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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1952)
r wm 9 m i ,1 -,. J: if '3 cojuavjlUb Mrs. Bessie Core Lions Club Host To Teachers The Louisville Lions club Thursday evening entertained the teachers of the Louisville schools at a picnic supper in the city park. About 40 peo ple attended. Earl Stiffler was the head cook and produced some good corn and hot dogs. Ztwtsville Mr. and Mrs. Jule Bourelle and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller visited Mr. Miller's brother. Os wald Miller at the Veterans hos pital in Omaha Sunday. jet all the latest hits oa - j. RECORDS 45ir78rpB Tone hit on i this side I another hit on this side hits on $ch record only UTSXEOEAS8 1 0 .tAPA0 o .g-P-0-0.0.g C 0-P.gJ?.Q.P.C 8 SU Wedding Vows Are Solemnized At a seven o'clock evening candlelight ceremony Sunday, August 17. Miss Dorothy J. Lu deke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ludeke of Atlanta became the bride of Dwight H. Schlie fert at Mt. Calvary Lutheran church in Holdrege with Rev. Walter E. Heddrich receiving the wedding vows at a double ring service. Lourvtlie Kenneth MeLsinger drove to California last week to take Frank W. Nichols' car out to him. Frank is working at the Lockheed plant in California. Miss Betty Hrabik is return ing to Nebraska University this week where she will be a soph omore in the agricultural col lege. Mrs. Mathilda Jochim came down from Omaha Wednesday for a couple of days visit with her .sons, LeRoy and family and ' John and family at Weeping Water. Mrs. Robert Brokley and Bob by came out from Lincoln Wed nesday of last week and were guests of the Richard Streeters and the LaRue Williams. Bobby stayed over for a longer visit while his parents moved to a new house in Lincoln. Louisviiie Polio Patient Returns Home Mrs. Irus Gerdes, who has been in a Lincoln hospital with Polio has recovered enough to be brought home last week, but she is far from well yet and will have to continue the treat ments for some time. Jackie Terryberry. who had been spending two weeks in Mcdes-to. Calif., where he vis ited an aunt and uncle, return ed a week ago. Pvt. Irvin R. Franke. son of ! Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Franke of i Louisville, has completed army I branch immaterial basic train -; ing conducted by the 3rd Ar mored Division at Fort Knox, ; Ky. ; Larry Brcwn has been releas ; d from the hospital at Fort j Crook after having been taken ! there for treatment. He was home on a stopover on his way to the state of Washington. I Cpl. Bill Ingram is at home from Camp Carson, Colo., on a WHEN' was YOUR Car Lubricated Last? It's easy to let lubrication be overlooked . . . but your car will rice better and last, longer, and it will be safer to drive, if lubricated regularly. Stop in and let us take care of your car today. Huehners "66" Station TANK WAGON SERVICE Phone 212 Plattsmouth 20-day leave. Bill had 17 months in Germany. j Ed Heil, who has been in St. ) Mary's hospital at Nebraska j City the past 3 weeks was taken to the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ed Sprieck at Murray on Monday of this week. j Mrs. Dan Thornton was dis playing some extra large peach es in town the other morning, one of which was 11 34 inches around and weighed 34 of a pound. , The tree had quite a tew more but not quite as large. . Louisville A. E. Brown Dies At Omaha A. E. Brown of Omaha died Friday at his desk of a heart attack. He was a brother of Mrs. Charles Robeck and oper ated a printing plant in Oma ha. Funeral services were held Monday in Omaha. Louisville Ward Brunson and his moth er, Mrs. F. H. Brunson, drove to Oconto and spent Saturday night and Sunday visiting rela tives. Monday they went to fonrnpv to fUend the Repub lican convention. While there ward was elected to be a mem ber of the state central commit tee. Fred Flamig of Seattle. Wash., arrived Tuesday of last week for a few davs visit with his sis ter, Mrs. Loran Vogel and family- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mei signer have bought the Gail MeLsinger home on Railroad Avenue and will move there when Gail and his family find a place to live in Plattsmouth. Mrs. E. H. Worthman has sold the Worthman home on Cherry Street to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wagoner. The deal was completed last week. Mrs. Worthman and her mother, Mrs. Stevenson, expect to move into the apartment over Dr. Worth man's office. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Franke will occupy the Jack man house on Cherry Street, which will be vacated by the Wagoners. Louisville Bottle Explodes, Boy Is Injured Bruce, small son of Mrs. Cor rine Tresslar. received a wound in the forehead when a bottle of pop exploded Thursday of last week. Mrs. Richard Streeter enter tained several little folks Wed nesday cf last week for the 4th birthday of her daughter, Bar bara. Gus Wendt of near Murdock suffered a heart attack one day last week. He was reported 1o be much improved and up and around the place Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Oris Schliefert and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schliefert and Linda left Tues day morning for Juneau, Bur nett and places in Wisconsin where they will visit relatives. Seventeen At ousewarming H A house-warming planned and attended by the ones who work with Mrs. Art Woehler at the Eager Produce Co. was held Tuesday evening of last week. Seventeen were present. The Woehlers were presented with a pop-up toaster in honor of the occasion. Louisville Mrs. Effie Masters submitted to surgery Friday in St. Jo seph's hospital in Kansas City, Mo. Her daughter, Mrs. Clyde Ahl, went to Kansas City Thurs day evening to be there with l.T mother through the opera tion. She returned Sunday. The Missouri Valley Construc tion Co. are having their men return to Louisville and some families have arrived with their trailers in preparation to mov ing dirt again for the cement plant. More than a million cubic wards of dirt will be moved. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Isaac were Omaha visitors Tuesday. H. B. Koop was in Omaha on business Wednesday cf Last week. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Erickson were in Omaha Wednesday of last week. Allen Koop and Marilyn and Janet Wright were state fair visitors on Labor Day. Mr. and Mrs. Oris Schliefert were in Millard and Omaha on business Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Don Templemeyer and children of Esbon, Kans.. are visiting relatives here for a few days. Louisville Noyes Leave For California Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Noyes left Friday evening over the Unior. Pacific for Van Nirys. Calif., where they will spend several dyas visiting Mrs. Noyes sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ches ter Merriam. Mr. and Mrs. Noyes were married 50 years on September 9 by the late Eider G. W. Mayfield, grandfather of j Mrs. Noyes. They also expect j to visit their son and iamiiy m Kenewick, Wash., before return ing home. looter. Mr. Smith of Lincoln and Mr. and Mrs. John Down ing. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wright and children were Sunday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wright. Mrs. Fern Buckingham was shopping in Lincoln Saturday. Marty Stewart is some im proved at present writing. He is in St. Elizabeth's hospital in Lincoln. Miss Ester Jenkins has re turned after a week's vacation with her uncle at Springfield, Iowa. - Greinwooi! Daughter Is Recent Visitor Mrs. Bert V.'ar.h and son Truman had as their quests Mrs. Waugh's daughter, Mrs. Ncrmn Waueh and granddaughter. Sue. accompanied by Mrs. Norman Oistn Jr., of Birmingham, Ala. Mrs. Olsen, Jr.. then took a plane from Lincoln to Des Moines. Icwa. to visit her moth er. Mrs. Olsen cn her way Lack to Birmingham, picked up Mrs. Olsen, Jr.. at Kansas City. Mo. Virginia Waush (Mrs. Olsen and her brother, Truman C. Waugh, attended the Platts mouth public school in 1910 when their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Waugh lived in the Judge Travis home. The late J. A. (Bert i Waugh was a Bur- I lington conductor for 2 vears on the train running from Platts mouth to Sioux City, Iowa. Mrs. Waugh's relatives were the Mar ion and Justice Richeys families of Piattsmouth. Subscribe to The Journal SERVICES HELD The funeral of Elmer Barrett was held Monday at Alvo, Nebr. Mr. Barrett was a former resi- ! dent of Greenwood years ago. He married Miss Mona Arm- j strong ol Greenwood. ! Greenv.-ol Mrs. Barber entertained the ' St. Joseph Altar Society at her home Wednesday afternoon. j Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bachman j of Chej-enne. Wyo., visited at j the Charley Martin home Fri- day. ' I d Mrs. D. C. Turner i and children. Charles, Jimmy , and Holly Ann were dinner guests Sunday of Mrs. Rose and IL. lj. -i . The Greer.wccd Woman's Club held their first meeting and tea ; of the year Tuesday at the Methodist church parlors. The officers were hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. Kcnnern u Rourke and children shopped ! Thursday evening in Lincoln ! Little Steve Raishard, son cf ; Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Raighard. was one year old Saturday. Hb ; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy ' Raighard. entertained at a din ! nerfcr him Saturday evening, i Mrs. Rose McDonald and Mrs. D. C. Turner visited Sunday aft ernoon with Mrs. Ryan at Weep : int. Water. j Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Anderson ; of Omaha were dinner guests ! of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Conn Sun ; day. Mrs. Wayne Wright called at 1 the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Rob i ert Wall Monday. ! Mrs. Chlce Rurlbut returned i heme Sunday from St. Eiiza ' beth's hospital and is getting j along fine. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gribble ,'WE PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA, SEMl-WEEKLV JOURNAL Thursday, September 18, 1952 Section B PAGE FIVE left Saturday for their new home at Oakland, Nebr. Mrs. Mvrtle Coleman enter tained the H. W. A. Card Club Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wright were Sunday afternoon callers at the Lewis Wright home. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth O' Rourke's Sunday callers were Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Turner and children of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Welton. Mr. and Mrs. Ora McDonald attended the funeral of Elmer Barret at Alvo Monday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth O Rourke and daughters, Alma Dea and Phillis Lea were Sun day evening guests at the E. L. McDonald home. Bud McClintock entered Meth odist hospital at Omaha Satur day for observation and treat ment. He is showing improvement. Subscribe to The Journal J. Howard Davis LAWYER Soennichsen Building Phone 264 Plattsmouth Logical Choice for More Profitable Beef Production RTHOSNS 34 Bulls 36 Females At Rock Port, Mo. Mon., Sept. 29th, 1952 Shew at 9:30 a.m. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Auspices Northwest Missouri Shorthorn Breeders' Association, Inc. For Catalogue Write Dr. W. L. Landfather 412 West 2nd St.. Maryville, Mo. '(ZoAmtfeodk cf comic fjujb& Produced and DlrecUd byAlWtH.SmKk Subscribc to The Journal uty trues Gap imuw mh h Come in and let us prove that there's an International light-duty truck made for your job. Made to do it better. Made to do it for less money. Made to do it years longer. Before you decide on your next light -duty truck, come in and see the International line. Pick cf the pickups! A real jgo-getter, easy to handle in the armchair comfort of the roomy Cornfo-Vision Cab. 9 models, V2. zm and 1-ton. Body lengths, 6V2, 8, and D feet Preferred Panel! Look, and you'll know why. '2 and ?4-ton sizes with IV2 foot body. Smart, roomy, efficient. Easy to handle. Easy on gas and oil. Serviceable Stakes! Nine models, V2, 34 and 1-ton sizes with lf2 or SVs-foot bodies. For bulky loads. Easily con verted to flat-bed use. Double-Service Pickup! The AD-A-RAK provides higher sides and a detachable rack for your International 6V2. 8 or 9-foot pickup. Hauls more, easier, at lower cost Better roads mean a better America for complete information about any International light-duty truck, come in onsf see us Stifes Farn Phone 267 s Epipl e Truck Co. Plattsmouth Herbert Eager has had a new sidewalk put in front of his lets at the foot of the hiil west of the school house. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Uhley left last week for their vacation. They plan to stop at Superior for a visit with their son, Don and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bill McGregor en me up and spent Monday and Tuesday cf last week, at the C. K. McGregor heme. Mrs. H. G. Dausherty and children of Waverly were guests of Mrs. Richard Streeter a cou ple of days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hoover and family of Sac City, Iowa, visited Mrs. Hoover's father. Frank Ross, Sunday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Olin Webb 2nd little daughter of Lawrence, Kans., spent several days with Olin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Webb. Mrs. LaRue Williams was in Lincoln Wednesday of last week for a visit with her daughter. Donna and family, and she also done some shopping. SAWDUST EEZAHS A NO GC7C-D SriOT.'.' AH'LL GIVE YOU FIVE BUCKS IF Vc j DO WF A PAfiS ' AAAKE BELIEVE Vo J IS TO-K.j A SNiPER. ON DE HILL.' 3tTT SHOOT AT CUSTy BUT AXE hV.SS rilM.'DEM I'LL J SJRE SHOOT AT Vou WITH YC!J A Blank, and vcj use FALL DOAMN DEAD.' BLANKS JACK!E,TCH YOU SAVED L,PFri N'JTHIN.' -al Smith VUCV T,CT A II 3 YOU j T I SECOND: KOW II 1 SAVED ,,.- I .oouT MAH r U THOSE WERE THE DAYS ficcrtciHtt 1 r . ... . By ART BEEMAN THOSE VsEP.E BAYS- DEEMS WVTM SWELL FCLES LIKE IT S-OWS ISi - f'-l-s WAS A SOY ME HD WO(s:DIFUL LUCK FiE,-i:M3W MIS FAVOSTE PCO I THNJK. I'LL Ti-COv v. f f ', ,VXV ALLTMiS JL'NiC KD ) S I I ' USE A ST2iNJ3 A.NiD A xT P Eyf I WE VESV BEST r?Vfe"H-i--S& V EQ'jiPvevn" sut IT DCESNT MAV A TOMS TO THE FISH BY TOM OKA Annual Schoeman Reunion Is Held Fifty-two people gathered at the Louisville city park Sun- 1 day, September 7, to observe the annual reunion of the Schoe man family. Relatives from Omaha, Lincoln, Tecumseh. Wabash and Weeping Water j were present, betides those who i live around here. Four of the 1 five remaining members of the original family were present. Jhon. George, Katie Hoover and Minnie Brand, and three of these are over 30. Mrs. Rose McDonald Jcumal Correspondent Relatives Meet After 37 Years A number of relatives visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charley Martin Thursday. A number of these relatives Mr. Martin hasn't seen in 37 years, Mrs. Anna Mittan. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fishel of Bakersfield. Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Wcis Reitz of Hooker, Okla., Mr. and Mrs. Joe I Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Thurman I Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brown of Ceresco, Nebr., Mrs. P. C. SONNY SOUTH 0 ' " BY COURT ALDERSON AH DON'T SEE HOW CAN SMILE AFTAr O SCHCC TArO WEEKS Lj -crv ris ' whv Tm b:g n f v HUSRV?WELLl SCHOOL GIT THAR. ) I BAH 7 TJL5T ANOTHAH'' LETS MpjTfi 1 MILE AN' WE'LL JiSHINA-Li GOING WTST I have been wonderfully bless- j ea in being restored to active life after being crippled in nearly every joint in my body and with muscular soreness from head to foot. I had Rheu matoid Arthritis and other forms of Rheumatism, hands deformed and my ankles were set. ; Limited space prohibits tell ing you more here but if you will write me I will reply at once and tell you how I received this wonderful relief. Mrs. Lela S. Wier 2805 Arbor HUls Drive T. O. Box 3123 Jackson ?, Mississippi hossface!- nho gave YOU THE SHINER? .V r-r23 AW-.BLACK.IE IT.HE5 FEE LIN MEAN TONIGHT 1 ( I'M SORRV.I DIAMOND LU.' 1 Ki LITTLE FELLA.') -Y-VUH KtSSEDl V? 3 tCE! r 4 USf 3y TDID IT.HE!S FEE LIN ) ST t r SURE-1S illjLN tonIghtV 131 -r. , j you HEE&ED ME, V l Drt;FiiT 1 By FRANK THOMAS DIAMOND LU Jls'.'w LOOK' SSKin A t 1., r c v Ml I 1 I am m OFF MAIN STREET J Din'VA HER CUT WE OFF? G03H- HANGED WO WEN - R3 IX ? DADDV, ARB Y J40 SMALL WOMEN TME KlD5 AQB RICKY I RESENT THAT REMARK" AFTER ALL. I'M A WOMAN Tin 1 1 w WHAT ABOUT WE? I'M A SMALL. :id' By JOE DENNETT ' 13 ALLRiSHT.VOU WISE GUVS STOP GRINNING ALREADY r ft . m i i ! ' ft,'.,,.. V.NVSV . s A . A. J