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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1956)
4 fHE PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, SEMi-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE TWO Thursday, June 7, 1956 Did! 241 . Beins-Schuetz Wedding at the St. Pauls Evangelical Church Mrs. Jon M. Blue and white floral decora tions and candlelight appointed the chancel of St. Pauls Evan gelical Church of Plattsmouth, May 27th, for the wedding of Deloris Beins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Beins, and Jon Michael Schuetz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Schuetz. Reverend G. E. Seybold of ficiated at the evening cere mony in the presence of 150 guests. Mrs. Ferd Nolte, organ ist, accompanied Miss Patricia A. Painter, soloist. The bride given in marriage by her father was gowned in Italian silk dupiani and chantil ly lace. The fitted silk bodice buttoned at the back, featuring a portrait neckline of lace ap plique and below elbow length shirred silk sleeves. The very bouffant circular cut skirt, worn over hoop petticoats, continued -into a sweeping cathedral train, with the lace of the bodice re peated in twin bands of ap plique high on the skirt and cascading into the train in cut out flower motif. Mrs. Sally Becker of Lincoln, matron of honor, wore pale blue taffeta covered with white lace, sheath style, with blue acces sories. She carried a colonial bouquet of blue carnation3. Mrs. Bette White and Miss JcN?n Albin were honor atten dants dressed identical to that 1 YOU CAN DEPEND ON Cencl GAUDSM DUST With 1 Rotenone Reap what you sow don't feed if to the bugs. CENOL GARDEN DUST, contc'ning 1 Rotenone controls many types of in. sects attacking fruit and vegetables. Harmless to use leaves no poisonous residue. FOR SALE AT i. 59c LB. Black Leaf 40 49c, $1.39, Kubicide Garden Duster Rose Duster Chlordane Dust Dusting Sulphur Captan Garden Spray 50 DDT Dust One Pack Fruit Sprav 95c & Lime Sulphur 65c lb., 4 lbs. Arsenate Lead 1 lb. & Tomato Dust 1 Black Flag Bomb unaane v-oncenrrare Heotachfor ii.iimiiwu'ii'iii ,! iinwiui i .mnw m i 1 11 ... i in ,jum hi mini y.n mm 11 . jii. w mt,im m t fmmm.tmmmm MwwAjiwiiwiii rpw immm iiimj. Vz Pint Per Acre For GRASSHOPPERS Gallons and 5 Gallon Cans Schuetz of the matron of honor. Dennis Ptak served as the best man. The bridegroom's atten dants were Charles V. Kerns of Omaha and Wayne Rieke. .Ush ers were Fred Beins, Thomas Beins and Donald Beins, broth ers of the bride. Immediately following the ceremony, a reception was held in the church parlors which was decorated in blue and white floral arrangements. Assisting were Mrs. Shirley Born, Mrs. Janet Moore, Mrs. Helen Bcoten, Mrs. Charles Kerns, Mrs. Mary J. Beins, Mrs. Mona Beins and Mrs. Benne Beins. The bride chose an aqua crystalette dress with black ac cessories and orchid corsage for their wedding trip to Colorado. The coupxe graduated from the Plattsmouth High School in the class of 1954. The bride groom attended Omaha Univer sity and is employed as a drafts man at Northern Natural Gas Company, Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Schuetz are at home to their friends at 607 Oakmont, Plattsmouth. Bob Beverage and "Butch" Furse returned yesterday from Decorah, Iowa, where they were visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Kjome, uncle and aunt of "Butch." I ! ANY DRUG PRODUCT THAT BEARS THE NAME REXALL I King Size 16-oz. Brush Killer - Weedeth, Gal. Hide $2.98 50c 70c $1.00 59c 65c $1.00 75c $2.80 $2.65 4 lbs. 59c CAPTAN 50W D1ELDRIN 50W A Fungicide for Plants DuPont Marlate 50 FLY SPRAY 6 98c H 4 Lbs. $3.98 i.op or Aldrin II Nancy Siemoneit Gets Scholarship From Omaha School Nancy Siemoneit of Platts mouth recently was awarded a scholarship from the Dickinson Secretarial School of Omaha. The scholarship provides free schooling and books. Nancy was among three grad uating seniors from 12 high schools to be chosen for the award based on outstanding scholarship. She vas an honor roll student throughout her high school years and was among ;he upper 20 students in scholarship her senior year, Nancy taught tap dancing the past two years and will con tinue to do 'so after school hours and Saturdays. She plans to take over the calsses of Jeanine Newton while Jeanine is in col lege. . Nancy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August Siemoneit, will be gin at the secretarial school July 1. Illinois Visitor Frequently Feted Mrs. Kenneth C. Thompson of Downers Grove, 111., is visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. William F. Halmes and the Peter Halmes family. v While here the guest was en tertained at luncheon Monday by Mrs. Elmer Fettin of Omaha. Wednesday she was honored at a brunch by Mrs. James Cosmas and at a luncheon by Mrs. Doro thy Rowe of Omaha. Also entertaining Mrs. Thomp son were Mrs. John Schanbach er, at bridge and a dessert luncheon by Mrs. L. L. Finnegan which included 20 members of the faculty of South High School of which Mrs. Thompson was formerly a member. Miscellaneous Shower Honors Bride-To-Be ELMWOOD (Special) Miss Martha Ann. Stolz wras honored at a miscellaneous bridal shower recently given at the home of Mrs. Raymond Bornemeier. Rae Jean Bornemeier-Zeigelbein, her daughter assisted, as did Mrs. Harry Lannin. The decorations were in laven dar and yellow color scheme, the bride's colors. A large May basket was used for the gifts, which were falling out of it onto the table upon which it was placed. Booklets of lavendar with seals of yellow with "Martha Ann-Keith" attached, with the games which were played listed inside the booklet. The refresh ments of white cake decorated with violets and yellow roses were served. Umbrellas inverted served as favors for candy. The honoree received many gifts from the thirty guests pres ent. The shower was given in honor of Martha Ann Stolz approach ing marriage to Keith Borne meier. Tar:"riT.'--fcl'Jl- 19 Aerosol Bomb $1.59 Gal. . . . . . $8.85 $4.50 $1.00 CENOL BUG BLAST: BOMB CONTAINS D.D.T. AND PYRETHRUM Full residual ac tion. One bomb takes care of about 72 rooms. IWEHDlDIHSfff r- .... T Keep your house insect free this year, A Cenol Bomb ivilLdo it. ; r ' I' ' UHW m w mm t t- f I I .4 J r I y I I - i f - r I- ' . ' ' j i fit ' I ! f L . X f SHOWN ABOVE ARE Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hron recently married at the Nehawka Methodist Church. The couple are living in Omaha. Methodist Church in Louisville Scene of Wedding on Sunday LOUISVILLE (Special) Miss Beverly Sjogren, daugh ter of Mrs. David Sjogren of Louisville and Mr. Roger Luh ring, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Luhring of Weeping Water were married June 3rd at the Methodist Church in Louisville. Reverend William Halstead of Wisner officiated at the mar riage ceremony with -200 guests present. Mrs. "Wayne Gess, organist, accompanied James Heard voc alist. The bride's gown was of em broidered lace over bridal satin with long sleeves that tapered over the wrists. The bouffante skirt was full length of lace over satin. The xinger tip veil fell from the juliet.cap that was trimmed in tiny seed pearls. ' ! Allgayer-Buchholz Rites Held At the First Lutheran Church AVOCA . (Special) Miss Letha Allgayer became the bride of Lenard Buchholz at the First Lutheran Church, Rev. A. Zei linger read the marriage lines. The bride chose a gown of white satin overlaid with white net and ruffled lace trimming the skirt. A lace jacket, com pleted her gown. A crown of white sequins held her finger tip veil. She carried red roses. Bonnie Allgayer, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. Carlene Allgayer, sister of the LICENSE TO WED A marriage license was issued in Cass" County Court this week to Glen D. McAfee, 33, of Fuller ton and Levonda M. Murdoch, 25, of Nehawka. CALENDAR Thursday, June 7 There will be a King Korn Karnival meeting Thursday, June 7 at the Chamber of Com merce office beginning at 8 p.m. Thursday, June 7 Womens Society of Christian Service of the Methodist Church will meet at 2 p. m., Thursday, June 7. Friday, June 8 PEO will meet Friday, June! 8 at 2:30 p.m. with Mrs. Ralph Wehrbein. Friday, June 8 Good Cause Kensington will meet at the home of Mrs. Sadie Finnefrock Friday, June 8 at 8 p.m. Saturday, June 9 Jobs Daughters will hold in stallation of officers Saturday, June 9 at 8 p. m. This will be public installation. Sunday, June 10 All music lovers are invited to attend a piano recital at the Lion's community building Sun day, June 10 at 8 p.m. Pupils of Mrs. Oda Mulholland and guest artists. Monday, June 11 WCTU will meet with Mrs. Garfield Dunning at 724 1st Ave., Monday, June 11 at 2 p. m. Tuesday, June 12 St. Mary's Guild of the St. Lukes Episcopal Church will I meet Tuesday, June 12 in the ' Undercroft Room at 8 p.m. fWW-HW m TF 4 W-W 1 0 "-"Hh, J . i : m .vt5 - : I- h :' ' i - t ''if f) .' I V-.. t T. -- Si i-A . 1 i rimar .. m i,i-lii-wiri ii'iM"- mi- inf-ti'fi- ri Mrs. James Allen of Lincoln was matron of honor and wore a blue gown and carried yellow daisies. Mrs. Jerry Sheehan and Miss Kaye Brown of Louisville were bridesmaids. They wore yellow gowns and each carried a bou quet of blue daisies. Forest Beil of Murray was best man and Roger Bilstein and Donald Savala were ushers. A reception in the Fellowship room followed the ceremony. Mrs. Forest Beil, Miss Dee Clause and Mrs. Lynn Darling assisted at the reception. The bride chose a gray suit with white accessories for her wedding trip. She is a graduate of the Louis ville High School. The bride groom attended Doane College. The couple will be. at home in Lincoln. bride, and Harriet Johnson were brides maids. . They wore blue - het and satin gowns and carried vhite carnations. Flower girls were Linda Al- lgayer and Shirley Lutzman and Jerry Wennen was ring bearer. Merlyn Minderman was best Dale Neeman were honor at tendants. Ushers were Louis Allgayer, Jr., and Wilmer Sud man. Miss Josephine played the Wedding March and Miss Luella Buchholz was soloist. Parents of the bride are Mr. and Mrs. Louis. Allgayer, Sr., of Weeping Water. Mr. and Mrs. John Buchholz of Otoe are parents of the bridegroom. A reception was held in the church, parlors following the ceremony with Retha Bell Small; Joan Hoback, Ann Mar quardt, Mildred Winnens, Ruby Lutgemeier, Hilda Kuenning Marlene Ehmke assisting in the dining room. The. couple will make their home south west of Avoca. Nimble Stitchers Met at Upton Home By Laraine Young 4-II Reporter MURRAY (Special) The Nimble Stitchers met at the home of Shirley Upton on May 18. Our lesson was on making comfort protectors. We also showed our other work. Shirley Upton prepared the sandwiches and Laraine Young arranged the vegetable plate. "Let's Make Sandwiches and a Vegetable Plate" was also our lesson. Our next meeting will be held at the home of Linda and Karon Engelkemier on June 13. Daughter To Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Dyke of Ottawa, Kans., June 5, 1956. She has been named Kelly Su zanne. The mother is the for mer Donna Jean Burk, daugh ter of Mrs, Agnes Taylor. Great grandmother .is Mrs. Mae L. Blunt. Better business outlook is foreseen in second half of year. mw Bridal Shower For Pat Carr Recently A shower honored Miss Pat Carr recently wrhose marrialge to Mr. Howard Glazebrook will take place Saturday at Creston, Iowa. The bride to be was honored at a shower at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Carr, given for her by Mrs. Alex Campbell, Mrs. Arvil Campbell who were assisted by Thelma and Rachel Garringer. The afternoon was spent play ing bingo. Prizes were won by Mrs. Ethel Hennings, Yvonne Nelson, Mrs. Mary Neslon, Anita Glazebrook and Mrs. Leslie Florian. Anita Glaze brook won the door prize. The. honoree received many lovely gifts. Hostesses served refresh ments to the 40 guests present. Attending from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Glazebrook and children, Afton, Iowa; Mrs. Leslie Florian and children, Glenwood, Iowa; Mrs. Emma Warthen, Mrs.xLeo Wood Mrs. Vernon Warthen and Mrs. Web Warthen all of Omaha. Chirping Bluebirds At Clem Woster Home Susan Evers, Secretary The Chirping Bluebirds met at the home of Dottie and Debbie Woster Tuesday afternoon. - Election of officers were held with Candy Carper elected pres ident, Mary Jo Lebens, secretary and Mary Schuetz, treasurer. Nine members and their lead er, Mrs. Clem Woster were pres ent. Games were played following the meeting. Mrs. Woster served refresh ments. Sergeant And Wife Honored At Picnic In Garfield Park A farewll picnic supper was held at Garfield City Park honoring Sgt. and Mrs. Gordon Koontz and children, David and Clara Lynn who will be leaving Plattsmouth soon. Guests included members of the Mr. and Mrs. Class of the Methodist Church. They were Capt. and Mrs. George S. Gar rison and family, Rev. and Mrs. Erwin Kiel and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sam' Kelsev and fnmilv Mr. and Mrs. Don Leelsey and and family, Mrs. Warren Catron and son, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fischer and family and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Roberts and son. Sgt. Koontz will be leaving for Labrador. His wife and family will make their temporary home in Florida. He has been stationed at Offutt Air Force Base for seven years. Guests presented the depart ing family with a gift. 1; 'J$ COTTON SUN DRESSES Breath-taking pastel prints in fine quality cotton dresses. Gracefully flared skirts. Zipper placket. Slash pockets. No Iron fabric for laundry manners. Colors: Aqua cn Beige, Gold cn Charcoal, Citron on Blue $2.98 - $3.98 - $5.98 Siies 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 14;, 16'i, 18U, 20V-;, 22 li ermmyoio Shorts Girls Sizes 7 - 14 Ladies Sizes 10 - 20 w.' iiiiiiiu. mmmmmmm.. , y Kj i " n mfmrniiiMii'liiiiiliiiiiiiiir iiiiumi i murm - rf Miss Barbara Lanum MRS. HELEN LANUM has announced the engagement and approaching marriage of her daughter, Barbara, to Richard Krejci of Plattsmouth, son of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Krejci of Exeter. Miss Lanum is a graduate of Platts mouth High School this year. The couple will be married June 11 at the St. Johns Cath olic Church, Plattsmouth. Christian Church Completes Bible School With Program The First Christian Church vacation Bible school held the closing program Sunday eve ning with each class pre senting songs and stories and exhibiting their handiwork. Phil Rihn led the congre gation in prayer and gave the benediction. The offering is be ing used for Braille Bibles for the blind. Teachers for the Bible school were Ann Winscot'and Donna Larson, in the kindergarten; Mrs. Elwin Coolman and Mrs. Ward Schade, primary; Mrs. Emery Rozell and Joyce Rozell, juniors and Mrs. Carl Duncan and Marlene Svoboda, junior high. Mrs. Carl Duncan was in charge of the worship service each morning, with the young people conducting the service. Miss Marlene Svoboda was pi anist. Opening for Friday, WE WILL "The, Magnificent Obsession Friday & Saturday Dad is June 17 . . . Mother Should Look Like a Queen n King Ladies Toggery The Fashion Center of ..Cass County California Visitors Show Slides Of European Travels Recent visitors of Mrs. James Rebal, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rebal and Mrs. Clark Finney and sons, were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Rebal and Miss Diane Shuck of Verdugo City, Calif. They departed for their home Monday morning. Dick Rebal is the son of Ray mond Rebal and grandson of Mrs. James Rebal. He with his wife recently returned from a tour of duty with the United States Army in Germany. Mrs. Rebal headed a German Youth rehabilitation center working with the Brownie and Girl Scout assembly. WTiile here the visitors showed slides of their European travels. Mrs. Jack Jodd Is Honored At A Pink And Blue Shower Mrs. Warren Fink honored Mrs. Jack Todd of Lincoln at a pink and blue shower at the Fink home Sunday. Fifteen guests played games and prizes were awarded to Mrs. Dave Clifford and Mrs. William Heinrich. Mrs. Bill Campbell assisted Mrs. Todd in receiving the gifts from a decorated baby bed. Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. Todd are daughters of Mrs. Elmer Lohnes of Plattsmouth. Refreshments were served by the hostess to close the party. Birthday Surprise For Carol Henney Miss Carol - Henney was sur prised on her birthday, Wednes day, with a party given in her honor by Mrs. Jack M. Troop, assisted by Mrs. Jim Miller and Mrs. Ken Weaver. A shrimp fry was served in the recreation room of Lucas Hall at the Nebraska Methodist Hos pital, Omaha, when 39 of her f classmates and friends gathered to help her celebrate the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Furse are attending the National Ed itorial Association meeting in Louisville, Ky. the Season June 8 FEATURE eatre Friday and Saturday Only . -At f B T0H I