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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1905)
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Reaps lts H&.K'vesi II - . < - . . - ' " ri . : 'ITHS. M. A. BAII _ I I ; , : \Irs. \I. : : 'r' . . Ball lied 'l'ucsclay aftcrnoon at her home in1 ti1o. . T. " i- . aged It years. The deccasecl : " - Ali Ld lived thcrc for a number of - , " cars and leaves a large l1untbcr , , 'f ' friends together with children : wintl grandchildren to mourn her - loss. She had suffered from . tru { alytic strokes several times anl ; 1 this eventually caused her ' ( leant } t , Thc funeral was held ' . \\"rcclncsda\ \ ' at one o\lock , Rev , , , incaid ofliciatiii . _ . ' ; CIIAIHHS V. HH.\Y , . ' : . Charles ' F. Dray thc man who _ -.was : : so badly frocn near Strauss- ' yule a few Bights ago and who . was Rubsequcl.t1y taken tothe . , . asylum for thc insane at Lincoln , 1 _ lied there Sunday of pneumonia. ( . The authorities have searched } in . , t : to < . ' .lIft } .J ' vain for some trace of the unf01- -1- : t > . ' ' - , I. , . ! tunate mans rclativcs. , If after "i > . - , _ . ' a'rcasonable : time thc\ ' do riot , - ' . _ succeed in this , the body' under - . thc law will bC g"CI1 : to some , rlwdical schooL Latcr-'j'hc man's relatives ' " have been found in Philadelphia. an undertaker from there having , wired to have the body embalmed and to hold it awaiting further r ordcrs ' - - - - , : \I 1S. ClIAHIHS : DA I.KA. , } 1\11'5. Charles Dall\a , wife .of a wc1l known young farmcrdicd at hc family home two miles north- \ west of Humboldt leaving a hus- band and one child--an infant \ . , daug'htcr. The deceased was a 4 - native of Nebraska , having been born in this county , twenty-one I years ago last Sunday. She . - ' leaves beside the relatives mcnt- . ! . ' ion cd above five married sisters , - _ . Will Ward of Table Iock , . Mrs. George Pierce and l\1rs. Sol i . . . Parker of Humuollt , \1rs. : Field- c ; ing- Parker of OW50n , Oklahoma. I Funeral services conducted at . ' thc Christan , church in IImn- f = holdt Friday afternoon , by He\ _ t ) \Jr. Wilson , and interment at thc cemetery in that city. ry " - - . _ _ _ - 1mGAI I , . AII.EN. ; . , . Edger L. Allen , a midlle-ag-cd man who came t rout Connecticut , . last June and has since been i ' ' Making his home with his uncle C. L' . Gridlcy ; and family , north of Humboldt lied suddenly Sun- day morning from an attack of heart trouble. The deceased was , ahout in his usual health 1ut 1 failed to arise with the rest of thc family st.ding" that he would not care for breakfast at that time. A visit to his room later revealed him cold in dcath. - A local phy- sician had been \ 'isitingthc . house for the 1 purpose 01 tr'atlngn - other member of thee family whose condition of health \'as cOllsiden l critical , but none an- ticipating" ill thc slightest degree . thc death of \1r. A IlclI , Thc deceased - ceased was about forty-thr e wears of age and ullmarricd. The funeral service wa' : conducted Tucsda . from hc l\letllOdist church by Rcy. John Cah'ert of . II UIII bold t. _ u _ _ _ " ) [ JS. . lIANIKA Sunday cning at six o'clock at the age of ( , I ) years \Irs. Han- ; il i ] it of this city passed into thc realms of that great unkllo\"II , The deceased was : horn 111 Austria and when quite young Citll.C ; to Amcrca and resided in Wisconsin - sin tor a number of ycars. At the age of 18 years : --he was united in marriage to Mr. Hani- kl to which ullion were horn eleven children , nine of whom arc living at tLc present datc. From Wisconsin Mr. and Ofrs. Bani J\il ; moved to a. farm north of this city where they madc their home until the last few wears when they removed to this dty. The deceased was a Christian wOlllan being a mClllbcr of thc St. Francis church of this city and the many friends of thc grief stricken husband , five Soils , four slaughters and two sisters extend words of condolence in this sad hour. Funeral services were con- ducted by l cBex at thc St. Francis . Catholic church Tuesday I , morning , internment being in thc Catholic cemetery at Harada. ; - - - ; \IHS. HANNAH SCHUl.HIt. . . Death ' has entered thc home of one of the oldest residclJts of Richardson County and summoned - ed a faithful servant from among us. : Mrs. 11annah Schuler gave up her earthly life on Tuesday January 24. 1')05 at 7 o'clock p.m. at thc age of (19 years , 3 months an(113 days. l\lrs. Schulcr had made this city her home for so long and held the highest esteem of all that her man ) ' friends feel the deepest regret over her } dcal h. - . - - - - - - - . Deplorable Condition. 'rhis paper has repeatedly called the attention of thc people to thcsulTering'illlloiig thc very poor of Fails ' City. One of thc teachers of our schools told a reporter that several childrcil canine to school " \Vcdncsday crying with the cold because they wcre insuOicicntly clad. Imagine - agine a little wisp of a girl going school wIth the temperature - pcraturc sixteen degrees be- low 'zerovi : thout so much aB a suit of underclothing to protect her little body , yet that very thing occurred in halls City \Vcdnesday lIIorn- inf. ! . 'l'he 'l'ribunc has done all and morc than it can af- ford- to alleviate this suffcr- ing- If any or all of thc mcrchants will \ gm t e sonic article of clothing , such as a hood , mittens , shocks stockings - ings , undem ' , : lothiiig , a cap or any other such gift and will 'io' ify us . cither ill person - I son 01' by calling our 'Ihone number , wc , will agree to . talc thc matter ! lip with thc teachers and see that the proper person calls for the t f.ift If you want to make any contribution in moncy however small , a quarter will buy a warm pair of sto kings , if you will let us know we will'g-ladly sec that the money ici i properly expended - pended 1 HI who would l not let your beast suffer \ from neglect , do something for the ttnfortumate children } ; who arc suffering about . you I I every da \ ' . IIL- " _ , , _ J As'an actIve mcmber of the Ladies Relief Corps of this city she will bc also greatly missed in that circlc. Hcr husband prc- cccded her five f years ago to that distant shore on which no shadow rcsts l\1r5. Schuler was born in Germany - many but when < quite young came to this city. Funeral services will bc held a t the residence this afternoon at one o'clock. OBI'I ' IJAm \ ' . William Penn Mycrs was born in Kingston , Pa. , Sept. 5 , 1874 , departed this life at his homc in Falls City , Ncbr , Jan. 17 , 1905 aged 57 years , 4 months and 12 da's. He : was a son of Madison F. and Harrictlycrs. : . 'rhc Y home was in the . .famons0 - ming valley of Pennsylvania where so mHny stirring scenes occurred - currcd tiring the American l c\- oJution. 'Elmelyers fatlmily bore an honorable part in that great strugglc. Lawrence Mycrs one of the early- , settlers received a large grant of landin - Pcnns\1vania . for heroic services in the I.\'olution. \Irs. Martha Bennett Myers , grandmothcr of thc dcccascd was a rcmarkablc woman and bore a distinguished part in tlic1r troub- lesome timcs. The Mcyers home- st ad stood on thc hanks of thc Susquehanna rc\'er near thc fort called "Forty Fort" because 40 brave ml.'n : defcnded' it in a terrible - ' - ble sicg-c. Lr rol1l this pioneer \ stock , strong and sturdy , \V. P. l\I.ycrs sprang , and from them hc no doubt inherited source of those .rling- dualities of character which so impressed all who knew l- lIe was patient , conscientious , self reliant and rcsolutC' No duty too small tOTccch'c his careful - ful atteutiomi.Ir. . l\leyers was , li'oted for his kindness of heart , those who worked for him for years never kncw him to speak unkindl ) ' , 1\11' lleyers'as educated at tttc famous Mcthodist Scminarics in Caxcnovia ,1IHl \Vyoming- He was a student of law at the uni- versity of l\lichig-an. In 1881 he was converted and united iti ith the 1\1. E. church in Kingston , Pa. , In June 1882 hc was united in marriage to Miss Helcn McCarthy four children were born to thcm , three still survive , Miss Miranda , . T l\liss Martha and Lawrence Myers. [ i ir. I\iyers came to Nebraska I to live l in 18')0 , subsequ'inttly 10- catcd in ; Michigan until 1/)00 when he ag-ain located in Falls City. He hal great faith in Ne- braska and especially Hichanboll County. The deceased leaves a wife , three children , one sister Mrs. Martha A. \Vea\'er m , one brother in Pennsylvania and man ) ' other friends to mourn his dcpartm'c. i 'l'he funeral service was held 1 in the l\1. ] D. church Sunday .Tali. 22 at 3 p. m. In thc presence of a large audience of pcople. Hev. W. ' 1' . Cline Ph. D. oOiciatcd. The tribute of our people as ex- prcs' cd-a good man and a worthy citizen has departed from our midst. ' ' ill 'l'hc intermcnt took place thc Steele Ccmetery.