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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1905)
i r l , : . . . = ; ' ; ; ' " ' ; ; " .u. . - - . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . : . . . : . . . . . . : - ! District COlU't. \ : ft. ' ' [ 'hl' COlll't house ! has ! heen n I. Vl'I'Y busy place this week The [ f ( ; raid : jury wns itl1pnnnelcd Monday - clay and .Tl\tlg'c \ elJig'al' } appoint- . l'cl ( ; eorgeVa1kins fore inan. The I jury has ! been \'el'Y active in in- V ( tig'atillg''al' ells ofTences ll(1 E at this \ writing ( 'I'hursdal ) is V' " , till It wOI'I Indictmellts have t' r heed I rl'ttl\'l1ed \ against l \VIJiatl1 ( { t Perkins , a you ug colored 111:111 : , for t forrv. ; Otis Sitl1ms , the young I plan \ who hit C. Stllcke over the t hetl ; with a billiard cue at Nuns \ ( 'it , last fall was indicted for assault ! with intent to kill and 1111'l'lll'I' . Simlll ! was released ! 011 J 1011(15 of a thollsand dollars alld ( ; will probably have his trial next L wet . lt. I . Fattnoll and A. .1. , I - 1\ ' ( ' , fiver will appear ; with COllllt ) ' attorney James for the proser'- ! : lion alld C ; , I' " Neavis 1 I for the dr- I fl'lbl' Burt Ogden was il1l1ict'd I fot'hootingjohu \ kl. ll 11.111. Tilt' I jury refused to indict i\ IItlll1 KI1I- h'r lot his tlinklll1 . V with his fat tier - I I er i I-hw. 1t is ruumorod ] that II m I I l' Ifh' case the pritlcipals in wllk1 ' ! i Ii\ , in < cll1aha County is hl'inlor , in'l"-lig'at'd. 'I'hcn i. . quite itl , ' " . Infl'rl'stlllg' 1 Stets ' CNlllcct'fl with I Iii i' , l'ase ilnd l tilt court room has : I hen filled ! ! with ugly ! ! rmumoi I'S I S"l ill III glV ! oeca"ioncl In' l'OUI1S l ; ? ' - - - . i at tlll't1l'from , \umbrlt 1 I'n \ \ ' h0 like . j till' ' ' talks , j parrot ; to milch : . : I 'f'ile \ following : ! nl'clcr have : been I tirade 1).i11(1 ' ' ' ' , 111 by ( P : Kellig'JI' : 1 'I'hl'lIIotion for a new Idal him 1'11aii's. , irut'Itii'r T t WilS O\'crl'l1lec1. . \ twonl 1 \ " . , - "elephone 1 Coin PiIl1\ will he tripel probably th e ; Ii rst t of neat \\1'1\ . ! : :1 : Cath'rirle NCI "IolIor \ ' s. Hstatc . : a of JIC'I1I'\ 1Teiutz : settled aud dis I . . . . . : J 1Ili"iscc1 ( , . Fern } i''ilers'S. . John li'el1er s se t + led tied dismissed. ! r , . Mat'\ ' Kutler waR granted a ( ii . \'orce from An ton Kutler ane' 0 8175.00 alimony , " i Fa ymoud l Schlosser waR g'CI a juclg-l'mcnt again Cat hi'till e Aldrich The sale in State Bank of 5tcl la " ' , Amos 01'1' J \3 was confirmed Frishy'S , Hriscttled , arm < 1 ism isscd. 1. n. 1\'hittakerobtained judge l11enl for $257.70 against .las II Graha Max J. Hartman and Johl Lacher became naturalizcIl ciH cns. The petit jury will report 01 I Monday and Judge Babcock wil lake up the trial of jury cases a 01tce. The Atwood damag-c cas , against the h'1'phone compan : will probably be the first cas , callc(1. calle(1.We \Ve have one of the bes' and finest lines of Zio City laces nn .1 embroil cries ever in the city Call and see them at E L Bode & Sons. f , t + - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " " _ _ _ _ _ _ n _ "r JIIj - - " . . . - - . : ; ; ; " . - - . . . . . . - . . - - - - - - - - " - - - . . . . More J Contr.ibutiol1s. . Since : the I article I on a 'City's Chadtwas written practically \ was ; , ) every 1I1erchant in the city has contributed his ! share to the \\1- farc of the poor chi1(1rett. ( Onl\ ' this ' - ' \ ' 'ani 1I101'l1ing- ( 1\hl1l'sday ) 'a1l1 \\'altl sent a I g-rcatll11l1elle of 1111- derclothing' , WOOIC'11 shies . .llid other ; articles ! of clo hitlg In . this oflicc. , \lany of our busimcss ) ! men \Vho are not ill the dry g' i'itla " blisilless hate sent in l1i'I1I'Y ' tOI . hlty such ! : articles as 1I1ay lw I1ced- ed . \ltog'\thc- l' alls City lIIay g-o to bed tonight and } realize : that not our child in thc clPire town is sltlTeril1g' and that is a'cry comfortable thought isn't it' t1arriage Record. o'.ar 1. : . lI""ha\1l11 ; , \1"11011 . . . .2' ' 1.I\'a : I' l : . CIIIIL' , vwdun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2\ : ! . ' , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l.'rl't\l'lcl \ ( Sha f'r. SI ' tib'rt . 23 . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . : \lanrI'1I11IlulIl : < 'y. .1"10:1. . . Ie ) n.h'l'l ( 11111..11) ; Verdun . , . . . . . . . . . \II \ Viva V'Mw - \.1',1011. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 \ \ III. JOhll"I , S 11'1 I" . f. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , ; : . ; : \tnl'ltal'd : l1ul'rl-l. ! . . , . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2. Bt riled to U ( ath. word rl'i1CI' ! ; I this . i'ester - day of thc tJ'fth at Shuhert of ' Gt' 1t1c1l11ald > anil'ls , .vho WilS found dead , ; it Iter home ill that tlaceVednesdav night.Vhen t'oul1s1 her clot liiii g was burned oil allcl ( her body burned in a hor- l'ihle Manner. 1"1'0111 the t111'J : ! cr _ . . . . . _ . . . . . . . _ . . . detni1s obtain \hll' \ 'It this writili : ' it Sl'CtllS she had been too 111.1' : ' the StoVe aril had nrobahl\ ' fallen a.Ie'l'p : , ilcr clothing ) catching : f r . ' and bUl'l1ill ' ,1' as above stilted. She was in the house alone at the time , her son with whom she , IiVCl I ( , beil1 ' a\\'av. l Her death is i douhlsad I iuasmluch a. , ' she hils hecn a sl1lTcl'cr fruit a laIlC'r 011 the face for ycal's and ( I was in a practically : helpless ! coil ( Iition. She was a sisti'of \ Ceo. Lewis of hubert. Ilcr matiy friends willlc ! pained to learn of her tint - - . I , tilll"ly t I _ I Afraid or Stronf ; Atcdici i. s. i\lany pl'opIc sicier 101' years I from rhculltatL' pains , : Inl I prckr to do so rather thall take the strong II1ccticines IIsl1dh' : gi\ \ ' ell - for rheulI1atisll1 , not knowing' . that quick relief front pain may 1 he had ( simply by applying' Chamberlain's Pain Balin and without taking any medicine in- - tcrltall \ ' . Rev. Amos Parker of . lag'OtoJi 1 , North Carolina , IIIT- erl'd for eight years with a lallle hip , due to severe rheumatic 1 pains. i lie ha , been pernlaueutlV - cllrc(1 by the free application of Chall1bertian's Pain Balm For :1 : sale at Kerrs Drug 8tor\ it.t t SARATOGA e RESTAURANT SHORT ORDER I-lOUSE MEALS AND LODGING I at nil hours 1 - - - . . Everything Neat & Clean - n _ _ C. V. HENDRICIS PROPRIETOR . . - - - - - . . . - - - - - - " ' _ " . . _ . - " " - - - . . . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ . . . - _ _ -.0- . - . . ES ! . . . , . VAS 1ST isi ; ! , Ya = = Es Heist Das Die Chicago ! 1 BUl : = iioitz and OH1Ien ( Gesei = ; schaft floch nicllt 8J.H.sferlau'ft ilat I Wild das vir irnAl1er nosh . r escl1efte : - Tuhrn 811 de11 Set beg.e or t. ! , I \li r sirId sel1 da ikbahr zt J a ! = ; Jen unseren altel f.euncera , ! tend i R111echten Berne rlelie fretH.1de'l er = : I : verben t1i11d ere kundsC ! aft JJe = ii I . ha1tegi. ! I I . . I 4:1 . . . Kf - . E CO ? . . . , , ID9as t Ei r : \ \ ) tit = lBs ; : ( En [ other words W have not sold out . 'et. ) - - . ' : ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . _ ct . _ . t..a. . . - . " e'n. . . . a l's.Ke . . _ --waamns v-R.rx.L-eswir. = ssssssr , ai' I I I Chicago J Lwnber ; 'iY 'fJ. CJ r , - O F. W. MHCHEL. FaHs l < City " I Local Manager : Nebraska I , - ; ; : : : : : : : - - - . . . . . . . . . . - . " - - . - ; - Nebr"dm.d - - - ' 'j tctJat Notice. II I I tll tilt Dlwtrlcl Court of 1ichattlsoa CO"l\l " ' , tilal : " ' of l'h.'a"\I : , ' 1'ht l 'it ) " of 111111I1 > ill I 1'lail\liff I " 1 : . 1' . ' 1'1111..1' ( full ruin , real I\altlc et : ward P. 'I'lnl\1' and C. I 1' , 'l'htktr full antI real rains Ell . lI'anl 1''I'inktrV. . K. 'I'Itiktr l'I'alllalll" ' ulIlllOlI'l1. lI.n.1'1111"r I't' al I 11:11111' uniniu \ vii.0lit tr 'l'lnl- " , ' , 'l'rllllml1'111..1' . I.ollh' HI\\- 1a''H , 11. 1) . \ \ 'rilrhl"t'a111:11111' 1111- 10\011'11 , 'ol'lfl''rilflll R..lill Wril\1I1 , Challlplllll WrillIl.l'lIar- it.'right . Frauds'right. . I.llcy ilia IIchanl , l'Ili. ' IllrttAda 1,111' lOll J. \ \ ' . I'diwilh. : , l'I'allll11l11 : 11111\11011'11. alll AII , 'I'I Ih'dwilh . Iwlr at late allII"lfai i nartstn tat Ivs of O. J. 1'illlit'r IIt'ct'a'el. I ' 1'0 tilt 'fl'lItlanl aho"e , 11:111I1'11 , h'IIIU' all 1I011-1.1t..1I1" . of tilt Strut of l'hr.I"Iia , "x'pl g. 1' . 'I'iuict YOII art taut hereby 1I0Ufi.1 that the plaintiff the city of I1l1l11holtll. ill the cOllllly of 12iciiard- ' son anal State of Ntbraslct , did Oil tilt I'Jlh Ilay of January 1'10 ) : . fiat its petition against YOII a. , tilt hair alIaII' ' raid \'l'III"I'nlall"t's of O. J. .1. taker lall' : of said County item SlalL' lI\1' old'ct1(1 pit ytr of II'hlch is I 10 quiet title in said plaintiff dIY , to a ) ) \\hllc s..nal' . III said city located 110'11\1"11 hlocl 5 and II 1 , ac'ol'lllJw to alit original plat anal recorded survey of said CIty , alllt ii crlh"11 d In said I't'con"'d I'lal1ltl surety as follows : "AI"o set stone 011 lll" fair corn'I' , ; of a pllblir' SIIIIlreI 2 , : lee chains long I' l ; : , andV. ; , hyI 12' I ; : J minks wish N.uttt S. h- 1II'l'l'n hloc1m5alld f , " flit said , . city comprising a part of the N.a'tIi half of llle Soli 01 test 1IIal'- 1t.1' of stctiuu thn' ( .jl ' 1'oll'lIshlp tit ' o (2) ( ) Hanll'l' lhil'll'1I:1) ( \ : ) East of tilt sixth principal 1II"rlel- Ian III said 'ollllly allli slatl' 'l'he ground upon II'hicll tilt title 10 "ailt JlllbliL " sought 10 h , ' ti .nldl',1 . ill "alol IllaillliIT city 10. , that 1111' same \ \ dCticall'd ! allli J.'ln'n . : to said city tor public u St . and tub , ' l\I1oll'n a" tilt public "l1l1a\'l' hy tilt oat tiers of the land on II'hich tltt stunt 1" iulall'I , 10 \\11 , hy 0. : r. ' 1'1111(1'1'1111 I : , 1' . Tlnl'I'I'oll J.llll1al'Y I2lh ISI , a" Is "ho\\ hy tilt said original plat allll surety of said city nutty Oil record ill Hcconl Dool H.Pul' jl & n.11I tilt OniCl' of the Ih'uls"'I' of d",111I said cOllnty all'10 \ ohlaill a furllll'l' dtcrt't of said court furtt ' "xcludlllll' yon and each of you frolll clalllllllll' titles to said laud conttins . : ' said public , . .qllar , ' . alll front the a"Sl'l'ton of allY III- tI'n'SI of allY leilld 1IIl'rl'ill. . YOIl art further lIolifi,1 ( thaI you pt. ' ad.ulswtr 01' .Il'mur 10 said IH'tllloll Oil or before tltt 31"t day of l\ltrch 1'J05 , the 0111I" will I. 1 . . taken .1' trill' and tilt d"CI'l'I pray ' d for 1"'lId'n'd accol'liIlJ.'ly. ! . : ' 1'1m : l'1'l1Y OF HtnmOI.D'l' . H'a"I"H'a"I" . . \llon\t' s for 1'lallllil1. :1--11 : - - - Notice of Probate of Will III the Cuuttty Court of Hlchards at . Count' 'bra"lm. lu alit niatttr of probating . : the last whir : and testanltnt of Kathl'rhll' Hallllm dl'c'acd Notice - IICl' I. hl'n'h ' given . : all IIl'r"OIIlIlel'l'slt'd that merman Halllla lets dl'po..III'd ill Haiti court all histrnntent purporting to be the last will anti \ tt ' itunettt of said Kalhl'rhlt' I1anilca d'cl'aSI'tl. It Is onlt'n.t that the allle he heard by lhe court UII Saturday the 181h d" y of Febtusry 1905 : all 9 o'clucli a. III , In tits county court room ill I Falls City In said county when anti whcl'l' all persons Inlurl'sll.1 may appear alltl cOllte.1 the I'ruhall'tlll'rl'of , 11) order of tutu court dated Jaliuary2Stlt ; : 1905 J. K.'illtite . 5-l ; : tSeail [ ) CUUII1) Judge - - - - - - . " " , - . - - - , . - . . . . . . . , - ' . . . . . . rae . GehiiTheah'e ; .1 ! ; \ ! , 1f&111' & . . . . . , ' Idll'i ; t-CI a " . _ , . . . _ . . . , . . . . . .J. " ' . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . _ . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . ' ' ' ' . -'u ! ' t' ff''u , e l\ ' S'TARI"IiNG I ! ; . . . . " . V10jA " . . . , . . f c.c r . . . . . , " ' " g % rlvatit. n If-I" " " r lnora cc T -i : U ; . \ . . . R J D " " II . - . . 7.-r.Z . _ _ . . . . , . , . _ _ CC NHNQ [ The ! Well Known rfl ' . P . .ot.- [ t , er { r . . Dramatic Coo - " " - - - - - - - - . - . - . - _ _ - . . . . . Featuring l'alented Actress NellieKerkhoff . , . , " , - - - - . - - Seventh Successful Season PRICES 35& 25 AND 15 CENT Victor Flour : . Won Jir . . . prize at the Farmers Institute tute in this city January - uary 26 and 27 For _ safe by - - . . , L. C. MAUG ER . ft i ) { 1 , \ , . . . f-- . 1 f , 'I ' \ f ' " 1 ; , r i. . / . ' : t' . . ' . , , - , . . . . - ' . . ( . . . { . . - I. I . I.H I . _ + 1 1 . \ " i iI f ' . , > ,1 : - - , 1 1i , . . . . . ' . . .J . . , J