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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1905)
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Smith , and Grew a sight draft " for SOO on thc Hay & Grain Co. , of Omaha for the shipument , putt- I r bill of - ascol1at- ing up thc lad1l1gascol1at - , cra1. The local bank took thc . draft for collection and Vent tt I on to Omaha for collection. The , . draft \\.IS duly taken up br the Omaha National and ; the money sent him was duly turned over to thc fellow representing himself to bc L. C. Smith. Thc whole thing now appears to bc a forget : No wheat was loaded . at Reserve . . . . and no bill of lading was signed by Mr. Vancc. John Dc Long , : secret service 1 man for thc Mo. Pac. , .vas investigating - " . ; , " vestigating the mil tter Tuesday , but has been able to find I no deli- I _ _ , . . . . . ' _ nitc i , clue In as much as both the first National and the Omaha ' bank arc mcmbers , of the American - : can banking 'lssociatiol1 , there is hope that the criminal may be located - cated hy the Pinkcrtons who arc , at work on thc casc. Washington's h.thday. . The ladies and gentlemen uf thc Episcopal church gave a t George \Vashitgton : social : : at . Mrs. Margaret -'laddox's home un Wednesday e\'enil1g- Thc home was decorated profusely with flags and bunting while a cherry tree occupied the center of t hc ( lining : ta hlc. Hatchets . tied with ribbon in thc national col- ors were given as souvcnirs. The unique feature of hc evening : - . was that seven men mcmbers of _ the church served thc refresh- mcnts while George Dietsch pre- sicled at the punch bowl. 1'he ladies were supposed to assist but the men really did the work , while their better halves looked i' pretty in their costumes and dealt out hospitality to the large crowd which attendcd. A , considerable - siderable 5um was added to thc , fund 01 thc St. lartlliL's guild by the cntertainment. Married. Wednesday evening at 7:30 : at thc Baptist parsonage at Stella - , ) , la , 'l'arsncy HarpcrVinfrey and lttaIay I Vandcv were united j I t in thc of i holy bonds matrimony by Rev. King. . Immediately after the cerc- 111011y thc worthy young couple drove to thc home of thc bride where a number of relatives were awaiting them and extended hearty congratulations , also an elegant wedding supper was par- taken of Miss Vanleveer is thc accom- plishcd daughter ofV. . A. Van- dc\'ccr and wife and is hig-hh'ire- sppctcd by all who know hcr. \Vhilc Harper is the son of \Ir. and 1\lrs. T. Winfrcy and is a prosperous lnd energetic young farmer and posscssps all the traits of character that it takes to stake an ideal 11usbanl. \ Iany valuable presents were rcceh'ed. 'l'hey will soon hc at house to their friends 011 a farm northwest of Stclla. - - - - - - - - - - - Mrs. John W. Wixon. 1\rs. [ John \V. Wixon lied at tier home in Stella Saturday . morning- She has been compelled - ed to sit up in a chair since Christmas - mas with bronchial trouble com- plicatccl with hcart disease. Tier two brothers George and Will Benson of Geneva and her sons Sam and \ VillVixon of thc same place arrived lucre a fcw hours before - fore her death. She was buried in thc Stella cemetery Monday , the funeral services being held in the M. g. church at 1 p. m. - - - - - - - AlIen Gillespie , thc little son of Mr. [ and 1\1rs. Frank Messier died un Tuesday night , aged 4 months and seven ( days The lit- tle boy had never been in robust health , having been ail mig : almost fr.Jm his birth. Thc funeral services - vices conducted uy He\ Cline was held Thursday aftcrnoon 2:30 : o'clock at thc home , interment being in the Steele ccmC'tery. The Tribune extends to thc bereaved rcarcd young : parents thc sincere sympathy of their many friends and acquaintanccs. Robbery at Rulo. Wednesday night thieves tried to enter thc school house at Rub , but were frightened away before gaining entrance. 'l'hey were more successful at the Cath- olic church however , as they suc- cecded in getting in there and securing - curing numbcr of articles among them being the priests vestmcnts. ' ' - For- tl'hc robbers were caught at - est City , Mo. , early yesterday morn i nl { . J. A. Hosmck is visiting t relatives - tives in Prcston. In Police Court. Lawrcncc Shcrbin , otherwise I known as Heddy Knobc I , one of thc town toughs and bums , was up before Judge Cleaver , thc tint of thc week , charged with mak- ing' a "rough housc" and picking a light at'tItc dtnnct hour at the National Hotc1. Judge Cleaver imposccl a tine of S5 and cost. Court House Ne\vs. 'Phing-s arc as quiet [ as the : tomb about thc court house and the > . . . word from each I office is II nOl ltng 'dointr. ' h The county clerk has been filing - ing- a large number of claims during - ing- the past few drrs and has been somcwhat cngag'cd in tiling and releasing ; chattel mortgag'cs. J. C. Janncr has' so far rccover- tired from his illness as to permit him to bc at his office a short time each afternoon. Sophia Fink has coin menced an actIOn against Louis it'ink for rcn t. Ii'rank } ; Fry rg'hbusc has CO\1l- mcnced an attachment action against James 1'rattklimt CIa rk. J. L. Ganely has filed two suits against JeromneViltse , one - on , a note and one for an accounting- - 'l'rcasurcr hook and his assistance . ance have been doing nothing but routin work for several clays. Mass Meeting. Thc sewerage question which has agitated Fails City residents ' scents to bc on thc high road to i settlclncnL. A mass mecting ; held in thc court house last \ [ omi- ; day although not very largely I attcnded was very enthusiastic and interesting Mayor Holt acted in the capacity of chairman nod presented thc important topic of scwerag-e. Time question of hoc a- tion for thc water supply , l1ecs- sary for thc carrying- out of a sewerage system was ii iscussd . MarorHolt appointed ' \V.H.Crook 1. ' . Harlow , A. Crahaui ? Charles Davis , A. E Gantt and John f4ichty to report at thc next I meeting- Monday evening Feb. l 2i , as to a probable location for a new water supply and to solicit property owners. Let every representative - rescntative property owner bc present at this nmecting , talc part in it and help in thc plans to beautify and to build up this city. Let C'C1'citj cn hc prcs- eht and make thc sleeting wor- thy thc cause. . - - - - - - - - - - Fight at Barada. John Randal of Bt.rada was looking for thc county attorney - - - 'I'hlll'sday to lay in a complaint against Juncs Stephenson for as- sault Randal claims that 1\11' Stcphcnson aid his son attacked } him Monday night and heat him with a crowbar. andal' , head , ' is orcttr well cut UIuHl : froth his story . there must have been all I kinds of a rough house for a few ' \11 i n u tcs. C - RUnH\Vay. w OttIonha ) ' Joe Steele and daughters while sleigh riding east of this city had thc misfortunc to bc upset in , a snow drift. trltc high drifts upset the sleight vim eremmj ou the horse became frightened and started for the . . . . city. ' 1'lte occupants rcccivcd no other injury beyond a severe shaking up but considcrablc dam- age was done to thc sleig-h. Inter . = . High School Debate 'l ' ime high schools of the county ; will elect in joint debate at time Gelding" tIt atrc in this city Fri- I ( da\ _ evening , March ; 10. 'rIte CJ ucstion will he , "I : c ol vcd , 'j'hat the United States Ge\cl'l1tllcnt I ) should own and control thc rail- roads. " AffiruisttivcStellaPulo : , Vcrdon , Salctll. Negative : Shu- I bert ua wson , 'allsCity ] , Humho1 i verybocly should attend this debate - , , bate and encourage thc spcak rs. 1 ' I 'I'he fifth entcrtainmcnt given I by the popular Sphinx club at 1 thc Gchling" theatre last rhurs- . I dy : ! c'cningwas well attcndcd. 'I\hp l\lcistct' - singers are a superb organization ha'ingbcautiful , harmonious voices and an unlim- itcd knowlcdgc of music. hers selection was heartily encorcd by those fortunate enough to bc prcscn t. Sorosis met at thc homc of \Irs. L. C. llaug"crVcdncsday afternoon , A very interesting and instructive program was given - en , after which thc question of entertaining the visiting clubs members at thc district meeting to he held in March , was'dis- cussed. Among other social fult- ctions will hc a reception to the oflicers at the horde of l\rs. J. oR. Cain thc evening of March 21. ' \VIty not have the next congressional - g-ressional con\'ention of thc \ republican - publican party held in 1:111sCity ; : ? Mr. 0 A. Coopct of Humholdt is a very influential malt on the committee , which fact , together : with thc general disposition > among : the counties to land on Lincoln good said hard , would probably insure us convention if properly nHlnagcd. It isn't too early to begin if we want it , and it will probably be worth going miles to scc- O. f4. Ban ' . , Humboldt's pop- ular postmastcr was in the city 'l'hursdayarranging thc preliminaries - inaries incident to thc bond election - tion for a new city hall in his home city. , J