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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1963)
THE PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE TWO Section B Thursday, January 24, 1963 Legal Notices SMITH Si LEBENS. Attorneys Plattsmouth, Nebraska NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF CORPORATION Notice is hereby given that at a Stockholder's Meeting of the Farmers Elevator Company of Cullom, Nebraska held on Jan uary 5, 1U63, pursuant to notice by publication and mailing, and to written consent signed by all stockholders, It was unanimous ly voted to dissolve said Cor poration and to wind up its af fairs, and the members of the Board of Directors, towit: Floyd Becker,- Otto Petereit. Hugo Meisin?er, William P. Starkjohn and William R. Halmes, were authorized to manage the af fairs of the Corporation and to pay all liabilities of said Cor poration, consisting of taxes and expenses of dissolution and to distribute any balance remain ing of the assets, which before such payments consist of c-ish In the sum of $15,041.56, to the Stockholders as their interests appear. Floyd Becker, President William R. Halmes, Secretary No. 60U2 January 17, 24, 31, 1963. THOMAS WALLING CO. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Abstracts of Title "Title Insurance" iB :IM ,:A...M M .'M M': M "t ,i BUSINESS DIRECTORY mm;!:!.. ! : ! . !.!.;! a a b i . , i A HOME AWAY FROM HOME Phone 5043 Restful Surrounding! for the aged and convaleiccnt. Licensed and Approved Men Cutsri Only 24 hour nuning service Special Diets HILLCREST HOME Plattsmouth ,! , I. ..! .. ! ! !!,.!. CENERAL CONTRACTING Home b Commercial Building, Roofing, Remodeling, Cabinet Work and Aluminum Combination Dors Windows and Siding. E. L. KRINCS 313 South 7th Portsmouth "I . i! :!h. !' II! ! . ! I ! B . I . ,a WW M. U MM 1 STEWARD STUDIO Phone 2458 Portraits Croups - Weddings - Children Commercial Kodacolor Portraits - Oils - Brournrone - Black fir White Photos. Phone For Reasonable Prices, 5M So. 12th (Oakmont Or.) Plattsmouth, Nebr. ..!,!...!,! . ! , :i ;3.:: TAKE YOUR CAR TO JIM Phone 4177 For Motor Tune-up aad Overhaul, Front Wheel , Aigament, Complete Brake Service and 'Brake Drum Turning, CenerziRcpairs. Forrf-O-Matrc "and " Merc-O-Matic Service. mm - JIM'S AUTO SERVICE jim Chappell) 377 Main mMJmmmm.'mVMMM a-. a. a. i i t u RADIATOR CLEANING & REPAIRINC Cuaranteed work. A faulty radiator can result in serious motor damage. Sea us for Service. OTTO WEBER, Phone 5926 1524 Avenue B. (Cedar Creek Road) !...! !.! I..!..,!:, I ..!;: ! I . .a.. I I I HOBSON-DORR FUNERAL HOME Est. 1914 Ambulance Service Phone (23-4285 Weeping Water, Nebr. iiftaau mam a.: mm a... a. a a ,a . as. i a , a .:. i DO rOUR DOWN LAUNDRY AT RYAN'S ECON-O-WASH NOW! Norge Automatic Dry Cleaning Service, Too. ONE HOUR WILL WASH AND DRY ANY SIZE LAUNDRY. v 116 South 3rd St. Plattsmouth Across from Stander Implement, i! i!!: ;,!: ! ! ! ! a II. I I 1 1 1 l i l t I I 1 I I I FOR MOTOR TUNE-UP. MOTOR OVERHAUL. Phone 4113 Front End Alignment, Wheel Balancing, '- General Repair, Welding, Kendall Oils. I LLOYD FRADY CARAGE T Across from Plattsmouth Lumber Co. a. I,! ! ! FRICIDAIRE COIN-OP CLEANING - 8 pounds for $2.00 Professional Dry Cleaning and Pressing at our regular low prices. ' You get the best ... no matter which method you choose. PLATTSMOUTH CLEANERS 7th b Chicago Ave. ia i a a a i a .a a a a. a a m a a a i Your Infants' & Children's Shop Phone 3181 A complete line of infants', pre-school and children's wear. You'll enjoy shopping ... " WEE WARDROBE (Helen Siting) 425 Main a a a a a i i i a a a .a . m m m a i i WHEN IT NEEDS REPAIR . . . BRING YOUR FORD HOME. Phone 9104 Our modern shop and factory trained mechanics will give your car, : regardless of make, the best possible care. RUBIN AUTO CO. Washington Ave. Plattsmouth, Nebr. a a a a a a a a a i.a a a i FOR. COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR SERVICE Phone 2564 Overhaul Transmission Wrecker Service Let us make an estimate first. Cene Farria D. A. Farris ' PLATTSMOUTH MOTORS Corner Bldg., 318 1st Ave. m a.a . a i a ! a. a c s a at! i . i i a. I PHOTOCRAPHY Phone 2452 Portraits Weddings Commercial Formal or Candid No Job Too Large or Too Small Each it given our careful Personal Attention. HILL'S STUDIO 624 No. Ilth Plattsmouth na a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a s SCHREINER REXALL DRUCS - PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. AMERICA'S LARGEST SELLING VITAMIN-MINERAL PRODUCT PAIL E. FAL'QIET, Attorney Plattsmouth, Nebraska NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION IN THE COUNTY COURT OF CASS COUNTY, NEBRASKA To all persons interested in the estate of Leona M. Schlie fert ceceased. No, 5245: Take notice that a petition has been filed praying for administration of said estate and appointment of Arnold E. Schliefert as ad ministrator; that said petition has been set for hearing before said Court oni the 28th day of January, 1963 At ten o'clock a.m. Dated January 7th, 1963. (SEAL) Raymond J. Case County Judge No. 6076 Jan. 10, 17, 24, 1963. JAMES F. BEGLEY, Attorney Plattsmouth, Nebraska NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE COUNTY COURT OF CASS COUNTY, NEBRASKA To all persons interested in the estate of William H. Goch enour deceased. No. 5156: Take notice tnat the Administrator of said estate has fiieci his final report and a petition for exam- I ination and allowance of his ac- counts, determination of heir-1 ship. Inheritance tax and dis- i tnbution of said estate and for his discharge, which will be j heard before said Court on Feb- ! ruary 4th, 1963 at ten o'clock a.m. Dated January 16th, 1963. (SEAL) Raymond J. Case County Juoge No. 6093 Jan. 17, 24, 31, 1963. M M .: k III I BE Z :. 5, .a.. I B !..!..!..!. II Phone 4043 :l . B "M - M -III I I J Phone 4193 SUPER PLENAMINS CITY OF PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA NOTICE OF CREATION OF STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 169 PUBLIC NOTICE is given that the Mayor and City Council of the City of Plattsmouth, Ne braska have passed, approved and published Ordinance No. 1038 creating Street Improve ment District No. 169 which provides for the improvement of the following streets in saw District, to-wit: FIFTEENTH STREET, also known as Duke Avenue from the north line of Avenue C, also known as Locust Street to the south line of Avenue B, also known as Oak Street, together with all included i intersections. AVENUE B, also known as Oak Street from the east line of Fifteenth Street, also known as Duke Avenue to the east right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 73-75. The said improvements shall consist of grading, paving, curb ing, guttering and such other work as may be incidental thereto in accordance with plans and specifications to be prepared by Henningson, Dur-j ham ana Kicnaroson, inc., epe cial Engineer, employed by the City, and to-be approved by the City Council. Said Improvements shall be made at public cost, but the City will levy special assessments on the property within the district especially benefited thereby proportionate to the benefits. If the owners of the record title representing more than fifty percent of the foot front age of the property abutting or adjoining the street to be im proved in the district shall file with the City Clerk within twenty (20 days after the first publication of this notice writ-i ten objections to tne creation oi said district, said improvements shall not be made and the or dinance creating the said dis trict shall be reneald. If said objections are not filed In the time and manner aioresaia, tne governing body shall forthwith cause the work to be done and such improvements to be ma&e in said district. The first publication of this notice is made on the 3rd day of January, 1963. L. W. Moore Mayor Erna M. Yenney City C!erk No. 6069 Jan. 3. 10. 17. 24, 19G3. PAt L E. FAl'Ql'ET. Attorney I'.aUsmnuth, Nebraska NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE COUNTY COURT OF CASS COUNTY. NEBRASKA IN THE MATTER OF THE GUARDIANSHIP OF LEONA M. SCHLIEFERT, INCOMPETENT To all persons Interested in the above entitled guardianship: Take notice .that Arnold JSSk:h liefert, has filed his final ac count as guardian of Leona M. Schliefert, incompetent, togeth er mith hl netition for final settlement, which petition will be heard in inis couri on inc 28th day of January, 1963, at ten o'clock A.M. BY THE COURT (SEAL) Raymond J. Case County Judge No. 6077 Jan. 10, 17, 24, 1963. JAMES F. BEGLEY, Attorney Plattsmouth, Nebraska NOTICE OF HEARING Estate of Myrtle Gochenour Deceased IN THE COUNTY COURT OF CASS COUNTY, NEBRASKA The State of Nebraska: To all persons Interested In said estate, creditors and heirs take notice that Stewart Gochenour has fil ed a petition alleging that Mvrtio Oorhenour died intestate nn or about August 24th, 1945 being a resident and inhabitant of Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska and died seizeu of the following described real estate, to-wit: Lot Fifty-three (53) in the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter "NWV SW'4 of Section Eighteen 1 18i Township Twelve 1 12 North, Range Fourteen 14i East of the Sixth P.M., Cass fniinfv Nebraska leaving as her sole and only heirs at iaw the following nam ed persons, to-wit: William H. Gochenour, Husband, William W. Goch enour, son, Irene Taylor, Daughter, Walter H. Goch enour, son, Richard M. Go chenour, son, Stewart Go chenour, son, Harry Goch enour, Grandson, Betty Tlustos, Granddau ghter, Gary Lee Gochenour, Grr.ndson (said grandchil dren being children of Isaac Gochenour, a son who cled In 1937) That no application for admin istration has been made, and the estate of said decedent has not been administered, In the State of Nebraska. That the interest of the peti tioner in the above described real estate in an heir at law of the decedent and praying for a determination of the time of the death of said Myrtle Goch enour and of her heirs, the de gree of kinship and the right of descent of the real property be longing to the said deceased, In the Stale of Nebraska. It is ordered that the same stand for hearing on the 4th day of February, 1963 before the County Court of Cass County in 36 DAY SUPPLY S2.59 Year Supply $17.50 the Court House at Plattsmouth Nebraska, at the hour of 10:00 oclock A.M. Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebras ka, this 16th day of January AD. 1963. (SEAL) Raymond J. Case County Judge No. 6094 Jan. 17. 24, 31, 1963 CITY CO' NCTL MINUTES Jan. 14. 1963 City met in regubr session at 7:30 pm. with the follow ;iib n.csent: Mayor L. w Moore, CoiiMcilmen Lljyd More- head, A. W. Huebner, Robert Aspedon. E.more Brink, Rayr mufid Fuller. James McMillian, Donald Ayltr. C. W. Rhylander, City Clerk Erna M. Yenney. Ab sent: none. Minutes c' the previous meet Ine were and approved. An ort"n nee entitled "AN ORDINANCE VACATINO THE NORTH VtN FEET OF MARBLE STREET. A' SO KNOWN AS THIRD AV5I.UE 'ADJACENT TO LOT 2 AND 4 IN BLOCK 25 OF ! DUKE K ynOITION TO THE CITY OF PLATSMOUTH AND THE SOUTH TEN FEET OF MARRLE STREET ALSO KNOWN AS THIRD AVENUE ADJACENT TO AND IMMEDI ATELY NORTH OF LOT 3 IN HIGHLAND ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PLAT! SMOUTH, CASS COUNTY. NEBRASKA: DESIG NATING THE REVERSION OF TITLE THERETO: PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THERETO" was passed under suspension of rules. Motion carried that the Elec trical Inspector and Electricians be notified as requested by Western Power & Gas Co. of the regulation pertainini! to the (Cis service piping not to be used 0 a orfllinHlnor ilrtrrri Motion rarrlprl tn arr-nn th CertifiraTe nf Fnuiripprc nf thr. completion of the construction of sanitary sewers in SS Ex tension Dists. No. 21 and 22. Motion carried to allow the final estimate of the construc tion costs of SS. Extension Dists. Nos. 21 and 22 in the ia mounts of $1,269 18 and $1.255 65 to B:-States Construction Co. of Omaha. Nebr. and warrants be Issued for same. Motion carled to approve, ac cept and place on file the as sessment schedules and plats of SS. Dists. Nos. 21 and 22 and Notice of a Board of Equaliza tion Meeting of the City Coun cil to equalize and levy special assessments of siid districts be published to be held on Feb. Ilth, 1963 at 7 00 o'clock p.m. at the City Hal!. Motion carried that a com mittee be appointed by the May or to meet with the Board of Public Works ln regard to wye.5 and stubouts In construction of new sewer districts in the fu ture. Motion ctrried to approve the appointment b"the Mayor ttf Carl Ulri!liti.i iTrnembcr of "the Board of Public Works for a three year term. Motion carried to write a let ter of appreciation to the Plittrfmoiith Bridge Co, for the $400 00 presented bv C. J. Sch- neiaer as a contribution towards the costs for the resurfacing of South Third Stret recently. Motion carried to advertise for bids for a new Police car. bids to be opened Feb. 11, 1983 at 7:00 o'clock im. Motion carried that a raving district be created for 16th St. Deiween zna Ave. and 4th Ave. and City Attorney prepare or dinance for same for next reg ular meeting. Motion carried that the lary of John 6voboda, See. of the Plattsmouth Vol. Fire Dept. be Increased to $80.00 per year ef fective Jan. 1, 1963. Motion carried that the claims be allowed for the Christmas decoration lighting in amount of $77 40. Motion carled that Parking Meter collections for the weeks ending Dec. 29, 1962. Jan 7 1963 and Jan. 14, 1963 in a mounts of $385.00. $28700 and $18100 be accepted. Motion caried to accept and place on file the reports of the Police Judge for the weeks end ing Dec. 29, 1962, Jan. 5, 1963 and Jan. 12. 1963. Motion carried that the claims be allowed as follows as audited by the Finance Committee. General Fund: C?ss Realty Co. Inc. Rent-City Clerk office $ 60.00 r-iausrnoutn state Bank Withholding tax for Dec. -62 444.00 Mavor Moore Si other City Officials Salaries- 4th Q'r-62 1,002.50 Pol. Judge Graves Stamps 5.00 Emery Rozell Rent-City dump 40.00 Judy Dasher Clerical work 15.00 trni m. Yenney Sal. V, mo. Citv Clerk- Treas 150.00 Remington Rand Service Agreement .. 17.25 Travelers Ins. Co. Ins. prem 214 59 Bd of Pub. Wks. Water serv. & ewer use fee 7.50 Consumeri Pub. Power Lighting 453.20 Plattsmouth Journal Pub. legal- tt sup. ... 43.23 Steve Davis Agency Bond prem. .,. 10.00 J. P. Cooke Co. Dog tags 15.93 star Keloadmg Co. Ammunition-Pol. Dept 25.50 Lincoln Tel. Si Tele. Co. Phone services 74.43 Register of Deeds Recording fee-Ord. No. 1038 .. 2.65 0 1. V2 mo. Pol. Si St. Dents. ,4 1,4 ItBMI Ilk. OI ISebert Litle 19140 Donald Smith 187.50 Louis Kief 176 68 David Gochenour 15000 Robert Behmer 39 44 Arthur Hellwig 229.16 St. work 'a mo. Lester Taylor 18132 Martin Sheldon 158 40 Alfred Conn 171.70 James Conn 191.48 Melvln Hoschar 176 00 Joe Ricco 156.75 Sup.-Pol. St St. Depts C. E. Shellenbarger 132 95 Geo. Winscot 74 77 Johns Sales Si Service . . 10 45 Farmers Feed Si Seed . . 4 60 Kent Oil 112 03 Ofe Oil Co 62.02 Rubin Auto 50 62 W. A. Swatek 11.30 Mullenax Auto Supply .. 2162 Huebner Service . ... 5.70 Fire Dept. Fund: A. W. Huebner St others Driver exp. 4th qtr. 62 10500 Fire Chief Si others Sal. 4th qtr.-62 37.50 W. E. CJdy. Inc. Sup. 7.00 W. A. Swatek Sup 18.72 Huebner Service Gas 11.91 Johns Sales & Serv. Oas-sup 16.41 Plattsmouth V F.D. Fire Ins. Occupation Tax 16000 Plattsmouth V.FD. Nozelmens fees-Oct- Nov.-Doc 176 00 Fire Hydrant Rental Fund: Bd. cf Pub. Works Fire hydrant rental . 573 54 Sx.i3l Security Fund: State Tax Commissioner Social security tax 4th qtr-62 1,532 95 Pav. Dists. Nos. 153 thru 161 Fund: Phttsmouth State Bank int. on Wts 1,284.90 Recreation Fund- Chamber of Commerce Contribution to recreation program .. 157.50 No further business before the Council, motion carried to adjourn. " L. W. Moore Mavor Attest: Erna M. Yenney City Clerk No. 6107 Jan. 24, 1963. Avoca Woman's Club AVOCA (Special) The Wom an's Club met with Mrs. Fred Marquardt Wednesday. Mrs. Elmer Hallstrom led the devo tions. The ladies sang "Smile." Mrs. Ernest Norris and Mrs. t:idf) Ahrens gave UJks on "Legisla tion." The club will sponsor a bake sale soon for the benefit of the new fire house fund. HOUSEKEEPERS AVOCA (Special) House keepers Extension Club met with Mrs. Rawalt Thursday. The nostess was Mrs. Henry Sud- man. Roll call wag "My Best Bar- fain." Mrs. Elmer Hennlngs and Mrs. Ernest Haveman gave talks on "How To Read Bargain Ads." Guests were Mrs. Lynn Ho- back, Mrs. Marlon Pittman, Mrs. Lenord Brlnkhoff, Mrs. Wilmer Wohlers and Mrs. Fred Marquardt. Comet's newest fun car... the SPORTSTER Again Comet proves that it ha3 a wonderful way with a roof. Evidence: the clean, racy lines of this luxurious new S-22 Sportster hardtop viih individually adjustable bucket seats. There's also the new Custom Sportster model, so now you have a choico of 14 fun cars from Comet jaunty hardtops,' new convertibles, roomy station wagons, and sedan3 with Comet's classic roofline. And cost-cutting service-savers like self-adjusting brakes, 36,000 intervals and 6,000-mile minor lubes come Sound good? Visit your Mercury dealer and IIUBB WASHINGTON AVENUE South Bend Mrs. leu F idler Mr. and Mis. Herbert Keckltr and children of Louisville were Sunday supper guests of Mrs. Keckler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf Vervaecke. Mrs. John Meisinger is suffer ing from severe frosted feet and is recovering at the home of her son, Milford Meisingt-r and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Livers visited Mr. and Mrs. Otto Mo genscn at Weeping Water Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kelly were honored guest at a belat cc birthday family dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mc Clanahan at Plattsmouth Thursday. Glenn Thiessen and Bill Ro sencrans returned home Wed nesday afternoon from Alexan dria, Minn., where they had spent the past week Ice-fishing. They report good luck fishing despite the cold weather. Mi. and Mrs. Clyde Haswell of Murdock were Saturday visit ors with Mrs. J. L. Carnicle and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carnicle. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Kuhn and family and Valerie, Terrl and Glenda Ewing were supper guests at the Glen Kuhn hume Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Fidler ac companied by Mrs. Bill Ro.sen crans and Mrs. Eaward Kelly attended the open Installation of Eastern Star Officers at Greenwood Friday niht. Mr. and Mrs. John Grady were in stalled the Worthy Patron and Worthy Matron. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Campbell i were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dill. Mrs. Roy Richards remains a patient in the Lutheran Hos pital ln Omaha and is showing some improvement. She is able to be up some everyday now. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tlustos and family of Louisville have re cently moved to So. Bend. Debra ts in Kindergarten and Robert Jr. is a second grader. The school now has an enrollment of 19 pupils, Mrs. Bernard Dill the teacher reports. Jesse Fidler and Bill Stoner i spent Wednesoay ln De.s Moines, Iowa, on business. Friday evening dinner guests 1 of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Camp bell, Joyce, Charles and Kath leen were Ron Oarvjemer , 4id Ken Clark of Weepu.a Water.. The dinner honored Joyce 011 her 18th birthday. Sandra Carnicle and John Rocber visited Jean Anderson of Ashland at the Bryan Memorial Hospital at Lincoln Saturday 1 evening. Sandra spent the week-! end from Lincoln with her par- j JANUARY ANNOUNCEMENT: tOKLf CUI.GR MIROURV: HiuOUUi Of MOfOR COMPANY LINCOLN MERCURY 'fiO'.V A.'AiLAiiLE ("' Y AT ' f.'M'giPY f riry lcit".lv't AH.'JLD f-ALMKR OOtf INilKUCllOH ALbUM-ON AUT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA 'NEBRASKAIand' Film Shown at Rotary Meeting The Rotary Club was among first local viewers of the new state promotional film, "NEBR ASKland. Where the West Be gins," Tuesday noon at its reg ular meeting. Harold Edwards, clhb mem ber who is manager of the Plattsmouth Waterfowl Manage ment Area of the 8tate Oame CommLssian obtained the film for showing here. Ray Evers was program chair man. The film, produced by the St3te Game, Forestation and Parks Commission in conjunc tion with the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben who supplied financial support, tells of Nebraska's ap peal to the tourist vacationer. The Rotary Club meeting next week will be a ladles night af fair with dinner to begin at the Lions Community Building at 6:30. Richard Spangler Is pro gram chairman. Members are asked to notify treasurer George Sm:th about the number each will have attending. ents.'Mr. and Mrs. Larry Carn icle and Mark. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Carnicle Jr. and family of Murdock were Tuesday eve ning visitors. Linda Kuhn was a supper guest of Laura Parsons of Cedar Creek Friday. The girls were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kuhn at Louisville. Mr. anci Mrs. Dennis Barnes of Grand I.sland, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barnes of Louis ville were Sunday afternoon visitors with the Milford Mel singer family. ONLY $43 Repays $1,002.03 "American" Cash Loan To Pay Taxes Winter Needs Consolidation of Debts (We can re duce your monthly outlay of cash by 33-50'. See chart! Come in-Phone-Write Loans Made Anywhere OURS IS A FRIENDLY SERVICE American Loan Plan Plattsmouth 530 Main St. - mile major lubrication in every '63 Comet. see just how good! COMPANY Happy Homemakers GREENWOOD (Special) The Happy Homemakers Extension Club met Jan. 16 at the home of Mrs. Robert Beller. Material was given to each member to be used In the March of Dimes program which the club Is sponsoring this year. There was a handerchlef show er honoring Mrs. Harnjon Mill er as they will be moving to Lincoln soon. Lesson on "Choosing and i s Ing Lamps" was given by Mrs. Harmon Miller and Mrs. Wil liam Leesley. Lunoh was served. In Talent Show NEHAWKA (Special) Deb hln Knpfir will aniwar on WOW- TV Saturday, Jan. 26, at 1 p.m. Ull wie lainiL oitvw. fcuwic Lois Hmsen were guests over night Friday and Saturday of Mrs. Spear in Omaha and Miss Joan Kime. Debbie is the daughter of Mrs. Spear and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Kime of Nrhawka. She. is a nunil of a dancing class in Nebraska City. A Classified Ad ln Miie Journal cost as little as 50 cents. Dr. O. E. Smith D. C. CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC Clenwood, Iowa 203 So. Walnut OPEN Tuei., Wed., Thurt., Sat 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Evenings By Appointment Per Month No. of Amount Monthly Monthi Yoy Cot Paymontt IS $ 1 04.00$ .00 25 318.00 18.00 25 567.38 30.00 30 1002.03 43.00 30 1318.72 55.00 3 . 1514.86 54.00 3( 2514.33 86.00 36 3000.00 101.51 Phone 3213 63 MERCURY COMET DIVISION IWO UP RCCORDd',' PHONE 2100 r