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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1956)
9 CASS COUNTY'S GREATEST NEWSPAPER ran n if n UJ A M PUBLISHED SEMI - WEEKLY Monday - Thursday Consolidated With the Nehawka Enterprise and Elm wood Leader-Echo Read Twice Weekly by More Than 3500 Cass County Famili es VOLUME 75 SIXTEEN PACES PLATTSMQUTH, CASS COUNTY, NEBRASKA. THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1955 TEN CENTS PER COPY NUMBER 57 f U Li LL. i.i " , ',' . : '., -. ..: '.. - i - . ... : r f " " ' - ' tfTI A - ' : ' " f - v y - . 7 v-"-- n- X - ' V; -.-r'- f n - .4 w - ' . 4- - - mSv-- - iv - (LOW C Presbyterian Manse Is Hit By Lightning Tornado earrings failed to , materialize in tae Cass County ; area last nigiit, but a fierce ; electrical storm struck. A bolt cf lightning caused con siderable damage when it hit , trie garage at tne Presbyterian , Manse at South Seventh Street. ; The electrical blast tore a ' hole in the roof of the garage. shattered two vrjzdo-xs, boiled . threatened the proprietor with j over a garage coor ana men lcs cr rus license ii things ripped into the sidewalk pave- aren't straightened out soon, ment outside and ripped up a ' Sheriff Tom Solomon, County large cement block. ; Attorney Dick Peck and the Mrs. Keith Delap, wife of the commissioners spent consider pastcr, was home alone at the able t:- Proprietor Lloyd time. The bolt did not enter .' H lEian outlining complaints iuarters 20 -cugnt to tneir attention and settins out strict rules they cock Lloyd Holman Told He May Lose Liquor j License Cf Tavern n. Cass County commissioners cracked down on Holman's I Beach and tavern Tuesday and ESCAPES DEATH This is the auto of Dale L. Mishler of Sabetha. Kans.. after it ripped between two utility poles two miles south of Plattsmouth early this past Sunday morning. The driver escaped with a fractured skull and deep lacerations of the arms. His lack also held out on the financial side. The impact of the crash jammed a strong box under a seat of the auto and it remained in the car at a downtown garae for the remainder of the ni?ht unknown to anyone- The sheriffs office was told of the money bein? in the car by the driver's wife Sun day and after prying the wreckage apart it was the pastors living qi feet away. Th rainfall the storm was welcomed by ' farmers but much more is need- r ed. An unofficial .31 inches fell; during the storm. ' exrect to harp xi7'firt .r-iJ T,.-; i : j: : The entire area between: Sioux City and Kansas City was i 3 J3 Cl II i Is 2Liidf in found, untouched- The box contained the full dav's receipts from .Mr. Jlishler's business.- ! alerted for scattered tornados. Sheriffs Office Photo. - earlier yesterday top- ! pled a large tree on Route o ; near the Masomc Home. Trallic ! was tied up for about a half from the Nation details were brought out of a "gans" fight recently at the beach between person nel at Offutt Air Force and an Omaha gang. Also be hind the crackdown was the holdup last week at the beach of an Omaha man by a band of youths believed to be from Omaha. Attorney Peck told Mr. Hoi jAiasomc noEs ciearea av.aj, xhe beach area to be lig. ; tne ceons. I Police Chief John Hobscheidt, i Sr., and Patrolman ELstil Jen- i hour as personnel t . 1 1111"' -t- --r--- j j:' 1 - . - I Ray M- Leslie, Chief Joe Kruntorad, And Grant Chief Gene Mitchem Inspect Fire Truck- LO'JISTLLE, Ky. The Platts mouth Journal will be awarded second place In tr 'outstanding and consistent ser-; ;re" as the Nat-i km.s were called to direct traf fic at the scene. exuect i ft it ra 9 si Local Pore vice to aer:c Cass County Farmers May Use!trciJcs,fhf.Na!red ionai Editorial Association ccn-i rr sprayer rree or unarye ;Tr-' F;::ure fariners ani farmers , S1CO was made to FFA Pres-j Fred ougncut me coun.y wiu na e . xaent itoy tjmitn. oy ism aunon, pomtea 5... kin w J kr: o from drinking cn the beach, the i area to be policed and other I ilr. Holroan said many cf the ! i trouble makers eiimbed over 2! Chief f Visitor With Mew Truck Owns Launderette The Jo: was picked sec-.a: disposal tne entries through- : f the ; Journal News editor. Tesch. Jr., was ap to the Plattsncutfc. Police Department this week cut United States. free use cf a power sprayer. ! The chec was the verv same following the resignation of Rol- f after he "locked up" night3 However, he was warned to lock the gates, set up a proper fence and police the area or leave it lighted all night, if necessary, to keep things under control. "It's not ud to the sheriff to is well equipped. : Chief Kruntorad said. rayer will be built as j one the Journal received last Isnd. Cooper, it was announced ? police the area. You nave to , - -.soon as school opens in Sep-; Apru irom A-oar-iseii iiij -..o- - 5CO x- yoursen or suner me con-! Maces. Ga.. Telegraph, a cai.y; tember bv the Plattsmouth ! it was named winner cf the 1 Ths appointment was con- sequences? Attomev Peck told anc Sunday paper. The award ,chaptert purare Farmers cf Nebraska Press Association j firmed at a special meeting cf Mr. Holman. isicr newspapers circu-, America. i competition for outstanding ser- city council Monday eve- The cotinty attorney said! iaticns more 2.0CO The; to'ect we-e ice'to Agriculture. The Journal, . tu . events at the beach, which isj Aioany, Ore., Democrat eraidt -Jf" 0, i was tied for first place with the Tesch is the owner -cf th- .located -just off Highway 75! was tne winner for papers cf ; Cv Z? Dawson County Herald. iVThirlpcol Launderette cn Sixth norta 0f Plattsmouth, are ai less than 2.CC circulation. : lUesEj.- oy Street. ! yv r.r n rha -n-- jr--"-. ! i-nmusner Kcnam tt. irurse Journal ! lire cmei tnis past baturday. ? Chief Kruntorad said. ! So enthused was the chief 10 xli j uciigi-cis uiere r-ave a isoo ; over tne new trues he called Gene Mitchum, fire chief of Dodge pumper with a 1947 members cf the special equip Grant, a town cf 1,200 inhab-j motor in it and a 1545 Ford. ; ment committee downtown to itants. iBcth are 5C0 gallon pumpers, j see it. Those who looked it over Chief .Mitchum stopped in The ew truck is a 750 gal-! Lugsch, John Sattler. Darrell the city to show off a new I Ion pumper. The Grant depart- Ashbaush.. Hcb Hirz. Wait Brv S16,0O0 CMC pumper truck ! ment also has a 1.CC0 gallon : ant. Herb Sehuetz. which was being driven to tank truck, a two-way radio The chief told citv coun- to Grant where it will be which picks up police and sher-1 put into use. ; urs office cans and a Althou2h far smaller than eQPPd rescue squad. Plattsmouth, Grants fire de-i Besides that, fall the de- ': partment's clothing, boots. helmets, raincoats and dress uniforms are purch ased by the town. In contrast, Plattsmouth fir f uUyi rse Publisher Ronald R. Mrs. Furse are pres-; Presentatici entiy in Louisville to attend the Furse will ac- newsparer. First word of the Journal's rating was released today in a ccpy of "The National Pub !ior " a trada maazin A plaque contributed cy the Northern States Envelope Com pany will be given the Journal. Ant Buttons Almost Kill 2 Youngsters a chck for ' "as vie to ma&e me pres-, i entation to the local farmins; fj. L. l eroup because he was in Louis- ;vilie, Ky., where the Journal! f was being presented a second ! place award of the thousand Lucky Father Are Revealed Holman promised to have ', lights erected and in oper- ation within "a couple of j days" i f He also said he will have a I Murray Man FinedHitby Coffee Mug cilmen 11 days ago the local department's equip- was so outdated and ob j solete the situation here ; was "critical." ; He is seeking a new pumper j truck somewhat similar to the j one displayed by Chief Mitchum land Ray M. Leslie cf Lincoln .men have a 1933 Diamond T.Fire Engine Company, the firm 5C0 gallon pumper and 1544 which sold the vehicle to the 'home made 350 gallon pumper, : Gran: department. f f Suriiving Mrs. Max Beadieston, ch looked like cf weekly newspapers in the! United States for its service to A r----4 i T!ttn t n 7 a I " FFA Advisor Don Hansen said S 11 tte llicky Ptsmouth man do more than put up signs. They c.a. Kn j wiQ is chosen Father cf the 'must be enforced, he stressed. Bvi,i7S::-- V trc sYear" tries to carry home all! The attomev said he and t Leonard Yates was found guil- s Brr ? ...... 'Dronnetor cr lous caie. cost a Attcmey i'ecK saia ne musx.;. ; , . . iiiurray man a iciai ci zzo m mes and court costs. green sugar candy almost took pouItry h0uses and other farm! the prizes he wins, he's going! Sheriff Solomon are going jty in police court cf the assault the lives this past week of the spraying jobs. The unit w: ccruine to "Th- National Pub-: oun daughters cf a for-1 powered by farmers'! Some 27 merchan hsher' for the Journals pro-" Pttsmouth couple. (tractors. Pf d f motion cf 'soli conservation. ; The siirs Loreue. seven, andj Any Cass County Farmer will! 0116 e biggest com grown farm page rr-rp;-? u-ppWt Kav. two are the daughters permittee to use tne sprayer farm editorials. ; Mrl and Mrs. Ralph Cowan, now when needed. It will also be f E2rts; tr--c -.t-c . m-f'n' TsrHnr tvipt- fr-a-ir? l'veH available to members cf FTA 1 kxX work, rural' news coverage" and I at the" A. Rogers Farm In this ; -units in the county. Details ccn-lpp- the object of the bestj Commissioner success stories." Plattsmouth Man flurt as Hay Truck Falls Through Span city. enic proved too much of cer: 3t 3. 'ito need some dam long arms. ! to inspect the premises. charge and a charge of intoxica- bome Zi merchants nave cm"o- ine Doara nas given you an . tion. ue pieacea not guiitv to the jackpot , opportunity to clear things up both counts. He pleaded guilty ever offered yourself he added. "You are; to a third charge cf using abu- j by local business establish-; running the place and dont : sive lansuase. i nave to let anyone m 11 you prizes a father dont want to," he said. Herman Bom-', ti in' ha ro'P5 50l uuii..,.auuu. i vJii.iLi-i.u.di Uix rite t Right Answer Can Bring S2 Prize in Chamber Contest Telephone subscribers can pick up a little extra gift shop ping money between July 2 and July 14 if they answer their phone with the right words in Paul Fauquet Is Reelected To Head Dems Paul Fauquet was reelected chairman of the Cass County Democratic Committee. Other officers rename d were later date, Mr. Hansen! The letters ncrninating fathers i Tne FFA unit will make the? e ears CiU or ycunger. . 1 luuca wu iui ttiiii 1 Ernest Bond of Platts mouth escaped with a bad lv sprained ankle Tuesday when a hay truck in which g he was riding crashed j s through a bridge. The mishap ocenred on a wooden bridge at the farm of his brother, Leon. The truck fell through the bridge and overturned. Mr. Bond s ordeed off the foot by a doctor and he will later be able to get around with the aid of crutches. attraction ior tne two cnuuren ; -ave- frc Dans' kiddos thirk their iw ... r. . . who were drinking pop ithe- wul' be purchased Vith ! should be the father cfjWeek Here ShOUld -. ime proceecs ci me cnecs. Ail J- r- 1 n a ! 11 the labor and planning will be iured b .merchants to send a TUnOS De AVaiiaDie carried out by the youths. letter telling wny to tne cn. tne ir parents ?re visiting on a lLe trouoies Degan wnea Commerce "Dollar Davs" rnn-SMrs. Blanche Rnh-r?n" vie a Yates entered the cafe, ordered i tes chairman a-d T'? Hei I a meaL and went. to sleep before Xo PubUcize the b nol Eiting. secretary-treasurer. u was srvec . Day sale 'scheduled for July 13 1 Chosen as delegates to the Ne- iieacuciion woe mm ana : and 14, the chamber will cive braska State Democratic Con- S2 gift certificates good in 1 enti-n were Francis Casey, Mr. trade in any member store to ' Fauquet, Francis Robinson, Lu those who answer their phones ; Gaines and Fred Campbell. ' Alternates will be Mrs. Elaine j ordered him out cf the cafe j Yates then struck her. Mrs. ! Beadieston retaliated bv break- After gulping down the but- had eaten some rreen su li Midshipman Conis ber of Commerce in Platts- Letters cannot be accepted ting a coffee cup over his head, by saying: 1 Yates 'was finally removed f Good news for area young-I-rom tne cate by Mrs. Beauie- whe: t r or rs nr" tor Special To The Journal LINCOLN Thomas Corns than June 1 6 p. m. The name cf the winning fath- iced over fhe Oi ; er will be anno: she returned in- Aliened Tn Crmcp : covered whathappned and the ! ! hx Fcr".i " ; Plattsmouth is among '3 TJni- public address system Friday ! made. ! . 1 versity c: Neorassa kutc mia-is. i fctcmacn pumps were used cn . sg h0 plan to take sum j tne girls and alter an ail night : -r rrv.:io- tne nosuitai they were sters! The Cass County Red Cross Committee announced today the swimming week program will be carried out here if the neces sarv financial arrangements can ston's husband and the cook, ; picked at rando Carl Styles. Stl Dollar Day July 13 and 14." Casey, Ed Kohreli, Earl All- , oee, joe anq, r.lrs. r-r-r o cr-.- it....k.i- lkUki.jOii. i.L. a, ikil 1 Joseph xienesch. Democratic Telephone numbers will ficient number of calls wi be Mrs. Beadieston required five '. made each day to insure three ; cwia.e ior congress irom titches in her ear. j winners, the chamber said. Dur- ithrs tnct. was a guest and jerry ! star u ; sent 1 fcservation New Highway Maps id-iat 8 p. m. at Fifth and Main; Hopes for me swum week were j rc Q Available im- streets. ' at a low recently as the annual . w w t A secret committee will readRed Cross drive in Plattsmouth j To AN Nebraska ns me lattsmoutn youth is as-; all the letters and choose the and throughout Cass county "Cruise Charlie," , best. Then the lucky father will '-fell far short of expectations. to mey were uncer : sieried ... ... ! uj.ui. uuu Kiui .c: iuuuw- Cii unt:x mecicax autnonties Canal Zone between July were sure they were alright. "and Aug. 24. State Engineer L. N. Res announced today that the new j ino to ,j 1 .t ; auaresseu me session. A-. kX A. A. La.L ir-: . : . L T . r- : F w. T 1 ' . be 35 winners . 1.4;?; cjj cpck No chamber member, mer-: " w" ,M chant cr members cf their im- So:ne 1D3 Derr-ocr2-ts- reP' mediate famihes are ehgible to . T f win. All phone calls will be P cc - a"e"-e- ! made by the chamber office. Iu::cnecn xas serTeG' A3 ; mg: : (Continued cn Page Three At Long, Long Last! 1 ... msnwav mans for issfi nrP mt iusjv is set inr noifi'-n?' me .snr, trpf s; nro- ; . 7. - . - " ; Igram was" made following 2TDie inted quantities.; A KKK meeting will be held. meeting cf County Red Cross! Copies cf the new map may . Thursday at 8 p.m. at the Cham- officers in Plattsmouth. i ootained by writmg the In-. ber of Commerce office. This: Preliminary work in setting cucn. department . meeting is oemg heid to discuss up the annual budget and map- Ci- Kcacl5 G Irngation, Lincoln, the plans for the annual event. ; "sreek ping out arrangements for the ' in crea H3 ' Two Downtown Stores Cet New Coat of Paint Two Main Street store fronts received new paint jobs was trimmed green w! Smith's Men's Wear got a touch The city's lengthy effort to .plans for raising funds and to obtain federal monies for flood ; have the project explained to, control here has finally paid off . j them. Paul Fauquet. chairman of! The financial burden which the Plattsmouth Watershed s must be borne locally will be Committee, was informed Tues-J apportioned to those who re-; day the Federal Government ; ceive benefits, Chairman Fau has made available S5Q.500 for j quet said. the erection cf dams to protect The releasing of funds for property from heavy runoffs. The city and those im mediately adjacent to the city limits and profiting through the watershed work are expected to add another S30.&40 to the fund over a five year period. Actually the cost cf the whole A special meeting will be heid : project is less than the damage Monday night at 8 o'clock at which could be caused by just the Liens Community Euiioung:cne serious Hood, he explained. , University of Nebraska, to enable residents to leamj The watershed flood pre- j He mapped out the original first hand cf the committee's; rention idea is creditied to ! plans here after the bad f the project came nine years j to .the .week .of tbe .last j major flood caused by heavy rains. f j The planned project will be 1 sufficient to handle a six inch I runoff, the chairman said. TELEGRAM OF OFFICIAL CONGRESSIONAL OK "Happy to advise Con ressional approval of Plattsmouth Watershed Pro ject. Plan is amon; first approved under Public Law 566 which reflects diligence and good work of your local sponsoring groups. Depart ment of Agriculture assures full cooperation. Roman L. Hruska, CSS, Carl T. Curtis. USS. flood of 1947. Plattsmouth was the first city in Ne braska to apply for the needed federal matching funds under the Hope-Aiken Act. Work carried out here will be among the first in the nation under the bill. ; highlighted the session i Attending were Sanfo ; ments. chairman; Walter j vice chairman: Elmer HaHsircm, treasurer, and Mrs. Carl Zaiser, I secretary. ero red." annual county meeting July 16 j She's Starting Young: at 8 pn. in Plattsmouth Hotel 2 idctap-l Local Hiah School Student. 14. Eitn, ' 1 r n - nr. . i Will Open Acrobatic School . Plattsmouth Lady THE WEATHER Compiled for the Plattsmouth Journal at the Masonic Heme At the age 14 years,; She trained for one yea Charlene Lewis cf 215 W, mgron Avenue xs empartmg cniand is now takimr advanced her career. This tiny blende courses in Council Bluffs. high school sophomore has an- She will start to tach begin-1 CV c. cpeg aaTanced aeriai i robatics and tumbling as soon i ; as she gets her first student. school for acrobatics for the unmer months. Charlene. an arrnTil';'" j acrobat, war? tn tnsrb TrVoti She fccP ? for a sufficient Dr. George Condra, dean of soil conservation, at the . ue locaxiy ccntncutec anc; leather Station, Plattsmouth, j federal matched funds will com- j Nebraska. .pleteiy handle costs of obtaining j jurie 4 5 q 1955. : land easements, obtaining dam ' ' High Low Prec permits, building dams and other OT- p T cr administrative work. Itn,V si sa f she's learned snri rr. aim a ifT'. f ntmnrer of students to help pay 1 The committee which has .1 Wednesday . . . . .Z2 63 1 ! money in' the process during ! Jf to Ciica0 for s I carried cut the program's plan-j Forecast: "showers, cloudv, s the summer months and ns.j-i1- rung mciuaes C. E. Welshimer, ih in lower 80s, low near 60 I be right on through the school; -riene satu she will accept B. H. G. Eiting. George Jaeger, t tonight. Tomorrow Dossible !7ear. j stuuents cf all ages and prom-, a. A4swatek,WilhamF.E-ers.!si:) Sun sets today at 7:55 j For her this is no summer she can start them cn the H. r Eorz, Ray Story, FredU Sur, es Friday at 4:51 P- s-e intends to continue ; way to an enjoyable and enter Mr. Fauquet. acrobat training and be-i taming pastim possibly a? A plea for volunteer blood donors with O-Positive blood type was made today by Mrs. Frank lopliff. Her mother-in-law, Mrs. Nellie Topliff of Platts mouth. is a patient at St. Josephs Hospital in Omaha and is in need of this type blood for transfusions. Anyone wishing to vol unteer is requested to con tact Mrs. Frank Topliff at 82ST or 21S2. L i come a professional some day. ' career. fl