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About The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1896)
X V i N ft - y t THE VALENr VOL XI THIS AND THAT CmiT4 Events ThsiJkiftivtoE Nojr 26 Wcdiwu TcacbvTS Assodatloe Nov 28 WJS Powers sof Pierce was in town -Sunday f iHoUday trade svlU soon commence picking up -Frank Todd of Eotebud was in Um yesterday RobertjQuisenberry was up from Oasis yeCerday Wood is a pretty scarce article in Valentine just now Miss Dickson of Rosebud la regis tered at The Douoher A 8 Chamberlain of Whitman -was in town Saturday JT B McKeever was over from the artesian well Saturday F VI Whittecar spent Sunday with Jils family at Ainsworth i Mrs J C Northrop wejtfto Omaha Monday morniug Cor a short stay Miks Mary Dix of Lavaoa is visit ing with her sister Mrs J W Steele 0 H Cornell returned from his trip to Omaha aud Graud Island Sunday Bight It Ls as we thought Prof Berkley -wants to be Aiusworths next post--master Save the pennies by doing your Christmas bhopiiDgat Davenport Touchers John 8teinbrecher sold a carload of wood to parties about town the first of Hjje w eek OMBailey and wife of Wood Lake attended the McKinley meeting here last week Jackson Brayton present a new -advertisement to the readers of this paper igim wees frofi 0 B litt man was up from Wood Lake Tued iy and visited Tug Pemocrat while in town jG Z Helraan of Sargents Bluffs ioyva the brick man was in town on business connected with his contract Tuesday Miss Maxy Hurley Arabias popu lar young schqolaaam was in town W anted Compcteat irl or woman for general houe work 1 -- Mits W Waite Kennedy Uebr The Qpringview Herald says lieya Paha stockmen have beeu shippuiK quite extensively of late anticipating a loug hard winter and shortage of feed Wbjle here last week Stab Bank Examiner Cowdery announced that tliis is positivelv his last annual tour He didnt seem to ieel very badly about jt jeitaer miss Aiaoei Marsaeu wno was in the city several weeks visiting and aolicmiig ub6ctipiious for a couple of books returned to her home at Ains worth JaBt week Alex M Charbonneau of Rosebud sold fifty four head of cattle to I W Stetter Tuesday Jake dont let mauy cattle get out of toe country when he is arouud buying It is not yet known whether Judge Westover or Kinkaid is to preside over the December term of court The former seems to be preferred by the people of our county Mrs Vivian Lawrie came in from her school north of townyesterday and went up to Cody to upend Thauks giving with her mother and atteud the M W A dance laBt night Geo Schwalm at the City Meat Mar ket has been doing a big Thanksgiving business butwhy shouldnt hei As j 4 jmri8vGant v collector of Longpiriewa in towu on can be desired in the meat fresh i l J 1 ni vegetable line V f - business batuiday Chas SparkB and J F Prentiss visit d Cody and Georgia on life insurance business last week Miss Lillian Stoner will attead the Meeting of the N W N A at Crawford Saturday- D W Parmaiee and wife came over from Rofcbud Tuesday and went east on yesterday mornings passenger - The largest and best line of clocks -and capes ever shown in Valeutine will be found at T C Hornbys 86 Amos Strong brought in several mares from his place south of town last Saturday nd will winter them here A party of rabbit hunters saw an antelope southwest of town Sunday Thoy gave cnas but that is all they did do J H Owen came orer from the school site Monday went up to Pine Ridge He is expected back Friday M P Meholhraria wifeeof Norden were in town last Thursday night to attend the republican ratification meeting C A Johnson nd Willii Barnard wife and sister were up from Wood Xae Tuesday returning home in the afternoon Master Albert Townsend of Ains worth who has been Tlsitlng with the family of S P Downing returned home Saturday ilax Viertel and wife of Crookston were among those who celebrated Major McKitJleys election -here last Thureaay uighfc - t lamest Cuff Of Chadron stopped intown Friday night while on his way to his school at Nor den He -made the trip t Mrs Lulu Hilt Mamib Dodds and J W McAdams of Pullman and JR Fimple of Whitman htd business be fore the latld Mfice -Friday Maitin Christensen returned from Fort Meade S D this mornings vhere he had been doing interior decoratirigj on aset ofoilicetsquartexs E J Davenport went to Omala -Sunday morning He will attend the session of the embaferflng college which fia to be held there thlEeek ChaB Gulick haB Commencad action in the county court against William Gnlkk the amount involved being 500 said to be due on a certain prom issorj note given when the boys dis solved partnership The case will prob ably be heard next month The Yateof one -fare has been made on the F E M V for the benefit of thoSe teachers who wisli to attend the ttieeting of the Nebraska State Teach ers Association at Liifcoln Decera ber28 to 31 Rates take eftebt on December 28 eood retufhrni until Taiiuary 4 the county treasurer G P lCrabb arid his assistant O W ITkhn are busy sending out statements to all parties owing personal taxes These taxes should be paid at onces6the of them having been delinquent since 1888 and the treasurer i3 to be com mended for his effort to save this thoney to the county Prot 8 E McAlevy of Kdnnedy was in town Tuesday to malfe final proof ou his homestead returhfig to his ranch yesterday PtnVdsttfe first time Mr McXlevy has been in tbwn for about five years and though he found fhirtgs much changed the Changes did not surprise him its he fertds TrfE ItaocRkT Thecattlemarket in the state has reached uripiyceatnted figures Lkstweek E Llregg sbld a bunch df yeanlings at S2 per head Edwrirawffitlock was offered 0 per head Tor Some but wants 1 0 A Newberry bought 50 head df dalves at tBHnd sold them a few days at 1750 Evfrvbedy is on the by and find it hjatfi Work to buy tJKeiii even at extravhant prices This is a great stopk cotfnYfy there is I 1 I vwn I J i w c Pablishjeg fat fr Years o OHERRYCQUNfY INDEPENDENT Ccm In sure J ol IM nit Offlccw The copy for the bar docket of the J Cherry Lodgu No 169 Knights of term f district court which convenes Pythias eld their annual election of here on Monday December 7th is inlofficers Tiwsdy night and tho follow- Saturday yisiung friends aud doiug Among the criminal cases is that of some shopping fie State of Nebrakavs Henry Van- that fruit Rev Frank Durante pastor of the Episcopal church at Chadron Issued a proclamation last week inviting all city aud county officials to attend Thanks giving services and dig up for the benefit of the poor About seventy five wagon loads of brick were hauled over to the school Monday by Indians This is a profit able business for our copper skinned brethren as they receive about twice as much for freighting as does a white man the hands of the printer and fche docket is made up of 63 cases 7 of them beiag criminal and tho remainder civil cases They embrace eveiything from debt and foreclosure to adultery Jtwo cases and cattlu stealing with intend to kill This case has been dragging its My length through the courts term aftrtfjniiu til the people are tired of it Tjhis pase costs the cqunly from 1U0 to fjQj9 jvery year- and is becoming burdqnsojne If Yauleer is guilty he should e fioa vjcted and 4f not be should be jexonr erated The caehas been put off heretofore because the plaintiff was not ready for trial If that is the case ibis term it is to be hoped that the judge wjll dismiss the case for want of proecution And Uien there s the Dobson A I 1 wherein Alexander Dbaun is charge wirh stealing two head of steers from L W -Steele of Gordon a stockmau operating near Merriraan DobBon was convicted in this purt and then the csp was taken to the supreme court which tribunal remanded it back for a new trial This case has cost th county about SLlflO Js it - iSA F Harrington of ONeill is ugxiged in the prosecution and is preparing to push it The matter will probably be settled for good at this term of court The Case Stephenson and Strong affair will be brought to trial both the prosecution and the defenbe appar ently being anxious to have it settled The particulars in the matter were given in full by this paper at the time the parties were arrested and nothing new has developed since then so it is an open question whether they will be cure a conviction The judge presiding may have much to do with the settlement of the cases mentioned above and he will be given several opportunities toendear himself in the hearts and mjuds of Cherry county people r Wr Hi Ivor Certifleates Last pay day at Fort Niobrara the men were paid with the new silver certificate issued by Uncle Sam and as a consequence they are plentiful around town These bills are works of art unlike the things usually put out by the government and lovers of the beautiful will do well to examine them carefully On the obverse of the new two -dollar certificate is an alle gorical gruup consisting of three women arid two littfe boys the whole representing Scieice Preberting Steam and Electricity to Commerce and Manufactures The reverse is made tip M a beautiful lace work sur rounding the portraits of Fulton and Morse Theone dollarbill is not in the jndgmtjnt of the art critic of this dispenser of knowledge as handsome as the two dollar bill The engraving showa a woman poimifigout objects of interest to a voune b6y the city of j Wasbingtan lying at her feet with the Potomac the Capitol aiid the Washing ton Monliirient in tho distance This is supposettto be Science Instructing Youth The reverse shows the por traits of Gebrge and Martha Washing ton The editor has hot yet seen 6ne of the five dollar bills N J3 This 13 no joke Man rd Saturday November 21 1896atViiTB home in Springview Keya Faiha countyHenry J Skinnei diMof troiible and was buried Vrbffday Hank Skinner as he was taTcaiaVIy known atrfOng the Vhoys Was one of the old tffhers in the newspaper faeld of Northwest NebraskaaWa the news of his effeath will be -a aTWcif to teany He wis for a Jong ttme cbnhectedwith the Sffringview Repubttfiati but a Tew years ago Tetirefl from that sheet which is wow known as the Springview Herald and isruniy6ire of his sons W N Two other -sons are engaged in life newspaper business in the Blatik Hills and they ere tele graphed for and wfcre expected home mistake about that- UariceGrip atiend ttoefiMl ng were sjboen to administer the affairs of the pr der In yalentinft for the ensuing year and wiH bo installed atithe first meeting in 9Vlr7r Chancellor Comnata F F Roberts Vice ChanceIor E J Qyeftport Prelate Geo BUiott leer wh js charged with shootingL Keeppr of Records and Seals S Jackson Master of Exchequer D S Ludg Master of Arms Sgt Willner toaster of Finance Frank Brayton Muster of Wock G Carlson V Cattle JlRtlcr ArrenteA tHathaway Dodd a farmer living in this county near AdeHa on the B M was arrested last Saturday by Officer Lp wry -and brought to this city the apjm night Dodd is accused of rustliug jcattio pud seHing it as dressedtneat His -arrest was brought about through the testimony of IStoneking the man who vwss vdof the same charge i Jliirrison f last Friday and sentenced to jthree years in the penitentiary by Judge Westover In Stonekings trial evi dence leaked out which was of na ture to throw suspicion upon Dodd consequpiitly his arrest was the result Dodd appeared before Judge Babcock any wonder the cbpnty is poorf M jJf ndav morning at six oclock and through his attorney E W Daile waived examination apd was bound over to the district court He fur nished satisfactory bonds and left on the 7 oclock Elkhorn train for bis home Chad ton Signal Recorder A Narrow Ksonpe A strumpet of Valentine went to Council Bluffs last week and engaged three ycung ladies to accompany her to the former plaee ostensibly to work in a hotel but in reality for another purpose When they arrived at Long I Pdiu nViAra Iha troin atlna fnrHTlTmprf convicted or not Circumstantial- eTf Hrd employees aeneejs against biieiii um mat mu ui evidence will hardly be suflicieutto se nized the old strumpet aud surmising that she was deceiving the girls - had them put on their guard Upon learn ing the true character of their employ er they refused to accompany her any further The next morning Sunday they were brought down on an engine to Hassett when they remained until Monday morning when they were pro vided with transportation atid sent to their homes in Council Bluffs Bas sett Eagle Rather queer business that wasnt it Sounds fishy to say the least Wonder who those railroad men were Also why did the girls go to Basset t the next morning and how did it come about that they were furnished an engine to ride upon Who was the strumpet from Valentine The article reflects discredit on our town hence this paper wants to know the facts Junior iieagtte Kntertalnfeent i The Junior League will give an en tertainmeut at the M cmtitth Fri day November 7th at 730 p m for the purpose of obtaining needed sup plies in that department Admission 15 cehts children 10 cents PROGRAM Bong- - Sound th6 Battle Cry I5y the league Invocation ------- Hev O T Mo6re The Three Bells Tiecitatixm - - - - - - - Eva Harden Song- - ---- Babies Lullaby Six Little Girls Song- - - ruara the Flag XJeoTgieand Harvey Hornby Song- v - -v Work for LTttle Ones Infant Class Recitatibn -- -- Tom Edith Crabb net- v v v Mrs Anderson Mrs Hornby Sorif Show us how to Work for Thee Lovice Stinard Josie Flowers Pearl McCray Mary Paxtoh Diaibgue - The tory of Jesus Ten Lititle Girls - -v - Stfng Edith Petty crew Afraa Carlson Mabel Hahn BerthaThnrn Solo - -- The Sweetest Stgj ipiim i niim - Drill - Niue Boy8 Duet -- vv Rev and Mrs O T Moore KecitatsoTi - The B6y Hero Elzie VacHon Solo - -- - briftlng Apart Mrs Lorfe Vachon Song Scittlering PreciouB Seeds Jtsior League - abel HahI President FRfcb tSLjWVEB Secretafy - I -- w w m Zmt - i i i i ffl 111 IL mi DEMOCRAT VALENTINE CHERRY CCvNEPRASA THURSDAY NOVEMBER 26 1896 n t NO 44 WATCH THE PENNIES The frugal person ftlwav watches the pennies the dollar re credited with the ability to take care of themselves The best way to watch th pennies if by patronizing Davenport Thacher DIDNT YOU KNOW That the best plaee in town to buy fresh fruits and vegetables is at Pettycrewa DIDNT YOU KNOW That the beBt place in town to buy ceriea and confectionery is at Pttycrew DIDNT YOU KNOW That the higheat price for buttar and eggs is always paid at Petty ere wa If you didnt try him and you will Qherry Qqunty Bank Every facility extended euitomerioontlsteaf witk eoaterrattv biakfngr Exchange boufhramTsolcl Loans upon good security solicit atrtMomable rates County depository E SPARKS President CHARLES SPARKtf Cukkc Who we are CITY DRUG STORE d H QUIGLEY PROP What we are Where we are DEALER IN DRUGS PAINTS VARNISH TOILET SUNDRIES MAIN STREET VALENTINE - NEBRASKA DANK OF VALENTINE C U CORNELL Wei4eftU JT V MIBM9L89X VUr Ylektibie Nebraska A General Banking JBuftite TrrnnmmeAmtX Buys and Sells orttestie find Worin Mbechtimg Oorrespoadefnta Chencrta5 Kattooal Btf Kew Yctf iflttt Naaat Bak Oaaaha CITIZENS MARKET WILLURNlfSH Fish Qame Tender Steaks Juoy Boasts Dry Salt Meat antli fiziest line of Smokec Hams and BreakJast Baco eTer sold in towu vVAia Ci 3 - tAH rJjLX bwxu owuia ou uu wwcd GEO G SORWALM M THE PALACE SALOON r HBADQUABTERv WINES LiaUORS and CIGARS VALENTINE O the 5kbicest BMuds NEBRASKA