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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1905)
- . c..don. 9 g. A. nritlain of SL Joseph ar- " rival in town 'Pucsday to assis t if. . . in starting thc Farmc"n ; ; and : \Icr - ' d chants bank 1 of Vcrdon \vlniclt : 1P ' opcncd Its doors for business :1 : \Iortlay. J. A. Heinzclman and his cots t I sin , \Vm. Kelly left \Vchtcsday . for Omaha where they will at- 1. L' tend a meeting o'f the millers ; of kilt ( the state. : h ( 1\lrs. I'crclt I ! ; Scott and Gracc 111 Saylor camc lip from ) . ' ; tls ) ! : City ' . 11 1 and attended thc dance at thc ; ' ' I Hall opera house 'I'ucslay even lJ ; 1 Ii I I Nellie Weaver cants up from ltd St Joe 'L'lIesdaj' la1 ) Arthur Sal Inway came lip from J" " Texas to visit his g-ralldnlOthel' ; , C . 1\Irs. Gibson. : hI ! Ueo. Abbott and wii'l' of Falls ; City and 1.\ Abbott and wife of tic Omaha visited thl'Vedctte fauni1v Jt \Irs. Margaret Foutch is still very low tt1 .1. B I ; , Simpson rccp'pd a timed S > E for 512 from the National IJelle- 'h \'olcnt society of Kansas City , I a which is i in full payment for lis it ) recent g clmess , t. Congregational , people have ltl h cn holding prayer meeting at thc homes instead of the c111lrch f daring cold weather allll UII Wed I1 nesday evening it was held at the t home of Mr. Henderson. Meet - N ing's will begin at the church on t SunLay Currcils and C toe the t4 Chicago evangelists will he in n h1 charge of the re\ , \'a1. l \\'m. Stack and Leola ShelTer 1) ) were married at the home of Mr ni and Mrs. Corn on Sunday , Feb , it 12 at 5 o'clock p. 111. 1n the pres- once of a few ii ttimate : friends tt l eAton of the Christian church I ii pronol\l1ced \ the words which mad ' 1 them life partners. LI ol1a Shef- 1 fer is hl' accomplished daugh let it of .1. A. Sheller of f Salem and ha\'ing' lived I here for some \ Ii Inc tr has a host of friends in this \ icin - ity. WI11. Stach is a partner in li t CehlinQ , l7 Theatre , O\E : Nl11,1' < ; Saturday , Feb. lath The ( ; rglIS ( ; ait't t' ' The , 6o ( ; People l ISLE melts _ . of , , ( ; ,00 Coo ( Man SPICE Star of Fate You and I ' Peggy Brad ) ; \ ' 2 Cars Coax 'Me" of Scenery Thc ! \ \ tches The Original Boston & New York . Production PRICES : First 1 6 rows 1'trcluet . . . $ r. Vic ) Balance Pa rq II c t and Dress Circle . . . . . . . 1.00 Balcony , . . . . . . . . . 75C & Sac . I { I ! EI 1 - - - . . -T J-fp - J-irg1'1 { { - - _ . w.l f. . " - " , : . .AO : , , " 'J , r. . . - - - the general merchandise store of Ocamh and St.ll'l1. 'l'hl'ha ; \ c rented on : of C. A. Jorn's resi deuce property anti will soon be at home to their man ) fricnds. W'e : extend cong"ratulations. ' [ 'he high school will goo to Dawson I'riday ( night in a dcba'l' having' made arrattgetitents son , ' time ilg"O. _ _ - - Rulo. The recent cold wcather has given the rabbits a respite as thc hunter cannot do more than sit by thc warm stoves : : and reoul1 + t l their daring stories in the past. ' 1 ' lmc death of the infant son of MI' and Mrs , Arthur Darn'luo\- currc(1ionday morning uncle l' distressing ci rcum s t atlcl's. 'I' hl' parents on arising supposed thl' child to be itl its normal heath : but soon found that it was stiller il1g" from mc m bra uous croup. { + All 1 efforts for its : releif were rrllitles < . ; and death cnsued ill a short time , 'I'Le fUllcral occmired 'I'lll..d.y ; at I 2 o'c1ud" Jamcs ; Hatficld 111O\'cd to lhl' ouhadiou farm south cf to\\'n : this \\'eek. C. Merriamt who was timc keep : er Oil the works here last l winkr has returned to Hulo 'I'ony Futscher has been fig-ht- jug the grip for several days. Louis , h1nes , living 3 miles I ' north of town has had a touch of pneumonia hut is il11pnwing' ' ! site fireman 011 the Atchison freight was injured last week std ; the watchman is working in his place. A suit of cloths and sl\IH11'\ \ ) ' articles were stolen froth the 1' . & 1\f. wiper of the Atchison el1.dnc : last week from hb room in the hoteL The job was dune by a fellow that repres n tl'd hinself as a contractor on thc prospccti"e work and he e'en'cnt so far as to hire several \ parties before he dl'ca1l1pe _ _ u - Ohio Pr ciilc-t. 1I : [ r. and \Irs. nen ; Morgan spent \\Ye ( : I1"'sday with their : "Ion near Strattss\ ' illc. The ! mceting's at Maple Grove : arc being well ttenlcd. . l'rs [ , John Strauss has been ha\'ing' the grip , c the past week. 1.'red lJahr visited at John Schultz Sunday. MI' . and \Its. ( has. Harkcn- dorl1' spent 'l'hursday 1 evening \\'ith 1'11' . and \ IrsVm Otto. Fred Kntg'C'r'ho has been quite sick the past week is im" pro\ ' ing. Mrs. ! 'redVhitrock spent \ Veds ncsda at her brother's Chas. Ha rkenlorll' . 'Ir. [ \\r. I' . Knight and wife of falls City \'isted \ : with Mrs. Ku nght's mother , 'l'hursday. 1 \V1I1. Hucttner's family are im- prong after a scig'e with gripe the past \\'ccl August Zorn visited over Sun day with his mother. Frances Kllisl'1\ who has been sick the past week is improng. 1'11' and Mrs. N. Peck and 1 daughter Ethel visited in 1"al1s " City one day last week at John Yocan's. \Vm. Horstman visited at John Pappcnhag'g-en 1onduy. rrs. W. 1-1. Keeling is spend- ing' a few days this week with her danghter1rs. : . Ed 1organ. \Irs Harry Knisely spent Sat t tri Y R 'atTnrn . : , ntltcl ' : Ii ElUC'l ; , , _ ilim:3 : _ - - - - - - - - - . . . . _ . . , - _ , . . . . . , _ IrnW.y" " " ' _ b " OUR BARGAIN TABLES : . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ IJ' ; : : : ; ; : : ; - ' ; ; ; ' : ; : rs. : isa ; li r + ti 1\ 1 ' t. ! 1Bargain ' l ,11)1l , s al'e' \ ' ( ' ! ' \ atlraCtll ( ' to , ' ( ' \ \ ' . . J o Shoe nu\ I . " ( ' rs. Keep an t'\ , ( ' onlhem , \ \ ' IWI1 ( our f , p. , ' ' - - . , - - Shoes g't't m l Oil tlH ( ' Barg'ail1 Tallie ) they are st apped rlJ , " . ; " - : , . . , up quick. Ted ; IYH' \ \ ill Putt ) out probahly j1 . , ' " . rl ! BOO PAIRS _ - I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t . . , 7" of : \I ( n's. \\I1H'n's ) and ( 'hildn ' n' . Shoos in all S1zc's ( , and ; St\ "Ies at $ 1.00 Pel' PaiJ" " . r f tine " : wcather : is ri , ( ; ' ht. ' I tltc : ) 'll be ' crt ! " ' in aleut } t\\'o hours tint t ( , Th ( : y \ \ ' ill not ; . linger ; long' in any ( ' , ' ( -'nl , and if von want a t'f ' al , good ; 1 fc nuinc " S : ltcu' 1\ ( \ " ; r-f" ! ; ill. l" ( ' ) Ill ! " earl , " anti I SAVE fl 0 f'1 E1 . - . , , . . . .ats n.a.n . , , , - . - naaa zrz . . . , , . , . . p , ; ; : : : : ; : : : ; : ; : ; ' : ; J tvi1I i . " ' - f. lI 1r.tY YOU well alyaVS to kee1) an eve on our Bar- - - . : ; ; tin Tables , You can san' lots of Shoe : \IOlwy by s : I I U doing so. , F. . . , . . . . . . . . . . , . . s..r e-.em. -.e-U = " " " sri - = a = " = " ' - - = ' ' ' . . _ . . f.1 = ' ' 'rn'1& > U'4''I" , - ' l j 'I"t t Q UEORUE B. MOLTI [ . - ? ' : 1 THE CJ- OlC.'MA ; L CJOlC.'MA . , , , , , , , , , , , , , " " " " . , , , " ' M , , " = = ' ; ; ' ; 7' "i : = "r I urday in Salem with \Irs. [ Clay I \ - Wag-nero Local l and - ' Pet . sona1. I Neat Sundays ' court hon'c I unectiIig i for 1I1l'n' has been wi t h- drawn : , o there wiiJ Jl' no conflict with other speC' al111cetil1g-s , 1'Ialld 1 \ " an ; DlIcson rclurnl'd Tuesday St. JOf.l'ph via the n ) , & M. 1'11' , Schmelzel ! : went to 'l\wul11- seit last \\\'dnc5dar ' . . - Bessie ; IIeacock rcturned to Lil1coln Wednesday aft rnooll , \I [ . al1d Mrs ' r. Albert L'cntlev t of St. Joseph { arc \ 'isiting.wlth her parents , Mr. and : \lrs. Albright - bright in this city. \V. P. 1' ergus'emit to HU1l1- I holdt Sunday \y here he attended the funeral of his cousin. 1'Iilo Iloppl' has been Oil the sick list this week I \lrs : F. \\'c\11er \ was called \ to eallatin ; ; , \Io. . lat ! \Ionc1ay : to at- tend the funeral or her hrother Nclle1clahon : has been very ill for a week hut is rtptcy ( ] im- pro\'lng , J. \V Hanson returned from Lincoln Wcc1ne dar where he has I heen caring for his son I'rcdlno has been seriously ill. Pearl Prater of the Central school was ill the latter part of last week. Miss Ceiling taught : in her place. i \Irs. P. S. Heacod was in LinI I Frida\ 1 t " . I Mrs H. H. Miner was a Lin- coln visitor thc first of the week. I Mc ssrsVeaver and Fa1100n were in Lincoln Saturday , Miss Pearson of St. Joe is visiting - ing' her sister , \Irs. : Fred ! Kc11er , . , 'lhe MIsses Greenwald enter- taincd the Presbyterian C. Eo on 'l'uesday e\'cning- 2)3 acre farm 2i ! : miles of ] Falls City , want to sell at once to divide the mone\ ' . Good terms ] Might-po sibly divide lanel. Pos- ] session \'en.-Henry C. Smith. 1'11' ad \Irs. Johnston arc visiting - ing' with friends ' ' nds in 'l'al111ag-e. Born on Monday to J. M. \Var- term and wife , a g-irl. . . - - - - - . a..eanwearn.p y ' n..vsw-r. - . u.m.rswrew I McNaHs ' GfOCER1 a . i Fancy and : ! Staple 2 . . . Groceries ' . . 1 Fruit in Season . . : y Satisfactio1 Oar ? = Ian I i ! .an teed . . ; . . I Free City De1ivey I , Phone 40 I I Storage for Household ! 3 I And Other Goods i I - . _ . . . . . r 9'9aC _ _ , u . ' _ . . - - _ . . . . . - . . - - . . - . . . . - - - . . . _ Merchants and . Business Men With hard accounts to colll'lt shuuld ] ! place them with - JOllIl L. Cleaver . i JUSTICE of the PEACE FALLS CITY , NEB For Collection or for Suit - - - - - - - . - . - . . - . . . . . " . . . . - - - - . . . . Small Com's on Collections Collections"y No Atto11eFeeH \ on Suits. "y ! efendant I pays all Costs - - = W. H. IVIA.DD X . f , REAL ESTATE AGENCY'J Hartford Fire Insurance Lands bought and sold ; Houses in city for sale i , money to 10'--11 , I I Telephone I 78 I a - <