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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1905)
t Twice Told Tules. Mel Hcr hey of Falls City spent the fore part of the week in Verdon.- Verdon Vedettc. Fritz Herbster of Falls City was interviewing friends in in these parts 'J'uesday.Verdon Vedette. ( - - - A small company of 1riends were entertained on Wednesday evening by j l'a Cooper at her hem , complimentary to her guests , thc Misses Holland , Slo- , , . . cum and Klnntan.Tll1St was indulged in and dainty refresh- meiits aldcd to the - cvcmng's pleasure. II um bold t r4eadcl' - - - - One of the new lady editors of the Beatrice Express has her bon- net on straight when she writes that justice will remain un- throncl and wrong'S unrig'hted ese so long as party weighs more than principle and ballots have a 11101H'Y val'le.-Hutt1boldt Lead- e r . - - - - Gideoal Daes l111er is now printing - ing' a pap r at Darrow , O. ' 1' \ , for thc Gi iitlirie , Ii'ain'icw l & Western ' Construction Co. , Whldl has fuundcel the ' town. He has asked to he made postmaster and will doubtless he appointech . -1Iia- wathaWorld. . - - - - We Live Close To Hitt . vatha. , A skating rink has. just been started in Falls City , the first time the anluse\11ent ; \ has heen re- vh'ed in 12 years. In order that there may be no misundcrst , , and- ing- , it should be mcntioned that it is a roller skating rink Falls } City is used to every o1\1er : \ Idnd of skates. --Hiawa\ha . Wor1 < - - - - - Workc 1 Up Over Nothnt" : ' " ' 1 lie Falls City papers arc again in a ferment ever the \ [ iss- ouri Pacific division qucstion They feel l sure , that Ii' C. is soon to have a division point cstahlisil- cd there. 1'he town has about as much chance of getting the division - sion as Hiawatha has had since it was mo\'cd fronChere to Atchi- son.Hiawatha \\101'1 ' . - - - - - - - John gichstaedt sold forty-nine hogs to Vandercnter & Wagner last week. The hogs averaged 345 pounds and one weighed 650. J. D. Cu , tis r : Iso l sold to the salllc firm forty-li\'e hogs which aye raged 318 pounds Both of these gentlemen were paid $4.50 a hundred - drcd for their hng-s' the highest market price paid here last weck -Stella Press. - - - - - - - - - - "Thc Sting of Ingratitudc" Here is what wc call bas , r ing'ratitude. For 10 , these mangy ' moons thc l"'al1s f " City Journal ha ! ' Been sending its roustabout al1 through the country handing hot t air to the farmers and feeding them taffy and publishing" } kind ] of silly compliments about them , but in spite of all this we notice that the program for thc farmen institute was printed in thc jot department of the Falls City News.- [ Imn oldt Entcrprise. . , - . ' - , - - - - . , So Sty Wc All. Allen I ) . May , editor of the Humboldt Enterprise , one of the brig'hest weeklies that come to our exchange table , roasted "the roustabout" in a most beautiful ItHlltncr m last \vcck. Mr. May's opinion agrees precisely , , 'ith that of many other pcople.-Ver- dolt cdettc. An investigation : . into thc illitc- acy of the convicts at the state penitentiary discloses the fact that fort , , -six cannot read or' write. Out of.thc 300 prisoners in tii : institution it is estimated that over 40 per cent arc in , iiced of instruction , A 1110\'C may ; be made to have a school established at the penitentiary for time instruction - st1'l1clion of those who need tq obtain - tain a fair cducation.-Ilumboldt Stanlard. - - - Scripture Callc. Pauline Lawsonof Mound City , I\lo. . gives this recipe for scripture - ure cake : Four cup of 1 Kings , 4:22 : ; one and onc-half cups of udgcs 5:25 : , last clause ; two cups of Nahum 3.12 ; two cups of Jcre- miah 6:30 : ; two cups of 1 Samuel 0-12 ; one cup of ' Numbers 17:8 : ; two'teaspoonsful of 1 Samuel "H : 25 ; season with two teasJooltsf'ul of 2 Chronicles : ( ) ; ; six 'of J ere- miah 7:11 : ; a pinch of'Lc"iricus 2:13 : ; nC-hjllf cup of Judges .4:19 : 1 , last ' claus ; two teaspoonsfuls of Amos 4:5 , : , Y - Net long since a traveling representative - presentative of a printing house was in town soliciting job work. Hc represrntcd his house as do- ing cheaper work tim'n : this office , and quoted prices on big lots One man upon whom he called preaches and constantly practices I Patronize hOlllc industry " I He carne to this office for prices and , found that he , could get , the work done here cheaper than by giving his order ' to the solkitor. The solicitor called upon . . . . nuther man in the same business , again . mddng' ; time same Ieprescntations. 'his ( man took the so1icitor's word and when the order was delivered - livered found that he hat.l . paid l more than the home office charg-l for such work : It is al- I . ' 50 a fact that thc work and material - terial were of such a grade that had the home office supplied the order , the job Would 1 not hays been acceptcd.- . --Stella 1 ) rcfs. - - - - - - - The Hun + er of a Dab } " ' : ! Hea.rl. A touching story comes from i i Brock. A few months ago in' ' . . a tit of 1 temporary insanity . caus- I ed In' sickcs : in the family , Mrs. Henri Desconde , a french woman living in the northwest part of i the county committed suicide by , drowning' herself in a rain barrel. Her tragic act left motherless a large family , among them a babe about three months old. After the death of the mother the babe cried incessantly and seemed to ) be pining away with : g-rjl'f. S-"m- pathetic women of the ncig"hbor- hood tried to ministcl to the little one , offering it thc needful food , and while it was properly nour- ished it continued to pine and \ , iLStC awa r. It was a clear case of a baby dying of g"ief. : Finally a great . hearted , mgtlierly Frcnchwoman camc in , and taking the child in her arm , sang an old ] , old lullaby in the patois of Loraine , a folk song of thc peasants 'l'he fretful cries of the babe Ceased , it closed its eyes in con- tent , and dropped into peaceful slnmbor. The mother tongue had cured the ache in its little heart Since then thc good Frenchwomln has visited the saddened home from day to day to sing her song and to lull the little one to slcep. The babe has recovered and is growing into strong and vigorous baby lioud.- Auburn Herald. Trca urcr's Report , 'I ime - anHual report of the county treasurer published in the last issue of 'l'hc Falls } City TrilH111C shows the financial affairs of the county to be in splendid condition. On D cpm- I ber3lst , there was H cash bal- ncc of SSO,12.20 on' hand and 1 not a rel..istered'arrant , out - stanlin In other words the county has this stun of money on hand with \vllich to begin a new rcar. If there were a number of interest bearing warrants to draw against this balance that conli- tion would not be so favorable. Jut ] thc county is out of debt. Thc cash balance is all available fur county nceds. . This large balance 'should have its effect 011 taxation. ' 1'herc should bc imo need of a large ley ) this ycar. If the county board does its duty by the people it will make a levy in proportion to the am0ttilt on ha n(1. ' 1'hcn taxes will be c.orrespunding-Iy lower. It remains to be seen what will be done in the matter. 'I'helargecash balance on hand ] is due largely to Treasurer % ooi 's dillig-encc in collecting delinquent taxes. A distress warrant hall not been issued ] in this county fur years prior to \1 r. uok's in\'I1I11- bcncy. But the law says that the treasurer shall issue distress warrants and Mr. Zouk obeyed , the law. Wl' imagine that it was a hard timing to rlo in some cases hut thc trca.url'r had ; till' nerve ' " . . _ . . " ' - - - - , , , to do his duty as laid down by thc , law. " f Not , long ago we heard a prominent - inent republican say that Martin Zook had cost the people of this county More money than any man that ever filled thc treasurers oflice. At first wc took the re- ' . mark ( as a criticism ot the treas- . urcrs official record , but the man smiting'l r explained himself. Treasurer look has madc more people pay their taxes , consc- qucntly he has cost the pcople : more moncy-but no more than the law presumes than an efti- den treasurer shall cost the peo- . ple.- - IIurimboldt Enterprise - - mss ' A line in NC1l1aha Pre- ' SO acres - cinct , kno\\'n as the St rl Gentry place will hc sold at the Court house on 'l'hursdaHth Feby , 1905. at 2 o'clock p. tn. - Eva ---r Gentry , Almx 2 Ii Call Phone No. 21 For F eel Kerosene It. I - \\'on't smoke your chim- . ne\ . ' s.'e Cl1Ta . full . . line of . " Staple & Fancy Groceries , . . - SamlJle 0 u r delicious ! ' . lunch ( on wafers. Free ' cleli\'er\ . in city. . ' L. C. MAUGER' ' . . , . . -a-m. I j i btretch ii the ! i ' - r , Trt t I ' , / t ' ; ' r\ . . . ; Thk , 1&J % t.Ilrw , ' ti , . is yerV poor husile ) \\e ! al \ \ ' ys tell just the ( ' ; aci ; i - facts about mil' coal iu i t u' I - ad\ ' rLising- and all 1v : ' ask is that Volt give'it.l trial ! illld ; . ' see : whether ( < fir not tall : ; is a ' fact. \ V e can al ways peas'd ! , you , and save : : llOney : 1.)1'"r' you at time shape diii . " ' ; i "r'I 'R 0 S. I - Phone 58. I. ; . L ; ' - . ' . ' \ - - " ' = : 'YN' " " ' , : " Vf."k ' - ( " ; t ! ' Z I ' - - _ ; i . $ n ; 1ifgf. ' - ; " " " ' ; o'1' ' f : o'1':1 : iiaj [ , 't < 12 DISEASES : ; i , , t" " ' Peculiar to WOIIII'II cured with 3)R. . ) \'EH'S VITA Sl"S'1'E " " ' J , . ' < Wu 10 not nsk you to tale our unsupported trurd \\0 will J' < ' , \ ' " , ,1 ; : : g\ 'oll to IJ'I\ll'rull1ntll'lIli : In vane oWlllot'allt ) ' . UU. ill . .a'J ; n's fll ! ' i tR , , . # 11l1l1t'11 1'rA sltarLJi ; speedily cures the l\1o't ' ' ' . . - r . d ) : : nto ! hllp'II' ! 01' " " : C- ( ; ' 1 ' called lneuu . ttlilo , , unsex itltoUt knife or . .oln. ( It I-t 1 rat'i 1- am'y .111. . . ; 4 , 1t'l'l'lIt front nllrthlll , CIHO under the Sun , being IHI ltl"Ily hat'lII' . y 'f' { I lode , rellahl" , 1111111110 and olrrutiVU : , Its < l1"'OY" .y ' Ii' t1 l ) " ' t the : / " ' uutankiud.lxingstyled ) l hy nutn ) ' as the ) ml\chau \ CIII't'ltc. It 1' ; ( : , . L. M . Y . A , flues nut merely cure the twe \ ' u UI"ea" " melltllllll' I III our 1..J. 1 . A , . , M , D. Litt r..1l0\'l'8 fiu1TI'rers 11'1111I 'l'llnlllrH , Cunc.r and ' 1'uuuruu. . ' ot . .Hrst , crllwthll without the \lse of the .nlfu. . . fi' O'AN 1-rite postal tCldl\ ) ' . 81111\1) ' f1I ) ' , S..nl1 too your Fm ! ! S HonE ; : , 'r 12 HI."l\lIl'sl'f'clillur to 'omen It IIhllllil 110 read II ' all ' ' , . by Sull'urint1011I11. . , .I\ ' . ' ( Sent enl ' 10 1\'unten.j Address , 1' THE VITA COMPANY ; Hiawatha 1 Kansas I , U. ' S' 1k , p ; o ; S'.m I . , , tl i . : 1 r . - . - - - - - , - - . . .