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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1898)
Metzger Bros. , Pullman Neb Cherry Co. Brand on left | unri thigh [ Karmark , square crop njrlit ear "southern branded .cattle have lint one hall-diamond Ion UHt side Native entile have thnial wattle llanee on Gordon and Snake Creeks Horses have same brand on left thigh A Ileivfird of $25O will be paid to any person for information leading to the arrest and final conviction of any person or persons steal- ins cattle with above brand 1 * S KOUSCHE Postoffice address Brownlee , Neb On left side or any part of animal , mark right ear cut off ; hornes branded same on left liip.Also has stock branded II on side or shoulder , orJKor WorO VL , ere or F2 Also , the following , the I'rst on oemg on sideTiTdhin LEI5 AND SONS Po.itoflloe ( Vidro Bro-.vulee Neb On richtside. eLK LK on same side LEW on It- . ule nortli 2 to - ; GKO TI TOXINS Postoffico address Bro\\niei' , Neb Branded on left side ; .some I ? I't \ side and thigh an on left tliigh 2 Duck Lake .1 i .1 < L I ' " " ' " T SiIe J Ra 5Be. T * Valley ! _ CLARKNCK K SMITH Postoflice address Whitman , Nt On lett side : hor.-es san-e on left shoulder R75 in left side iaS nywhero on hi | > or thigh i Range 1101 th pronj : Middle Limp river and Buffalo Lake GUSTAVK WENDLEK t'ostofflco addres Brownie * N Postofflce address Hyannis , Neb on right side ; horses ses same on right shoulder nge six miles Mother or Lak precinct A J PLUMEll Ilostffice address Iijannis. NC'J Branded on right . .il..ind h p Also have stock branded on right side and hip Hordes on right hi ] Range-Southwestern ( hern County. W E STANSBIK AND D O BAUGII Postoffice address Iijannis. Nel On lf' l hip anc h-ft side Als on left hip rit'd left side } iorp < * s same bnm-ls on shoulders Range -'a- ortb of Hyannis "ostoni'-e address II.MUHIIS , Neb On nuht hip : T l' either side O'i right , . ft ft hip lior- es right -seven miles north of Iijannis. SWEKXEY BItOS rostoflice address Pul man , Ne1 Cattle branded as on cut ; horses branded same a scat tic reversed S. See block Range Stevei and Slephennoir Lakes and South A HUMriniEY Postoftice address ( H.vannis , Neb Branded anywhere on right side : l > r- ses same on left shoulder Ilange - - sixteen miles northeast of b > Ilyann J. A. Adsimson. Valetit'ne. Neb On leftside or hip f 4- left side or nip r On left side 3n n CIIA.MHEICLAIN & CJ Ji I'istoffice address . J5randed on elthcr side same as on cut auo both jaws Marshall & Wolfenden Kennedy , Neb. Some s on the left hipHorses Horses on left shoulder Brand is small Karmark : Quarter clip behind , half cir cle forward on leit ear Range Lone Trek Lake oam Hudson f Simeon Neb Left hip on cattle Left shoulder on horses Some horses Lazy 2 on left shoulder Kange between Gordon and Snake Kiver and Niobrara _ Leit ears tagged All catrle dehorned William M. Dnnbar Lessee from Heine & Kroeger Cody. Neb Un Either side Als > pBflj on Left eai oi cattle Split Ifange head ofJIIay Creek Amelia Young. rody , Nebraska On right side. Kight ear split Kange , Little White river Peder Thorsen. Gordon.Nebraska On right side1 ; < > i right hip. o horse brand and T on riuht shoulder Al.-o cattle branded ft. on left'side Range. to\vl mile- south of Irwin Henry Young , Cody , Nebraska Horse brand BIY on left shoulder Cattle , right ear split Range , Little White river , S. U. Carl Tiiienhageii Range 10 miles north and C miles east of Gordon D C. Nelson. Codv , Nebraska. On right hip. Range , Medicine i ake.south ot Snake river JIutt Brotheis r Gordon. Nebraska Range.t4 miles north of Gordon. F. Dueri'el'lt , Manager. Gordon , Nebraska Cattle also branded iO on right hip Horses and mules Branded same as cut on left shoulder J. C. Jordan Gordon , Nebraska One bunch branded as on cut onlelt side One bunch bianded I < ou lett hip Horses .5 on left shouKler Hange. 10 miles southwest of Gallop , between Niobrara and Snake rivers George F Damon Albany. Neb Cuttle branded FI > on lett ribs or right shoulder ; ! > sSD FD on right hip and left ribs ; 0 on left hip \ Horses FI ) or SI ) on right shoulder J Range 7 nil north U cast of Albany Neb Agent for Pasteur B'acK ' Leg Vaccine Joseph Fickel Gordon Neb on lett hip brand F on leit shoulder Itange to nnles northeast of Gordon Wheeler Uros. Cody Neb Also 15 on right ide Hange Chamberlain Tlats and Snake Kiver Marqu trdl Mowltis OTTO STituiuc. JIanager. Merriman. Neb Cattle brand OM on left shoulder Some of cattle have various njiier brands OS on elt hip. Horse bra'd \ on left shouldei. It i nge Formerly Gee \V lonnier ranch .vmiles east of Merriman. from F.E. M. V. R. R' . south to Leander Creek. Mar- ! quanlfr 6 Aftfwlns , Scribuerj J * brn a , Thomas County News Mr. and Mrs. Mahan were in Monday evening and took In the theatre Mr. Geo. Kellar , prominent ranchman of the r North Loup. was In town Monday and Tuesday. I'a Spencer was over and got a load of oats costing him 0 cents per bushel. | Mr. and Mrs Kd Cooper , of Swan Lake were here to get dental woik on Moii'iaj. Mr. and Mrs. Mathews ai'd Mr , and Mrs. Murphy took dinner at Mr. Evans on Sunday. Kev. Stewart , of Aurora , will be here to hold a series of revival meetings com neiicing Jan. 17. The Sunday School had their annual election on Sunday. Mr. Bovee , Stipt. ; Mr. Parker. Assis't. ; Mr. Palmer , janitor ; Miss Walters , secretary ; Miss Ilussell , chorister. Prof . Palmer has received a music chart and is teaching vocal music in the Thedford schools- County Treasurer Talbot was here at his desk tins \\eek. Mr. Orr , of Cherry county , put in here on Tuesday evening and stopped over with Mr. Walters. The Bivens Bros. , of Purdum , were here the first of the week for supplies. Hello Bob ! The old man teilb me lots of times that I am the best hand to gather news in the countjso I thought I would send in a few. Pe.ter Johnson , our section foreman , who sho1 mselt some time ajio , is getting along as well is could be expected. The measles have about run out for want of new timber to work on. We are having line \\eather and stock is doing well. \ ery few are feeding yet. The Woodmen dedicated their new hall Thurs day nigtit with a Dig ball. It was tne best thing of the kind ever given in this neck of the woods. F. K. Vanish , E. E. Crane and F. Hiissong , are entitled to a vote of thanks. There are some things even a smart woman d'-e.s not know , for we seen it in the paper a le\\ weeks ago thai , our old fneud Charley Kickc-Us wo * married. S.V. . Hoisclaw , alter giving the pedigree ot the two , said "this young couple start out in life , " etc. Now we didn't know that when a felkm's locks around his ears were beginning to silver over with the irosts of 42 wmteis , . has two children nearly grown , and is twenty years older than his wile , is a young man. But if jou had seen bun at the big dance the other night you would have thought he was young sure. A UA'T BETS v. School is closed for two weeks on account of sickness. Levi Cady's family are about all sick with the measles ; also three ol J. B. Sones' family. George Hill has gone over to Cody locking for stray cattle. Albert Ganoas in this vicinity last week and ca ne nearly drowning his horse. Tom Leeperas nil to L K. Mann's to trade horses but caught the measles instead. Sam Goucher moved down on the river re cently. A. C. Johnson is running the mail by wind and is making quite a .success of it. LITTLE Buti > . Some day Valentine merchants will wake to the fact that a good road to the Table is a necessity to their wel fare , also that a good road to Sparks and Norden will add hundreds of dollars annually to their profits. Cherrj7 county was awarded the silver medal and diploma at the Trans-Mississippi Exposition for ex- iiibit of educational work , and Supt. Morgareidge has had the diploma neatly framed. This is a great com- plime'nt to the schools of this western frontier county , and should be an in centive to every teacher and student in the county to do still better work in the future The editor is in receipt of an invi tation to attend the Sth annual ban quet of the Jacksonian Club at Omaha on the evening of January 7. and put his nether extremities under the ma hogany with the Hon. Adlai Steven son. Gov. Altgeld , and other distin guished democrats , but since none of these gentlemen are subscribers to this great journal , and Omaha is 300 miles awar " , and it will cost $3.50 to get a plate"at the feast , and he don't happen to have a pass over the rail road , the editor has concluded that ( his simple democratic tastes will not allow him to be present. These blowouts savor too much of the aris tocratic to suit this paper and we be lieve the six or eight thousand dollars which will of necessitj- spent by those who attend this banquet could be used to much greater advantage to benefit the democratic party. ' EVER FEEL GRATEFUL. I write in the interest of others , and espec ially of my brother ministers , \\lio are unublo : to engage in the great work to which the Lord has called them. My voice was so weak and my throat in such a condition I could not bing , and at times could hardly talk at all ; was almost deaf in my left ear and had n continual ' cough. I used Aerial Medication and - withinl ( three months my hearing , voice and health Jt J t \7ere restored , ami have remained so for over i i c three years , for which I shall ever feel grateful , j J. L. Ford , Minister in the Baptist Church , Sedalia , Mo. FREE. cure deafness , f Aerial Medication will positively catarrh , throat and lung diseases. To prove this I j will , until Jmiiiarj1,1899. . semi medicines for ( three months' treatment free. For symptom form t and particulars address I i H , MOORE * M.D. , P uo Cincinnati , Ohio. | .fcfcttjassr Deals largely with. OUT new Possessions Will deal principally with your POCKETBOOK and it doesn't make any difference whether your Pocketbook be large or small , thin or plethoric , we are sure to have something to exactly fit your circumstances. lias never been equalled in Valentine for quantity , quality or price , and \ve are certain we can save yon some money by selling you Christmas goods. Our assortment in the following lines is most complete. Photo Albums , Toilet T"7 T 'JLJI / " " V"c have an Little Ones Cases , Manicure Sets , ror edieSs ri- Glove and Handkerchief Sets , Xecktie Boxes , ety of Toys , Games. Picture Books , Alphabet Autograph A Hums , Trinket Boxes , Collar and Blocks , Humming Tops. Iron Trains , Horns , Cuff Hoxcs , and those beautiful Drums , Swords , etc. An elegant line ft IT7 1 1 m ° Confec- of Smokers' Sets , ror Everybody tioncv..G0 d Fine Meerschaum and Briar Pipes , Cigar Boxes Books in beautiful bindingo , Christmas Tree I Holders and ( 'a-us Cigars in boxes of 25 , Ornaments , Ladies and Gents Pocketbooks 50 and 100. and Purses. Perfumery and Stationery. I & The largest assortment ever shown. Everv o purchaser * . .aWJJi of a doll , at any price , will be presented with a ticket entitlin him to a chance on the big doll in our show window , which Will be Given Away on Christmas Eve MAIL ORDERS WILL EECEIVE PROMPT AXD CAREFLT ATTENTION ri 5 fl 1A IMS ® 1 4WiS LH S JUM Tyif - 4 Xrfs' i lp ! * ir NEB. I " iSSSSJiSaSS a' Strttycb o Several head of horses and cat tle , branded Amos Strong , Valentine , Xeb. \Ve have repeatedly given warning- and mailed statements , so if your account for subscription Jan. 1 jroes into an attorney' * * hands , don't kick. Holiday Rates. Tickets on sale December 24. 2o. 26 and HI. 1898. and January 1 and 2. to anj- point within 200 miles from Val entine at one and one-third fare , g-ood returning until Januar } " 4th. J. C' . NORTHROP. Agent. Through an oversight this paper some time ago failed to give credit tea a few items taken from the Whitman Sun , and despite the fact that \ve wrote the editor a nice letter of apology upon discovering our mistake he and hi6 Pullman correspondent are almost crazy over our "plagiarism. ' ' As the articles were almost senseless without the ci edit mark , it seems to us that they should use ordinar\- judgment in" the matter and save their ravings for some real plagiarist Xotit't * of KHc Un tier I'lutftcf Jlen't- Notice is hureby given that by viitie of a chattel moiliKiue.'da'cd on the I'Gth dav i I'eb- ' ruarv. ISOS , and dulli'.c ' I i the ( ifttre of tlu- | county clerk ot ( berrv county. Nebraska , on j tliei'nth day ot February. IMK and cxecii'ed by ; Charles seiirs to II. II. riouuh to sei-ure tic ! pav- ; ni < nt of the sum of . < ? ] . ± > . > ( to. and upon which there is now due the sin of . ? ! . : { ! . " < rO. default' ' having bren made in the pavment of said sum. j and no suit or proceeding at law having been instituted t" recover said debt or an\ ' part j 'hercot , Hiereloiv 1ill sell the properiy'there- in described , viz : lrorty-t\\o head ot steers , branded T on left hip and bar OUT PS on right hip ; twelve heifers one year old. branded bar o\er CS on right hip ; seven heifers one year old , br Minted T on left ip and bar over CS on hip. and eight co\\s from thre" toi ijears old , branded bar over CS on nght , public auction at the house of Ernest How-ten , Ivtwane precinct , in Cherry county. Nebraska , on the ! : rd du : of Jaiiuarj' . A. J ) 1OU at 11 o'clock a.m. I of saio day. II. H. CI.OL-CH. Mortmigec By A. JI. MointissiH . his Attoruev , Dated December 15.180S. 47 | A'otiw of S < il < > L'ntld' Clmltvl Jlort- Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a chattel mortgage dat < d on the 0b ; day of June. 380S. and dul\ filed in the ofliiv of the county clerk of Chem Co. Neb .on the Oth day of .Inns- , 1M8. ! and executed by Charles Seai.s and Ernest i Sears to II II. Cli nirli rti secure the payment of | the-um of ? : j.'Ji.o.ind ! ! ) ' up ti whijh there is | now due the sum of .54.00500. detank having been made in th payment of said SMUI. and no suit or other proceeding at law having been n-stitnted to recover said debt or anv part thereof , therefore I will sell the propertv there in described , viz : Tenthead of steers three years old , branded 7 on right bin ; sixteen he id of heifers and steers , two years old. branded 7 on right hip ; sixty-eight head of steers two vears old , branded C on right hip : six head of horcs six ye.'trs old ; two head ot horses four years old : ilirep mares , two with colts bv their side , and seven head of horses and colts one year old aid over , at public auction , at the house of Ernest Ho\\den. Kcwane precinct. Cherry county. .Nebraska , on the r.rd day of January. 1FW , at one o'clock p. in. of said day. Dated December 15 , t.sos. II. H OI.OUIJH , Mortgagee 47 13-y A M. MOKHIWKV , bis ittnrney Anything in the line of Clothing , Hats or Caps , Boots or Shoes , 49 Staple or Fancy Groceries , 4 ? Stoneware , Dry Goods 49 49 Notions , Salt Meat , Grain or Feed , § ? 49 Be hure to call and get priceb at 49 ru SUCCESSOR TO THEO. TILLSON , PROPRIETOR F5 NOW SOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE Gorsnch Bros. Newton , Nebra > lc Cittle ; branded > < ' its on cut Some \ < ft side or hii Ranue on Gordon Uivek I. T Kennedy. Nebraska Some on left hip I on left shoulder Stotts Jc Stetter. Cody. > ebraska Branded on Mt side It infre. Tin tjwi Lake and Morgan Flats It A. McQuade. Valentine. Xeb Branded on either side. Kanpe bctwt-rti Thaclier and Swnn Lake