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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1905)
- . . a . , . ' ht jj alts otitl ! rth'rnw ' 1 s .tf _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r Vul. II. N To. 6 FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , FEBRUARY 10 , 1905. \V hole No. 58 - - - Saylor-Thorn At noon Feu. , 5th at the homc of the brides pan.nts who reside r tire miles northwest of Falls City \1' Hubert Saylor aid Miss Nct- tic 'l'hornhl1rg" were united in marriage , the l cg , E. Haskins of the Falls City Brethren church ot1 dating' . 'rhe ) ' were attended byr No l 'l'hornunrg" a brother : - of the bride and Miss Maude . loore , Miss 1' uth Moore playing , the wedding" march. After thc . I ceremony :1 bountiful \vcddiUg feast was scn'cd. 'l'he young peo- ple will reside near Morri11. Kas. \ It. . nnd / Mrs. U. M. Saylor of \ lorri11. Kas. . are parents of the g'room. . Among : the g'l1csts'cre the \f't' \ following : \ [ r. and : \Irs. F. M. . . r. , 'Thornburg. lcssrs Frank :4khty , f \Vesley Rose , Misses Uric Cook , \ lay Cook , Rutlt Moore , Maude \Ioorc [ , Nay , Claude and Robert 'Thornburg. rg- . . - - - BurnS-Ct ! nlentS. ! Willit' Burns and Lettie Cle- U1l'nts were married at the home of the btidc's unde Jesse Wearer . . . . . . . . _ , , . " in \'ertlou 011 Ut'sday 1 evening , February 7. PJ05. One of the greatest odaj events of the season - . son in this vicinity and one which . . rohb Yerdol1 of one of its fair- est was the wedding which we chronicled ahH'e. Promptly at eight o'clock Let- tie ClementsVcarer and \Vi1lie . . . . . Hum mRrd1t'd to a beautiful cor- net which had been decorated by it 1 Nellie \Ve\\'cr and were joined j I in thl holy bond oi matritf'llmy . in 1 the presence : of j bout tiity ; guests . by lxc\ Hohn of the Con- gT" gauonal church. The bride : ' w\l\ \ has lived here with her n11- de and aunt for a number of years has made . a host of it iend . ' She tvis aSrcd in : 1.- } _ white . mohair trimmed with lace : f11d ribbon , the gr. ) ont wore tlH.111 - \11\1onn1 black , . : c Mr . Burn iti i a young fat met nf : . obi hah1t . Their many , r t friends join in wishing ; them : 'I' hm ; ± md l'r\'perol1 jOUn1 ( ) ' through h1' ( . Many , costly and ilseful present , were re : cited. i . . . . - Fzmkhauser-Pore \ - \-nnkh3uSei- I Miss : Christine Fankhm and Ch.tsP.rr t \-0 weB known young people ' of Spicer township : , were 111\rricd at high noon . \Vednesday tit the home of the brides parents John F'ankhtuser and wife the ceremony being performed by 1eEmil L"hrer of the German dorm church at Humboldt. A , large crowd of invited relatives i a ! CLEAN YOUR WALK. 'l'here arc a I number of sidewalks : in this city that ha\ ' . not had the snow cleaned off of them since the recent snow. Thc following is on the ordiuTnce books of thc city of Falls City with regard to tIlls matter and it would be well for peo- ple to note its contents and abide by its provisions : "Sec. 11-1'hat every owner or occupant of any house or other building . or the owner or proprietor , lessee or person entitled to thc possession of any vacant lot and any person having charge of any jailor public hall or public building in this city , shall during thc winter season and during the win- ter season ! : and during the time the snow shall continue on thc ground by IJ o'clock on each morning- clear the sidewalks in front of such lots ] froth snow and ice and keep free thcrefrom during the dad j orshall , in case the now and ice arc so con- g'ealed that it cannot be removed without injury to thc side- \ \ alk cause the said snow lIld ice to be strewn with ashes or sand. and shall also , at all timcs keep such sidewalk clear and free from dirt , filth or other obstructions or ncumbrances , so as to allow citi : ens to easily and safely use said sidewalks and every person whose duty it is to keep said sidewalk as hereinbefore - before provided , who shall neglect or refuse to comply with this section , shall be tined in any sum not more than $10.00. In case of unrepresented , non-resident property owner the thcclmmittc ( on sidewalks : shall have such walks cleared ofT and report the expense to the city council who shall direct the clerk to certify such expense to the county cleric a5 taxes be levied and collected such to \ . . . on property. "Sec 11-'l'hat.anr person whose duty it is under Sec- tion 11 of this ordinance to clean oIl and remove the snow or I ice from any sidewalk or sidewalks in said city of Falls City . who shall fail l to remove and clean off thc snow and ice from such sidewalk or sidewalks as herein rCQuired shan forfeit and pay thc sum not less than $1.00 or more than $10.00 for each and every failure , and s'hall be liable for any and all dnntgca1 ed to the city or to any person ur persons by rea- Soon of or on account of the failure to remove thc snow or ice from such sidewalk or side\\t1ks. "SeC' 13-It shaH be thc duty of the chief of police of thc j city to see that the provisions of sections 11 and 12 of this ordinance - dinance arc enforced " Lance and friends were pn.'sent. The couple will lire l on the g-room's farm nine miles south of IImn- hold t. - - - - - - So roS S. The Sorosi : club met in regular : - , 1ar session : \ \ 'ednesdaernoon in the council rooms of thc Li- b1'1rs ' buil ingA committee from Friends in Council was in attendance to co-opcrate with the club lot entcrtaiment of delegates during the district convention to beheld in Falls City March 21 and ' 22. After the matter was disposed of satisfactorily ' the literary - crary program was g-h'en lrs. A. G. \Vea ' er read a paper on social reform which was along the line of \\Tag-ner's "Simple Life " This produced an animat- cd discussion in which most of the members took part. The cur rent topic "The necessities and Superfluities of life" proved interesting - teresting and instructive by the exchange of individual ] opinions of all the ladies present. Club adjourned to meet February 22 with 1rs. \ \ ea\'er. Hand Injured. \Vedncsday morning a hire building a fire at Hall S Green- wald's Shoe parlor Frank Green- wald had the misfortune to severely - \'N(1) injure his left hand. The fire was almost out so Mr. Green- wad lifted up the magazine to take out the coal in thc sto\'e. The magazine started to fall and in catching it his left hand was caught between it and the outer part of the stove smashing . At this writing the hand is not quite so painful and in time if it keeps . on at the present rate will be as sound as c\'cr. i Death of Henry Rieger. ' t Henry ieg-cr , another one of Richardson County's Pioneer , passed to thc great beyond at his home in this city at i:20 : a. m. 011 Tuesday , February i , 1905 , .t . the age of iO years , 2 months and 21 Ilays. Henry Ricg'er was horn il1 Byron , Germany , on NO\'cmbcr a Ii , 1834. He came with his par- cnts to this countiy in 18.t , and " , settled in Cook county , II1. , whcn- ' hc resided until 18h , when he came to this county , settling 011 i thc farm 6 miles cast of this city where-he resided until about ' - seven - en years ago when he came to y this ci ty where he made his home . until the time of his dcath. He was married in 1854 to Miss Selia EHrich to which union n ere born 8 children , Mrs. Carrie , , Schaible , \Irs. Il'rman Zocllcrs , lrs. 1I. J. Schaible , Charles ! \Villiam , Edward , and Henry of this county and lrs. Rosa Bank " of l.-'ortescuc , i\Io. his wife pre- ceded him to the grave in 1891. ] He was again married in 189S to Irs. Lawler , who with the children above mentioned sur- i vive to mourn his loss. Mr. Rieger was a member of the German Evangelical church of this city and always lived l up tt to the teachings of its doctrine. ' 1'he funeral was held from the family residence in this city , the services being conducted by Rev. Ianshardt of the German Evangelical - gelical church and the remains l were followed to their last rcst- big place in Zion cemetery , 6 miles northeast of this city by a large concourse of sorrowing friends and relati\'es. ) The sincerest sympathy of the , many friends are extended to the . sorrowing relatives in this their 1 hour of grief ann sadness. i ( Marriage Record. I The following licenses were is- suced by County Judge Wilhite : Jacob Witis.ntan Rulo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; a , l Olive Iurft-e. Rulo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Marri.d by Judge Wilhite Pcb,2. 1705. : \\"illIamHurns.Y'rdon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 LetricM.ClementYcrdol1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1" Robert Sas-Ior. Merrill Ku , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 ! 1 Nettir Thornbur5r , Falls C11y. . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 Charles Porro Dl1llo1lo.N(1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Chrl.tcna Faukhaaser . fum1Kldt. . . . . . . . . . . 27 William Stach , yerdon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,30 Leona Sheffer Salem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3i 1 ' f Two New States. , Oklahoma G ncl Indian Territory - , tory have been admitted to statehood - i hood , as one state to be known as ; , E Oklahoma. New Mexico was al- so admitted to statchood. Ari- zona was refused admittance for the prcsen t. Y . * . ) ' X : 'V