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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1910)
The County in General I lie “Doings” of our Country I riunds and Neighbors. SHUBERT. !'T\ id SHnfi w.'in a n ill.)' visitor t • *. o»tl) Dr tt. ri. of l’< mli i N In itlliK relatlV i v lu l l Slip! T. .1, 011\« i vva. a iiustin-:~s | v isitor la re last wik Mrs Kllft 8las'li i iilt i tailn il Mi - Motile I,mnl) ai dinner Sunday Henry H ill.ane- who ha I»• • n very siik. is slowl;. improving SllUSOli Weddle was ululer till line tor’s tare In St Joe m o nil days hist Week. Warren Hutchings of I,ills City spent Sunday with his son. <3iiv and family lames Horns and tainily now in eiipy the Itoss Kihton property oil Main street Hud Morehead of Harada spi'iit tlie first of tin week looking after business here T C Cunningham of Stella spi at , several days In i' Iasi week w ith hi* I daughter. .Mrs Hoy Kdward Mrs Travers and daughter wen the guests of relatives at Thurman., Iowa, several days last week Hex Oliver, wtio has In eii working in the Citizen office, spent Sunday in Kails City with his parents .1. C Hhnlotilierg and wife spent a few days last week with fake flirdsley ami fainilv m ar town I’rof. Carr and family of Omaha nr rived here Saturday They export to make tins their future hoim Mrs, William lieslie, who has spent several Wei ks wltii her par i-nts at Hardy. p turned home Wed nesting Mrs. Sm iling, who underwent an operation tiie latter part of Iasi week is now doing as well ns could ho "Xpert e(i Mis .1 \ Tipton, wlin has In . ii risking lu r patents Inn im some tilin', left for In i' lioliu ill Albany. Mo . Sunday Dr, Candy oi I IiiiiiImiUIi passi'd through hern Sunday enroute to St Ueroin, where lie went to look after bis land interests Kliler Murray \*ill lie Hie pastor of iin Christian church for (lie com ing year lie with tils family will occupy the Fell properly on Kail road street The Woman s Tutelary i lull was entertained at the home of Mrs fuller on Saturday ufteriionii Mrs Tipton of Albany, Mo , was the cues! of honor A ; plendtd program was prepared and a general good time was had by all present Dainty re frestiments Were sen ed by tln hOStess. Medicines that aid nailin' are ul nays most successful. Chamberlain's Cough Itcuicdy in is on tills plan. It loosens the cough, relieves the lungs, opens the secretions and aids nature in restoring tin system to a healthy condition Sold by all drug gists DAWSON. P F Kilev was on the sit k list Inst week Mr and Mrs .lames O'drady drove to Mumboldt Sunday Rev lloldeinnn returned from coni' pence this week Miss I.nurelin (Vttiady was a iiumnolni visitor Friday I’be te w shin is open and seems »i he enjoy im lair trade Mies ViMn Lively spent Saturday and Sunday at her home in Falls City Mi Mannali Fly is wry sick at ii'S-nt Sip' was improving but has taken a relapse Misses Theresa and Marjorie K< an ire new scholars in the eighth grade and Nora Kean is now enrolled in the grammar room i mu Kean ami family have moved to Hi" house formerly occupied hy M. < Ifiley and family Mr Hiley moved 1 's family to the Kea.i farm. Miss Mary Heim was surprised b\ about twenty of lier little friends Saturday afternoon, the oecoasion be ing in honor of her birthday. All report a splendid time. They show ered her with pretty gifts Miss Adah Heim was pleasantly mrprisrd Friday evening hy about twelve of her girl friends. They -ach made it a point to try and look more ridiculous in their dress and appearance than the other, and the •fleet was surprising. Miss Adah re ■ lved many beautiful and useful presents She declares it was the best birthday she ever had. The Sophomores entertained their friends at the home of Mable Holde man last Wednesday evening. The rooms were decorated in gold and garnet, the class colors, and Miss Mable was declared by all as n splendid hostess. A delightful lunch was served by Miss Mable assisted by Miss Gladys Baser. Af ter lunch all departed for their homes full of praise for the happy even ing spent with the ninth grade. RULO I I Atii-it i Mif Hurt V as it Hlllo visitor Monday'. Hr K; I'i. Was a Falls City visitor I t vvi ck 1 K Kul|t of Wynton was a liulo visitor Monday. (J V. Ilinkl' of Fort- -< in was a j liulo \ tailor Saturday, Cltailh Scott of Kunsa.- wa.- a link visitor on*' day hist week. Jane s WiltHi was a buidtii'iui visit of to Ooffs, Kas . this week. John Lynda of Kansas CUv was a liulo visitor last Saturday, Mrs Mario Taylor returned from a visit to Kansas City friends Mrs Kffie Cramer of ITesion via ited with her mot In r Sunday I II Waterman ol Lincoln was a liulo huaimss visitor this week Mai VndiTHon and son visited at ilndr home at Ashland, over Sunday. Miss .Mathers of Auburn spent Sunday with .Miss Nerhrr In lids i ity, Mrs. I a tiles Osborne anti little son were St Joe visitors one day last week The I lurk tiros., have sold their store in liulo to a man by the name of Wells. Wavue Itiehardson eatite in from I tenv i i last week for a v isit with Hu In friends .Ionic Murphy i atm down from 1111 m I it 11111 Saturday fie a visit vvitli home folks \tuies Schrader came down from I’reston Saturday to visit hor lather and sisters Cecil Knitaly came down from Salem Saturday for a short visit with home folk Mr and Mrs. Uliiehart of Smiili i' till r Kas are visiting Mi and Mrs I' Vauvniilki uberg. Mrs. Wejdey Cook, who has been very slek for the past two weeks, is slowly recovering, A large crowd attended the llos ford sale Monday and everything hrnught a good price. Mrs Arthur Daman and children returned from a visit with her mother near Kails City Mrs .1 ore!ia Anderson and Alglde Long wont to Hiawatha Iasi week for a visit with relatives •lake llnnlv and family moved the first of the week in west era Ne hraska Chiii'h Maze visited in Hulu Inst Week tie will leave soon for ('ana da. where ids father lias purchased laud. After a two months' visit with relatives in this vicinity, AViil Craig and Have Cook left for tltelr home at Klsworth, Neb., Sunday. A crowd of our young people at tended the box social at the A school house Friday niglii All re port a good time. Charles Host has resigned his posi tion as night watch on the Missouri side of the bridge and will move on a farm Have Anderson takes his place on the bridge. Saturday night (lie republicans notr innted for mayor, John Hope; clerk, llomer Kirk; treasurer, Karl Mart in; police judge. Maine Anderson; eouneiluien, II l> llulmnl. Theodore Anderson and A .1, Hart Ai i Ill-Si caucus Saturday night the democrats nominated the following tiokei viuvoi, H A'.mv.i.ilkinL. rg; clerk, i'liil Horan; police judge.,las. Tagnej . Jr ; treasurer, Thomas Itovv ker; i ouneflmon, .1. j, Tackett. John iiarveau and Joe Liberty. ('tills' nine out of every ten eases ef rheumatism of the muscles due: io cold or (lamp, or chroulc rheuma tism. neither ot which require any interim) treatment. All that is need id to afford relief is the free appli • atiott of Chamberlain's Liniment. (Use it a trial You are certain to lie pleased with the quick relief it affords. Sold by all druggists. A hig howl of Quaker Oats is dish you can serve. Delicious and nourishing Good lor all ages and all conditions. Economical and strengthening. & VERDON. Sit- rilt l'i :..oi. in town Tin «• day Harry I laid w m was at* \uburn \ is it nr I- rid.i y Shirk Hrigman was on our si ivi Is during the Wi l l; .In* I’arsons wbh a Falls City t isitpr Wednesday I W I lot it) anil wife w • n Falls <':• v .hoi W> dui day 11* Tin.n. i ■ i ifriii il Tuesday from a tiiisini'ss trip to Omaha Ambrose I'arums rettirm d home front .St .trie Wednesday. II H Fritz and wife ot Ohio town hip vt ■ 11 in town this Week. Hi-orge Hugh made a Imsiness trip in Haw.ion and Nirns City last v/eek John Schrader and Idoyd Dietrich visited Salem friends the past week Charles Hall' t niiiii of Shuhert was a Imsiness visitor het'e the past week. Kthe! Sailor, who teaches school mar Fern, spent Sunday with Iter mother Herman Wolf ot Falls City spent a few days in Verdon this week on Imsiness Misses Viola Johnson and Kdith Drown visited friends in Falls City Sat m day Miss Inez Cl riff it It spent Thursday in Falls City the guest of Iter sister. Mrs. I> M Davies. Sant Weddle came up front Kan sas City Thursday afternoon for a with home folks. Di rt Waggoner has accepted a pos ition with the C I! &■ Q. Rail road Co , at Cuba. Kansas. Miss Fay Sanford came over from Humboldt Saturday for a short visit with her sister and family Mr Itobb left Sunday for his home at lilait. nfti t a short visit with bis sou, I*', W Itobb and wile. Miss Marsh of liitlo arrived Tues day for tt visit with liei brother, who bus charge of the skating rink. Mrs. Snell and Mrs. Dillon wont to Kansas City Inst week to attend the funeral ot (lie formers brother In law Mattie I telle r returned home from Omaha Saturday evening, where she lias boon for the past throe weeks in the hospital Warren Douglas loft last week for t nion, Neli, where he will art in the capacity of section boss for the Missouri Pacific .lames Avers was a count v seat visitor one day last week. He was looking after tho interests of tho Vordon Telephone Co l.iiii Ynntis returned to his homo in Kong Island. Kas., tho latter part of tho week after a visit to tiis sister, Mrs. Wes Siumti Quito an excitement was created in town Monday, when it was discovered that the meat market was on fire Considerable damage was done before the flames were extinguished. Mrs Bert Waggoner and baby left Saturdav for Culm. Kas,, whi te they will make their future home. They wen- accompanied by Verna Wilkin son and Jesse Waggoner as far as Falls City. The recital given by II li Manlove Wednesday evening at the 1 inII op era house Wits well attended. Mr. Manlove is certainly possessed with the ability to please and entertain his audience. Word was received this week by relatives of the marriage of Miss Clara Boiler to Mr. George Mirkle. The wedding occurred in Los Ange les. Cal Mrs Mirkle was formerly one of Cordon's most highly res pected young ladies. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are sate, sure and reliable, and have been praised by thousands of women who have heon-. iv.-tor.'d to health through their gentle aid and '■".ratK >> properties Sold liv all dntg gi; ts ZION. Miss Elli'ii W vler spent Sunday at her home Miss Bessie Guinn spent Sunday wit li flei parents at tins place Miss Sophia W’ittwer lias organiz d a music class for this summer. Gottlcib DatulliUer is very low at this writing, not being able to leave his bed at all. Mrs. Charles Smith is also on the sick list. She tins been quite ill for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Stabler spent Sunday at the home of the latter’s parents. Mr and Mrs. Dandliker Mrs George Schneider, who has been quite sick is on the way to re covery, lint is not yet out of dan ger Mrs. W. II Wyler and daughter, Emma, attended the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Zimmerman of Hiawatha last Friday. f. Burgett and Miss Blanche Ban ning were quietly married by the county judge Wednesday. Their many friends extend congratulations. Are you frequently hoarse? Do you have that annoying tickling in your throat? Does your cough an noy you at night, and do you raise mucus in the morning? Do you want relief? if so. take Chamberlaint’ Cough Remedy and you will he well pleased. Sold by all druggists. b'i'iOLLA Ktlii'I Hlnhb is quite sick with catarrhal fever. Little Kdwftrti Ri If is lias been iik the past week. ' '■ rs Mntlii 1 lodge has I eii suf i i ••iilt tlie grip till past w k (h Friday. March 11, a son was horn lo Mr and Mrs I M Goodloo Mrs Sarah Arthcrton of Salem is visitin- lur niece, Mrs Nancy IfJu ki. Miss Gladys Young visited her parents in Orttaha re ml days hist week 11 K, Clark came up front Kansas City last week to attend the funeral of II I) Weller Mesdames. G L Slocum and K, Wheeler were Kansas City visitors the first ol’ the Week, W A llossaek and wife visited the former’s sisC r, Mrs. K Withee, tin' first Of the week. Caroline Cain, who lias been sick for tlie past two weeks, was able to In' in school again Monday. G. I. Slocum and wife and daugh ter. Mrs, 10. Wheeler, visited rela tives in Falls City this week it.vral I laid win is in school again this week after an absence of two weeks on account of sickness. Mrs. Kate Fraker, who has been visiting her son in Oklahoma since Oeeeinher, returned home Friday. Or O, T Hurt-hard was called from Falls City Friday in consultation ori several critical cases in Stella. John Jenkins, vviiti lives west of town has been dangerously ill the part wc"l< His children have all been called home. Charles Weaver and wife were in Stella Monday evening getting ac quainted with tile' new hoy tit the* 11e>111• of d. M. (leioilloe. lie iij Kush, wife utiel two children from tlm western part of the state, visit el with itis sister, Mrs. I,. 0. Ciphers lhe past week. Mrs. Haskins lias be*e*u ve»ry ill the past week, suffering with throat trouble. Mrs. Heady has been e*m ployeel to care* for her. Mrs I’ M .Mom tie* went tee Atchison Friday and visited until Sunday with he*r daughter, Miss Itlanch, tit Midland College*. Klmer Keimers is home* from Fort Leavenworth for a short visit with his parents before going with his regiment to the Philippines, Miss Florence Reynolds litis he*en in Lincoln the past week atnl has rente'll a rooming house*, ami her parents will move* to that place* soon. Wo regnt very much to lose Mr Reynolds and family. WILLIAMSVILLE. Ilenrj Fulle r sold his hogs last week. Henry Falh*r was a Falls City visitor Saturday. Miss Paiiorn Prosse r spent Sun day with Ktliel Dunn. Miss Sadie* Curran s|ie*nt Sunday with Miss Katie* Renke* I V Dunn and sou. klugenc, were* Falls City visitors last week. Miss Carrie* Dunn spent Sunday in Danuta with Miss Ve*rda Williamson. Rudolph Fuller is building a fine new* hay barn on his farm this spring. Rudolph Voegh* and wife spent Sunday afternoon at tin* home* of I. A Dunn. Miss Bertha Hertz returned Satur day from an extended trip to Hum boldt and Dawson. Miss Annie* Re*nke* returned home Sunday from a visit to her siste*r's. Mrs Joseph Bauman. Willi** Frederick, who was kicked in the face by a horse* some time ago U much hotter. Dr. \ndre*w« re> nioved the* stitches this wee'k. Chamberlain's Stomach ami Liver Table ts invariably bring relief to wo men suffering from chronic constipa tion, headache, biliousness, dizziness, sallowness of the skin and dyspepsia. Solel by all druggists. till and Hi iSAnSFACnffl! r'i iiiaiiMMi! i i li »il —are your motive* for milking cows. In order to secure them to the fullest extent, ship your cream the “BLUE VALLEY WAY" direct from the farm tothe cream ery at the highest price, and Re ceive your Check by Return Mail. U'ritt mi for ear nruj GUARANTIEE I OLDER § BLUE VALLrY CREAMERY CO - ST. josep;:, mo. PROOF That the best body-building “My f> year old daughter was weak, pale, and had no appetite. I gave her Vinol, and she began to thrive at once. She gained rapidly in weight, color and strength.” Mrs.W. H. GILMORE, Durand. “ My two children, who were puny and ailing, rapidly gained flesh and strength when I began to give them Vinol. 1 proved that Vinol is a splen did tonic for delicate children.” — Mrs. C. ALLEN, New Bedford, Mass. Yinol builds up healthy flesh and makes thin little limbs round and plump. Children love to take it. We return people’s money without question IJ VInol does not accomplish all we claim for it. T'-y ft, please. A. WANNER, Druggist, Falls City. Do It Now! Remember, tomorrow never comes. If v oil are thinking of erecting a monument on your cemetery plat, why delay/ Confer with us NOW. falls Citv Marble Works Established 1881. R. A. F. A. NEITZEL, Mgrs. A Father and His Daughter Do you know that one of the sweetest relations in life is that between a father and (laugh ter? Not that he loves his boys less, but they will be able to take their places in the forefront of the1 battle of life some day and light their own way to victory. Because of her sex the little girl cannot do this, and is. therefore, in a greater sense dependent for protection on the man she calls lather. What have you done to “make good" with ym.r lit tle girl? Are you planning and saving for her? Do von know tliat the one friend which never deserts you in time * ot trouble is a bank account? Have you provided that a k nd of a friend lor yourself rnd your little purl? It not, „ why not. You oupht to come in and talk to us about a matter of so much importance to vou and yours. M The Farmers’ State Bank PRESTON NEBRASKA * TAKE YOUR HOME PAPER FIRST THEN SUBSCRIBE FOR The Kansas City Star and Times The Star and Times, reporting the full twenty-four hours' news each day in thirteen issues of the paper each week, are furnished to regular subscribers at the rate of 10 cents per week. As newspapers. The Star and The Times have no rivals. No other publisher furnishes his readers with the full day and night Associated Press reports, as does the Star and Times. This should recommend the papers especially to the pregressive merchant and farmer I deliver botli the Star and Times to the subscriber’s door promptly on arrival of trains. Give me a trial. (LIEEORD AGEE Distributor Should you want Tho Star by mail send 10c per week. $5.20 a year. Address The Kansas City Star. YOU WILL SHARE OUR PRIDE in dental work if you have need of our > services and avail yourself of our skil:, experience and facilities. We don't do half way work—it’s all or nothing with us. as many people know to their own great gratification. Note, please, that we make no charge for expert examin ation. DR. YUTZY BERT VVINDLE. l>. D S.. Assistant Kalis City, Nebraska