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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1898)
. LOOK OWO tote tote tote tote tote tote to tote to at tote tote to tote to those tote tote to tote to tote to tote to tote to tote SCHLEr to tote in tote to 4 ? tote * 49W ? CLOTH I tote tote to tote to at tote tote to tote to 49 49 EOF tote tote tote 4 ? tote 4 ? tote 4 ? tote 4 ? tote 4s ? We shall offer for sale for the next tote 49 tote 49 49 49 60 Days , 200 Suits tote tote tote 49 tote 49 Of Gents , Youths and Childrens tote tote 49 to 49 49 Olothing at just tote tote 49 tote 49 tote 49 49 49 tote 49 to 49 49 below actual value tote tote 49 tote 49 49 49 49 49 49 tote Don't fail to call and look at to 49 those bargains and thereby tote w to save money K.C.R. JACKSON DENTIST Office over T. 0. Ilornbv's . ' store Stairway on ivest side Operations as nearly painless as possible. 3. S. ESTABROOK COUNTY SURVEYOR All work executed with promptness and accuracy Office at Estabrook Honse on Cherry St. VALENTINE , NEB- -r-ftr - - - O.W.MOREY § THE VALENTINE | WATCH / MAKER AND JEWELER Carries a full line of ster- silver novelties . ygi 3gps."jg FOR SALE AT ALLSALOONS IN THE CITY A. M. MORRISSET O ATTORNEY AT LAW VALENTINE , NEB : A. WELLS j. | j. ' WELI- WELLS BROS. STS ! i * s. t Office t'herry C < nt..fy fffttn/f A N.OOMPTON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office at Quigley's Drug Store. Nights-lTpstairs-Red Front WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT aOBEKT GOOD , Editor and Publisher Official S'apcr of riiwrjConn. . tj. R < 'liriska. /Vr l'vr in Adt-ti c- PUBLItiHKI ) KVEIH rilUKSDAl Knlired at the Post-office Jit Valentine. Cherry county. Nehra ka. as Second-rlass matter. This paper will be mailed regularly ' ( its subscribers until a definite order o disi'onrmue is received and all ar rears are paid in full. Dance at Cornell Hall , December 24. Christinas , Sunda > , December 23. New Year. January J. 1899. s County ( 'onimis-ioners. January 3 and 10. . T. Mask Carnival. January 20. ? a This is the editor's birthday. Fur coats at T. C. Hornby's. a Full line of feed at Pettycrew's. Childrens Cloaks at T. C. Hornby's * Gordon has an epidemic of measles. Sewing" Machines at T. C. Doll cabs , 3.3 cents and up at O. W. More3r's. Winter began 3'esterday. and the days begin to grow longer today. M. Christensen has been busy this I week painting F. Fischer's house. 1 p Try the loct Jams at T. C.Hornby's 1 J. B. Sweeney was in town yester day. Baled hay and straw for sale. M. P. Brosius. Large assortment of new Booka at T. C. Hornby's Don't forget the bargain counter at Pett3rcrews. 47 Dell Rowley spent a couple of da3's in town this week. Fine China cups and saucers. plates , etc. , at O. W. Morey's. Fine line of jeweled ladies belts. below cost , at O. W. Morey's. Mrs. R. Hook registered at the Donoher from Cody , Saturday. M. R. Farris and family have moved from Lonoke , Arkansas , to Argenta. Jennie VanBuskirk was down from Gordon Saturda3- school business. Christmas cards , booklets and cal endars. at O. W. More3T's. the jeweler. Norval Pfunder and John Maxwell have. "taken on" at Fort Niobrara as mule skinners. Prof. A. J. Wallingford , of Ken nedy , was in town Tuesda3' and called upon the editor. Sheriff Strong offers $25 reward for the capture of one Sandow. wanted for horse stealing. E. Bonnen , the Gordon Iiver3rman , was in town Tuesda3' . He reports a flourishing business in Gordon. J. A. Hooton gives a dance at Cor nell Hall Saturday evening , with supper at the Valentine House. Expect more goods Friday to re plenish rings , ladies chains , Sterling silver novelties. O. W. Morey. Christmas entertainments will be given at both the Methodist and Pres- b3rterian churches Saturda3T evening. W. A. , F. C. , and Minnie Metzgar were in town from their home near Newton. Fridayon land ottice busi ness. Horace "Walllngford and Etta Huff man of near Kennedy , were married at Harris' restaurant Tuesday eve ning. Lee Layporte and Frank Hunetr each won a nice lamp in a rattle at Davenport cS : Tnacher's. luesday night. Figures for school apportionment were received too late for this week. It will amount to 80 cents or more per child. A. M. Morrisse3r spent a few da3s of the past week visiting old friends in Chaclron and looking after business matters. G. II. Saw\rer. Sparks' popular post master and dealer in general mer chandise , was in town 3estertUiy after a load of goods. Material for the four bridges con \ tracted for last summer was hauled j from here last week , and the bridges are about completed. Dean Ef ner , Edna McDonald and Mae Davenport will come home from the State University to spend the holidas. tomorrow night. Billy Smith and John O'Brien will give a dance at Crookston on Frida3r evening , December 30. and extend an invitation for all to attend. A neat iron railing has been placed in front of the Barker building to prevent -pedestrians making involun tary visits to the print T. C. Hornb3 * and wife returned Sunda3r morning from Cincinnati and Chicago , and Mrs. Hornby's health is much improved since her trip. Hon. John Shore and famil3' moved to town 3'esterda3r , and are now com- fortabl3r installed in the Fischer propert3' on South Cherr3r Street. To Curt' n Cold in Ou > S > ay. Take Laxative liromo Quinine Tablets. All drnytfisls rei'mul money if it tails to cure. 23c. The genuine has L. 15. Q. on each tablet. Mrs T. F. Kell3' and famil3' . of Crookston , went to Keswick , Iowa , \Testerda3T morning to spend the holi- da3rs with relatives. Tom is ' 'batcii- ing. Mrs. Chas. Sparks and son Laverne returned Sunday morning from their visit to Buchanan , Michigan , and other eastern points , and ( Jliarley is once more happ3r. The SundaA" World-Herald announ ces tiae appointment of Miss Katie M. Noble , of this place , as assistant matron at the Indian school , Fort Trutten , Morth Dakota. J. W. Tillerson some time ago con tested the Childers tree claim near Nenzel. and the contest having been decided in his favor , he was in town 3'esterda3r making homestead filing on same. D. D. Dunn made this office a visit and stated that he just completed a ver3r commodious dwelling on his home place on the north table. O. W. Hahn did the finishing , and the work bespeaks for him that of quite an expert. Until C. C. Thompson put up his sign this week , the oddest livery sign we had ever seen was in Wilber , and read , "Hotel de Horse. " Thompson's is a picture sign , and we understand premium is offered to the one who will correct ' read it. A. T. White came over from Alli . ance last Fiida3r morning to look after his Chesterfield mail route. He says he is doing a good business with his hotel , but this mail route is a el corker. He has two new men driving elo though , now , and ma3r make a success o of it yet. A Washington special , ' dated Dec ember 16 , says that Dr. Walter G. Tucker has been appointed a physi cian at the Warm Springs , Oregon , Indian School. We are glad to chronicle this appointment , and wish Dr. Tucker success. We are told the position is a very good one , Coursing has reached a very excit- I ing stage in Valentine , and scarcely a week goes b3T without adding to the list of injured. Two weeks ago W. E. Hale3r was quite severely injured , and last Sunda3' John Simpson received a fall which almost broke his arm and Walter Meltendorff's horse almost killed itself. J. A. Saults. of Gregor3' , was in town one da3r last week on business i before the land office and made this , pliice a pleasant call. He has been i in this count3' several 3rears. and is \ now one of our most substantial stockmen. He sa3s he can make ' more mone3" here in six months than \ ho , could in Iowa in ten vears. Wonder what has become of that $1,000 coursing match Chadron had worked up against Valentine ? Our sports have the dough to back their dogs and claim their dogs will win the i dough , but we hear nothing more of ' the match. What's the matter with i having a grand New Year's hunt and find out which town owns the best dogs ? j The Knights of P\'thias of Valen tine will give a benefit mask carnival on Friday evening , January 20. The K. of P. have had a good many of their members in the Cuban cam paign , and its exchequer has run low ' I on account of caring for sick and wounded , the3r take this means of re- I plenishing it. It will be advertised I extensivel3r and a large cro\vd is expected - ; pected to attend. The "Valentine Turkey Club' ' held an interesting session one da3' recent ly , five members being present. At the close of the meeting we are told one member was the proud possessor of six fine turke3's for Christmas , 'one had four and another three , while two forlorn members did not even get an invitation to eat dinner or stand at the window and smell the savory birds as they are carved next Sunda3' . The F. . E. & M. V. ice gang have up to date put up 30. ) cars of ice taken from the placid bosom of Lake Min- nechaduza. The ice averaged 1(5 ( inches in thickness , and was of the first qualit3r. They intend leaving the car chute and spur track until next 3ear , and are figuring on haul ing the ice to the top of the hill on an endless belt next season. As a sample of what they did this year , 48 men and 18 teams cut and loaded 3o cars. Monday. The Clara tlanmer company closed a ver3r successful week's engagement " at Cornell Hall last Saturday"night. . pkiying Ole Oleson. The house was crowded to its utmost capacit3' . and even standing room was at a premium. although fifty extra seats had been provided. The company is an excel lent one , and we have yet to hear a single word of harsh critic ism regard ing them. Being ladies and gentle men the3r made friends when off the stage , as well as when on. and we pre dict crowded houses for them when the3' return from their western tour , some time in March or April. It seems to be definitely settled now that the fast mail west from Chicago will arrive in Omaha after the first of the 3Tear at about 8 o'clock in the morning instead of three o'clock in the afternoon. If this change is made , the Klkhorn will of necessit3' leave Omaha in the morn ing instead of the afternoon as at present. Suppose the Elkhorn Black Hills train leaves Omaha at 8:30 : a. m. , the train will arrive in Valentine at (5 ( p. m. . running at the same rate of speed it now does. This will be a great boon to all of the northwest. allowing us to get our mail the same it is sent from the eastern part of the stat , and giving us a day liht train. Once in a while we hear a kicker who cusses the grain market at this place , but we are happy to say that these kickers are few in number. The mill here pa3's from ; " > to 10 cents more for wheat than any other place in the state , and 3 to 5 cents more for corn. Corn is now worth 21 cents in Valentine , and in the eastern part of the state it brings but 20 cents. The price of oats is about as much higher than other points. We recentl3r heard an amusing stor3r which shows how the kickers fare. Three men not a thousand miles away came to town earl3' in tl e season and asked what could for wheat. ' they get Fort3'-five cents was offered , and refused. The three loaded a car and shipped to a commission firm. After waiting for more than thirt3r da3rs returns were received , and their wheat netted them just 30 cents per bushel. Far mers should bear in mind that market prices here are invariabh * higher than elsewhere. C'nrp Mit r & ICi < > e'.s Price .T ? pounds of Beans for 51 00 33 pounds of O it .Meal for 100 20 pounds of Prunes for 100 i'0 pounds of Kuiiins for 100 20 pounds of Hrokt'i. Uce : for 1 00 40 bars of Soap for 1 CO ) ne ( Gallon Sorghum for 40 Candies , 8c , lOc & l.'o Nuts. Kic ami 15i\ JtJaf ! / / Xotice. Taken up October S , 1SD3 , ten miles south of Cony. Nebraska , one white eo\v brani ea' * on left side and one red calf with no brand Taken up by GEOUOK BAKNES \ Ttthcn Up. At my place near Wood Lake , one two-year old steer , of Hereford stock , branded O I L on both hips , and X on left side just back of lore lejj. Owner is requested to rtmove said steer or it will be sold according to law. 43 PAUL KKXNICOTT. of Having complied with the provisions of the law regarding the taking up and odvertising of estniys. and no claimant putting m an appear. anrem ; > w therefore the undersigned will offer for sal to the highest bidder , for cas-h in hand , ut his place l1 : mile east of Neuzel. Nebraska , .January ! ) . 189'J. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in. , three horses descril < el as follows : One gray horse about ix years old , branded X on right hip. ; ne bay horse about six years old , bran jgulM ded on shoulder and hip. A- One bay horse about six years old , branded on irout shoulder and O on left hip. KOIJAI-EWSKI JIUI Priceit for feed. Brnu , bulk . . . . 50e per cwt $9 00 ton Shorts bulk GOe per cwt $11.00 ton Screenings 40c " $7.00 " Chop Feed 70c " $13.00" Corn 65c " Oats § 1.00 " The Presents you Want at the Prices You Like An examination of our OCM4 Is a Pleasure to Young and Old U OME EARLY and make your purchases and get the cream of this stock , which was bought to save you time and money. Our store is replete with bighearted bargains at bighearted prices , and in it you will find something for every person , and something for every purse. Bring the little ones and let them see Santa Olaus' headquarters. * r AK > Ai j V HA -w * * mlT Mail orders will be given prompt attention GENERAL MERCHANTS T Doesn't care for large sales. lie wants large profits METHODS CHANGE Small profits and lots of 'em. That's what counts. SEE THE POINT ? If so , for further particulars call on Kanch orders a specialty Faftlham & Di Felts. In fact anything in men's wear Practical Tailoring in Connection. D. Stlnard , Clothier.- Wide Tire Wagons Are acknowledged to lie the best and to meet the jjrowino- demand I ordered and HAVE JUST RECEIVED A CAR .LOAD In addition to tin's I have just received a car of "WIND MOTOR" WJJSD MILLS AViiich I am selling very cneaply Try me before buying anything in my line elsewhere \7alentinc Nebraska D. S. Ludwig P. O. Parsons Photographer Has rented the A. . G Shaw Art ( Jalli-rv in this City for one year and will be here Jrom 1ST TO 12TH OF EVERY MONTH rirst-class Work ii every Particular Guaranteed. See Samples of Work at the Kcd Froa Millinery and Ladies' Furnishing G-oods1. -CALL AND GET PRICES. CORA GILLETT.