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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1910)
Homes for Everyone It you want a homo in Kails Citv. now is the time to Imv it. In our citv department we have the folio wintr choice properties; No 1—A good three- room hous.% shade and nice lawn permanent walks, on two good lots close in. Price $1050. No. 2—A good four-room house', on four good lots in third ward, shade* and out buildings, a good property. .Price $1200. • No. ;i A dandy five-room house in the third ward on three lots, permanent walks, nice law n and out buildings. Price $2000 No. 4 A dandy home near the (tonvent', good six-room house, clos ets, fine porches, good barn, and other out buildings, permanent walks. Price $:!0«o. No. 5—A nice strictly modern home on four nice has plenty of shade permanent walks located in fltoele’s \clclition. a fine homo for some one. Price' $4000 No. 6 \ fine home only three bloc ks front Library on three nice corner lots, and plenty of shade, permanent walks. V dandy ten room house with modern conveniences. Price only $2,2.0). No. 7 A . strictly modem, s room house on four tine lots, on ly three blocks from tin- eonrt houst square, plenty ol shad . fine lawn, plenty of good out buildings l’ii ed Worth the mom I’ ■ arid tarns made known on application. No. .8—A fine seven-room house only two blocks from postoffice Fine shade, tine location. Priced for a slnut tins at only $:!70O. If you want this you’ll have to luirry. No. 9—A good six-room house, four nice southeast > one r lots, plenty of shade, nice location, four blocks from tin court house. Price $260(1. No. 10—A beautiful suburban home, one of Falls Pity's best, house of twelve rooms, modern in every sense, good barn, plenty of shade, cement walks, and about a half block of ground Terms to suit. The price only $0700. No. 11 —A beautiful residence on lour fine lots, strictly modern, nine rooms, two full stories, and attic, a fine barn, good shade. cement walks, fine location. Worth the money asked Terms ami one made known on application, The above are all good properties ami well loca ted are worth the money. You could not build the properties today for the money asked. See tne rifflit away before they are sold, the price ad vanced or property withdrawn from the market. G. H. Fallstead FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA Low Rate Tours SPRING AND SUMMER 1910 Rian now a 5.000-mile summer tour of the coast See the west with its diversified sections broadening under scientific cuitiva tion; visit its incomparable cities with their environment of intensive, land wealth. At toast Tour is a broad education; the world's "re. t -st rail journey. Round trip, central Nebraska to California r Puget Sound, via direct routes, June 1st to September 50th. Round trip on special dates each month. • i April to •P Jv July inclusive. ^ Higher one way through the state of C . or t. and ’ties ^13 of Portland and Seattle. One a’,iv. eastern and central Nebraska u S 1 Kran ho. ywsl Los Angeles. San Diego, Portland, Tacoma. Seattle -Spo kane, etc., March 1st to April 15th. Proportional rates from your town. < tou.suIt nearest t i act agent or w rite me freely, asking for publications, assistance), etc., staling rat her deli - niudy your general plans. L. M. WAKELEY, G. P. A., Omaha. Neb. 1004 Farnam Street > ■» JOHN W. POWELL Real Estate and Loans MORTGAGES BOUGHT AND SOLD Monev to Loan at 5 and (i per cent interest on good real estate security. Also money to loan on good chattel security. Ecills City, Nebraska Passenger Trains South Bound Tr. lot—St. Louis Mail and Ex press .1:60 p. m. Tr. 106—Kansas City Exp., 3:41 a. tn. Tr. 132 x—K. C.local leaves. .7:30 a. in. Tr. 138 x—Falls City arrives 9:00 p. in. x Daily except. Sunday North Bound Tr. 103—Nebraska Mail and Ex press. 1:60 p in Tr. I0o—Omaha Express.. . .1:48 a. m Tr. 137 x Omaha local leave* 7:ti0 a in. Tr. 131 x—Fall* City local ar rive*.8:45 x—Daily except Sunday Local Frt. Trains Carry ing Passengers North Bound Tr. 192x—To Atchis'ui ...,11:10a tr. South Bound Tr. 191 x —To Auburn..1:23 p m Burlington Route West Bound No. l.'i Denver Exp.1:i0 ,i. tn No. 15—Denver Exjj. (Local).1:40 p. n . No- 43—Pori land Exp. .10:17 p. m. No. 41 —Portland Exp. ... .2:2.5 p. ni. No. 121—Lincoln Loc. via Ne braska City ... . 5 00 a. tn East Bound No. 14—St. J., K. C. & St. L.7:58 a. in No. 44—st. J., K. O. & St. L. .4:11 a. m. No. Hi—St. J., K C. & St. L .4:22 p. m (Local) No. 42 St. .J., K. (5 iSz St. L 0:52 p. m No 122—From Lincoln, via Nebraska City.. 8:45 p m. E. C. WHlTFOhD, A|Teat invention of Spectacles. The first pair of spectacles was made by an Italian in 1299 The County in Uenerai The “Doings” of Our Country Friends and Neighbors. OHIO Kd Taylor and family spent Sunday with Frank Cook and family. Kd Morgan and family spent Sun day in Falls Pity with relatives, K. L. Bowman of Morrill, Kas., was the guest of Daisy Peek Sun day. Mrs II .1 Prlehurd and Mrs. Mein hoit visited Mrs \ Klshire Thurs day. Wes Ned row and family spent one day last week with II. Itoaehey and wife. Mrs. Chester Stump was the guest n£ Mrs. Maude Sailors one day last, week. F. S. Utility and family spent Sun day In Falls Pity with the former's parents. Mrs. Bueholt/, of SHuhert visited' one day last week with Mrs. Klshire. F. M, Shalfer and family spent Sunday afternoon with P. K. Shaffer i and family. Dowly Watson of Reserve, Kas vsiited with relatives here Saturday and Sunday, Karl Shaffer and family of near Salem were guests of the former’s parents Sunday. Kltner Butler and family of Barn da were visitors at the home of Mr. Zuhrlek Sunday 10. M. Kimiml a ml family wen* guests of .John Lieht.v anil family in Falls City Sunday. Dave Yoder is quite ill with mil aria, and his daughter, Miss Vera is quite ill at this writing. Guy Lichty and wife entertained l>. Spiclder and wife, doe Cully ami wife and Lola Stunts Sunday. Itollie Franklin and family, John Neman and family and Miss Lively spent Sunday at Mr. Franklins. Mrs I*. 10. Shaffer and Mrs. N. Peek visited near Salem one day Iasi week with Mrs. 10. I). Shaffer. Wallie Slump and family and Fran cis Stump and family were guests of Chester Slump and family Sunday. Ward Knight and family and his mother were entertained til lin* home of 10ph Peek and wife Sunday. Miss Minnie \llison entertained a few young people Sunday in honor of her brother, A I, Allison's birth day. Mr. and .Mrs. I. It Lowly of Fails City drove out Sunday and spent the day with their daughter, Mrs. 1*. Fish er and family. Mrs. N. Peek and children and Wes Nedrow and family were enter tained at the home of II J, Prichard and family Sunday. P. 10. Shaffer and Chester Stump returned Friday from Harwell, Neb., when* they went to look at land. The' country did not look good to them so they did not buy, Mrs. Frank Cook gave a quilting Wednesday and nine ladies were present. A fine dinner was served and a splendid time was enjoyed by all. They finished the quilt before evening. SALEM. C. n. Emmett and family were in Fails City Sunday. .Mr. and .Mrs. Parish were up from Falls Cyits City Tuesday. Mrs. French left Monday for a visit with her daughter in Lincoln. Quimby lit aver of Falls City was transacting business in Salem Mon day. Mrs Majors and children return ed to their home at Endieott, Tues day. •I. S Lord and family of Falls City weft guests of Joe Lord and family Sunday. I M Dowell luts been in Omaha this week attending a retailers con vention. Miss Nola MeCooi came down from Dawson Friday and spent Sunday at home. Rev. Sevennee left Monday foi the Laymen's convention held in Lincoln tlvfs week. W. VV. Spurlock ami family and family and Mrs. Roberts were visit ing in Falls City Sunday. Mrs. John Tiohn attended church in Falls City Sunday and spent the afternoon with friends there. Jesse Emmett of Bern, Kus., was visiting his brother, Bert Emmerl and family, Sunday. He returned to I Bern Monday. Mr. and Mrs. lliatt returned from their wedding trip Sunday and are at present making their home with Mrs. C. .1. MeCooi. The new house being erected on he Christ Beer farm near Salem, is tearing completion. When com pleted Mr. Beer will have a nice, osy home. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Tiohn visited the latter’s parents in Falls City Sunday. They also attended the special services at the Catholic hureh at tha’t place in the after noon. Miss Celia Pearson was visiting ill Falls City Thursday, Sin was accompanied homo by little Father Mettz, who spent a few days with her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs ,loe Windle. Rev. Nobis, the evangelist, hold a women's meeting Sunday afternoon at the Christian church. Next Sun day be will have a meeting for men only. The services will continue through the week. HUMBOLDT. Mary Untidy spent Wednesday in Table Rock Frank SinCieu was a passenger to St. Joe Tuesday Rose Uni.da spent Sunday with Table1 Roi it friends. Mrs. Sue Miller came down from Table Rock Saturday opening. The Mueenbeo kensiugtou mot with Mrs. \ I). Snow Wednesday Alvin (lirgrich and wife arc the parents of a baby girl, born Sunday. Mrs. Frank Snetlien is receiving nil dlcul treatment in St Joe ttiis week. Karl lirown recently moved from iIn* Story farm cast of town to I’uw lice City. Miss I'Tvdia ttehnecpiTock of Bea I rice is visiting Mrs Will Peterson tltis week. Art Holcehek was detained from school part of this week on account of sickness. Uilbert Karl.v and family are mov ing to Horton, Kas., where he lias employment Nina Snow came up from Dawson to remain over Sunday witli Hum boldt friends. Otis Dnkefer and family spent Sunday at the country home of Art Wilson and wife. Mrs. A. A Tanner and children of Lincoln are spending the week with Humboldt friends. Bernice Cooper returned to ids home in Beaver City Monday after a brief visit !u• i<■. Mrs. Win. Martin entcrtaihod a number of friends at a six o’clock dinner Wednesday. Sam Pliilpot and wife spent a few days this week with their son, Harry, in Talkie Rock. Vv ili Reynolds. after a short stay in Humboldt, returned to Ids home in Beaver City. Monday. Mrs, .1 A W’aggom r entertained the ladii s of tim Christian church at a Kensington Thursday. Pa1 Sanford won first place in the declamatory coldest given at tin s< bool house Thursday night. It. P Marble, alter spending some time in Maccy. Neb., returned to Ids home in this city Saturday. Fred Moiiesmith. wlm lias been em ployed by Maun * Legg, will rriove to their faim north of this city. Mrs, Fred Parti returned to her home in Pawnee City Wednesday af ter a visit with Humboldt friends. Rev . K. .1 Cardy and Rev. .1, F. Adams attended the Laymen’s con vention held in Lincoln llisi week. Airs. .). li. Boyd, who lias been vis iting her sister, Mrs Frank liynek left Wednesday for her home in Kan sas. Mtisduucs Mary Cox and Ida Bob bitt of Oklahoma are visiting with friends and relatives here this week. After residing through the winter in this city, Walter Albright anu family moved Monday to their hpmt in tile country. Helen Wilson, who inis hen clerk ing in Win ('ash’s store in Salem, spent part of the week with her parents in this city Mosilaines E. S Norton and S. M I’hilpot were appointed as dele gates to the Presbyterian missionary meeting held in Lincoln tliis week. Frank Lynch of Lincoln gave tin interesting temperance address at Hie opera house Sunday afternoon. Tlie local ministers assisted in eon ducting the meeting. An entertainment in imitation of a county fair, was given tit the opera house Friday evening. All attract ions usually found at a county fair were shown at this time. It was a decided success in every way. Miss Currie Lipkc, formerly of Humboldt. but now residing at Seottsville, Kas was married last Wednesday ev< ning to Andrew Kei i or. .! K. Liggett and wife. rela tives of tile bride, attended the w-ti ding. The building formerly owned and occupied by Henry Scott's hardware firm, together with Jim Davis' sa loon building was sold Saturday to a stock company We understand these two buildings will lu> convert ed into a garage. Hay Hicks and Miss Hazel Davis were quietly married at. the Christ ian parsonage Wednesday evening by Hcv. J. T. Adams. These art* excellent young people, and have a host of friends in Humboldt. 'They will go to housekeeping in Lincoln, where Mr Hicks has employment BARADA. Ito) \\ illiumson whs in Shuhert I'uesdav A son Was born to Mr anil Mrs N A Arnold, Mart’ll 12. Mrs Henry Cline moved into the Kuker cottage tills week. Mrs. It. J Hiinii lias in a fine line of millinery goods this spring. Mrs. S. 11 Andrews and Miss Higgs were Falls City visitors Saturday. It II Dunn and wife were guests at the home of C II Martin Sunday It. N. Williamson and wife were guests of l.eon Vassar and wife Sun day. W. F Hutler and wife were guests at the home of Harney Ankron Sun day. Ted Slagle was in Auburn the first of the week visiting Ills grundpiu elite, Hilliard Slagle and lady w>re the nests of It. .1 Dunn and wife Sun day. Iv K. Duller and wife spent Sunday with Win. Kubrick and wife near Verdun. tease llurhute and lady were the guests of T. Lilly near Vordon Sunday Mrs, Clara Wagner is spending the week with her daughter, Mrs, Louis Shulenberg. Mrs. W, 1<\ Butler and daughter, Lola, were business visitors In the city Monday. Henry Wagner is la Limoln Ibis week seeking the latest in fixtures for (lie poultry farm. It N. Willamsiott and wife were guests al dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Kuker. ..Miss Katie ‘Berwick Is again cm ployed its seamstress at the estab lishment of It. .1, Dunn & Son. Mrs. Philip Mark! returned to her home at Oregon. Mo., on Monday, after a visit with relatives hero. The Evangelical Sunday school are planning their annual Easter Her vice for the evening of March ilT. E C Chandler has moved from Nemaha county, Kansas onto the Ilodle farm, where he will reside this summer. Elbert Delong left overland Satur day for his new home at Summer field, Kas Mrs. Delong followed on Tuesday by rail. Bessie and Charles Stirmau aerom panted their brother Arthur to his home at Armour, where they visited for a short lime. Mrs. Sarah Wamsley and mother. I Mrs. 1„. 17. Palmer, wen gu. Ms ai. the home of Astvnax Palmer tl j first of tin' we. U. Mrs. llelU’teltii lillrli pent last week ami part of this in Palls Oil * (caring for her father in his last hours. We tenth r our sympathy e | her sorrow. Monday, March 7, being the atm. i versnry of Joseph Barman's birth j day his children planned a pleasant | surprise for him. Arthur came from I his home at Armour for the even. All the children were at. home an t they presented the father with handsome Morris eluiir, and on II same dny they presented their motliet with a nice sewing chair. - Spring Work Shoes JUST RECEIVED H. IH. Jenne Shoe Slore •X**X**X**X**X**X X#*I*'X*v*X~X I FRANK PECK ! X X l Auctioneer | i If you contemplate having a ,!. X sale see me or write for terms £ '«* at once. I guarantee satisfac V V s' V tion to my patrons. s t f "s' t FALLS ( I I V, NEIlKASttA t i ►I-:-:**:.*:":— hit. ('. N. ALLISON 13 El N 3 A I © T Phono 2<H i )vf r Uii hiirilaun Count? Hank. FALLS CITY, N KB K A SKA Special Sale t Of Hand Decorated China Plates We have I - beautiful decorations in fruits and Mowers and ]dace them on sale at FOR PLATES WORTH $125 FOR PLATES WORTH $100 This is the best lot of I’lates lor the price we have ever bought. They are nicely decorated and well worth *l.-a and $1.00 each. See them at Ctuis. M. Wilson's LOWE BROTHERS’ MELLOTONE Paint Ready for Use on Walls Woodwork, Burlap, Etc. Put up in gallons, half gallons and quarts. Flat colors for inte rior decoration on woodwork and walls. Has no equal. Permanent, Washable Practical, Beautiful Ready to use at any time It is a revelation in its results it has all the excellences of water colors, the soft, beautiful effect WE ARE ACENTS FOR Pittsburg Electrically Welded Fence Wire Sure Hatch Incubators and Brooders They have few equals and no superiors. It will pay you to inves tigate our claims for these wares- they are reputation builders. j. G. TANNER Tinning and Plumbing Falls City, Nebraska