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About Cherry County independent. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 18??-1896 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1892)
p n r i 1 r - v - f - r vrJi r Tmmfr f V PW VH r ft i r v i - - SUNSHINE comes no matter how dark the clouds are -when tho woman who is borne down by womans troubles turns to Dr Pierces Fav orite Prescription If her life is made gloomy by the chronic weaknesses deli cate derangements and painful disorders that af flict her sex they are com pletely cured If shes overworked nervous or run down she has new life and strength Favorite Prescription is a powerful Invigorating tonic and a soothing and strengthening nervina nurelv vegetable Terfectlv harmless It regulates and promotes all the proper functions of womanhood improves digestion enriches the blood dispels aches and pains brings refreshing sleep and re stores health and vigor For every female complaint and disturbance it is the only remedy so sure and unfailing that it can be guaranteed It it doesnt benefit or cure you havo your money back It Cures ColdtCcupliBSore ThroatCroupInfltten rtjWhoopinp Cough Bronchitis and Asthma A ecrtaia euro for Consumption in first stages and sure relief in advanced Etapes TJis at once Ton -will see the excellent effect after taking tha first dose Sold by dealers everywhere Large bottles SO cents and 3100 jgtPpS Both the method and results when Sjrup of Figs is taken it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys Liver and Bowels cleanses the sys tem effectually dispels colds head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and 1 bottles by all leading drug gists Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO SAN FRANCISCO CAL LOUISVILLE KY HEW YORK NY UEXTIOH THIS PAPER wnx wuroa to istzxtiuu A Young Woman at Fifty Or as the world expresses it a well preserved woman One who un derstanding the rules of health has followed them and preserved her youth ful appearance Mrs Pinkham has many cor respondents who through her advice and care can look with satisfaction in their mirrors Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compoimd coes to the root of all female complaints renews me vuuuiy aim iimgumiw iv j tern Intelligent women know well its wonderful powers It is the successful product of a lifes work or a woman among women and is based upon years of actual practice ituu cAjJi iioi AH Propgists tell it or tent g by mall in form of Mill i or jCviSjSi Uii XAftzy MWJZfflSy fc3MS9 Lixer Pillt Sc Corn- g j4 sntwered iaf ipondence freely Jatr Addreit in confidence r O SS ivtuia E I1NJ UAM Met Co jv J6s Jynn Maps - ALWAYS THUS Suffered 20 Years Pilot Knob Mo Mr Henry P Travers formerly of this place suf fered with chronic rheumatism for 20 years and was treated at times by several doctors ST JACOBS OIL cured him No No Return return of pain O in 3 years O G A Farrar Years IJOHNWMOBRI WitKiiIiiirton I C fcBBf - 5 c - utes claims fV SUCCejji u l uTs Pension Bureau ISIlSlteattasdalnuatlace HTS E DM sVJR StSsVKSbshjIX ivH tt LS iuDbioandtho ooMumerpwi w aiasBaclaEe vnuieTer 51 I 1 NOTES AND C03IMKXTS The work of incendiaries in the United States which insurance men believe causes great loss every year has led lire underwriters to attempt to secure the enactment of laws providing for the adequate investigation of the causes of all liresand the prosecution of all persons believed to be incendiaries The National Board of Fire Underwriters has sent to the Governors of different States a communication calling attention to the need of legislation on this subject and has also issued a pamphlet containing the recommendations of insurance commis sioners that laws be enacted requiring investigation of all fires It shows that the fire waste has increased from 84 OfJOOOO in 1882 to 143000000 in 1891 The Insurance Commissioner of Colorado in his report for 1892 says that fully 35 per cent of the fires there are of incendi ary origin The Connecticut Commis sioner says that the risk should be divided between the companies and the insured to induce greater care against fires Copies of Massachusetts and New Uampshirc statutes on the subject and of bills introduced at the last sessions of the New York and New Jersey legisla tures are included in the pamphlet Oxe of the curious experiences of some of the recent Greenland travelers was to learn after their return that an odd waltz performed by the South Greenland Eski mos was in reality a European dance all the rage last winter in Paris thence trans planted to Copenhagen and by easy transition in a Danish steamer and in the person of a Danish official or perhaps ofiicialers taken to the fjord cut and glacier browed west coast of Greenland It is the old old story of going awaj from home to hear news or learn some thing of that that we should have known from the very association with it but the incident after all suggests what a compressed little globe this is after all Paris aud UpQrnivik Ilatnmerfest and Melbourne Cape Barren and Cape Town are so near each other that one can almost touch them while experience proves that to go to any out of the way place and not find something in common with the localit its people or its visitor is so rare as to almost be an impossibility Every traveler even the most casual is im pressed with this- and as for the globe trotters the world to them is but a little back yard geographical patch in which kingdoms and empires take the place of the long rows of cabbages and turnips Not even Heaven itself is sacred to ths advertiser aud the Milky Way is about to become a valuable advertising medium The other night at Ealing a town half way between Loudon and Windsor an enterprising genius rejoicing in the name of Sidney Hodges succeeded in projecting a large and highly luminous letter on the sky by some means of his own invention and demonstrated to an interested party of spectators that with the electric light there would be no diffi culty on a favorable night in displaying not only letters but words and signals ia the same fashion The heavens will soon be telling besides their own story one of certain peoples soap or liver pills or porous plasters To what extent this new branch of advertising enterprise will interfere with the science of astronomy can onlv be left to the imagination Captain C W Adams of West Addion Vt has raised quite a large portion of the timbers of the flagship Congress of General Benedict Arnolds fleet which was sunk in Lake Champlain in October 177G The timbers of which there are about thirty feet of the after part of the keel aud keelson with a num ber of the ribs attached are of oak and perfectly sound The wood wheu polished is very dark and takes a beau tiful finish It wll be either worked into canes and other articles as relics or kept intact for the Worlds Fair Mr Adams has also several shells and solid shot grape and musket balls which he has found near the Avreck A xuMKER of German dentists have been heavily fined by justices in Prussia aud Saxony for advertising themselves as doctors of dentistry on the strength of diplomas received from American col leges The German laws recognize only four classes of doctors those of law theology philosophy and medicine Speakiug of dentists it is worth noting that the three dentists of Berlin Dresden and Leipsic who have the largest aud most remunerative practice are respec tively Messrs Sylvester Jenkins and Young all natives of Maine The two last mentioned were formerly residents of Bangor Svlvester aud Jenkins are court dentists PjtOFESSOit L F Blake of the Univer sity of Kansas in an article on Safety from Electricity in the Electrical World says For buildings in cities except churches aud other high struc tures rods I think arc unnecessary Lightning strikes seldom in the cities compared with the country one reason being that the many electric wiies tele phone and telegraph and electric light are really saieguards A building is safer with such wires over it than with out Iu the country however buildings may need protection Fouk years ago it is said General Harrison vent to bed on the night of election before he knew the result The wife of general Hancock declared that the latter went to bed at 7 oclock in the evening on election day 18S0 being too tired to await news Next morning he awoke at dawn and asked if there were any definite tidings Upon her reply Yes you arc beaten he turned over and went to sleep again A Sax Fuaxcisco firm is about to attempt the revival of Avhaling in the Antarctic Ocean which has not been carried on for as many as twenty five years A quarter of a century ago the catches of sperm aud right whales used tp be excellent there and many of the whalers are now of the opinion that the Southern seas will again afford a profit able field for operations The red glow of the planet Mars lias puzzled everybody but a French astrono mer who gives it as his opinion that the vegetation of that far away world is crim son instead of green He also says that he hasnt the least doubt but that there aresingle flowers on the war gods surface which are as large as the incorporated limits of Paris THE INSTALLMENT PLAN Ingenious Young Widows Bright Bohomo for Making Money There are several women in this city says tne Now York Mail ana Express who are making snug sums of money by soiling fine underwear of their own doing on the Installment plan They generally work In pairs One of the women will take orders and do the col lecting while the other remains at home and sews The latter has a number of girls to help her A young widow who was left penni less when her husband died is credited With having originated tho sceme Sho had always been noted among her ac quaintances for the excellence of her needlework and she proceeded to turn that accomplishment to a useful pur pose She went out and solicited orders and devoted three days to the work She began timidly and with little hope of success but she was received kindly wherever she went and was agreeably surprised to find at tho close of the three days tramping that she had se cured orders for more work than she could do in a month She hired two girls to assist her and delivered some of the work the following week Now sho solicits orders and collects every day until noon and spends the re mainder of the day superintending the work of the girls at her home These enterprising women get better prices than are charged in the stores but customers do not complain as they haye five weeks in which to settle for a 5 purchase I have done very well said the young widow for although I have been working at this for less than a year I have a bank account and am constantly extending the scope of my operations The Story of Sir l oln The famous story of the word sir loin or more properly surloin is of recent creation A King of England the mery monarch most likely com ing in hungry one day from the chase had served up to him a savory loin of beef So delighted was the famished King at the sight of his favorite dish that he knighted it on the spot and is it not known as sir loin even to this day Dont If a dealer otleis you a bottle of Salvation Oil without wrapper or labels or in a mutilated condition dont touch it dont buy it at any price there is some thins wrong it may ho a dangerous or worthless counterfeit Insist upon getting a perfect unbroken genuine package Be on your guard Danger of BItlnj Thread Dont bite your thread it is silk was the warning a man gave a young woman the other day who intent on her tancy work was snipping off with her teeth the frequent ends of silk her work produced Serious cases of lead poisoning have resulted from the prac tice as silk thread is soaked in acetate of lead to increase its weight SlOO Howard SIOO The reailers of this paper will be pleased to leam that there ia at least one dreaded disease that scienco has been ablo to euro in all its stages and that is Catarrh Halls Catarrh Cure is tho only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity Catarrh being a constitutional disease requires a con stitutional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tho system thereby destroying the foundation of the diseaso and giving tho patient strength by building up tho constitution and assisting naturo in doing its work The proprietors have so much faith in its curative poworB that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that itfails to cure Send for list of testimonials Address F J CHENEY CO Toledo O jeSTSold by DruggiBts 75c They Are Poor Marksmen Aurelien Scholl a French journalist is authority for the assertion that only eleven out of the 847 duels fought in France during the past three years had fatal results How J Wrote en Hur told by Gen Lew Wallace is one scrap from the voluminous and superb programme of eminent writers and interesting articles which The Youths Companion announces It retains its place in 530000 families by the versatility and the instructiveness of its general articles the high character of all its stories the brightness of its illustra tions Then it comes every week and one gets a great deal for SI 75 a year The price sent at once will entitle you to the paper to January 1304 Address The Youths Companion Boston Mis Thk newest fad in autograph books is one of cooking recipes Each for mula written in the book has the signa ture of the contributing friend under it Important to Fleshy People Wo have noticed a page article in tho Boston Globe on reducing weight at a very small expense It will pay our readers to send two cent stamp for a copy to Betina Circulating Library 3G E Washington Street Chicago 111 The silky little King Charles spaniel is an expensive luxury because puppies a month old easily bring 350 apiece and when half grown 100 A liECEXT experiment has proved that carrier pigeons may be trusted to con vey messages from ships several hun dred miles at sea HrucriiTK the new French explo sive is so powerful that a half pound of it in a recent test displaced a stone weighing thirty tons Wk eat too much and take too little out door excercise This is the fault of our modem civilization It is claimed that Uariield Tea a simple herb remedy helps Nature to overcome these abuses The Gaudaloupe bees lay their honey in bladders of wax about as large as a pigeons egg and not in combs The honey never hardens Throat Diseases commences with a Eougb Gold or Sore Throat Browns bronchial Troches give immediate relief Sold only in boxes Price 25 cts A iurd in the London Zoo a shell drake has apparency committed sui cide on account of tho death of its mate Hiram CAVlieelur Otlebolt SacCoJa sells ilrst clnss imported Percheron and Shire stallions S800 1 2 and 3 years time The lirst patent in tho United States was issued July 31 1790 to Samuel Hopkins for making pot and pear ashes Restore the complexion by cleansing the entire system Small Bile Beans Is London the experiment is being tried of a robed choir of young gins FITS AHFitsstoppedfree by DrKIines Greit Nerve Itetoror io Fits after first days use Mar velous cures Treatise and 200 trial bottle free to Fit cases Send to Dr Kline 031 Arch St Phila Pa The gifts to Yale during the last year have amounted to over 2000000 Small Bile Beans will cure U -sir f f D the o You Wish F 9 ines to the children and find that it keeps them in good health Mus Sarah Muie 303 16th Av so Minneapolis inn HOODS PILtS cure all Liver Ills MENTION THIS PAPER whkh whitinu to adyzetisxos niysa All fsr Offer closes New Years eve Avoid Holiday rush Order now B rea and Cake i vv d It is conceded that the Royal Baking Powder is the purest and strongest of all the baking powders The purest baking powder makes the finest sweet est most delicious food The strongest baking pow der makes the lightest food That baking powder which is both purest and strongest makes the most digestible and wholesome food Why should not every housekeeper avail herself of the baking powder which will give herthe best food with the least trouble Avoid all baking powders sold with a gift or prize or at a lower price than the Eoyal as they invariably contain alum lime or sul phuric acid and render the food unwholesome Certain protection from alum baking powders can be had by declining to accept any substitute for the Iloyal which is absolutely pure GRAINS OF COLD Ignobaxce is the mother of impu dence Dont look back and you wont want to go back Most anything can be forgiven easier than selfishness Temptations resisted are stepping stones to heaven A fool thinks he is right because ho cant see very far Sometimes wo take a long step by being put down a bit Indecision is tho gieatest robber on the face of the earth It is hard to be a friend to a man who is an enemy to himself A seed that will not grow is no bet ter than one that is rotten The first mile toward hell always looks like a short cut to heaven No coiiiiEGE can do much for a man who thinks ho knows it all himself The spider probably thinks that the bee is wasting time in making honoy Tic man who brags much on his goodness will bear a good deal of watching Half the troubles we look for do not come and it is never worth while to waste the hours in worrying Supee abundance is a trouble want a misery and an exalted station a great burden but competence is true happiness Go twice as far as liver pills and cure oftener Small Bile Beans 1HEfathei of Goethe was the son of a tailor Mrs Sarah itluir Of Minneapolis I vas for a long time a sufferer from Female Weakness and tried many remedies and physicians to no good purpose One bottle of Hoods rilla made so great a difference in my condition that I took three bottles more and found my self perfectly well I have also given s sarsapan Are 1ou Squlilng And Is it pain that causes yon to squirm Rheumatism will make anyone wince Coun teract it as you can readily do at the outset Avith Hostettera Stomach Bitters which ex pels the rheumatic virus from the blood and promptly relieves the tortures that It pro duces The evidence in its behalf on this point is ample and conclusive and embraces tho deliberate affirmations of many medical prac titioners Like all standard preparations tho Bitters deserves a persistent trial which if it receives the happiest and most thorough re sults may be confidently anticipated For malarial kidney and liver complaints neural gia nervousness indigestion and loss of flesh and appetite It is a world famous remedy Convalescence after deblliating ailments ia much facilitated by it Reno Xcv has a brass band com posed of fifteen young women Tavnes Expectoii vr is both a palliative and curative in all Lung Complaints Bronchitis c It is a standard remedy for Coughs and Colds and needs only a trial to prove its vorth Theee are orange trees in Malta 200 i years old Cures Consumption Coughs Cronp Soto Tliroat Sold by all Druggists on a Guarantee For a Lame Side Back or Chest ohilohs Porou3 Plaster -will give great satisfaction 35 ccnte Unlike the Dutch Process EHfffl No Alkalies on Other Chemicals are used in the preparation of W BAKER COS reaMastCocoa which is abxolntely pure and soluble It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed i with Starch Arrowroot or Sugar and is far more eco nomical costing less than one cent a cup It is delicious nourishing and easily digested Sold byflocer8 ererjTrher W BAKER CO Dorchester Mass RIPANS TABULES regulate the stomach liyer ana oowela Z tj ths blood are safe and effectual tho bit medlcineiknown for bilious- o pm constipation dyspepsia fonl breath headachemental depression painful digestion bad complexion iu au diseases caused by failure of A tft OtOmAh livpr ni hnnrola f n twr ft form their iropr functions Persons given to over- eating are benefited by taking one after each neal Price 82 sample 16c At Druggists or sent bj maUr KIPANS CHEMICAL CO 10 Spruce St New York J ittettMtO0ioe naaetc AGENTS WANTED UN SALARY or commission to handle the Xew Patent Chemical Ink Erasing Pencil Agents making S50 per week Monroe Eraser Alan ufacting CoX80LaCrosseVis MENTION THIS PAPER trevt wmio to astibtusbj I ELYS CREAWJ BALWi Cleanses the Nasal jraeBageg mays ruin auu jnuammauuiii xikmb thesores Jteatores xasie aim amen auu vmeo EX3 Gives Relief at once for Cold in Heac Apply into the Nostrils It is Quickly Absorbed 53c ftrnggiBts or by mail ELY BROS G6 Warren St N Y EPWOBTH ORGAN 9 WRBTING DESK LIBRARY TABLE Epworlh Organ Instruction Book Nice Organ Stool Writing Desk Oak Library Table All for 102 2lflste rS7 Catalog Free i B rmirtiiryfniMV Order now for Chnctnas fcgRSSSS LDihHPS wr s 7A i gaYFHE8 75 Writing Desk Free Total 123 tSS imSfe555 I library SMWTWmLX 1 lJFSEIISSSfflBTO i STYLE 602 SPECIAL EPW0RTH PARLOR 0RGAB is the best instrument we ever made Walnut Case Engraved Panels Music Rack Five Octave Key Board Ten Octave Reeds Powerful Bass BrilliantTrcble Couplers Large Bellows If not found as repr resented may be returned at our expense Send statement from your Ministcr Express Agent or Banker that vou will send droftv hen poods are tested and found as represented and we will ship organ with above Writing Desk Library Tabic Stool and Book We refer to thousands of satisfied customers or to the First Nadcnal Bank If you send draft for with order we will pay treignt to stations nasi 01 inc cKy iuoun tains rcignt averages about j WILLIAHS ORGAH PIAH0 CO CferterviUe lows j Sy rman 99 ru My niece Emeline Hawley was taken with spitting blood and she became very much alarmed fearing that dreaded disease Consumption She tried nearly all kinds of medi cine but nothing did her any good Finally she took German Syrup and she told me it did her more good than anything she ever tried It stopped the blood gave her strength md ease and a good appetite I had it from her own lips Mrs Mary A Stacey Trumbull Conn Honor to German Syrup gftfc AT JfflK THE NEXT MORNING I FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AND rA COMPLEXION 13 BETTER My doctor sajs It acts Rently on thu stomach liver and kidneys and Is a pleasant laxative This drink Is xnado from herbs and Is prepared Tor use as eaillT as tea It Is colled LABIS MEDICIMI Ml druggUt ttll tt at Me ind 1 pr pickift I you cantiat ttl It trad your iddreu for a fres umpla I aiet Km mil Sriitllt boih tus tone aeb Jar In order t bIlhy Ihlt U tu unr AddMi ORATOR Y WOODWAilO Lailot ti T 9 EL xl Tho African Kola Plant KKCfn nnirS discovered in Congo West 0BHBQSC1 Africa is Slaturtts ure Cure for Asthma 4Jnro Unaranteed or o Pay Export Office 11G4 Broadway New York For Large Trial Case PEE ly HSnil address EOLA 1HPOBTIHQ CO 232 VineStClnctosatiOalg i Your Health The citadel of life must be guarded at two points In the iirst place there is danger of taking cold We take cold through the skin and this effects the kidneys and the lungs So inti mately are these organs connected that a cold affects them both In order to relieve the systemboth should be treated or rather the whole sys tem should be regulated This is done by Reids German Cough and Kidney Cure It acts as a stimulant and re stores the organs to action The other weak spot is tho digestion When tho food does not digest it ac cumulates and causes fever sickness and death The Laxative Gum Drops will remove all waste material from the system and do it without pain or griping Ask your druggist for these remedies and see that he gives thern to you Sylvan Remedy Co Peoria Illinois fftfr3 UIL Send for Illustrated Cstslone showing Well Angers Bock Drills Hydraulic and Jetting Machinery iuau jjius eic uaYO Been tested lor years ana rally -warranted The Pech WSfg Co 100 FORTIETH ST SIOUX CITl ID Ffl L1PP Hill 3 Constipatfoi Ik PRDITM OFFICE OUTFITS at reasonable rates and upon liberal term3 Wnrrs FOR Pahticdxabs SIOUX CITY EWSPA PER UNION 812 Pearl Stiect Sioux City Iowa WELL MA 0H1NEEY M IUfflTTC Now stands in tho front rank oi monthly publica tion0 Each number contains a complete novel as veil as a liberal quantity of miscellaneous matter One years Fubscnptton Kives a volume of nearly J0C0 Ta ifP The befat the ape have been jecured and new features w ill from time to time ba idded which will rivt to LippmcottH a dL tinctiva place of its own For full pi o pectua address LIP ti2H O i lS MAGAZINE Ihilade lphia 25 cts sinsl number 3 a year Send for sample copy a n nsp mm 5 Overcome fa results of AfK VJB I- 1 a n i ro Cure3 Restores Complexion riavea Doctors Bills Sainplofree GAEFiELDIUojSWVthStY Cures Sick Headache BEAUTIFUL QUEEN MAES PRINTER S V N U curious eccentricities are illustra ted in Dr O P Browns nmqna J 89 SHx KKSPEAKIAN A L ANftC One or more sent for friends on receipt of address on postal J GIBSON BROWN H Grand Street Jersey City NJ Should wnte ror our new line of STiTinmcDV samnles Th cnmTir st cva issued Sioux City Newspaper Union 212 Pearl Street Sioux City Iowa PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE Send at once to Jons Sebastiav g T a C R I pMcago and receive postaRo pall thrj illckestdeckofcardsyouever handled TEN CENrj per pack postage stamps for one or many fr7S Mt FAT FOLKS REDU6E1 Alice Maple Oregon Mo m neltrht wnsO Doundsnnw it if- rednctiua of 125 lbs For circulars address wjtt DrOWFSNYDER Mo Vicker Theatre Chicauo m Morphine Habit Cared in 2 J toSUdayfi No jay till cured DR JSTEPHENS LebanonOhio ffi rfflyrf JeSSiiiJifiAasS V Consumptives and people f who have weak lungs or RJu ins should use Piaos Cure for iSs Consumption It has enred thousands Ithns not injur ed one It is not bad to take It is the best cough syrup Sold everywhere 2Sc 1 1