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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1905)
Palls City Tribune BY TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO. ALLS CITY . . NERASKA. Strange to say , the New Yorker who tried to eat a whole roast pig on a " - K . wager did not get the better of the other animal , which was plainly the smaller of the two. Now that a Paris scientist has dls. I covered that kissing instead of being dangerous and deleterious is really pathologically beneficial , it is possible the practice will be resumed. The Washington Post thinks DI' hulls , after stating for one reason why young men do not enter the ministry - - - . that it does not wasted ; . - - - istry pay , f time in thinking up seven other rel1- sons. - - - Miss Joyce , the "perfect model , " , , leads the simple life to keep a pert - t " ' " ? , . ' - - feet figure. That kind of argument will have more weight with women " than years of preaching by Parson Wagner. t t A correspondent asks us to define a " , . philosopher. 'Ve reply that a plitloso ; pher is a man who has nothing that can bo stolen , and who is satisfied to get a square meal and a good night's sleep. , ) A Baltimore girl has sued a man for . ' , $20,000 because he kissed her with- out asking for permission. If that happened ' Ij pened always , and the suits were all successful , what a lot of bankrupts there would be ! , A Rhode Island girl who loves a - man of the name of Bumg-ardlner refuses - . , ' . _ , fuses to be his wife until he gets the . r Q ' - . . legislature to relieve him of the "Bum. " Here again we see the far- reaching influence of slang. t , . ( { . .p A Brooklyn millionaire is going to start a hotel In New York where you can live at the rate of 50 cents .q , Russell Sage will be overjoyed.r lIe . can then afford to stay downtown , nights If business is rushing. } A FlorIda girl was wooed by mall , but when he called to marry her she refused to become his wife. Courting by mall Is about as satisfying as a china egg on toast. Your true girl wants to be courted by a male-not by mall. One of the college presidents thinks the higher education will eventually cause the obliteration of the human race. Are "Ie to understand from thIs that the tIme is comIng when the man who confesses that he Is a father wIll at once be listed with the illiterate ? t Connecticut Is a unique state. It } has no public debt. It never had one until the civil war , when It borrowed $10,000,000 and Issued bonlls It never borrowed more and has the money on f hand to extinguish the last of that f debt. Connecticut Is an old.fashloned state. " " The French remedy for dyspepsia Is - worth trying in this season of heavy dinners. Smile ( but not at the bar ) and the facial movements themselves , with the autosuggestion connected with It , will stimulate digestion. Gustav Jacquet , time French artist , 'I who always uses his wife for a model , " " ' declares that she Is the most beautiful ! : iul woman In the world. That Is the way every husband ought to feel. The New York financier who has taken out a fife Insurance policy for $2,000,000 showed a realizing sense of the caprIces of fortune on Wall street. It Is proposed to train New Jersey mosquitoes to rescue travelers lost In the snow. The dogs of St. Bernard will have to go back to the kcnnel. J COL. BECIWFFH ; SAYS : "I Take Pleasure in Commending Pe-ru-na For Coughs and Colds. " Ii % ' : . ' , 4 I ( S : } Lr rs . , COL PAUL E. BECKWITH. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Colonel Paul E. eekwilh , Lt. Col. , retired , 1st neg. Minute Men , in a letter from 1503 Vermont avenue , N.V. . , Washington , 1) . C" , writes : "From the rmqualJfied endorsement of many of my friends , I take pleasure In commending your remedies for coughs and colds. It-Paul E. Becl wltb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN FIELD OR BARRACKS PE.RU.NA IS EFFICACIOUS. The constant exposure to the clements - ments experienced in nu out-dom' life is not so apt to cause coughs lud colds as sedentary habits. Those ! who are brought face to face with the weather every day in active life arc much less lillhl to catarrhal diseases than those who arc housed up in illy ventilated ALL CLASSES rooms Andyetboth of these classes are ARE SUBJECT TO . more or less subject CATAItR. to catarrh and catarrhal c1iseascs. The soldier as 1ve:1 as the civilian finds it frequently necessary to use Peruna . on account of coughs and colds. No one is exempt. The strong and healthy are less liable than the weak . and ill , but none entirely escape. " , " , -J , - - - - . . . . . Pcrnna has always been a great favorite with the military men , both in the army anll navy. The strongest rind ] of testimonials are received from omccrs of high raJlk ] concerning the virtues of IJoruua for all catarrhal ailments. Only n small per cent of these can he used for publication for want of space. :1Ir. lIarrison L. Dcam , Burnside Post No.8 , Department of the 1'otomlc , Colonel encampment r\o. : 00 ( } \ , Union Veterans Legion , Colonel Green Clay Smith Hegimcut No. 17 , q. V. U. , Dc- partmcnt of the Potomac , Military Order Loyal Legion , Department of Columbia , Major 34th Indiana Veteran Volunteer Infantry , writes : "There no longer any question ate s to the curative qualities of Pcrnna itJ nil catarrhal troubles. Its successful I use bJ' ninny of my friends entitles 1 . to con/dclcJ and endorsemclJt. " rrrrrrrrta - - . . . . . ® DEWEY & STONE FURNITURE CO. OMAHA RTIRiN r O fROM BUSINrSS I Everything In Furniture to bo closed out at once , regardless : oC cast. An opportunity - IJOrtunll worth coming hundreds or mill's . to take advantage or. . . - - - - - - - - - - c I i Wo would teach the fudy who buys. h Lesson number onO . , Starch is nn extraction i lof ' wheat used to stiffen fen clothed \VhOD /launderod , . Moat } ietarcheo , t in time I 'will ' , rot the goods the y r are used to r 18tiffon. V They cent ln ) A1'l' : clIemicala.1 ' ALf Defiance Star ch is absolutely pure . 1 It gives new life to lincn. It gives 5l1.tisfac- / : lion or money back It I , .f4 I sells 10 ounces for 10 cents ? at all groccr3. It is t4i , very best. MAtolHCTunm OJ Tl12 DHIANCf STARCII (0. , OMAHA , I. . - NEl3. ' - - ; \ - - - C'J - g _ ; A t . . o o , Look for this lH'1l1Hl 011 harnefis , collars , saddles , h01'l hlnnlccts , lap robes , etc. Made hJ' Harpham Bros. Co. , Lincoln , Neb. Drop us a card and will mall you a sou\'t nlr. - - - TWENTY BUSFIELS OF WHEAT ; ' TO THE ACRE t 10 the record on r'9 the Free Homo- 1I Gtond Lands of WostornCnnndu for 1904. The lr.oOOJ ' tnrmelH from the "nUctl Slnh R , who durluK the rHIHt Horen scare IUl\'o HOllO to CIIIIIIl pllrLclp ! III thlll prcepei ' lty. , The United Btlllc will Roonllecomc nn Importer of wllcnt. Oct II free homestead or IlIlreho" a farm In We torn CllnHtln , and become olle of th080 who will lieu' produce It . Apply fur Informntlon to Superintendent ot Im"'l- jlrllLon. ! Ottawa , Cu nadn , or tll authorized Vllnllllllln lo\'crnll1\'nt ; A lmt-\\ ' . 1' . IIl'lInctt , bill \ew York Life lIuiltllng , Omohn , Nclml 1a. I Please ray where you et\V tlllH ! tl\'orll.clucut. On Deformities and Paralysis : FreeBook will be vent free ) Hllltl'tahlllpon rCllllCllt. Tile hook ie I of n hundred [ 111\'C8. ! i i hand otnely lIIulllralllll thruu/illlJllt / and tells ot all el1crlellc8 : : ot u\'cr thIrty 'CnrH In l re e . 0 0 the trcatmcnt of ( 'ruuk"l r ' net SlIhml U.tormIU . Intl&llillo 1'1 rI"IH. Hip ) ) IHcl , Ho. ) ) oCnrllwd LIlli" and JolutN . It tell of the only tttorougly equipped S'lDltartulO / In tbls country devoted cXt'lu.lvol ) ' to the trcutlllcIIC ot tlltJ"o condittumI and how boy innp hll cured without Furgical uperatlons , , pluKtcr . . paris or other severe tr ntment Bend for thin lIook , anti If directly tntnrested . melltlull character ot tbo I1t11lctlon and Hpcl'lal IItcrnlllro lJCnrllll { Oil the luhJect will be tent with the bouk. THE L. C. MoLAIN ORTHOPEDIC SANITARIUM , 3104 PINE STREET , ST. LOUIS , MO. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color more ooods brighter and faster colors than and other dre. One 10c package colors silk , wool and cotton equally well and Is guaranteed to oive perfect results. Ask feeler : or we will send post paid at lOc a package Write bur free booklel-How to De. Bleach and Mix Colors. . )1 ( ) X1lu' : lilt UU ( ; U. , Uttuultte , .Wuourl . SMOKERS ( , flND LEWIS ' - SINGLE BINDER 5f Cigar better Quality than most 10f Cigars l"Qur Jobber or direct twin l"uctory , Peoria , 11' When AnswerIng Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. BEGGS : CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cures coughs and colds. o o - o - UUHLS WHLHL ALL tLOL 'rAILS. Heat Cough syrup. Tafte. ( ; oa1. U'o in time. Fold by drucglta. s m