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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1910)
The Falls City Tribune Voi. vii FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1910. Number 10 IE WEEK’S SOCIAL EVENTS AS TWAS TOLD TO OUR SO CIETY EDITOR » u'-ious Kinds of Entertainment by Individuals, Lodges, Clubs, Churches, Etc. “he Highlanders had a unique etertainment Tuesday night. It w-ts spelling contest. Everybody who • ~ind was permitted to take par*, he four longest on the floor finally vent down on the same word—elog i esynary. Refreshments were ser • M. 'lie ladies of the .Methodist Kea egtou met Wednesday at the home - Mrs. K. P. Roberts. Mrs. Will 1 ook and Mrs. E. K. Hurst as sAted Mrs. Roberts. About fifty lad - were present. A two course eeheon was served. All report an toyable afternoon. -liases Helen and Constance L" ■ (I gave c|uite a novel party last ■ idity evening tit which fifteen girl : ♦ mis were entertained. All wore • He girl's dresses and looked right ? eel and dainty in attire they hud ‘■carded but a few summers agp. n'erset, flinch and various gain 's ■ re indulged in until tile refreshment tr arrived, when ice ereain, cake 1 coffee were served. The evc'11 i - was a very pleasant one and en .< -d hy ail- presen A "lie ladies of the ^ Presbyterian ■ jrch will give one of their twenty I'i. ■>* cent- suppers in the ice cream parlor of Bowie's restaurant Friday evening. The public is cordially in •, ;j. d. tis. K. I. Sandusky was hostess to tin L. i’. T club last Thursday a d entertained them royally. Need le cork, games and music helped to puss a very delightful afternoon, in ii /spersed with cheerful, witty con vi sation which kepi all aglow with daughter. A delightful supper was ved at five o’clock. Mrs. George Jennings and .Miss Lucille .Mettz w re guests of the club. Wednesday evening a company of *T' nds me, at the City ilolel for a m ial evening. The affair was in in lor of .Miss Stella s birthday. Tire iv-niing was spent witli games and music. Light refreshments in the firm of a lunch were served. The meeting will hi pleasantly remember ci. by all present because of the gi ul time enjoyed. Her friends pro itcil .Miss Shields with a beautifiT souvenir spoon. Tiday night Misses Grace Finley ard Bertha Lippold gave a party in Wahl's Hall for their friend. MB'S ii. zel Hall of McCook. "Vor the en tertainment of their guests, music i d games were provided. Ice cream ,,ii.J cake were served. ’lie K. L. of S.. No. tilu met in the Masonic ball Tuesday evening with ,. ine attendance. After initialing a class with the drill team of sixteen r,i. mhers led by their captain. Cass ■ Mead, Mr. Hendricks was elected di legate to the district convention to be held in Lincoln. Lodge closed r d tlic doors were thrown open, and friends of the order were invited in and all enjoyed a rousing good time. Music and games were enjoyed. v box supper with hot coffee was also enjoyed. ' •Its. J. A. Hill was very agreeably J surprised Monday afternoon when j h* r sisters of the \V. R. C. came to j help celebrate her birthday. It was j an afternoon long to be remembe -1 id. Of course the ladies brought well filled baskets and all enjoyed the. d< licious spread. Many tokens of friendship were left to remind Mrs. Hill of the day. The regular W. R. C. kensingto 1 was held Tuesday afternoon at. th? hall. The afternoon was most pleas antly spent and at five o’clock a lice supper was served to which the gentlemen came and did justice, ad iing much to the pleasure of the gathering. Sorosis met. Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. C. G. Hargrave with a nlendid attendance. In the absence of the secretary, Mrs. Himmelreieh was appointed to fill the vacancy. Roll call was responded to with cur rent events. Mrs. Charles Wilson earl a very fine paper, her subject being "Wadsworth as a Nath' Poet." This was followed by a read ing by Mrs. Gilligun on "Wads worth’s Ode on Intonation of Immor tality." Mrs. Ewalt’s paper on "Trees of Nebraska," showed her t<i be a true lover of nature and also to possess ample information upon what might be termed the forestry que-t tion of Nebraska. After the elos ■ of the program delegates were sel ected for the district meeting to lie held in Pawnee City. March 20 and 27, and also the bi-annual to be hold in Cincinnatti in May. The meeting was a very pleasant one. During Un social half hour a most delicious repast was served, which closed a very enjoyable afternoon. One of the most enjoyable events socially in lodge circles whs the en tertainment given by the Pythian Sis ters at the K. P. hall Monday night, when the husbands were entertained Som’erset and cards were enjoyed for a length of time. Hats and plen ty of trimmings were given to the gentlemen with instructions to trim wife or sweetheart present an Easter bonnet. There was endless fun during t he trimming and the ere e tions created would astound a Paris milliner. Ernest Gagnon won the prize for being the best trimmer ai-d and now all the milliners in town are after him. A fine supper was served during the evening, Mr. and Mrs. W. il Crook enter tained fourteen guests tit dinner on Tuesday evening for Mrs. Abner Mc Kee. The (lining table looked beauti ful with cut flowers, silver, delicti! - china and cut glass. The dinner wan faultless and was fully enjoyed. The evening was spent in games and mu , f l sic. Palmer. Special from Barada. Leroy E. Palmer was born in Henry county. Ohio, October 1,1833 and di ■ I at Barada, Nebraska, February 27. 1910. At any early age he removed with his parents to Indiana, where lie lived until his removal to Nebraska. December 2(i, !838 he was united in marriage to .Miss Anna Prine, wno still survives him. To tLis union three children were born, two dau ghters and a son. The boy depat te i Hiis life at the early age of twenty years. The two daughters, Mrs. Sn - ail Wamsley and Mrs. Belle William son Lotli survive him. They reside n Barada and have been permitted t,o ' are for him in his last hours. He has enjoyed a healthy, active ife until February ti. when lie was stricken with paralysis and was bed last until the end. lie came to Nebraska in !KG!i an I lias since made his home here. rn • he years he has made many friends and those who mourn his loss ar • legion. He was a faithful member of lie Church of Christ from an early age. We extend sympathy to tin be reaved and sorrowing relatives. SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION AND DISTRICT RALLY. Sunday School Convention and District Hally to he held in the Evangelical Sunday School in Pres ton, Nebraska, March Gt h. 1610. Afternoon. 2:30—Devotion. Departmental Work. The Cradle Roll. The Beginners. The Primary Work. The Juniors. The Home Department. Class Organization. flu.' mess. Evening. 7:00 to 7:30—Song Service. Ds\ otior.. The Problem of Loss in Sunday School Work. Discussion. The Field, Its Claims and its Needs. Good music will be freely provided. Everybody turn out and make this convention the event of the season.. For further particulars write W. H.l Wyler, county secretary, Falls City, Nebraska. Small Pox. There are now five cases of small pox in town: Jesse Nicholson, John Higgins, John LaForge, Win. Lutz and George Prater. These have been carefully quaran-' lined and are being looked after by! llealth Officer Burchard. All the cases represent a mild form of the disease. GIFT OF A NOBLE WOMAf AN UNLOOKED FOR GIFT TC CHRISTIAN CHURCH | Several Lots and Dwelling House Deeded By Mrs. Kidder to Christian Church. Sunday was a day not soon to In forgotten by tin* brethren of tin Christian church. After tiio regula: service Sunday morning liev. Dayan nouncod that the amount necessary to insure the erection of the nev church had been raised. It was decided to build in veneer brick The building is to cost approximate !y $12,000, and will lie of the libra ry style, it x\;ill have a seating ea pacit.v of 1,200 and include tin usual modern Sunday sehoo adjuncts and society rooms. Kev. Day went to Lincoln Mon day to consult an architect and f!> upon the final plans preparatory it the letting of the contract for tin building. Rev. Day also announced the very gratifying piece of news that Mrs O. Kidd' r had deeded her property consisting of several lots and tilt dwelling house adjacent to tin church property and valued at $:i0(h to tile congregation. Mrs. Kidder'* only reservation being the right occupy the house as long as sin lived. The gift was unlocked lor and is tlie heart-whole gift of a noble woinar who reiiiembert d a wish once ex pressed by her late husband to the effect that, lie would like to hate their home go to their church when they were through with it. She gives the church people the right to use the space between her house and the present building, when th-' new church is constructed. This gives the building committee ac cess io sufficient, ground to build the new structure as desired. This question has given them much seri mis ibought, and now Dint it is set tled, the new building will be com menced jusl as soon as the weatli >r will permit. A committee of four was appointed io draft resolutions of thanks and appreciation of .Mrs. Kid dor's magnificent gift. Simmons. The remains of <\ C. Simmons ar rived from Denver Saturday, accom panied by Mrs. Simmons and son, Fay and wife from Noroatur, Kaiisa-i. Funeral services were conducted bv Rev. A. W. Henry of Noroatur at the Congregational church in Venio i Sunday afternoon at 2:2u. Tin* iv mains were followed by a large num ber of sorrowing friends to the Ve.' don cemetery, where they were ten derly laid to rest. Mr. Simmons was born in l’ik ■ county, Illinois, February 2. ISM). October IT, INTn he was united in marriage with Miss S. 10. Carr. To this union were born throe children, two are still living, Fay Sim mons of Norcatur, Has., and Mrs. 10m el'SOtl Bowers of Verdou. He had been in poor health for i number of years, and the past two years wi re spent in Colorado, hoping the change of climate might help him. ill* f I if nt flint FVbrnn ry 2-' The widow, two children, two sisters and three brothers survive him. In early life he united with the Bap tist church and continued a faithful member to the time of his death For many years lie was a prosper ous Richardson county farmer, ami made many warm friends, who will be sorry to learn of his death. Presbyterian Church, Next Sunday an offering will Lie taken for the Hoard of Church Erect ion. Since this board lias helped us inuchin the past, and we may be fur ther indebted to it in the future, we ought to support the board generous ly. We will have special solos, an thems, etc., by the choir and the pas tor will preach morning and evening. The general public is invited to ittend. It. Cooper Hailey. Pasto". March 1st. March came in like a sturdy, w.-ll disposed lamb The day was ideal, almost perfect. It was just cold enough to be bracing and otherwise a clear, calm, sunny day, such us calls forth the beat that is in a man and challenges him to be tiff and do ing. • We only trust and pray tint the Dispenser of the days and sea sons will vouchsafe us many such days during March and April. I NEW M. P. ROUND HOUSi i BUSY SCENES DOWN IN THE NEW M. P YARDS ; A Great Acquisition for Falls City Concrete Work Well Under Way Pushing Work • The warm, cheerful clay Sunday tempted many Kails City people on in the open air. Naturally, man) while* taking their constitutional walk td or drove down to where the con st ruction gang has been at work with more or less regularity since las fall What was th n only a lone, reach of corn ground has beer transformed into a busy place in deed. The scope ol' the company’s plan; lire at this stage quite definitely in diealed The rear wall of tic round house is more I hah half completed II sweeps round in an easy curve eov ering a distance of more than 600 feci, and is being cfiiiilt of reinforced conerete. II will lurid twenty-five In eomot.ive stalls, each stall twenty four feet wide. i in mediate iy uoyond iho rouml bouse itself are great heaps of lum ber and timber to be used in (he structure* work of the building. Her. a gang of carpenters is busy fram ing the arches and roof timbers, and making all ready to put in place as soon as the concrete portion >f tbi* building have been completed. Beyond lids the ground has been carefully graded and is ready for the placing of liu* network of tracks and switches that figure so largely in the construction ot every railroad division yard. One is at once Im pressed with the scope and extent of the work. The plans are liberal and the work is being done in a substan tial and thorough manner. When done it will he a credit to tin* rail road people and an occasion for con gratulation on flu* part of the citizens of Falls City. Tim work has been great I v hinder ed by the unusual winter, nevertheles it is being pushed with energy and will go forward ns fast ns weather conditions permit. With the open in;.1 of spring a large force of workmen will in* put to work and the work will he pushed in an early completion. if ihe two railroads could lie pre vailed upon to erect a union s(a tion of some pretentions, Falls City would have every reason to feel high ly gratified with Hie treatment ac corded them by the railroad people. Married in Oklahoma. Married, at the home of tin bibb 's parents February 2ii, Milo, in Coweta, Oklahoma, Mr Ralph Rhoads of tbi; city and Miss Minnie Macomber. Mr. and Mrs. Rhoads returned to ibis city Saturday and are now at borne to their friends on a farm fiv< miles southwest of town. Tin* bride is well known to most of us as she grew to womanhood in ( nr midst. For the past few years siie has been one of Richardson county's most successful school teach ers Tin* groom is a sou of Isaac Rhoads and is a successful young farmer. The Tribune extends to this young couple best wishes for success and happiness. Notice of Sale. The trustees of the Christian church will receive bids for the church build ing standing on lois 22 and 23, block 122. of Falls City, Neb , trustees to reserve foundation, furniture, lights and all fixtures, wiring, etc. All tiids to be filed at the office of .1. It. Wilhite on or before Wednesday, March ft, 1910 at six p, in. Sale to be cash or bankable note. Building to lie removed within twenty days from date of sale Trustees to reserve the right to reject any or all bids. BUILDING COMMITTK. St. Thomas Church. George Little Neide, rectoi The fourth Sunday in lent, morning prayer and sermon at 10:43. Theme "Stead fastness.’' Kvensong and sermon a* 7:30 p. m Sunday school at it:43 a. in. Mrs. Neide will sing for the of fertory solo Sunday morning "Sun of My Soul.” A cordial welcome to all Married at Craig. Herman Schatz and Miss Paula Lentzch were married at the brid • home in Craig, Mo., last Sunday. They will make their home here, hav ing rented the farm of Mrs Witt i rock north of town. J COURT HOUSE NEWS. Interesting News Gathered By The Reporter at The Court House. Will, Curtin of Stella was given a j sentence of ninety days in jail a I i he assault case. . Ill the ease (if Mike Meli/a of V’l"' don, who was also tried for assault, the jury returned a verdict of not guilty. Win. Curtis of Stella for selling whiskey without license was given $4dn and costs: Matt Shulenberg of Ohio Township, $500; A. W. Nixon of liarada, $400; Win. Movvery, Stella, $200; Frank Curtis, Stella $200; .lac oh Hinkle, Stella $100; Andrew lid nilek, Stella $200; .1 10. Stalder Nims City. $100. Thomas I .iglilfoot for gambling was given $50. and for gambling ten days in jail — The petit jury was disehargtd from j furl lies duty Tuesday. I'iie Kails City Stale hank took i judgment for $2,200 against the lolin i!illigan Bridge (’o. The following marriage lieens -s were issued tills week: ■lake K. Stabler, Humboldt.25 Lydia Imndliker, Sahel ha. is Harry .1. Bends. Verdon.22 Cora K. Kirk, Verdon. 22 Samml A. Pederson, Humboldt. 25 10va Stanford, Humboldt.2(1 .lames Crakes, Kails City. 21 Melissa Harmon, Kalis City.IS Oilie Low, Mitchell, lud.. 20 Gertrude Thacker, Kalis City .22 ENLARGEMENT OF COLLEGE. Prof. Darner Feels Very Much En qjuraged—'Hopeful of Success. The prospects for the enlargement of I'rof. Darner's Business College are daily growing brighter. it is very plain that Calls City e. grov dig more interested in lliis institu tion every day. At this writing tit ■ success of the present effort is prac tically assured, It only remains to canvas the more interest'd parties and get the necessary subseriptions for financing the enterprise. At n meeting of the Commercial club Tuesday evening the following resolutions indorsing Prof. Darner's present plans for tin enlargement of ’he school Wire adopted: "Resolved, That the ('onnneieia! club is heartily in favor ol Prof. II I, Darner plan of incorpotating a business eo' lege in this city, believing it lo be a good thing for the cily as it wi'l bring many from a distance to (his city to attend said school, and keep our young people at home, who are now attending business colleges in ot her place.’’ A New Firm. T. I' Matthews sold liis ii■ t< n il m the Matthews Little Co. to .1. A. fence & Son of Madison. Neb. The new firm will lie known ns the Pence Little Co. The business will lie car ried on as before S. A. Little will ball * uill* * oi oi tie Pilllft Cii business. Mr. Pent i while a stranger to us is not a new man in tile mercantile business, having been in business in Madison and Schuyler for the pas' twenty-eight years, it is the aim of the new firm to center their bus' ness interests in Falls City and t.i enlarge their stock here until it will be the largest stork in this so tion of Nebraska. Watts. Special from Kulo. Thomas Watts died at the home of bis sister, Mrs. .lenetta Anderso i in Kulo Wednesday morning. Febru ary 215. Mr. Watts was an old man and ha l been in poor health all winter. 11“ leaves seven children, two brothers and a sister, besides numerous, oth er relatives and friends. Funeral services were held from the M. K. church Thursday afternoon and the body taken to Oklahoma for burial beside the body of his wife. Hlaine Anderson and Dan Watts a i ompanied tiie body to that place Baptist Church There will be no preaching at the ISapiist church next Sunday, as the | pastor lias been called out of the ■ it y. The Sunday school will hold its usual session at th“ regular [ time, 9:20. THE "WHEELBARROW CASE” VERDICT RENDERED IN LONG DRAWN OUT CASE. U S. Circuit Court Finds for Paten tee Gossett in the Case of Gossett vs Hineman. The long drawn out contest be iwirii William Gossett and Charier II. Ileinenian in the United Status circuit court at Lincoln, over an al leged infringement of a patent grant ed by the United States government to Mr Gossett for valuable Improve ments in wheelbarrows,by Mr. Heine* man, has at length been decided in favor of Mr. Gossett, as will he seen in the following copy of the docre^ rendered last week by the national court The ease is still in the court on a question of damages for the infringement ; “In the Circuit court of the United Stales, for the District of Nebraska, Dincoln, division. William Gossett,, coniplaiutant. v. Charles II Ileinenian respondent, ease No. .‘12, docket A. I leet'ee. “This cause having come ton to be heard upon the pleadings, proceed ings and proofs herein filed on b ■ half of both parties, and after duo i roceedings had, 'll is considered, ordered, adjust i d and decreed, 1st Thai the lettcm patent of the Coifed States, issued to William (ios selt on the 2i>th day of February, 1 HOG, No.KI2,H90,ure good and valid in law. "2nd That 'lie said William <!os ctl whs Hie first true and original uveiitor of tin- invention and improve ment described and claimed in sa'l letters pattent ‘"id That the d( -fondant. Charles II llelneinan, hns infringed upon the -aid letters patent, and upon tli i xelusive rights of the complainant, under the same. "4th -That tin complainant do re cover of the respondent the profit*, gains and advantages which the said icspondent Inis derived, received i r made since February 201 It, 1H06, hy reason of said infringement of said ’otters patent and that the com plainant do recover of said respond ont any and all damages which tho complainant lias sustained since said dati or shall sustain by reason of said infringement bv said respond ent. ",‘itli It. is liereb.v referred to ». .1 Sawyer as a Master of this court,, who is hereby appointed to make and state the account of said gains, profits and advantages, and to asses* such damages, and to report there upon with all convenient speed; and lIn-respondent is hereby directed,and required to attend before said Mas ter front time to time as required, and his attorneys, clerks, servants and workmen are hereby directed ‘,o attend before said Master from time to time as required, and to produce, before him such books, papers, vouch ers and documents, and to submit to such oral examination as the Mat ter may require. "•lilt "That a perpetual injuiutioi* issue out of end under the seal or *ltiw < ■ # ill ?*t iliriM't »*<| In suit! riMfioliJ i nt, Charles II Heineman, hits asso ciates. officers, attorneys, clerks, agents, servants and workmen, en joining and restraining them. and ■ ach of them, front directly or indi rectly making, or causing to he made, using or causing to he used, or vend ding to others to he used, in anv manner, any wheelbarrows, contain ing. embodying or employing the said inventions and improvements claimed by the said letters patent, or from infringing upon, or violat ing the said letters patent in any way whatsoever. "7th—That the complainant do re cover of the respondent his costs and disbursements in this suit to bo taxed, and that the question of in crease of damages and all fiirthe1* questions, be reversed until the com ing in of the Master's report; to aU or which the d' fendant duly excepts.” The Richardson County Sunday School association will hold its reg ular sitring convention March 19 to -I in Kalis City, Nebr. Two state workers and a number of other prominent Sunday school workers of Nebraska will be present. Each school is invited to send a delegation. Entertainment will be provided for till who will notify the secretary of |their intention to come, in advance. W. II. WYLER, Secretary. Uawson, Nebraska.