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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1905)
i' ' - . . It , . , n' I 'f ' -/L I J rct c ¶ A TAIl 0r iii CUBAN W ( . 1 . , , . . . , . . f t . l' . . Copyright lSDi by F. 'l'CJIIYSOJNeeJ ) ' Copyright 1S9D by Street and Smith. ! . . CHAPTER XVII.-Coltinuec. No ono Is hurt , but each man draw , n long" breath , us -If comprehending that the lJullle Is now on , and that It will not cease until much destruction t has been wrought. So Jack scrambles to his knees and i f has his arm out of the window almost l i _ " , immediately. That hand holds a , weapon , and one he Imows well how ( ( to IUunlpula I I The guerrillas present as fair a tar get as anyone could wish , seen In the L :1- : light of the fires. Jaclt 'l'ra\'ern ; has . . -t- : hud many opportunities for becoming un expert shot. If ho were dealing with wild beasts ; of the chaparral he would have 110 iI : more thought of mercy than he feels . toward these lawless outcasts whose 1 hands are raised against both sides r : and whose daily calendar is marked br terrible (100(15. ' ' merrily So 'l'ravers opens right upon them , his only desire being to male each one of the six bullets give a good accounting. He Is not allowed to monopolize the . whole affair. Smfthct's Is just as eager to have a hand In It , and his gun P sounds about as regularly as Jacle's The senor and Spencer also manage to get In a shot or two , and taken m all together , the reception they spring upon the astonished guerrillas is fully as efficacious as it Is sudden. pmt - A temporary demoralization seizes upon the assailants , and they melt \ awar. Some run to the shelter of . . t T.'i . : trees , others to the opposite side of the carriage , while a few drop to the ground , hoping that among the wounded they may be safe for Uo present. : 'Vell done , " crIes Don Rafael ; "but is anybody hurt ? " They have lucIdly escaped all in- fury , which fact may he lalll to the I ' unprepared condition of the enemy. I Perhaps when a second engagement . has ended they may not uo able to t . present such a fine showing a' "Listen ! " exclaims lacl" The report of firearms can be heard. "Sarno of them have entered the carriage ! " exclaims Roblado , for the shots certainly sound close to their ears. Jack scouts the Idea. "Not quite so bad as that , " ho sn 's. IF" " , ' ' r II 11 ' I I I _ 1 i ; III I kttii i : ry : - , r 1 1k r j1 I i ? ) 'I . f ' 1tS : , atmttt , _ ( I I I : I , . ' - . zlj or/ ' - " - _ Travers opens right merrily upon them. . "But listen. Those reports are surely - ly just beyond this thin partition. Ca1'l'amlJaas ! two shots sound at once. " 'fhnt Is true. But they are fired I I ) by the guard and my servant , who , I cut off from this compartment by the advance of the enemy , have been com- pelled to take refuge in there. " i . "I believe you ' are correct , senor. That Is n piece of luck : In our favor. " A sudden silence has fallen on the scene-a silence that seems to pre- sage the coming tempest-a silence that Is even more terrible ! than the clamor that has preceded It. The situation is certainly very black , and even sanguine Squire John does not dare to think of what the immediate future may hold for them. To defend the ' ' successfully carriage against these daredevil guerrillas is a task well-night ImposslJlo. ! Above all , Jack dreads lest the enemy conceive - cel\'e the idea of utilizing fire In order to accomplish their end. The old carriage riago if once kindled would burn like tin d 01' . So Travers finds himself in the position of :1. master at chess who 11IsCO\'er8 a weak point i1) ) his de- Tense whereby he may be ! mated , and as it Is his ! : opponent's move , he sits there emi nettles awaiting the discovery - cry that will bring ! his defense to i naught. Smithers knocks on the wall. "Hello , there ! " he calls , and the guard answors. , "Hold the fort : load up again , and he ready for a sortie If necessary , " again calls the agent. Time silence does not last long ; but In the interim the guerillas have evidently - denllr been heavily reinforced , if the fearflll chorus of screeches and "Again ! " shouts Roblado , pushing close to the opening ; "and let It be to the death , enOJ's ! : all ! " . - - - CHAPTER XVIII. - - A Change of Base. They come sweeping forward very hoarse yells that marls their second advance is any criterIon. like the hurricane that sometimes devastates Cuban sugar plantations. Jack Is really appalled at the number of desperate men opposed to his little hand , and more than ever does he realize what an uphill task lies before ! them ; indeed , it must be through a miracle that they escape , If at all. As the guerrillas advance they open fire on the carriage with all manner of guns : f0 while this firing lasts It is necessary for the defenders to lie low , lest some of the missiles that sing so lively a tune , and snap splinters from the framework above , find a more congenial lodgment within their bodies. Smithers seems to realize that their enemies are poorly ) provided with fire- arms. Ho believes they will speedily exhaust their fire , when It may be reasonably safe for himself and allies to rODly. Just as he figured so It comes to Ilass. The shots , which dropped so fast In the beginning , become more scattered and about cease. "Now , give It to them ( ! " roars ' Smithers. A gallant hurst follows-Oro flashes in splteflll streaks from that side of the carriage. Again they scatter , as before , leav- Ing a portion of their number on the ground ; hut Jack notices a difference I . In their actions. The majority dash alongside the carriage. 'rhey are thus out of the allies' range unless one dares thrust his head and arm outside , which action would bo almost - most suicidal. Sounds are heard as of some one pounding. They como from under- neath the carriage , and mystify even Smithers for a time. It Is evident that their enemies surround them , and have even mounted to the root , as they ; can uo heard moving about. The suspense Is torture. Smithers has kept on guard , watch- Ing the opening : nor does he watch In \'aln. Without warning , ho sud- denlr fires his pistol , and from the _ _ _ n _ , _ _ A _ . _ , , "c. . . . time roof with I floundering on , togetJtor the terrible Spanish curses that cause the girls to clap their hands over their enrs. it seems positive that some reckless fellow allowed curiosity to get the better of discretion when ho lowered his head In time attomllt to imi- vestlgate the Interior oC the ca'l'lnge. Jack can stand It no longer. Ho already imagines ho can hear the crackling of flames underneath time carriage. Something desllernto must be ! tlone. "Senor , assist mo In opening time other door just wide enough to allow the passage of my Jody ! , " he says to noblado. "Carnjo ! what would you do , young senor ? " asks the Spaniard , while Jack sees the girls rise to their knees at his words as though in alarm. "Something must bo done Imme- diately. I do not like to alarm lie ladles , but I fear those wretches mean to burn the carriage-that they may be even now starting fires underneath us , " returns Travers , qulcltly , ties' pem ately. "But tell me , how would your going have any effect ? They will shoot you on sight. You are a bravo } man , senor , hut wo cannot afford to lese . . you , " declares Roblado' I "I must go. I believe I can change our conditions. The light of these fires is apt to prove our ruin. See , they are upon the curve ; this other side Is almost In shadow. I will take my chrmces. Once ant , senor , I can send the carriage perhaps two hundred - I dyed yards away from this fatal spot. " I "Alone-you , senor ? " ! "It Is easy , I tell 'ou. There , you have the door ready to open. I shall go. " "Senor , I see you are determined , so good-b , and Heaven protect you , " says Rohlado , squeezing his hand. Jack gravely wrings that of Smith- ers , for he hardly expects to see him again-at least , the chances are against It. Then , I1S he turns to squeeze through the narrow opening , ho Is stopped by the s ( 11or's daughter , who seizes his hanel. "Sir , the Virgin guard you. This night you : may win that whIch you prize above all else on earth. Jessie , bid him Godspeed , " says the Spanish girl , hastll . . Then Jack for the second time In his life holds the hand or his wife in his own , and ere he releases it ho has pressed a kiss there. H'J dares linger no longer , but filled with high aspirations regarding the desperate plan that has flashed upon his mind , he slips through - tlme narrow olening . Just as he feared , the crafty assail- ants are endeavoring to start n new blaze under the forward end. Their diabolical intention Is to have the carriage afire , when those who have twice given them such a warm recep- ion must come forth to their fate or roast In the flames. 'fravel's has a chance to lint his little plan Into operation. Creeping along beside the carriage , ho reaches time wheel where Ah Sin placed the Iron pin. 1\Iuch depends emi his ability to with- I draw this. As the weight of the car- riage must In a measure be resting upon It , he mar find this task be- yond his strength. Backward and forward ho twists it , while the fire rises higher. Ills energy Increases : in sheer desperation he puts forth gigantic efforts. All the while he Is encouraged ur the fact that the pin moves more freelr. At length a tremendous rally on Jack's part gives him success-the coupling pin Is In his hands. Now , If the carriage will only take i a notion to descend the short grade ! But there is no occasion for mental anxiety with regard to this , since the withdrawal of the Iron pin is instantly - ly succeeded hy a movement on the part of the railway carriage. Jack has driven In his first stake , and it remains to be seen whether ho can hold his claim against all comers. Upon finding the car in motion there is a burst of shouts from those underneath and others on top. In this emergency nothing can ho found with which to block the wheels , i - . . . r amid already too much momentum luau been acquired to accolllllllRh this J'e- salt br mere muscular effort Jack , finding lint It will not be nec- eSS1J'y for him to stand br nnll 111'0- vent tummy detaining action with his re- volveJ' , censeR to 1'111I alongside the carriage , clutches holll of tI'o Ildl' ! , t and swings hhusplf on the footbou ( . The heavy carriage guhlR 11I11' uncut t uni al It IJI'ol'edR. . .Jrwl : only wishes there might uo a down grade all the way to Havana , when they wonld reach the Cuban capital wllh flying colol's. Alas ! It Is but It baby run-llerhaI1 : two hundred feet , then a ' short level , and after that a rise , where they will again bo stopved. m 1I \ , . F 1 * 3 _ a Backward and forward he twIsts It. Nell , that Is the limit of his hopes , and ho can find 110 cause for com- plaint. Already they are on the level ; the momentum acquired causes the car- rialto to ascend lie other rise thirty yards or more , when it gradually ceases to push onward. Jack : la on the alert ; ho jumps off and ma1ws an admirable use of the iron pin , against : which the harden of the adventurous - venturous carriage again rests. I Jack Is pleased with time result. They have a fightlug chance , now that the ( light of time fires does not betray them. No sooner has ho male ! sure that the Irvin will hold than ho rushes around to the other side , and reaches the door. "Senm' , It Is I ! " he exclaims , not wishing to he too warmly received. lie If ! greeted ! with exclamations of joy from within , and his hearing must Indeed bo very acute to catch feminine voices from amen the rest. "It [ was beautifully done , " declares fiohlndo , with enthusiasm. "Ve'J'y good ; but we have only , made ( a beginning , senor. Listen , and you will hear their shouts us they follow. See how they wave torches snatched from the fires as they come ! We have still more hot work : awaiting us. " "You never spoke truer words , sir ! " exclaims SmllllCl's ; "and we are fools If we allow them to build more fires around us. Out , then , every man , and ! keep them at hay. hello ! there , in the other section ! Open the door and join us. 'rhe situation has changed , and we must not allow ourselves to be shut up } again. AIl hands on deck to repel boarders ! " ( To bo continued. ) a Spain's Periodical Changes. "On time whole , Spain Is wOJulct'fnlIy ( peaceful and miraculously loyal , " says a writer "Any native returning to his country after , say , twenty 'ears' absence would scarcely know It. While Victoria was reigning over gngll1nd Spain saw six sovereigns of various kinds , and none very good ; one republic ; several civil wars , and a whole waste ' paper - basltetful of cout stl t utlous. " During the courtship a man declares he cannot live without lll.'r-and anN marriage ho often litmus / It impossible to live with her.-Chll'llgo News.