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About Cherry County independent. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 18??-1896 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1895)
rST P t 5 for s v - TV K i i 7 cw y T9 i aw tfi y El ib preme Juage K 1 Vi f m IB ll SAMUEL MAXWiiLL - tfgents State University MRS E W PEATTUJJ J n BAYSTOX JUDICIAL tr Judges District Court T V GOLDEN TV WESTOVER C0UXT1 or Treasurer- G P CRAB1 Table Precinct fPov Clerk- nEsL r We S3ff I f THE R0PUL1ST TICKET SI ATM Ur IAUM T 1VTTKT1 Boiling Springs Eor Sheriff- N S KOSVLEY Kennedy Pi ec net For Judge- Jt n v ScaUigle Procinct or Siwwntende3iVl0lktr t im iif EBXTHCIAN LFFr V xralentiiJffeef nt V K f Tj s f aK BAIXSPOKD vji zel Preci ror Coroner- ur r GEO B ZAKK - i TA i r i vaieuiiuoty ju f er Commissioner 1st Dish tr v A WH1SON g German lrecihct Commissioner 2nd DistrijtFW CCPABKEK jf Lavaca Picinct i tj -1st the Bepiiblkjan last weegappears another tirade against the editor of Lthls paper In so far as ttjjtt article Sfconcerns us personally we -care nOilh 4ing simply consider the vile source ferom whence in eniinatesfjUt is be queath our dignityZas respecVble lews publishero notic sucbvcoa temptable attacts But in regard to the truth of the statement made by AtMs paper we propose to prove that tis a fact The Independent makes lno statements without foundation and the Eepublican should learn not to iudge us by itself He says Repub licans are not forest to such damn able work in pleading their cause Now if we prove that our statement is true here is an admission that re publicans are resorting to damnable work and circulating lies Of the piany republicans who sire circulating klKhis false leport we have selected one wWaii who is certainly a representative republican as he now holds the tion in their party as precinct com jDitteeman Wc have selected this to prove our assertion from the fact that we have known him for many years and know him to be a I good honest upright man who when lie makes a statement will not deny it fand his standing for truth and fcviaas faraboe that of tlu1 Vneutine tean as the sun is above the man belli wil what he jit he truth and it wis this false iu p on inn si name of refer is to Mr kie ie n Tr f L WE DO NOT ASK SYMRATHY BUT WE DEMAND JUSTIOE binijfind defr iuflinj - Does he sut pose that the people are not aware that the present county clerk is de frauding the county out of a large -amount of fee received for abstract work that should be done by him but is being done by a private individual t K is poor grace for a man supporting a party w ith such a record and which has a gambler and a saloon bum for two prominent positions on thcii to refer to any other party as a rotten element in politics If on want more come asiain BewXke of camnaign lies PiWple are digustKl uitli ed reforms o reform Thev will elec a i i It isdi iia ria 4 wnik fr a jl tU t ion rw Defeat the republicans bVa large iiioritv this fall and thevvfJabe dead for ever in so far as 1 rj is concerned v Tjie low price of wheat and high price of nlour is food for thought Study this matter and find wheiein lies the injustice then vote for a party that will right the wronir We desire to urge upon the popu lists of our county the necessity of gettiong out to the polls Theie has been -a heavy immigration from the county whicbyviil make tne vote very light 2ever have all the populists turned out and voted The record of the republican party is such that every populist should register himself against it Consider yourself a committee of one to see that all your populist neigh bors vote We cannot afford to loose this election by n g ignce in going to the polls We have the votes to elect our entire ticket let us get them out Precinct committeeman should see that arrangements are perfected for this purpose Dont miss a single man We have heard the political tion figured out this wuv The demn cratic ticket will draw- many populibt votes and all the demociMAio votes while we the republicans will hold ourr vote solidly and thus elect oui entire ticket The men Yo figure this way will bo greatly surptised af J ter c to defeat the potmlists it will be i cold day It will result about this wav The populists will vote their ticket straight to a man and a Miliicient lumber i lepiihlicrins disgtiited b rer own pjuiy reedni will vote our tirviit to elect the populist candidates nuft hirge majorities A populist would feel proud of himself to vow a democrat and in that wav hvf ilo elect a republican to ollrce niw1 wouldnt he nptt ZjjtlS jrslrr W w - Mr Editor The maximum mud un published by our republican friend lias indulged in one oi its characteris tic explosions of filth After using all its energy in throwing slurs and insinuation against our grand old lead er Mr Crabb After trying to fasten on him mismanagement in our count convention and trying to emphasize it by airing the statements of our jeal ous misguided friend -Mr Goduard Atter the coukoOs have peddled the tit i Sir Crabh to collect the- delinqiroj ura CONSUMPTION i Sicat iJE so pnoxouifcur r r t it tefflicoi Jb rJZY f fc Say- t Kipflit election Wbii the republican ysiJv tn use the democials as n vats pins A i cfjjljtiiii OlwwU GIvgh Over by the Doctors S I LJFE SAVED BY t I rarBB mmi GHtRKY mumi e SftVen j ears ago rny wife had a Qz e seVFre attack of lung trouble wricn os tiiehjsiiiiins prononuced consumption 05 pco sb was cxlretnelj distressing Q yspechly at nmht and was frequently o itte d with the spitting of blood Ojj Mfle utictors bphig unable to help her 0jj r tn mil ir turiiricnil at the trreat O f r J r 11 V ie -1 itpvve Jieioie usum um- uu sjh ttlhe was cured so that now she is o tfc strong and hailthy That this g medicine saved my wifes lire I have mt 3 the least doubt K lIOKins Mem os phis Tcnn Q Oyers Olerrf Poetoral Recalved Highest Awards ol AT THE WORLDS FARg OO OOOOOOOOO COO OO OOOO oooj Oeinnklsa Pf8ssrvs I J55 iXr DR HCSHAS WS m h MAW Xl - t Jl JL rs v t 1 tX a v FINAL PROOF NOTICES Parties having final proof notices In shese columns will receive a marked copy of the Ixdupexdext containing first insertion of same It is the duty f each claimant to examine their notice carefully and should there be any error the fact should be reported to the land office and to this oflice at once for correction Land OlliCe at Valentin Neb Aug 2Jtli lbP5 l Notice is liorebv pven tliat the fol owhift j amed pettliT has filed notieoof Ins intention to tina nroof in aunnort of Ins caim and said proof vjil be made before Register and Cfjtvtr al aleiiune ieiirasKa on uct rzui VtJo viz cheaj insinuations ot the tailuretr John shandor of Yalentinp Xeb UK No sooo l m iiiiui tiiu luuiiwni nyiiiii5is in inutuuvi it axes until thov have called down the fritinuius residence upon and cultivation of i - irt laud viz rgjt 0is warih of his host ol lnendp Kilm Adams Walter risk roseph Farris vsl - I iUiUAnfiUKimJoHi on an ol valentine e our siiiiui menu uis fiiutjavuitju uu eriiwl o t through a nailhole cal party to make a campaign vflt atvhs not hard o tell who was doin bkick record tofaee i it Now however after Mr Crabbs g is generally conceeded and iublicthereisagenpril skedadle to get out of sight Tt isnt an easy mat i r either for tliose who are down in the republican pool fis hing out such stiijf wont rendflfirfiud auv thins there that wiil wash it off But our liLile fnv tli 1 Sp- 1 Tn T T onw V 11 3 LOVER Register ne Land Oilme at alentine Nebr i tlflnud battry supposed they were yotlwUhZmm Kftvennjr iw Mi Urabb with ineir niui i f s oi ins m wmuii - X n i nAkt liii tl nniof m snimoit of Ins claim and ---------- i i ---- i tnat wild proot win ne mane neioie itegisier and Receiver at aleutine Nebr on Oct tli I8f3 viz Samuel fc McClean of PrownleoNeb HK NoOc126 for Hie 2 XE1 rj and N1 ltEJPUBMUAAUBgiiiiiirf f hfismrihrs lve ftipl ttw SMHTi It J r - - - the shortage in the count offices u I- davn the indignation of an abused irg dcusscd freely by tin1 iax pajevd t v frwinrl PfivL rir MJinir l 1ip inlr nut irJH S MeCIoanOf IrowiiIrC i eb MK7 Pa3n is growing les s r B - Robertv Jlariha K a fc J l tXv w ft - 1 umfial eacrrvear There aiv men this Ui ls 1U si i sc uo i u 7 v Also iartha P Mvers who could rt b iuh uuwn wio uuiuc ul tu vear never r VuAuu KolK iKXa o for tli SR whinnedinto line to suunort comm dent ticket so as to iurnish him yyK si xisecioiKWseca illation enough to keep in sight Ion euough to enable his smaliness to oiler a cheap aud miserable apology It lisut the firstrtime we hive heard from his T vo years ago he hail tjhe gail to slur one of our populist of ficials after winning an honest aud fair election before the public had a chance to test her work ln our campaign work we have v iii erally waived the advantage of calling the taking of hundreds of dollars from the county without equivalent by the cold name of theft well knowing that had it been our case we would have been Coasted to a char We have bourn Ihu njikind statements of op position without a murmer after hav ing been pledged lair personal treat ment for like treatment We have d me all honest men could do to make this campaign one of principle rather personality We have went out from our homes to become the target of trained politicians at some personal sacrifice because we believed an out raged public need demanded it and a party whoes public organ falsifies the opposing i andidales arid workers for the sol1 purposo of covering up its ow n perfidy ought to Ire taught a lesson by the good people of tnis county One of the Boys He iiniui the follow inir witnesses tn prove hrt continuous lesideueeon and cull nation of said andM Alexander UopRsett Mairha F Iers and VmUimii V 15ell ol Jullman Srn and Fluali D Steni of Blow nlee Nel Also Harriett J Roggsett of Iullma i Sell HFXo 002 lor Hie SFVI SWii and lot I Sec w Tn R ri and Ei4 rfKii Seel Tp Ls R 3 Ife name- th1 folown wiiicsscito piove liis coiitniious residenee ujion and cultivation ol sfd Iindi and lid lLimiv ae o rmiiiL witnesses to proe her coiuinitous l evidence upon and cultivation ot said land i Annuel tcClean of TSiowulee Neb and Hani it J HirLtilohn I Kosebem and Ihomei SlcLkui yf Ilillman Vo C RGLOVIMt ilesitcr U S Land Ofliee Valentine Nebraska I Stiite iiber UJth 1895 I Xotipeisuerbv iivonUiatTimotlnli Falbuyhas Hied ol intention to m ike final proof be fore the lleKister or Rec ivcr at His office in Valentine eb on the 2Gth day of Oi tobir ls oinoerciUire application No f r iu Nl SIIH and Xi i SAJ4 of rfec No i m iff o s ic mi is He ntine a- wiinesses Samuel W Chestnut of Joi don Neb Hiarles Tale and Levi La Tort ot Valentine Net aud William 1 c of ilillman Neb C 11 V LOVFIt Tleister Laiid Ollice at Valentine Nebraska t Sept 17th l05 1 Notice is hereby yiven thai the lollowinir nam e I settler has died notice of lus intention to make final p oof - in support ot lus claim and tltafc saidoioof will be made before ikjitiMer and R 4JV0 tit alehttie Nebraska on Nov s Mankin ray oticann Aeb ITK No 12 u for rlie K1 N Vi Sec jr and SV4 See VI Tn X 11 V lie naiiK the fohovMiic witnesses to prove his coiUiinous lebidence upon mid cultivation of Slid land vi njlvanus Johnson Harry Lautz William Wat sin and Ileunau bliult all of McCann Neb J 11 1 LOVER JRcijisler U S Land oific Valentine Nebraska t tieptember W Complaint having ben mado at this ollice b Jaineb N Steailmali igain r John Rardbon for fa1 lure to eoiuplj witi law as to Timber Culture entry No f 03S dated June 180 ujion the H1 SK and - SVi sec 1 TwnJ3R2 in hem county Nebraska with a view to the tion of said eutiy contestant allesitu that John iiirilMUi has railed to oiealc or cause to be broken ten aeiesot sa d tract and has railed to plant or cause to be planted ti acres in tice or ciiitings and has liiieu to cultivate or aiiKe to be cult valed an pail of hdid tract 111 the lail two years ol entiy aud that the land ik v broken on said tract is grown i in grass aiui weedb end theisare now 110 livingtrees on ld tract at dae and claimant has wholly ibtndoiied said tract and lui s faied ro euie his la Mes 10 this date the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at tnic olihp on thelJth iliyot oviniler JSiij at 10 oclock a m to re spond and finnish tetinioy coiiccrning taid alleged failure C It GLOVER Register laml Office at Valentine Nebiaska I Aug 20 if f Complaint havinir been etiteiedat this oilier b John A Rlooinlield awiist Daniel I Kline for tailure to comjily with law as to ultuie Untry No 7707 datefl lulv 12th ISPS up on rhesi in1 ari 8 aw1 see ir iv p tn range j7 in Chiirvcuirty Nebrtska with a view to the cancellation of said entrv contestant lleg mg that the said Daiii 1 1 Kline has tailed to plant of cause to be planted any part of said ti act m trees seeds or eutngs that all the land bioken on said tract haQ giown up in grass and weeds and that clamant has failed to cure his laches to this date the said parties are here bv summoned to appear at tih ollice on thersth da of October isn5 at 10 a m to responil and furnish testimony concerning said alleged failure J A FIKK Keceiver U S iand Ollice at Valentine Neb hept fitli 1895 1 Complaint havim been entered at this office by Hii im It Ertgar against Charles lllce for abauiloiiing his Homestead Entry No 3io dated Octoer 301889 upon the qxa neK Seer Ti2ii i 27 w and s4 seSee JH Tp 27 11 U 27 w CIicitv Cotiutv Nebraska wtij a view r the cancellation of said enterd the said parties are heivbv summoned ti appear at the Valentine land Oficeon the irth day of October 1S95 at 10 oclock A fll to respond and furnishtesta monv crmcerning f aiJ alleged abandonment Jeposiiion ol witnesses to taken before John 11 Lee a nctarv public at his office in Brownlee Neb 01 the 8 day ot Oct lr or at 10 oclock a m C It GLOVER Ecgister U S Land ORlce Broken Rot INeb I Aug aitlSOS f Complaint having been entered at This office bvllramlt Edgar against Charles Itieefor abandonmrhis Ilomestead Entry oSTo8S0r dated OcttOlSSOnpon the e1 saVi Heec Tn2G n Itanire J7 and si sc1 Sec - Tp 27 11 R 27 w in cuti j county Neb with a view to Uie can cel 1 tion of stfnl entry the said parties are here by aimnoiUKi to appear at tne otnee 01101111 u Let i notarv pal liat Jinnvnlee Neb on the 8 rwy of 0vt 15 at JO oclock a to rtpopd and furnish testimony concerning said aJleneyabiuiilni inent - CJ f A KLES n ADAPTS Eegiiter niHF QtTA llTKinrASTERS OJ TJCK VVmiahii ebSiitPniber 80 S01 Sealed pro ps fjn trfplu atc will be received here until j 0i InnK u iii October 0 1MJ and then open d for fnrjhing iiellatl coin lequiivd in the ueTvniiiun or tne riatte during usual iwSiSVVSd -v Ma miH h 30 v- S- reserves Liver Moles BW cad y t rjKhr rAtt or a proi10sais or aiiy fcunoiim and 1 anu re hi ixt Qm t Information furnished on iWLhi7M V lftftu iW eor to pet and depot qimrtpr KSfl hoUt c fniWn544j bti iere supplier are iweded litiiHooallit Ml Uir aining proposals will he endorsed SlprwHSrVnrmi5i At all iiKor com at and addressed KOTrwiitoSOsIfflclforclrcuter BVW UMrilrJEY 3rajor and r -- 4iii v iii Lft SKIN SOAP t it ptr loennpafatVos a fe 1 ua svw -a sac v i - I Price ir Conis ft lllTKi i - -- K irussut Tabulos euro dyspepsii C BirrNBRCOM iOlea O TOlldcs 011C iv9s reIfct Vr - - VALENTINE CHERRY CO NEBRASKA THURSDAY OCTOBER 17 1895 InTO 35 j 1 i TT FULL LD ME - C0STMM w mm Ma - - - 4 B I FRANK 1- A i t m st prm rs ia i fill tR fta -v V J S Tfi WE HA YE JUST SETS and CASESk 1 JThL T Vi ftL I msm aJs nine fk I X r fnt g ir JfHw K33njpa fas r3 3 r sr 11 B Uasi l IM 3T i 1 hii a JOSEPH BRISTOL 1 i n S3 1 Agesfe HAS A FIXE LINE OF innnQ awd npnnPR ooxs ana brioes a BWjae vrJlLM IL - t f it P xfimai HKSM tJ 13 f n t K SJ I hull S3 mx ri t 11 Tlie Best Line of Shoes at -Lowest Pria32 67 mmm toeos j hats and jmt 4 Located two iiles east of Fort 2sYobrara rr3 him GMMWrvmB J yk FULL LINE OF QSSpiNS CMP OF VALENTiNE G SJ COHXEIjIi President J3 V rZCKGZjSQX Vaahberr Valentine Nebraska 4 General JSanJing Meeiiiest Transacted IZuyu aiid Sella IZenictitie and Woniitpi IZiticTiaiige Correspondents Chemical National Bank New York First National Bank Omshz 1 B a P U u 8 ex epa VJJZBt U U a SssaS a t - WILL FURNISH - i Fish Game Tender St sate I pJiicy Roasts pry Salt Mtfse k I and the fin est line of SmoteC S i Mams and Breakiast Bam SI N eyer sold in town E3 At StettersOld Stand on Main Street TLjr DAI AOC J W STEHER PI sA jrygg tt HEADQUARTERS WINES LiaUOSS and GIGAH Oi tlie Choicest Braxidc 1 II EL I alLL islwIN I CARRIES A COitPLEXE LIKE OE GENERA T MERCHANDIS T if JACKSON fe BBAYTOt Pr5j Valentine Nebrar 1 I ti V X V