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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1963)
A- ill g'Wi y I 1 HmJ f ft 1 X5t i w WI CASS SOIL DISTRICT AWARD Mr. nd Mrs. Anton Nielsen of Weeping Water are t ihown holding the color aerial photograph of their farm presented them as winners of the 1062 County Soil and Water Conservation District Award. Presentation was made by II slngur, Weeping Water, a member of of Supervisors of the District, at the Service annual meeting at Weeping (til arold Mei the Board Extension Water. MURRAY NEWS Mrs. Dorothy Van Ackcrn Phone 325-3556 Last Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Redding, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Deterdlng, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Albin. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cundall, and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Melsinger took refreshments to the William Bplltt home as a surprise to help , Mrs. Splitt observe her birthday. A recent 8unday afternoon Mr. ,and Mrs. Martin Sporer and Mr. 'and Mrs. James Eastrldge and children drove to Nebraska City where they visited the Paul Wel ble family. Mrs. Orville Todd accompa nied her son Richard Todd to the funeral services for Mrs. Rich ard Schanot. Little Amy Todd, TIRED KIDNEYS COT YOU DOWN? Make tht BU RETS 4-dty 39c .. Ci kidney I (enrl lift with BUKETS well-bjljnc-d formula. Help get rid of uric wjtc that may cjui. getting up nighti. scanty paiiaga, burning, backacha, leg pain. If not pleated, your 39c back at any drug ttore. TODAY at Schreiner Drug. f daughter of Richard, stayed with great-grandmother, Mrs. C. D. Spangler. Mr. and Mrs. George Nlckles recently celebrated their 34th wedding anniversary. After at tending services at the Murray United Presbyterian Church they drove to Omaha for dinner. Afterwards they visited a rela tive, Mrs. Frank Llppold, who was a surgery patient at the Clarkson Hospital. Also, other out-of-town relatives called on Mrs. LLppold and Mr. and Mrs. Nlckles had the opportunity to see them. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rice and Roger were Saturday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Oregg. The Kenosha Extension Club held a bake sale at the Collins' grocery store Saturday and gave the proceeds to the Helping Hands School. Sunday afternoon and evening guests of the Harold Rice family were Mr. and Mrs. Don Aylor and children, and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bashus and family of Plattsmouth. Mr. and Mis. Havley Sayers and Leann spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sayers of Grand Island. Genene Nolte was an over night guest one evening last week of Kathy Rice In observ ance of Ka'thy's birthday. The Harold Rice family were Sunday dinner guest? of Mr. and Mrs. Will Rice. Susan Schwarz who celebrated her 8th birthday Sunday was hor.ored by a party In the after noon given by her mother Mrs. Victor Schwarz. Games were played and all had lots of fun. Refreshments were served. The birthday cake was an unusual and lovely one. It was a doll cake baked, decorated and pre sented to Susan by Mrs. Henry Adklns of PlaiUmouth. Susan re ceived many nice gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Van Ack ern were callers of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Van Ackern Wednesday eve ning, Jan. 18, to help his mother observe her birthday. Obituary Charles M. Head MURRAY (Speci-il) Funer al services were hs Id at the Murray Christian Church for Charles M. Head, 79, Friday at 2 p.m. with Caldwells Mortu ary in charge. Reverend Victor Schwarz ot Eclated at the rites. A quartet consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Rogers, Mr. Richard Sask and Mrs. J a me.? Chrtswisser sang. Mrs. Richard Sack was organist. Palibeirers were LouU Sack, Lewis Roger, Reuel Sack, Marion Worthan, Martin ' Sporer and Charles Mead. Flower bearers were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Worthan and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ja cobsen. Burial was at the Young Cemetery. Out-of-town relatives attend ing the .services were: Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hooper, Iler.e, and Ruthie, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Farris and children of Nebraski City, Mr. ar.d Mrs. Harold Timh lin of Alvo, Mr. and Mrs. Rheaa Timblin of Unadilla, Mr. Hub ert Mci.sinijer of ftalston. From Omaha were: Ru.s.spII Re:id, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Read, Albert Keil, Owen Keil, Mrs. Ad die Park, Carl Park, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ri.sdorff and Mrs. Willa Kidwell. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ahl of Louisville, Ralph Read of Ash land and from Plattsmouth were: Mr.s. Harry Tinner and Velma, Bill Read, Mrs. Alice Renner. Francis Akesnn Mr nnrt Mrs. Otto Wohlfarth. Mrs. Don Aylor, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Keil Jr. Unable to atend due t.n Illness wer" Mrs. Florence of Almena, Kansas and Frank Read or Seattle, Wash. Charles M Rear! was hnrn Jan. 4, 1884 near Manley, the ."on of Byron and K'nma Read. He farmed most of his life near Murray. Mr. Read was an active mem ber of the Murray Christian Church. He was baptized Sept. 13, 1900. He held many Church offices through the years, in eludir:;? that of Deacon, Elder Trustee and Chairman of t h e Chun-h Board. In I '103. he vai married to Elsie Wiley at Plattsmouth. To trvs union three children we re born: Helen, Malvern, and E!sif ''.led in May, 1911. Mr. ,'ead remarried in 1914 to Kill Virgin. She d:ed In May. 1059. C;iarlcs Read passed from this life January 15, 19G3, at a NebnvKi City Hospital at the ! age of 79 years and 11 days. He I was oreceded in death by his ; parents, a daughter. Helen, a son, Malvern and a brother, Walter. ; There are five living; brothers, ; William of PlattsTiouth, Frank of WoodenvlHe, Wash., Dewey and Russell of Omaha and Ralph of Ashlmd; and three 'sifters. Mr.s. Aura Tigner of ; Piatt' mouth, Mrs. Florence ; Standish of Almena, Kansas, 1 and Mrs. Edith Melsinger of Murray. He i.s survived by a daughter, ! Mrs. Smith of Murray; ! five erindehildren and six great- gramicrinuren. 4-H Orioles The 4-H Orioles met at the home of Wayne Erick.son, Sat urday, Jan. 19, at 1:30 p.m. Officers elected are: presi dent, Wayne Erickson; vice pre sident, Terrell Dreamer; secre tary, Ralph Dreamer Jr.; trea surer, Wayne Bockelmah and reporter, David Erickson. Members discussed the Hoard's Dairyman Cow Judging Contest. Next meeting will be at Ter rell Dreamer's house Feb. 2. Mr.s. Erickson served lunch. David Erickson, reporter. THE PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL i Ms..w. . - rink Thursday,, January 24, 1963 Section B PAGE THREE ,,,eniwa Wine V.IUO 'Mending Quick Tricks' By MRS. KAY LEIDING Extension Home Agent The Home Extension clubs in Cass County will be studying modern mending aids and cloth ing repair techniques during their February meetings. Plans have been made for 5 all day meetings for the club leaders. These will be held the following dates and locations. Friday, Jan. 25, Murdock. Monday, Jan. 28, Murray. Wednesday, Jan. 30, Weeping Water. Thursday, Jan. 31, Alvo. Friday, Feb. 1, Plattsmouth. If there are non-Extension club members interested in at tending these training meetings please contact the Extension of fice so I will have enough ma terial available. The meetings will begin at 9:30 a.m. Plans for the after noon session will be a workshop for leaders to apply some of their new mending methods on their own mending problems. Sounds like a sewing bee, doesn't it? Leaders have been asked to bring sewing machines, card tables, mending and other sew ing tools. Budget experts tell us a home maker can make her greatest savings in the clothing budget by mending and by making dress-up clothe.!. I do hope this lesson will be profitable both for the financial budget and the time budget of the homemaker. t it Var- TO lassiffica nut Presidents To Meet Thirty of our 35 home exten sion clubs have elected new presidents for 1963. Plans are being made for them to meet on February 4 at the Extension office, in Weeping Water. Their training meeting will be held in the morning followed by a luncheon at noon and a council meeting in the afternoon. Mrs. Roy Engelkemier, the new County Chairman of the Home Extension Council has commit tee assignments and a tentative schedule of activities for 1963 ready for the meeting. One event which met much success in 1962 the Christmas Work shop will probably be repeat ed in 1963. Journal Want Ads Pay NEHAWKA (Special) The Nehawka 4-H Swine Club met at the John Knabe home to re organize. Officers elected were: Ron nie Warden, president; John Hansen, vice president; Rich ard Lee Stone, secretary, and Tommy Ahrens, reporter. John Knabe is the leader and Harry Knabe, assistant leader. Next meeting is Feb. 23 at the home of John Hansen. Call Your News And Social Iter:' to 214. FAST LAUNDRY SERVICE WORK CLOTHES BRING THEM IN BY 6 P.M. READY TO CO BY 4 P.M. THE NEXT DAY. WHITE DRESS SHIRT LAUNDRY SERVICE YOUR DRESS GARMENTS WILL LOOK BETTER IF YOU HAVE US DRY CLEAN THEM. FREE MOTH PROOFING! COIN-OP TYPE CLEANING 8 POUNDS $1.50 Have Your Children's School Clothes Moth Proofed, Spotted and Steam Finished All For $1.50 HOUSEHOLD ITEMS 25c PER POUND RUCS DRAPES CURTAINS Lugsch Cleaners AND LAUNDERERS Phone 2130 For Pick Up & Delivery STORE- ss WIDE SALE 10 mile. South of OMAHA, NEBRASKA on Highways 73 & 75; 1 mile South of Offutt Air Force Bate main gate and 34 mile Ea'st or 5 mile North of PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA and 34 mile Eat on - WEDNESDAY -JANUARY 30, 1963 11:30 O'CLOCK 26 ANGUS CATTLE 10 ANCUS COWS with Calves at side 5 ANCUS COWS, to calf 1 Registered ANCUS BULL, 3 year old, from the Todd herd FARM MACHINERY John Dccre 3010 Diesel Tractor, Fluid in Tires, Wheel Weights, Heavy Duty Cylinder, Deluxe Fenders; John Deere 630 Cas Tractor, Extra Cood; 1948 John Deere B Tractor; John Deere 4 Row Cultivator, 3010 Mtgs.; International No. 461 4-Row Cultivator; John Deere No. 227 Corn Picker, 3010 Mountings, Tall Corn Attachment, Fender Rods; 2 John Deere No. 730 Listers, 4 Row Hitch, Aldrin Attachment, Hydraulic, On Rubber; John Deere 4 Row Hydraulic Tool Bar Lister; John Deere No. 207 Cyramor Stalk Cutter, Cut 100 Acres; John Deere 40 ft. Elevator, 7 h.p. Wisconsin Motor; John Deere No. 45 Loader for Wide Front End; International Snow Blade for Loader, John Deere Mountings; John Deere No. 55 ABH 3-14 Hydraulic Pull Type Plow; John Deere Blue Fertilizer Applicator with 300 Cal. Tank; Low Pressure Liquid Pump, 5 Row with Hard Faced Knives, used on less than 500 Acres, new in 1962; 1000 Cal. Aluminum Tank on Steel Skids with Shut-off, 15 ft. of l'A Inch Hose with Nozsle; Big Butch 4 Row Sprayer On Rubber;John Deere No. 5 Mower; New Idea Rubber Tire Cear with Flare Box; 2 Hesston 3 Row Pickups; Set of Wheel Weights; Heavy Duty Cylinder with Long Hoses; Buffalo 4 Row Marker for 3010 or 4010. All of This Machinery is like NEW and in perfect condition. 1962 FALCON RANCHERO, 12.000 MILES Come early as there are no small items to tell. Lunch by Bellevue Lions Club TERMS: CASH SALE DAY Bob c: Ei omer Altins TAYLOR & MARTIN, Auctioneers and Clerk Phone: Fremont, Nebraska 721-4500 North Liberty Club j The North Liberty Extension: Club met at the home of Mrs. Lois -Thompson Jan. 18 with 13 members and one guest, Mn. Dorothy Hobsrheidt, answering roll call with "What New Year's Resolution I Made." Mrs. Hob- j Scheldt became a member that i day. , I The member.? recited the club ! creed and flag salute. Mrs. Lewis Rogers gave the devotions and Mrs. Mougey led the group In singing. 1 This wag the first meeting of 1 the new club year and the new ' officers took charge. Mrs. Mil-1 dred Harris presided over the ; business meeting. New year books were distributed. Mrs. Virginia Ruhmann and Mrs. Dorothy Van Ackern pre sented the lesson on "How To Read Those Bargain Ads." They used a quiz and clippings to Illustrate. The next lesson will be "Cloth ing Repair and Quick Tricks" which will be given by Mrs. Jane Paasch and Mrs. Nettie Mougcy. ( A social hour and refresh ments closed the afternoon ac tivities, j, J J Miscellaneous Shower MURRAY (Special) Friday evening a surprise miscellane ous shower was given at the home of Mrs. Raymond Cundall for Mrs. Marjorle (Redding) Ridgway of Lincoln who was married Dec. 16. Mrs. Ridgway Is a registered nurse at the Lin coln General Hospital. Several games were played as ! part of the evening's entertain ment. Refreshments were served by the following hostesses: Mes dames Alva Deterdlng, Clara Melsinger, Dorothy Splitt, and Lee Cundall. m BBS m Bkl ShMIEl W I V J'' I' MS M M MM mat S I 1 H 13 Dl tnw m M mJS 'd E rr-B S-' HI FH at J IIL-SI I COLO CAPSULES Rexall Timed-Action Capsules contain tiny, specially coated pellets which dissolve . . . some last, for quick relief . . . some mors slowly, for continuous medication as it's needed. Two capsules, taken separately at 12-hour intervals, help bring you continuous day and night relief. Pack of 12 - i,r7 $1.50 ICE-O-DERM With Eye Brow And Eye Liner $1.89 SEVEN WINDS Cologne On Birthday Card $1.95 $2.00 CARA NOME Hand Lotion 98c i Kills S, contacted , JT, germs. tT! ( Pint 89 ijS l 1 is, si $1.98 1 5 oi. Size BRITE SET HAIR SPRAY 98c Stove Creek Rustlers The Stove Creek Rustlers 4-H Club of Elmwood met at t h e home of Bob, John, and Marie Rosenow Jan. 14. The meeting was called to or der by president, Shirley Albcrs. The roll call was taken, with 13 present and 10 visitors. The j minutes were approved as read, j The new was center- I ed around a meeting place and , demonstration for the next meeting. It was decided to meet Feb. 14 at' 8 p.m. at the home Of George and Linda Pool. John and Marie Rosenow were chosen to give the demonstration. Al Joseph of Hill Hatchery In Lincoln ahowed slides of "Feed ing and. Fitting 4-H Calves." Discussion followed. Mrs. Rosenow served lunch, and we went home. Nancy Miller, reporter. 1 PRICE SPECIAL $1.00 Desert CQC Flower Deodorant SI. 00 Desert Flower Roll on CQC Deodorant S2.00 Desert Flower Hand and Body $100 Lotion House Deodorizers Economy Sizes Floricnt 98c Soice Coodair 98c Floral Coodair 98c $2.00 Friendship Hand Lotion $1.00 is 1 SCHRE $2.00 Fast Permanents $1.19 tax incl. New Special Spray Cologne TABU -AMBUSH 20 Carats $1.50 plus tax $1.75 HUDNUT Shampoo $1.10 $1.75 HUDNUT Rinse 98c 500 ASPIRIN $1.54 i V'.! 1 i j fONCE-A-YEflll SALE Du Barry Beauty Preparations For Complete Complexion Care $2.50 Cleansing Cream . . $1.50 $2.00 Skin Fresh. Lotion . $1.10 $1.75 Skin Firming Lotion $1,10 $3.50 Young Promise Cr. . $2.00 $3.50 Vibrance Cr. Masque $2.00 Plus Tax ONCE-A-YEAR OFFER $2.59 36 DAY Suppl-Y With the Purchase of Reg. $7.95 144 DAY SUPPLY OF W ire REXALL DRUG Plattsmouth, Nebraska PHONE 4114 SUPP-HOSE MEN $4.95 SUPP-HOSE LADIES $4.95 NYLON ELASTIC HOSE SPUNTEX NYLONS $1.09 CCAKJI CCC rTnFT"u M in r jLnivii.Ljj JIICIVn .... 3I.X7 SPUNTEX SEAMLESS .... $1.19 z SUPER PLENAMINS MULTI-VITAMINS J CO CS) A Classified Ad In The Journal cost as little as SO cents. ,,. ? . f A M ' f t.f t S f-t . -.K ft ft fc i 4 4 4 r Vt 6 0 0 0 i