday. Attorney General Monnett began taking deposi tions for the purpose of proving that the Standard Oil Company kept advised in ad vance of the proposed action of the su preme court , and that just prior to the is suance of an order by the court tiiat thv. books of the company be produced in evi dence it destroyed a large number of it ? books , Fatal Accident on Electric Line. Two fast moving cars on the Worcester fe Suburban electric road collided head on at the foot of the long hill in Leicester , Mass. , Thursday. The accident was caused by fog , which made it impossible to see any approaching car. Two persons were killed and several received dangerous injuries. Chicago and Alton Sold. It was announced in New York Wednes day that the Chicago and Alton road has been sold to the Union Pacific , Missouri Pacific and Baltimore and Ohio interests. The Union Pacific is said to be in the ma jority. George Gould of the Missouri Pacific refused to talk of the matter. MARKET QUOTATIONS. Chicago Cattle , common to prime $3.00 to $6.25 ; hogs , shipping grades , 53.00 to $3.75 ; sheep , fair to choice , $2.50 to § 4.50 ; wheat. No. 2 red , 65c to 67c ; corn. No. 2 , 34c to 35c ; oats , No. 2 , 25c to 27c ; rye , No. 2. 54c to 56c ; butter , choice creamer.r , 19c to 21c ; eggs , fresh , 21c to 23c ; potatoes , choice , 30c to 40c per bushel. Indianapolis Cattle , shipping , ? 3.00 tc $5.50 ; hogs , choice light , $2.75 to $3.75 ; sheep , common to choice , $2.50 to $4.25- wheat , No. 2 red , 6b'c to 67c ; corn , No. li white , 31c to 32c ; oats , No. 2 white , 29c to 30c. St. Louis Cattle , $3.00 to $5.50 ; hogs $3.00 to S3.75 ; sheep , $3.50 to $4.25 ; wheat , No. 2 , 69c to 71c ; corn , No. 5 yellow , 32c to 34c ; oats , No. 2 , 27c to 28c ; rye. No. 2 , 50c to 52c. Cincinnati Cattle , $2.50 to $5.50 ; hogs , $3.00 to $3.75 ; sheep. $2.50 to $4.25j wheat. No. 2 , G8c to 70c ; corn , No. 2 mixed , 34c to 35c ; outs. No. 2 mixed , 29c to 30c ; No. 2 , 5Gc to 58c. Detroit Cattle. $2.50 to $5.50 ; hogs , $3.00 to $3.50 : sheep and lambs , $3.00 tc $5.50 ; wheat , No. 2 , 68c to 70c ; corn. No 2 yellow. 3f5c to 37e ; oats , No. 2 white 29c to SOe ; rye , 54c to 5Gc. Toledo Wheat. No. 2 mixed. G9c tc 71e ; corn. No. 2 mixed. 34c to 3Gc : oats No. 2 white , 2Uc to 2Sc ; rye. No. 2. 54c to 55c : clover seed , new. $4.55 to $4.150. Milwaukee Wheat. No. 2 spring , Goo to 67c ; corn. No. 3 , 32c to 33c ; outs. No 2 white , 28c to 30e ; No. 1. 54c to 56c , barley , . No. 2 , 44c to 49c ; pork , mees , $8.00 to $8.50. Buffalo Cuttle , good shipping steers. $300 to $5.75 ; hog.s , common to choice $3.25 to $3.75 ; sheep , fair to choice weth ers , $3.50 to $4.75 ; lambs , common tc extra , $5.00 to $5.50. New York Cattle. $3.00 tt > $5.75 ; hogs $3.00 to $4.00 ; sheep , $3.00 to $5.25 ; wheat , No. 2 > red , 77e to 79c : corn , No. 2 , 41c to 43c ; oats. So. 2 , 32c to 33c ; butter , creamery , lifc to 22c ; eggs' . Westi ern , 25c to 27c. STATE OF NEBRASKA MEWS OF THE WEEK IN A CON DENSED FORM. Jersey Stock Growers Want a State Dairy and Food Commissioner and Will Ask Next Legislature to Make Provisions lor Same. Growers "Want an Inspector. The Nebraska Jersey Stock Growers' As sociation held its annual meeting at Fre mont. D. C. Noble of Crete , president of the association , presided. In the presi dent's report he stated that there verc 200 Jersey stock breeders in the state. The matter Avhich interested them most was the oleomargarine question. The present law forbidding the sale of oleomargarine and other beef products as butter was sat isfactory , but there was no one to look after those who violated it , and it was being openly violated in many of the large and small towns of the state. What was needed was the appoint ment v > f a state dairy and pure food com missioner , whose duty it should be to prose cute violators of the law. Governor-elect PoynterMr. Noble said , had on several oc casions pledged himself to the appointment of such an officer. All that was needed was an act of the legislature appropriating money for the payment of his salary , as it was considered that the dairy act gave the governor authority to appoint such an of ficer. The association appointed President Noble as a committee of one to co-operate with dairymen in endeavoring to get a bill through the legislature to provide for < l < e salary of a dairy commissioner. BISSELL'S WILL CONTESTED. Court Gives National Christian As sociation a Big Legacy. By a decision in the district court of Falls City the National Christian Association cf Chicago is declared entitled to the large legacy left by W. A. Bissell of Ilumboldt , * whose will was contested by relatives. Bissell. Avho was a man of considerable wealth , died a year ago. His will directed that the bulk of his property should go to the association. Near relatives began a contest and the probate judge refused to confirm the will. Suit was brought after four days of testi mony-taking and argument the jury brought in a verdict confirming the will. It was charged during the trial that the National Christian Association is an or ganization whose purpose is to oppose secret societies , especially Masons. It was claimed by the relatives that Mr. Bissell had become insane on tiie subject and that the Chicago Association had exercised undue influence. The jury , however , did not sustain this contention. HAWKINS IS FOUND GUILTY. Convicted of Killing Thomas Jansen Near Stockville. Andrew Hawkins was found guilty of murder in the first degree at Stockville , the penaly recommended being life imprison ment. The verdict was returned by the jury after being out eight hours. Sentence was passed by the court at noon Friday last. Hawkins killed Thomas Jansen and buried his bodv in a well. Bad Men Fail to Spread Terror. Three rough looking strangers entered .John Lehman's saloon at Columbus the other day and ordered drinks. They were boisterous and partly intoxicated and a quarrel soon ensued with the bartender. The men drew revolvers and one of them boat Lehman severelj over the head with the heavy butt. The "police attempted to arrest the strangers and they opened fire , wounding Officer Brock in the leg. Two of them were captured and taken to the county jail. The other one was chased some distance and finally overtaken ami also lodged in jail. Brock's wound is not thought to be serious. Young : Man Commits Suicide. . Coroner Reed of Beatrice was notified the ; other daj of a suicide near Odell and left [ at once Tor that placo. The dead man was j Fred Spit/nagle. a 20-year-old son of Isaac ' Spitznagle , who were among the first set tlers on the Otoe Indian reservation and are highly respected people. The boy's body was found hanging from a beam in { the barn. lie hung himself with a halter strap. No motive is known to have ex isted for the act. and although ho was not considered a very bright lad , he was always cheerful and apparently lived a contented life. He had not been dead long when found. Shooting Declared Justifiable. Clay Overtoil and two companions were in a disorderly house at Lincoln and when Police Officer Buchanan tried to arrest them they showed light. They were get ting the better of the officer when he shot and killed 'Overtoil. The coroners jury found that the shooting was justifiable. Overtoil and the other young fellows had 'ten been in trouble previous to this time. Fatally Stabbed at Card Table. Wallace Scott was stabbed and probably fatally injured by Bruce Madison in a gambling room at Fairmont. The men Avere playing cards and got into an alter cation over a small stake which both claimed. Madison suddenly drew a knife and stabbed Scott in the breast. The blade entered the lungs and it is thought the in jured man will die. Madison made his asape. . * Wilson Gives Up Good Chance. C. L. Wilson was tried before District Judge Beall at Hastings on the charge of stealing a cow. The jury considered its verdict for forty-five hours and had { ailed to agree when Wilson came before the court and pleaded guilty. The Judge sentenced him to two years in the peniten tiary at hard labor. Barley and Separator. Burned. At the ranch of C. W. Wills , ten miles southwest of Broken Bow , a separator be longing to George Pilky , together with 100 bushels of barley , was 'burned. The screen Had been removed from the smokestack and the sparks from the engine were car ried onto the straw. TAXES AND PUBLIC SCHOOLS Amount of the Fund and How It Is Raised. The semi-annual school- apportionment has just been reported to the/stato treasurer , the date being Decembers. . The number of children of school age rn the state is' given as 366.061 , and the amount appor tioned i.s $3M ( > .81 ( > .6o. making ; a rate per scholar of $0.8217-1. As compared with one year before there is an increase of 11,110 in the number of scholars and a ttecrease of $76,549.27 in the amount apportioned. One year ago the rate per scholar was-$1.08. The source of the present apportionment is as follows : State tax ? { ,037.92 Interest on U. S. bonds 1500.00 Interest on state bonds 7,280.69 Interest on county bonds ' 65.002.98 Interest on school district bonds. 914.54 Interest on school lands sold 100,233.65 Interest on school lands leased. . . 43f. ' . 7.24 Interest on saline lands sold and leased ; transferred from per manent school fund to correct error of treasurer of Cheyenne County * . 5T735.00 Interest on faaline lands leased , warrants 181.44 Interest on state deposits4.358.17 Peddlers' license 105.00 Total amount $300.816.6 ; ; Mercer Goes to Leach Lake. It was feared that the appointment of Ethan Allen Hitchcock as secretary of the interior to succeed Secretary Bliss would have an important effect upon the future management of the Omaha and Winnebago agency , but it seems that the conference between Capt. Mercer and Indian Commis sioner Jones bore fruit earlier than was expected , for the secretary of th interior and the secretary of war , after consulta tion , decided to comply with the request of Commissioner .Jones to .send Capt. Mercer to the Leach Lake Agency , in Minnesota. C. A. Mathison of Wakefield will suc ceed Capt. Mercer at the Omaha agency. Mercer goes to Minnesota because he is re garded as the man best qualified to bring about a more satisfactory state of affaire among the Indians than now exist. Board of Health Report. The state board of health makes its an nual report , showing that during the year 155 physicians made application for certifi cates , and of these 142 were granted cerli- ficates ' and thirteen refused. The income of the board for fees foots up to $1,550. The board asks for legislation granting sanitary powers and the appropriation of a fund to carry out the work. It also asks for a provision for the gathering of statis tics , for the control of local quarantine , and for the regulation of the transporting of dead bodies in and through the state. Judge William Marshall Dead. William Marshall , one of the judges of the district court in the Sixth Judicial Dis trict , died suddenly of heart disease at Fre mont. He was apparently in the best of health. He went to bed as usual , but to ward morning complained of difficulty in breathing. Ho dressed and came down stairs and died a few minutes later in a chair. Acquitted i'or Robbing Safe. A. F. Mead , who was charged with rob bing the safe in the Albion postoffice had his examination. The evidence disclosed that burglars entered the postolfice and attempted to blow open the safe , hi t the county judge did not think there was sufficient evidence to hold Mead and ac cordingly discharged him. Serious Runaway Accident. While Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Moranville of lied Cloud were driving in the country the horses became unmanageable and ran away. Mrs. Moranville jumped and re ceived a severe sprain in the ankle. Dr. Moranville jumped a few minutes later and received ] injuries to his feet which may per manently disable him. Blackleg in Cherry County Cattle Several cases of blackleg have appeared among the cattle on one of the ranches in Cherry I County. Prompt measures have been ] taken to prevent the spread of the disease and it is not thought any cattle will be afflicted outside of the herd. Shipment of Horses. Three carloads of horses were shipped from 1 Sidney one day last week to points in Wisconsin and Illinois. The average price paid ] for the horses was about $35 per head. Measles Force a Vacation. The schools at Stockville are closed on account of the measles , one of the teachers and a large number of the children being reported sick. Asks Damages for Fall. Mrs. Lydia Spade , who fell on a broken sidewalk at Fairmont on July 28 , has filed a claim against the city for $5,400. : Nebraska Short Notes. Fairmont Presbyterians have dedicated a new church. Work has been commenced on the water works system at Clarks. Arthur Connors , living near North Platte. has lost sixty hogs within a week from cholera. August Kissinger of Glenville had a horse aud buggy stolen from his barn. An employe disappeared at the same time. Stafford Burkholder of Lynch was haul ing a load of coal , when the wagon was upset and Bnrkholders leg was broken. The Del Monte Hotel at Beaver City "burned to the ground a few days ago. The loss amounts to $1,000. with no insurance. E. A. Gary has been appointed court re porter for the Thirteenth judicial district , to succeed C. F. Scharmann. The unfinished residence of J. A. Nuttert in North Stella , burned to the ground a few mornings ago. The building was nearly completed and cost $2,500. Both the Table Eock brick yards have suspended brick making for the season. During this season 5,000,000 bricks have been made and shipped from Table Rock. The department of agriculture has noti fied the postoffice at Fairmont that it has been placed on the list of emergeney sta tions and will iiereafter receive telegraphic warning of nil sudden changes in , thQ weather.