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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1905)
. . - - - - - - - W Loans Lands. . . 610 Acre Marshall : County , I1aUS ( S. 51,000. Will consider 80 acres as part p.t ) ' . i HO Acres Richardson County , Neb. $6 , 100. . . J / Part in cu1t'a tion. Prairie land. , ' - 4 Good residence at a bargain , close to business Falls City , 150 Acres. \ \'ell1OCttetl. ; f1 ] Barg-ain in heal l Estate. : I , \ "Ioncto - I.Oai1. Annuai In- ' t terest. Optional Paymel1t I - - L--Hen C. I Mortag-es boug-h - - enry I Smith , Falls l City , Neb. : ShutJin . But True People the world over were I horrilied on learning the burn- I I ing- of a Chicago theatre in which nearly six hundred people lost ! their lives , yet tore than five times this number over 3.000 I pl'ople lied from pncumoni'a in Ch l : lJo luring the same year , with scarcely a passing notice. 1 very one of these cases of pncu- mrl1ia resulted from a ( old and could bare been prevented by the timl'ly use of Chambcrlain's Cough l emcd ) ' . A great many who had every reason to fear pneumonia have warded it off by thc prompt use of this remcdy. 'I'sle following- is an instance of this sort : " 'J } 'oo much cannot hc said 111 favor of Chamberlain's Coug-h l cmeely , and especially for colds and ia11ucnza. I know tlta t it cured my daughter I4auraof a severe cold and 1 believe \ saved her life when threatened with pneumonia. " W. 1) . Wilcox , 1..0- g-.tll , New York. Sold at Kerrs Drug Store. Thumb Torn Out. . Harry Moore , thc nine year ' old son of sir . and \Irs. George 1\rOOl' of Arag-o precinct , had his thumb torn out by a 'g-rind-stone Saturday afternoon. The child was brought to town and the I 111c111bcr amputated by Drs Hel1e- ler and Houston. , Deep Breathing. Try the advice of one who has tried the pcrient with success. t As you walk to and from your work take tl l < ! ep inhalations of air through the nose and expel it U through the mouth By so doing you put into active operation ! thousands of air cells tare never reached by ordinary breath- 1 jag , you : fill your blood with life u it giving ; oxygen and gently mass- age the bowels. There is not a physcian in Falls City who will not tell you that this t ! is the most healthful exercise you can take , and that a rational observance of it will improve the physical con- dition more than nincty per cent of the ( ] rugs and mcdicines. Arc you about out of stationary - ary ? Remember thet 'we make a j specialty of envelopes and letter heads for the farmers. . C.I. . . Hcinzelman of Vcrdon was in this city Saturday. . . - r ' - - - - - - - - - Mrs. Eelwin l alloon will enter- tain the Friends l in Council at her home next Friday evening for Miss Keim. Among the pro- mincnt features of the program will he a re\'iew of the passion play by Miss Gelling as seen by her .Miss Schoenheit who has witnessed the Messiah at inds- berg , Kans. , will read a paper on t su bject. Senator La ollette I of Wisconsin - sin , John Atwood of Lea\'cn- worth and C. I" . Rea . \ 'is of this city will delh'er the addresses at thcVa hing-ton's birthday dinner to be given by the Omaha club Wcdneselay e'eningFcb - ruary 22nd. \It. I eavis has chosen - en for his subject "The ind \'idu- al and his rig-hts. " A Falls City family hasa phone - ograpim , and the head of the house made a record by reciting Ing-er- sol's oration concerning " 'I he grave of the olell\apoleon. " 'I he other e'cningthe children were running thc machine and the lit. tlest one of them all said "Oh , play papas old sapolio rec- on ) . " The meetings at the Brethren church will continue at least through this week HeHa [ - kins has now been : holding these meetitig-s for three weeks and the great interest manifested is a tribute to his earnestness and abilit\ ' . You intended to sCncl in your dollar when you saw t he blue mark last week , elidn't you ? You just forgot it that is all. \Vellit isn't too late now. The 'rribllne aclwwledg-es its obligations to h.l. Grinstead for his ldndness in reporting the farmers institute proceedings for us. \Irs. John Gilligan i will lea ' e in a short time to join her hus- band in Oklahoma City. She intends - tends to be absent until April 1st. The ladies of the l\l. E. church held a vet y successful missionary tea at the home of "Irs. . .J.V. . Hell I'riclay l night of last wcek. Mrs. George \raust of Lincoln who has been visiting ( riends for several days returned to , her home Sund a \ ' . A Falls City , mother found her son's pocket full of granulated sugar the other c \'ening- henry oellers was a welcome visitor at this ollice Saturday afternoon. 1lr.Varcl of Nebraska City was in the city Friday afternoon. 1)r. A. Gaiser , dentist over Richardson county ha uk. Fred Cleveland jr came down from Salem Monday. Clarence Peabody spent Sun- day with Pearl Prater. Coal , \Yood and Hock Salt at Heck's feed store. Harden Prater left Sunday for St. Joseph. . . r . . , . - . . . . . . - - - - - - Eat Sowlcs Candy. 1\rs. H. C. Lapp has been quite ill for the past two weeks. , Yo C. Sloan was down from Verdon on business Saturday. Anna and Ale lrac1do'cre up from Preston' Friday e\'cning. Dr.R.P. Robertsdentist over kings ( Pharlnacy. Fresh hulk oysters direct from Baltimore at Coupe & Thorntons. For Sale-An org-an. nearly new. Inquire of Miss Grace Saylor , Home rendered lard and ] ionic . : ured hams and bacon at Coupe & Thorn ton's. Gene Fitzgerald spent Friday and S.turday wall friends in \Vhite Cloud. John D. g"ans came down from Verdon the . latter part of last week 'i' \ vo Choice steam heated rooms for rent in State Bank Building- ' Will Hossack visited the first of the week with his sister , \Irs. W. C. Sloan of e1'(10n. .l\Irs. Jesse Law and laughter 1\1 went to 'l'ahle hock via the 13 & ; M Saturday afternoon ' . Coupe & ' 1'holnton is still neck- I lug special low prices on lard , ham and hacon. Helen Fowler returned Satur- day from 'Vhite Cloud where she has been \ 'lsitingwith her uncle W. C. Maude. \label ! and Iyrtle , Spang-Ier of Jetl11ore. Kansas arc visiting the home of their aunt ; \Irs.John Hossack. l . - During the seSSIOn of the grand jury the lid will be ofT in Ii'alls City and the gay and festive "kitty" will be put in her cag-e. It \vi11 pay to keep Chamber- lain's Colic , Cholera and Diarr- hoea Remedy in your home. It only costs a Juarter. _ Sold at Ke1'1's Drug Storc. "I1's. Chri.tial Blauer , an aged lady , died at her home near the Kansas state line and funeral ser- ices were held at thc l at Humbollt c end acted by 1e' .Manshard The deceased was a native of Switzerland but has been a resident of this county since an early day. She was in her se\'enty-se\'cnth year , and leaves a husband and one daughter - ter , l\rrs. R F. Conrad of Hum- bold Missouri Pacific Railway Tlmc Tahle ( , Falls City , Neb. No men i No. Si Omaha and Lincolll I' xprcss . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 2:25 : : ! : : ; a 111 Xo. 53 Olllaha and Lincoln passcIIg-cr . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . A :00 : p m No. 233 Local 1 Freight t. A 11- . hllnl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 1:00 : ( p m SOUTH XO. 52 Kansas City anlI St. Louis and I > ; n\'ci- . . . . . . . A 3:10 : am No. 58 Kansas City and St. Louis : uul 1 Denvcr . . . . . . . A :40 : 11 111 Xo. 232 Local Atdli oll. . . 10.10 : a 11\ No. 330 : : ! Stock I'reig-ht.IIi- ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a \'atha . . . . . A 9:20 : II III A. Dail ) ' . B. Daily except Sunday. J. n. V.\HJtHAg-cnt. , . - - - . . t Wilson's . fl . , Special Prices on China < < , . - - - - Dinner Sets-8 different patterns to select fronl. German , Austrian and Haviland Ware. . " A full line of best English Plain and Decorated , -ci . Ware by the piece or set r ' . - The largest Stock of Glass- ---T-- ' ware in the. city , all kinds and , . _ _ prices , at - C. Me Wilson's'- , . . . . . \ - - - - Cut Flo"Wers . Fine Fruit . . . . . . . . . . - - j t . Nabisco Sugar ' 1 Wafers . gflates , Figs and " . ' Raisins Plain and Fancy , Ice Cream : . For Parties and \Ved i J dings , order of . s Sowles' : . I . . . . - - - - - - - - . " . - , - - - -J ' fr" .t ; A Blue Mark evils advise f yoil that you are in arrears : = . rears for one years subscription - , sCI-iption to The Tribune' fA \Ve would ! appreciate a -r II rein ittance. - - - . - - . v-Pw . , For . Sale. . One 1)uroc .Jersey hale hog ; , , : sired by Red Ceief. Dam Red. Queen. if , . Cheap taken at once. -n. J. Kloeppel , H. F. 1) . l'.p. ' ' . 1 , Rulo. - 3-2t : . , ' . . " . ' : i , . _ , . . 1