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About The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1896)
I I h Ir 1 te1 ft r i r in u x IT 1 i Z rf r or - V - 4 THE VOL XI THIS AND THAT Comina Evete Valentine ToadiprjABSOciatfon Dec 12 K rf P Dance Dec 16 Christmas Doc 25 7 January l County Cominlsloners Jan 5 Fur Coats at Stinardc K of P dance next week Did you see the Camel at Stinards Mtna Arctic one dollar per pair at SLmarda Prof Ted Ormesher was in town -Saturday J R Fee camedown from Crooks ton yesterday J Greve of Dodge Nebr was in -town Tuesday Pearl Porter came up from Wood Lake Tuesday -The party of hunters last Sunday caught four jack rabbits Dave Hanna and W G Ballard are up from Wood Lake today C C Parker ex sheriff is down from Lavaca on court business John Ilaeber was up from Kennedy on business the first of the week Jas M Ash was up from Ains worth on court business Monday Prof Daniel Adamson of Kennedy called on The Democrat Tuesday 10000 envelopes just received b The Democrat Get a supply print ed Miss Edith M Stark has closed her school in the Harmony district for the present X X Lnyport spent a few days last week on the reservation returning -Saturday S W Chestnut of Gordon was in town Tuesday attending to some busi ness matters Trof Jas Hughes of Spaiks was in town Friday and paid us a business and social call Prof Jos Wisser ot Xenzel was in town this week Attending court and made us a pleasant call John Steinbrecher of Georgia Kil gore and Ripley was in town Monday returning homeTiiesday -- Chas Tate came down from Enlow precinct where he has been surveying jmdspentsfev days at home this week Frank Whittecar returned to Ains worth Saturday having completed his work here as government brick in spector Under the auspices of the TMSC a party was given at Hornbys Hall last night About 40 young people were present It is reported that the approach on the north end of the Berry bridge is badly washed out prohibiting traffic in that direction The court house Fischers saloon the Palace saloon Sagese rs barber shop and The Donoher are all graced with storm doors Mrs Vivian Lawrie spent Saturday and Sunday in town visiting friends while on her way from a two weeks vacation at Cody to her school at Dry Creek L F Corbitfc Arthur Townsend Frank Whittecar and Henry Lock miller came up from Ainsworth last nigbt to attend a sale of quartermas ters goods at Fort Niobrara C E Bowring came up from Mis souri as a witness on the Dobson case and will spend the holidays here He will go to Virginia for the Chamber Iain Medicine Co the firstof January anidwill remain until spring JJ Guth has purchased the half interest in The Exchange saloon owned by thVheirs of the late Walter Hare and will run the business alone here- after Johnny is a good saloon man and his evident prosperity is Dut the natural result of his business ability Howard J Case John - W Strong and Chas Stephenson were given a preliminary hearing before Judge Walcott last Friday on a new inform ation filed by County Attorney Clarke charging them with stealicfg 20 head of cattle from John Ahrens The case against Stephenson was dismissed and tbe othtr defenders were bound over vo ais vn court in r or VALENTINE DEMOCRAT Wakted Competent girl or woman for general house work Mrs W E Waite Kennedy Nebr F K Bivens came home from Rose bud reservation Monday evening after five mopths absence working at the carpenter trade He is afflicted with a sore hand and had to quit work on thataccount The creditors of the defunct Chad rqn Banking Company will soon be paida dividend of 50 cents on the dol lar It is expected that another ueng or zo cents win oe declared in thecourse of time - - Art Sherman is assisting Jackson Brayton the Red Front store people to take care of their holiday rush of business The assistance is needed judging from the number of people seen in their store Only a few more signers are requir ed on the petition to the school board asking them to call a special election for the purpose of voting on a proposi tion to build a new school house Let the good work go 6m J H Quigley returned from his ranch at Cody last Friday evening after an absen ce of about three weeks He reports everything in that section of the county as getting along finely Cattle are doing well Ice a foot thick is now being pnt up by the butchers and ice men for next summers use Ice of such thickness was never known here before at this season of the yearthe last week in November ONeill Sun W R Towne aud daughter Maud made a visit to northwest Missouri and southern Iowa the past week Mr Towne returned Tuesday night He does not seem very favorably impress ed with his old stamping ground and says he would not live there again for the whole country Dr A Lewis is covering the sides and front of his drug store with sheet iron XT G Dunn and H rabaia doing the work When completed Dr Lewis will have almost a new building so far as the outside is concerned The improvement will also add greatly to the looks of our town The current number of Farm Stock aud Home Minneapolis Minn should be read by every farmer in tbe state In fact for a farmer to miss reading any number of that excellent journal is a misfortune which he can escape aimost without money and without price by taking it in connec tion with the Democrat P J Donoher so well known and liked by many Cherry county citizens has been spending a week here with his mother and sisters although his friends managed to monopolize a good portion of his time Pete is employed in the revenue collectors office at Omaha under Jacob North Len Graves returned Sunday morn ing from a trip to Wyoming He was there during the recent storm He said there was considerable loss of cattle and hkelo to be more A car load of thirty calves shipped from the southern part of the state froze ts death in the cars at Sheridan Hyannis Tribuae Ira Johnson Sampson Bradley Wesley Holsclaw and G H Sawyer who were drawn on the petit jury were excused from service by Judge Kinkaid Levi Woodruff sent word he was ill and could not be present while A J Plummer never recognized the court at all An investigation may follow Last month over 4000 taxes were collected by County Tresurer Crabb With the exception of the months when the rallroad company sends in its dough this Is the largest amount collected in one month during the last three years Prdsperity notices of delinquencies is doing its work in this county Mr J L Johnson of Chicago III was the guest of xxr fellow townsman C H Cornell a few days the past week Mr Johnson is interested in the estab lishment of various manufacturing in dustries and while here examined the feasibility of putting in a beet sugar factory Ee seemed very favorably impressed with the town and we can say for him that a more thorough hnsrierercorae utiaet our ob- Published for Foa Tear as CHERRY COUNTY INDEPENDENT VALBKTINE OHERRY CO NEBRASKA THURSDAY DECEMBER 10 1896 NOT GUILTY H J CASE IS ACQUITTED OF CATTLE STEALING After the Jury had Beenout for Over 19 Honfs The Trial rnd Verdirit Were Fati Other Business Uope in IMstrlct ConjPt - District court convened Monday morningwith Judge Kinkaid on the bench The first day was qpnsuraed in hearingcases of minor importance a record of the- various transactions heinggiven below Several divorpes were granted among them being Anna M Ash vs James M Ash on the charge of abandonment 3Tc Gght was made and the parents are left joint guardians of the children Louis Gallineaux was granted a divorce from Nellie Gallineaux Charles K Brower from Molle Brower Sarah A Blair from Oscar A Blair and Elsie Ulrick from John H TJlrick This leaves three divorce cases yet to be disposed M viz Hugh R Sears vs Lottie Sears John Hof man vs Amalie Hof man and Stella E Grooms vs Jacob M Grooms The foreclosure record will be found in another column A number of naturalization papers were issued among them being second papers to Lars Pederson Mary Sedlacek and Michael Kennealy Tuesday jury cases were called and a sensation was sprung when the case of State of Nebraska vs Alexander Dobson was called up The state was anxious to go to trial and had its case all laid out when the defense produced a letter from L W Steele the prose cuting witness in which he said he would agree to not prosecute if de j fense would pay him 100 cash inti mating that he thought tbe proposition a very fair one in regard to the amount The letter was signed L W S but numerous witnesses are ready to swear that the writing was Steeles Of i course the presentation of this lette4 was all that was neededto have vthe case dismissed so it was done M F Hairington refusing to prosecute Thus about 1400 of the cou ntys money has been spent for nothing ii is said that several parties are anxious to learn of Steeles whereabouts but cant do it When State vs Henry Vanleer charged with shooting with intent to kill was called defense was ready for trial but judge Tucker asked to have the case passed until his principal wit ness J R Lee could arrive As he did not come by noon his recognizan3e of 10t was ordered forfeited and the court issued an order for the delivery of his person and that of his frife in court Lee made his appearance yes terday and Chas Sherman is now away after Mrs Lee When she ar rives the case will be tried The cases of State vs Jas Ogle adultery Alice Eakin adultery and Alice Eakin and Jas Ogle larcenyf were dismissed as was also the case of State vs Cyrus Wolfenden charged with assault with intent to commit rape on the person of Mary Sedlacek There was not enough evidence in either of the cases to warrant prosecu tion State vs Howard J Case and John W Strong was commenced Tuesday forenoon Ed Clarke and M F Har rington appeared as prosecuting at torneys and J Wesley Tucker and John H Burns the latter of t Dead wood for the defendants Separate trial for Case and Strong was allowed and Case was first arraigned and plead ed not guilty to either of the counts in Sidewalks at Lnst For months yea and years the children who attended the public school and t3ie M E Sunday school tosay nothing of the hundreds of the information thdt charged him with pedestrians on x other purposes stealing the cattle also receiving stolen property The defense exhausted all its peremptory challenges m securing a jury and as finally sworn the jury was composed of the following Alex Hoffman J W Beed G E Russell F W Beck A Benson Edwin Cooper J W Steele F M Seger Harold Zeilian F K Bivens Chas Hoffman Xx N Folsom After the opening statements of council J W Stetter was called and swore to the ownership of the eight head of cattle described in the inform ation John Ahrens wh6 Tormerly owned the cattle and wtio Vvas keeping il A VVU no H j Ahrens told how Case had visited their place about a month prior to the theft and had seen the cattle Then the following witnesses were put on the stand Kert E Johnson Chas Steph leiison Thomas Johnson Amos Strong JohuL Meltendorf Charlie BullisTOsdla Hammond K Put together their story is as fol lows- y On Sunday jjight Aug 23d 28 head of cattle were stolep from the pasture of John Ahrens 8 head of which be longed to J W Setter On that day Walter Meltendorf tried to hirea horse and saddle of Case but Case refused it saying he wished to use it Case wag not about his usual haunts on Monday mprnlhgyrbat at 11 ofclock appeared at his hay camp 23 tailessoutbwest where Bert Johnson Jack Strong and Chas Stephenson were working The day was warm but his horse appeared cool and he said he spent the night at John Lords That night George Mills ap peared at camp being introduced to Johnson as George Emory Next day Mills and Strong left the ranch osten sibly to look for horses Case and Stepheuson came to town returning Wednesday Strong returning some time that night Next morning Case nrsi spose or cattle telling -Stephenson and Strong to go over on the Schlegle where they would meet Mills with a bunch of cattle which he inteded win tering but they were to take the cattle to Johnstown and put them in a pas ture controlled -by his brother-in-law Tom Johnson Meltendorf found the catele Case was arrested broke jail was apprehended at North Platte and brought back Such in brief was the evidence foriherosecution The defense introduced Howard Case his wife and Billy Hunter They said Billy Hunter liad Cases saddle until 8 oclock Sunday night Case was at home all of Suuday night He had agreed to winter a bunch of cattle for Mills whointended trading for them on the Missouri river How many he didnot know Millstold him Tuesday night the cattle would be in Valentine Wednesday night and as he was not ready to care for them just then sent them to Johnstown Case said he had never seen the stolen cattle except at a distance denied the story of Melten dorf of Freda Ahreus and B Johnson He said that he did not break jail be cause he was afraid and told of his course from the time he stopped at Hackfaerry Thompsons until arrested at North Platte Lack of space will not permit a dis cussion of the many inconsistencies of the story Harrington presented the case to the jury Burns followed Tucker came next and Harrington re viewed the speeches and the judge in structed the jury that body retiring at 4 oclock yesterday afternoon The prosecution was given the op tion of naming the count on which it wanted a verdict and chose the first nd weakest that charging defendant with stealing the cattle After being out 19 hours the jury returned a ver dict of Not Guilty J W Strong is being tried today on the same charges and it is probable that a verdict will be asked on the sec ond count The jury in this cade i3 Ed Norriaj J V Steadman G W Surge J A Yaryan Arthur Heath Chas Maxwell D Stinard J A Car roll W T Kincaid W T Builis Jas Hughes and Robert Robinson bent have had to wade in mud and slush and snow and water whenever they passed lot No 13 in block No 7 of tha Village of Valentine corner Virginia and Main streete and petitions re monstrances curses and prayers have been useless in the endeavor to secure a sidewalk along the south aide of the property But at last it has been done the work being completed Tuesday and it will be paid for in equal pro portions by the school board the church trustees and the village council all of whom will be reimbursed when the tax is paid by the owners of the property i that is ever done The them temporarily with 28 head of his improvement was ordered by the own told who Snd how tbe cattle and the contract for constinc were ato and described the fmdttfg tion let for 25 csnte a fot The wulk of stesn Tvead ot ms own stocK tieda about 150 Xeot lohir NO 46 Wise Hunters 4V L After bargains in Valentine never have much trouble in find ing them because they all know that there is at least one store in town where they can always get what they want at the lowest liv ing prices Need we mention the xiaiuu me ior j ust now ev erybody is hunting Christmas bargains a present for father mother brother sister wife husband son daughter friend or sweetheart and everyone can find something suitable by visiting the store of Davenport Thacher DIDNT YOU KNOW That the best plaee in town to buy fresh fruits and vegetables is at Petty ere ws DIDNT YOU KNOW That the best place in town to buy gro ceries and confectionery is at Pettycrowsf DIDNT YOU KNOW That the highest price for butter and egg3 is always paid at Petty crews If yon didnt try him and you will Cherry Qqunty Bank Valentine Nebraska Every facility extended customers consistent with comrvAtiTe IwnkiDgl Exchange hougnkandssold rates County depository godcLaecurity E SPARKS President CHARLES SPA1IKS Cashter Who we are CITY DRUG STORI J H QUIGLEY PROP What we are Where we are C 23 CORNELL President DEALER IN 0RUfiSf PAINTS VARNISHES TOILET SUNDRIES MAIN STREET VALENTINE - NEBRASKA fiANK OF VALENTINE m r mcuoLsesr cihir Valentine Nebraska A Getteral Banking Buine99 Transacted jBuyo and Sella Domestic and Foreign Ectehmngtj Correspondents National Bank New York Vint tfttootl Sank Otuha CITIZENS MEAT - MARKET WILL FURNISH - Fish Game TenderrSteaks Jucy Roasts Dry Salt Meats and the finest line of Smoked Hams and Breaklast Bacon ever sold in town At StattersOid Stand on Main Street CEO G SGHWAIM PROP THE PALAGE SALOO N HEADQUARTERS WINES LIQUORS and OIGAB Valentine O the Clioirost T9nft STebbsk