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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1963)
THE PLATT3NI0UTH, NEBRASKA, SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL I PAGE FOUR Section B Thursday, January 24, 1963 lews From Greenwood Mr. Frank Hurlbut Phone 789-3435 Dorcas Society met Friday at the Christian Church with Mrs. Roy Reighard as hostess. Mrs. Reighard also gave the devo tions. The February 1st, meet ing will be a one o'clock cov ered dish Valentine party. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pershing were Mrs. Blanch Schildmeyer of Lo mita, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Dale Miller of Wahoo, BUlie Ann Ro berts of Ashland and Mrs. Alta Fulmer, additional afternoon and evening guest was Mrs. Clara Pershing. . Mr. and Mrs. Gus Brakhage went to Alma, Kansas Tuesday tor a visit with Mrs. Brakhage's niece Mrs. Adolph Maike and Mr. Maike. , Mr. and Mrs. Walter Marolf and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Minnie Marolf. Mrs. Duane Pollard and chil dren of Papillion spent Mon day at the Jack Wiles home. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stevens and aid Osburn and family of Gre tna and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bull ing and family of Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weichel of Alvo called on Miss Lola Allen Monday and Friday. This Yi That in Agriculture BY CLARENCE SC'HMADEKE County Extension Agent SOUTH ASHLAND Mr. Ivan Armstrong Phon 944-8136 Fred Rueter Is now staying with his daughter, Mrs. Dewey Moore and Mr. Moore, he spent from Tuesday until Thursday another daughter Mrs. Mr. Brannan .More Shrubs In addition to the regular list with cf seedling trees available fori Jack Brannan wiriclbreak plantings, several; and family who are now located shrubs have been made avail- i in Lincoln. Mr. Brannan re- lah'p. Farmers or soortsmen in-! tnmpri tn Newfoundland Thurs- Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Boiler Crested in making a Wildlife ! day, where he has been station were Saturoay evening guests of!piantlng shouid order early.;ed ot several months. Emil Meisinger for an oyster . Snecie. added to the available! A .... n.,u are: MulUflora rose, Han- onH M.rlvn anrt Roiianrt Beeti- and Kim were Saturday dinner guests at the Donald Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Everman of C. M. Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth O' Rourke are the parents of a son supper. I hst Mrs. Ina Armstrone enter-i CIn uvhrM rii KappthrL'T. tnlnC1 of a hirthrlair I I n n , f ' ri i 1 nH rhf'Sn Thursday honoring Mrs. George rv, choke Cherry, Narking Carter's birthday. Other guests Cherry and Osage Orange, aprp Miss Mariam Carter of i cn.nrtnM y.:nr ..iimn ci.i.rls Lincoln and Mrs. Mildred Com- are available The price for;wa"n had dinner Wednesday stock. ! them U $2 00 per 100. I n sPent tne afternoon with Mrs. Norma McNurlin enter- ! t orn and Oats ! Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Armstrong, tained the Deal-A-Deck pin-! OTC 101 'Nebraska Corn! Mr. and Mrs. Art Box and ochle club at her home Thurs- , Performance Tests for 1982" and Milton visited in the Mrs. Stella day. Mrs. Evan Armstrong was'OTC. "Nebraska Spring Small McLaughlin and Merlin Peterson a guest. Grain Variety Tests for 1962" homes in Elmwood Thursday Saturday evening visitors at are now avail ible at the County evening. the D. E. Buckingham home Extension office. j Jack and Dick Watson spent ; were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Buck- j Tax Guides a part of last week with their ingham and family of Gretna. The 1902 Farmers Tax Guides grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl ! Sunuay evening visitors with are still available. Anyone de-; Mansfield. The Watson family Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kyles were siring a copy may get one at visited In the Mansfield home i ; Sunday afternoon. ) Mr. and Mrs. Malvin Wiles i ! visited with Mrs. Rodney Young i in Lincoln Thursday. Saturday . ! they had dinner with Mrs. Roy j Wipf and Edrie Wiles in Ne-! ! braska City. In the afternoon i i they called on Troy Wiles in the LOUISVILLE family of Lincoln spent Satur-1 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Kinney the County Extension office. day evening with Mr. and Mrs. of Palmyra. Mrs. John Johnson attended . the wedding of Carolyn Vincent of Alvo and Gary Trunkenboiz born January 15. He weighed , of Eagle at Alvo Saturday eve- i 7 lb. 13 oz. and has been named ning. i Danny Ryan. Uia Jo, Patty end Jerry Wall . Mrs. nennem UKOunce ana are SDendine a few days with; .... hosnital. new baby returned home from , their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. ! "" Wednesav' Mr. and Mrs. Keith Weston, the hospital Sunday and callers , Turley Wall, while the parents 8"" ' "lnj u?, Cindy, Carla and Clay spent on Mrs. O'Rourke and baby were ; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wall are j f ' ';d vaus-hn 'and chUuren Sunday evening at the Jerry Mrs. Don Sacca and Mrs. Doro-j m0ving near Ashland. ! in Palmyra Jelio and birthday Proctor home helping Kathy thy Comstock. Thursday evening visitor at k werc S(Jrved in honor of celebrate her eighth birthday. Mrs. Ed Stradley was hostess Charlie BeU home was Al- the birlnaayS of Jean Vaughn i Mr. and Mrs. John B. Peter to 10 members of the Ruth Circle ' fred Leaver. , wh0 was 12 on the nlnlh of son attended a reception-Sun- ' ,h" Jan' 15. ,wlth J?' Mr. and1 Mrs. LeRoy Haertel January and Matthew Vaughn day afternoon for Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clymer assisting. Mrs. . vtsi..d .lth Mr and Mrs ott0 who . severl on ,he tenth of Bill Parrott, who were married Basel near Ithaca Sunday after- January. j recently, the reception was held noon and called on Mr. and Mrs. The Annual Mothers March of ! at tne Harold Parrott home in Loren Coffman has been a pa tient in Veterans hospital in Lincoln the past two weeks, he spent the weekends with his family In this vicinity. Mrs Coffman visited him Thursday and Friday afternoons, the children spent that time with Mrs. Ashley Boiler. Mrs. Orie Sowards, Marvin and Joanne spent Thursday with her mother, Mrs. August Klemme in Weeping Water. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Peter son called on Mr. and Mrs. Mel- vin Sturm in Bryan Memorial Ho.spl.tal Tuesday and Wednes day afternoons. They could stay a few minutes with each of them. Mr. and Mrs. Sturm are doing as well as they can but each still has their special nurse. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Haase were among a group of guests at supper Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Luctchens at Murdock. Mr. and Mrs. Haase had Sunday dinner with Mr. Haase' mother, Mrs. A. F. Haase in Waverly. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lauch- lin, James and Wesley visited j Paul Gerard in Weeping Water, Sunday afternoon, that evening j they called on Mr. and Mrs. j John Wilbur Laughlin and fam- j lly in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kllpp and Mr. and Mrs. Don Deal and! family were Thursday evening ; visitors at the Leonard Roeber home. Wayne Landon gave the lesson. Mr. and Mrs. John Graoy and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pershing attended the O.E.Sf Ideal Chap ter 181 installation of officers at Elmwood Tuesday night. Mrs. C. W. Osburn entertained at a birthday dinner at ber home Sunday honoring birth days of Karen and Biilie Os burn ana Mrs. Ted Bulling. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ron- XT'li I'ff, 11 iuoon I Than t You! Llovd Althouse of Elmwood Sun- ' nimp snonwpil hv the Feder-; Lincoln dav evenine. LtPd woman's Club, w.ll bp held Mrs. Oscar Laughlin and Thurscay morning caller on jan. 29 at 7 p.m. j Clark Bushnell were Sunday! Mrs. Gladys Martin was Mrs. I Dr. and Mrs. G. L. McClun ! dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. j Charlie Bell and Sunday morn- were in Lincoln Tuesday on . Wayne Laughlin and family. ing caller was Rev. Herman; business and shopping. I Mr. and Mrs. John Fox at-, Trauernicht. j Mrs. May Harbison was a call- I tended the Home Bcitnce Club, er last Monday at the I van! family dinner at the home of i Mr. ana Mrs. uva jumiawi "' Buskirk home. iMrs. Mable Rogers, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Beck and; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Howards : famiiv were Tuesday evening were Monday supper guests ofi Chester Bauers and daughters ' caim at t,e Ernest Beck home. ; the Dod Miller family In Platts- Leonard fnesel and daughter i mouth. Mrs. Mary Buell hac. ; Reba ol Weeping Water were Sunday dinner with Mr. and j weekend guests of his aunt, Mrs. , Mrs. Howards. Frank Wildrick and Mr. Wild-j Floyd Rueter spent a part of' rick. Saturday evening callers 1 w week at the Dewey Moore i ; were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wild- i home, Mrs. William StllweU and i rick and Agnes and Mr. and;Beln Omaha were Sunday firs, txmaw wuoricK. . - evening visitors there. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bucking Omaha spent Sunday with Mrs. Lytha Bauers and Mr. and Mrs. of Havelock were afternoon call ers, i ! A Classified Ad in The Journal j cost as little sj 50 cents. f Mr. and Mrs. Kobert Jewell j We have told .... THE PLATTSMOUTH LOCKERS to Mr. John Lukowski, f Omaha and have re tired from the Locker Business. We wish to thank our many loyal cus tomer and patrons for their patronage over the past years. It ha been a pleasure to terve all of you and we shall cherish the memory of our many friendships. MR. AND MRS. GUY LONG and Dunnie and Mrs. Frank' uld ba5y daughter of Pace of Weeping Water werfjoreenwood spent Saturday Sunday afternoon callers of Mr.(rfftern t tne Kar Hammer and Mrs. Elwm Isaac and sonS lhorne Mr. and Mrs. Linus E Mas-j ; ' Marvm Uaye soth and children of Lmcolnj Z. m? Linus' latin ta Greenwood Friday eve. v t JL h "f amv ' Sunday the Uavers and V MMXSand Mrs. Robbinsr 'and Mrs Clyde Jones were and grandson, T.mmy were , Bolln8 Ular1 .,,,' Tuesday guests of Mr. and Mrs.i Mr- and MrSj Orvllle Hlght Larry Carnicie in South Bend. ihoe Wednesday evenltif Mr. and Mrs. Claude Kobler ! with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bowr. moved from Louisville to South Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Slote Rend this nast -apek and Rae Ann of Lincoln were I HAVE PURCHASED THE Plattsmouth Lockers FROM MR. & MRS. GUY LONC AND HAVE TAKEN OVER PERSONAL MANACEMENT AS OF MONDAY, JAN. 21st. I We Will Continue To Do CUSTOM BUTCHERING As Well As Operate The Locker Plant. IN ADDITION: We will sell U.S. Government Inspected Meats including including SWIFT'S SELECT PROTEN BEEF TENDERIZED WITH PAPAIN WE WILL FURNISH YOU HALVES, QUARTERS AND ALL PRIMAL CUTS JOHN LUKOWSKI OWNER PLATTSMOUTH LOCKERS Lockers for Rent - Hour 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. We Jnviie You To Cemc la And Cer Acquainted. Public's Attitude Toward Fat May Alter Milk Test LINCOLN A change In the American public's attitude to ward fat., mav hp thp stimulus for a different type of milk:Sunday testing program on Nebraska dairy farms. High fat content isn't the best selling point for milk anymore, so farmers are asking "Why test milk only for fat?" "Why not test for solids-nat-fat also?" Purebred breeders have been the first in the state to become interested in solids-n o t - I a t (SNFi testing, according to P. Sunday afternoon visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Elton Erickson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Bcetlson and Merlyn were Sunday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack White In Nehawka. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bundy were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Orie Sowards and family for dinner Mrs. John Fox spent Tuesday afternoon with her sLster, Mrs. Roy Leaver. Mrs. John B. Peterson attend ed the Tea given by Mrs. Mor rison for the Legislative Lea gue ladles at the governors mansion, Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Peterson also attended the Legislative League at the Ne braska Educational Center in H. Cole, University of Nebraska Lincoln Thursday afternoon. Extension dairyman. With a! Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Lambert public that desires milk rich in ! and sons were in Denver from protein and nutrlenU, breeders Friday through Wednesday at may want to begin selecting fori tending the Stock show and vis catitle that produce this kind of j 'ting with Mrs. Lambert's sister, milk. Mrs. George Parsons and Mr: Many farmers look for a 1 Parsons and family, change In the method of milk j Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Comstock payment if SNF testing catches and baby daughter of Ralston on. However, Coie points out i spent last Sunday with Mrs that nresent oavment methods : Comstock s parenu, Mr. and The Boy Would Carry Lots of Water LINCOLN You've heard of the young boy that got a free i pass to the circus for carrying ; water to the elephant. He found he earned his seat in the bleach ers. Suppose he got all the free milk he could drink for carry-! Ing feed and water to an aver age Nebraska Dairy Herd Im provement Association cow pro ducing 10,500 pounds of milk a year. He would earn it. University of Nebraska exten sion specialists estimate he would have to carry: 61,200 pounds of water, 3.500 pounds of grain, 5.200 pounds of hay, 8.700 pounds of silige. That's one reason Nebraska University authorities explain why mechanization of feeding operations has become as im portant in modern farming. Greenwood OES Installation GREENWOOD (Special) Open installation of the 1963 officers of Greenwood Chapter No. 303, OES was held Friday night Jan. 18, at the Green wood Masonic Hall. Mrs. Glen WllUss served as in stalling officer, with Mrs. Har ry Krahmer installing Marshall. Mrs. Walter Woltzel installing Chaplin and Mrs. John Johnson as installing organist. The new officers Installed were: Mrs. John Grady, worthy matron; John Grady, worthy patron; Mrs. Arthur Pershing, associate matron; Arthur Persh ing, associate patron; Mrs. Rox- ana L. Allen, secretary. Mrs. Earl Stradley, treasurer; Mrs. Charles Vinson, conduc tress; Mrs. Mario Burg, associ ate conductress; Mr. Robert Leesley, Chaplain. Mrs. John Seefeld, marshall; i Mrs. Carl Sutton, organist; Mrs. Albert Erickson, Adah; Mrs. A. J. Leadabrand, Ruth; Mrs. Ai vln Leaver, Father; Mrs. Jack Fritch, Martha; Mrs. Richard Vinson, Electra; Mrs. Ralph! Gillespie, warder; Mr. Charles Vinson, sentinel. j Ralph Gillespie sang "You 1 Will Never Walk Alone," accom- j panled by Mrs. Carl Sutton as a 1 special number for the worthy matron. j Families and friends of the i worthy matron and worthy pa- j tron, Mr. Jess Fldler, worthy pa-! tron of Ashland OES No. 242,' and Mr. Woodrow Fulmer, mas-j ter of Greenwood Unity Lodge i No. '63, werc introduced by the; new worthy matron. j Tlwke being introduced before j the recess by the worthy ma-1 tron of 1962 were Mrs. Robert; Leesley, Grand Representative ' of West Virginia in Nebraska.: A song was sung in her honor by Mrs. Arthur Pershing and Mrs. John Seefeld accompanied by Mrs. Carl Sutton. Following this Mrs. John Seefeld was in- j troduced as supervisor of Dis- i trict No. 6. i The Junior past matron and; Junior past patron were escort-' ed to the East where the worthy matron and worthy patron pin ned the past matron and past patron pins on them. The) worthy matron was presented j with a gavel and sound block' from the outgoing matron and i patron. After closing of chapter an addenda was given In honor of the Junior past matron and Junior past patron, which, in cluded them signing their names In the large aitcr Bible and each being .presented with a white Bible and marker from their officers of 1962. "How Great Thou Art" was sung for them by Mrs. Arthur Perahing accompanied by Mrs. Carl Sut ton. After installation refresh ments were served in the basement. Mrs. Jess Voyles Honored at 90th Birthday Party AVOCA (Soecial) Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyer were hosts ut an open house Sunday honoring her mother, Mrs. Jess Voyles, on her Both birthday. The table was centered with a beautiful white cike with Hi tie pink rosebuds in the shape of "90." The cuke rested on pink chiffon and pink plastic ruffles. : Ice cream, cake, collee ana mints were served. Mrs. Edith Wessel, a niece, pouied. A granddaughter, Mrs. Bruce Vogt, served the cake. A grand daughter, servid the ice cream and Shirley Meyer, another granddaughter, had charge of the guest book. j Helping serve were Mrs. Em- I est Emshoff and Mrs. Elmer . Hallstrom. Mrs. Voyles was born Mar garet Davis, Jan. 18, 1873, at Corydon, Ind. She was married to Jes Voyles and they and their family came to Avoca in May, 1920, and they farmed in the community until ho retired and they moved to Weeping Water for a number of years. Mr.' Voyles died there in l!).i4. 8inre, Mrs. Voyles has llvod with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyer in Avoca. Her other children ure Mrs. M a 1 1 i e Cappcn, Port Arthur, Tex.; Ora. Avoca; ar.d Emory, Weeping Water. Tw0 children, Mis. Iva Vance and Arthur, are deceased. Mrs. Voyles has 27 grandchil-! dren, 31 great-grandchildren and 6 great-great-griindchlldren. j Her cake and flowers for the ; celebration werc given her by Mr. and Mrs. Meyer; her cor sage, by a gr&ndduuthtcr a;id husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fricke. j Wayne Morse, Senator, (D., Oreg.): 'President Kennedy has acted wisely in relusing to let so able and valuable a public servant as Mr. Stevenson be smeared out of office." Harry Truman, former Presi dent : "When news sources that are reasonably reliable are .shut down, then old le.cly rumor takes over, and that's a bad situation." America's Finest RIU1S1CI COMBINATION WINDOWS AND DOORS MADE 0 ZINC-IMPREGNATED CARBON STEEL In Your Choice of BAKED ENAMEL Colors. White and 14 Decorator Colors. SPECIAL PRICES NOW ON ARRO LOCK ROOFING "Hurricane Tested" Asphalt Shingles THERMAFIBER BLOWN- IN INSULATION LIFEWALL ALUMINUM SIDING CHINA-GLAZE SIDING The Aristocrat of Modern Exteriors FLEXALUM AWNING ond PATIO COVERS Nothing Down Eaiy Ttrmf for a FREE Horn Sumty . With No Obligation, Phont: CLEN EACER Phone 9032 Plattsmouth OR WRITE Life Insurance for the Entire Family in One Plan TK leund, coiomictl and coHvtnianr ntheot ol obtaining btttc fifn inurnc protection It through Modtrn Woodman's Family Fian. Th bull of tha insurant goal hra H balongt on Faihar but Itill covan Molhar ond iht childran. Thii cull dminiitralion caxft and laving ara paaiad on to yon. Innttigat Ika dvnlagai of Moda'n Woodman'i Family Plan. CLEM WOSTER MODERN WOODMEN of Amarica Homo Offic Rod liland, lllineii Call Clem 6297 Everything piles up handsomely in a Chevy II including savings CHEVY n Imagine a low-loading wagon roomy enouprh to handle most anything you can heft and still trim enough to slip into cramptfi parking spoU. We imagined it, built it and called it Chevy II. Made it as dependable an a wagon can cet. And made it bo it'll ke'p piling up savings over the years. Those how up in the way HeeP Goin9 Creat this one goes and go-s on a gallon. They grow with brakes that adjust thcniwlvcs. An exhaust ays tern that lasts longer. And a Delcotron generator that keeps battery reserve power up. Want to hear more? How j'liout a low price, natty interiors, Body by Fisher craft -rnunship and a talk with your Chevrolet dealer soon! do take SNF differences into ac count, although indirectly. Pay- Mrs. Gerald Reoer. ThU Sun day Mr. and Mrs. Reber had menu allow that as fat content , dinner with Mr. Reber's moth increases solids-not-fat Increases I er. Mn. Bert Reber in Elmwood. at a slower rate. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Vern Vermass Suhds-not-fat testin? is not! and family spent Thursday eve likely to give any particular I ning with the Earl Brauckmul cattle breed a competitive ad-lers family. Sunday supper vantage, according to Cole. The guests of the Brauckmullers high fat testing breeds such as1 were Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mr Jerseys and Guernseys will al-i tin and family, so be the high sulids-not-fatl Mr. and Mrs. Rueoen Weborg testing breeds. However, the of Pender spent from Friday larger breeds with a h 1 e h e r i until Monday with Mrs. Wje- milk cutout will produce as j borg's mother, Mrs. Emma Ol- many. or possibly more, total pounds of solidj-not-fat. Cole reasons that unless dsiry men are selling breeding stock, they probably can't get their money back from SNF testing until milk plants start making direct payment for it. Local DHIA boards will make plans for purchasing SNF testing equipment when breeders indi cate there hi enough Interest to Justify the investment. sou and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Buckmaster and nam ol Coun cil Bluffs had Sunday dinner with the Stenbergs and their guests. Monday verung dinner guests oj Mr. and Mrs. Harold Buell were Mrs. Ixttie Raubach of Valentine, Mrs. Marie Pierce, Martin Blum, Mr. and Mrs. Duo Pierce, pom 4nd Don of O-maha. VC"''A'''J is.-",f'51' T-V.i '&" v'Tr-:" ";4' ;i-.v. ( tf K TS Av lt " u.-r-'7.'il. , ,'-, xs' V :V'fkif Sir, mtmU niM ra-x7i i4ruimfim- if "r-i '--ifi"i -"- "iifi(nYiY,,iirl;rtaiia ai , rt,a . r"' ii, . 'II , I' i hula 1,00 1-L)ot 6-l'antenqtr Mutton II See four entirely different kitida cf cars at your Chevrolet dealer's . , . Chevrolet, Chevy II, Corvair and Correfte. CASS COUNTY PiiOTOR ANY 07 1ST AVE. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA PHONE 3210