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About The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1896)
1 LV L If l Kt K A r W J Allen -was in from SBtafciL propertyf Swm Tuesday HP IT Ih1 VOL XI THIS AND THAT Comltta Evcnta Junior Leajmo Entertainment Dec 4 DlstrlotConrt Doc7 Valentine Teachers Association Dec 12 K o P Danco Doc IS Christmas Dec 25 389 Juuaryl Cotinty Commissioners Jan 5 Walt for Christmas Fur Gotits at Stinards Court commences next week Jid you see the Camel at Stinards Jack Cronen was up from Simeon Tuesday Mens Arctics oae dollar per pair -at Stinards Did you meet Tom nd Jerry last Thursday Wra Coryell was up from Johns town yesterday One by one those who left Cherry county are returning Most people are now thankful Thanksgiving is over That laat anow storm spoiled skating on Minnechaduza lake Wcs Harden who has been jll with rtypboid fever is recovering Elmer Bristol of Crookston spent rSunday with his people here W G Ballard of Wood Lake was in town on business Tuesday Junior League entertainment at the M church tomorrow night F E Gillett of Ainsworth was in -town Sunday night and Monday Mrs G A Shaw is recovering from her recent attack of typhoid fever Jack Jensen of the Spade Eanch registered at the City Hotel Tuesday Severe storms are predicted for fDecember whereat everyone looks blue J A Fike made a trip to Lincoln jlast Friday returning home Sunday night - - J M Hershberger of Leavenworth Kansas registered at The Donoher Monday Martin Christensen is putting the touches on the front of the new stone building Ch is Ward returned from Arkansas last week The rest of the folks are -coming through with teams E J Davenport returned Saturday night from Omaha where he had been attending the embalming college H E Seamans Carpenter Paper Cos man showed his smiling counten ance among our business men yester day J R Farris and Boy Daily who are working for Yank OBrien on the reservation were in town Monday night The Knights of Pythias dance which was to have been given Thankpgiving night has been postponed until Friday December 18 D W Parmalee and wife of Rose rbrd returned from their eastern trip Tuesday night and went over to the agency yestenday J W Spirk of Pierce stopped in town over Sunday while on his way to the Black Hills in the iaterests of the Pierce Milling Co i Judge C H Bane formerly of Ains worth but now of Lincoln was on the westbound passenger Sunday night enroute to Chadron Many of our merchants are receiving holidaygoods and next week we will publish -a directory for t6 benefit of Christmas shoppers - John Marcree and wife of Fort Niobrara were in town Tuesday night and left for the east on yesterday mornings passenger Rev J M Bates will hold regular -services at the Episcopal church next Sunday morning and evening Every body should turn out W D Sadler started for his home in Arkansas Friday morning He ex pected to stop at Lincoln for a day or two while on the way S F Gilmanand Cbas Strickland drove over to Rosebud on bnsiness connected with the Gilrnan Heiler beef contsac Monday II C Query and brother drove through from the North River country laat week arriving here Saturday nigut J W Burleigh of Simeon was in town yesterday on business He saya cattle fared well in his neighborhood during the storm Wanted Competent girl or woman fur general house xwork Mas W E Waite Kennedy Nebr Sheriff Strong sold lots 4and 3 in j block 4 of McDonald addition on a tax hen -yesterday to Geo EUiotc Murphy Charley Sherman started for the German settlement yesterday with a subpoena for John Orens the principal witness for the state in the case of State of Nebraska vs Case et al for cattle stealing The F E M at Irwin was burned to the ground Thursday morning It was not a very extensive affair but the liushville stanaaid re marks that it was an improvement on the Omaha depot B J Martin of Ainsworth has en tered the employ of the Western Union Telegraph Company at this place Bert is a good steady young man and will no doubu soon master the mysteries of telegraphy The tailor shop of E company quar ters at Fort Niobrara caught fire last Friday morning about 9 oclock and but for the prompt action of the boys who quenched the flames a serious conflagration might have resu lted W A Pettycrew has the contract for hauling 400 cords of wood from here to Fort Niobrara for G 2T Adams the Crawford contractor and thirteen teams are now engaged in the work About forty cars will be required to haul the wood here Owing to the defective manner in which a stove pipe from the first floor was run through the second floor in the4enot at Codv tbe buildinp caught - f - - zz - - - ti tt - r nro jast morning ana nearly burned to the ground Prompt action alone saved the property It the present weathor is any indica tion of what is to come this winter stockmen in some parts of the coun try will be seriously affected by a short age of feed Some of them have be come careless in this matter owing to the many pleasant winters which have gone before The witnesses in the Dobson case are scattered all over the country and it is doubtful if the case comes to trial unless the old testimony is used One of the principal witnesses is in Montana another in Missouri another in South Dakota one in Sheridan county and two in this county Freeman Mills and Alex Dobson re turned from Utah Monday after an absence of several weeks They went to buy cattle arid brought back 800 head of cows steers and dalves and report that cattle are getting quite scarce in all districts in which they tried to buy The cattle were unload ed at Merriman Gordon Standard Dr J C Dwyer who has been in St Louis for the past three months taking a post graduate course at Missouri Medical College returned to Valentine Tuesday night and will re sume the practice of his profession Dr Dwyer has a host of friends in Valentine and Cherry county who will welcome his return and he in turn is glad to be at home John Mogle of Cody Neb- was in the city oh Tuesday in the interests of the location of a temperance billiard hall in Long Pine if satisfactory ar rangements can be made with the city dads Mr Mogle is in some way con nected with the Bannigans and should he locate the old Bannigan salb6n would be refitted and made to serveas the location Republican Journal F M Whittecar U S brick insfTec tor for the Indian school job is at Rosebud this week making his final report and settlement Fronrthere he will go to Ainswdfthtbence to Lin coln wberehewill try to obtain the position of of the senate this winter Just wbat Franks chances of securing the pluta are we cannot say out we presume they good or he wouldnt bs iu are Pablisfted for Foiir Yraim ik CHERRY COUNTY INDEPENDENT THAKKSaiYENG And the Way it was bBervel Wha Some Were Thaiikf nl lor Thanksgiving Day in Valentine will be remembered moreon account of the breach than the observance but thai is not to be wondered at when the quality and quantity of the weather given us by old Boreas and the weath er bureau is considered With the wind blowing at the rate of forty miles an hour and the thermometer hoverfng around zero while ten inches of snow filled the circumambient atmosphere so full it was continually at the burst ing point general observance of tlio holiday graciously granted by Grover could not be expected though most of us bis loyal subjects closed our usual places of business Repairing to our jhpuses of worship was out of the ques tipn t is impossible to give in detail the manner in which the day was celebrat ed by tthB majority of Valentine citi zens but if the editor of this paper did such an absurd thing as tq eep a ary of his daily doings the page deyot edto Thanksgiving day would read about lib e this Nov 26 964 a m Got out of bed to catch train goingeast Lots nf snow and wind 440 a m Went jtoj depot tram reported hour late 540 Train another hour late Still snow ing and blowing 640- Train nother hour late same weather atebreakfask 800 a nour later got mail put papers in office read letters 850 train said to be coming 900 Con- eluded to stay at home more snow more blow 905 Train came went home read book 1245 Same old snow and blow went to The Donoherj ate dinner as follows all of it Oyster Soup Baked Turkey Cranberry Sauce Roast Beef Brown Gravy Roast Veal Mushroom Sauce Stewed Lamb Green Peas Mashed Potatoes French Beans Corn Mince Pie Pumpkin Pie Walnut Pudding Brandy Sauce Tea Coffee Milk Water - - -Apples - Ofatages Toothpicks Dear reader we leave it to your im agination to complete the diary Af ter eating a dinner like that what would you have done always remem bering that the snow and blow before mentioned had not ceased Its a pleasing task to imagine what other people are thinking about and sometimes it is surprising how nearly correct our surmises are or in stance if one could have seen the face of each of the persons mentioned last Thursday he would have been certain thai Judge Walcott was thankful that Mother Lake precinct is in Cherry county W R Towne J W Tucker and D H Thurston were thankful they are the only candidates for county judge Ed ClarKe was thankful he is out of politics W E Haley waa thankful his ad ministration of the postofiice has been so successful that few people covet his official shoes A E Thacher C H Cornell W T Kincaid J W Yeast Frank Brayton W S Jackson and others too numer ous to mention were thankful that Leap Year has almost passed into his tory and they still remain in single blessedness- aifdrtcrage Record During the month of November only two farm mortgages were filed tor a total of 70750 and two fot 73 were released One mortgage for 1000 on city property was filed- and three for 1390 were released Chattel mort gages were brisk thirty nine being filed for 1303605 and forty four were re leased the releases costing Vhe mort gagers 5775484 The biggest busi ness was ddh6 6h November 30 chat tel mortgages valued at 3329432 being laken up on that day This is a better Showing than has been made for some time the value of releases being more than four times as much aa the value of the filings and shows that our people are not as hard tip -as they might be Judge We3tover is busy at Chadron holding court hence Judge Kmktid DEMOCRAT VALENTINE CHERRY CO NEBRASKA THURSDAY DECEMBER a 1S9G J J f Jones Fined 850 Yesterday mornings papers con tained the following dispatch lrom To- I peka Kansas J J Jnes was yester day flned50 in the federal court here for sending a message by postal card defaming tho ohoraottjc of J Marion Miller of the law flim vof fjller Cocter Chicago Jon es and Miller weie law partners m Omaha priar to January 1895 They dissolved part nership on account of a quarrel Miller going to Chicago bejng unable to pay the fine he was placedin jail Cax Evader Casht Sheriff Strong made a trip to Gor don a couple of weeks ago which net ted thefpbuoty 29669 of personal tar which it might have lost The amoun t wasreceived from N Denhey of Chi cago a stockman who operates south of Merriman the sheriff levying on a train of cattle which were about to be snippea viwtz or wis xax was as sessed in Mother Lake precinct and the balance in Buffalo Lake If a tew more of these men were caught up on their personal taxes the county would oiot bo in such a bad shape financially S3 it now is Indian Warehouse XewB Shipping Clerk Carroll of the Indian depot here has made several improve ments in his office recently Entrance is effected now from the south side of the building a new hard coal stove graces the office and a telephone in strument gives direxjfcconnection with Rosebud Agency Owing to recent ptorms no freighting has been done of late and the warehouse is filled to the rafters with goods awaiting transport ation About twelve carloads of brick are piled on the ground and to make things still worse 150000 ponnds of flour will be herein week or two ast Weeks Storm The storm which swept over this section of Nebreska last week was al most unparalleled for this time of the year The storm commenced Wednes day evening and raged with unabated f U131CI Friday morning No ities are reported though much trouble was caused to stockmen PeteDecory on the reservation lost about 100 head of cattle C A Johnson lost 13 head of calves and 7 cows out of his herd of 1400 100 head of cattle belonging to man and Hellar which were being fed at Yank OBriens drifted before the storm some going as far as Sparks but most of them were recovered The Spaae outfit in the south coun try is said to have lost heavily but no other serious losses are reported The rumor that several Indians froze to death on the reservation is false More snow fell in the northeast part of the county than in othet localities In the eastern part of the state the snow turned to rain and sleet doing much damage to property A qniek Deal The editor of this paper was a wit ness to a transaction the other day which for rapidity of execution con sidering theamount involved would have tasen the breath away from some of our slow going eastern freinds if they had seen it Two stockmen F J Carroll of Stanton and Jas A I Hale bf Deadwood were on an east bound freight Each man had two cars of cUttle on the train After some nttie conversation on general topics Carroll said to Hale Whatll you take for yoar cattle 30 a head replied Hale JGive you 28 No Makd ifc 29 No wont take a cent less than 30 Hale arose to walk to the other side of the caboose Carroll leaned back on the seatahu said Ill make it 2950 and thats all I will do If you want to sell Ill give you yoiit cash tomor row morning at 10 oclock Hale linnrori mvthfi side of the caboose In its damage suit against the Omaha Bee received a verdict of 7000 Once more the v ill dminibler justice here ofeit week- libelous lite hue received ft black eye- WISE What we are Where we are NO 45 H UNTERS After bargains la Valentine never have much trouble in Had ing them because they all know that there is at least one store in town vrtiere they can always get what they want at the lowest liv ing prices Keed we mention the name of the store Juafc now ev erybody is innting ChriBtmao bargainsa present for father mother brother sister wife husband son daughter friend or sweetheart and everyone can -find something suitable by siting the stare of C EL CONELL ryesidant J j kZVHOLSOlV Caahiz Vlentine Nebraska A General Banking JBusineBs ICvawmvted Buys and Sells Domestic and Fontign JSxchmga Correspondents Chemical National Bank New York Ylrst National B Oaiatia G Alright he said- its a go 50 At tears Old Stand din Maia ffireet cash was paid to bind the bargain the H editor agreed to be a witness to the contract to pay nest day handed each geutleman one of his cards and every body commenced talking about the weather The whole transaction oc cupied not more than five minutes and 159100 was involved ENPOf RT THACH DIDNT YOU KNOW That the bpst plaee in town to buy fresi fruits and vegetables is at Pettycrews DIDNT YOU KNOW That the best place in town to buy ceries and confectionery is at Pettyerews - DIDNT YOU KNOW That the highest price for btttter and eggs is always paid at Pettycrewfc If you didnt try him and you will Cherry Qounty Valentine Nebraska MEAT B ER ANK Every facility extended customers consistent with conservative banking Exchange bought and sold Loans upon good security solicited at reaaoeabk rates County depository E SPARKS President CHARLES SPARKS Cashier Who we are CITY DRUG ST flpe JHQUIGLKYPROP THE PALACE SALOO Valentine i th hoiccl 55rand 3s DEALER IN DRUGS PAINTS VARNISHES TOILET fUNDRlES 1 1 I MAIN STREET VALENTINE - NEBRASKA gANK OF VALENTI NE ess nnnuu l i lift SA T k s WILLffUSNlBH - Fish Game endr Steaks Jucy Roasts Dry Salt Meats andtke finest line of Smoked Hams Wji Bireakiast Baco ever jld in tfrwn CEO G SOHWALM PHOP N HEASTJABTERS WilES LiatTOES and CIGARS NSEHASSjL