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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1905)
i . , - . . . . . - How Is It With You ? Life must bc rather a sad old ' game after ' all. Four nun in middle life were seated in the smoking room of a Pullman the i other night. Each was stranger - er to the others. One looked up from a magazine : he was reading and said , "herc is a fellow who . says his misfortunes have been a blessing to him I can't say that and I think I have had mysharc , " "So have I , " 'said the second with a faint smilc. "And I , " added .thc third. The fourth raised his hand to his head with a gesture of weariness and looked out upon thc flying earth white with the snow and moonlight. The snow was dirty , for it was getting old , but the man made 110 re-ply. - - - Telephone. The Preston Mutual telephone compan has again tricd to secure admittance by arrangements with the local company and again has failed. How long thc citizens ! of this city will permit this fran- chisc ordinance "to remain in force to the detriment of our friends the farmers remain to be seen. Will sonic one give one good reason why the local com- P:1I1Y. : the Bell company and thc Intcr-state company should bc given rights in this city that arc dcnicd such men as constitute thc Preston Mutual Telephone Co ? Do you know thc origin of thc word nc's7 Many years ago it was customary to place at the I head of publications thc initial' I , letters of - thc . compass , thus : N I V { E S I Finally thc form was changed by using thc letters NE\VS. The original form was to signify that thc matter was obtained from thc { four corners ot the carth. The Tribune makes no such claim but it docs claim to publish more news .mattcr than any other local paper and for less moncy-S1.00 per ycar. Arc you a subscriber ? i Theodore Roosevelt Horn. A little son was born tolr. . and rrs. Chris Horn last wcck. After a serious illness Mrs. Horn is reported dS ra5idly rcco\'cring. Chris has named thc boy Theodore - dorc Roosevelt and is treating his friends fo thc best in thc land in celebration of thc young man's birth. Dancing Party. A very enjoyable and largely attended dancing part was giv- cn by thc young married people I at Ryan's hall Thursday evening of last wcck. Moonlight Dance. Carl Scdlmayr and Joe Palmer _ gave a moonlight dance Friday i ' c\'cninr. , : About twelve couple f were present and all enjoyed a F novel and pleasant cvcning. .t . 1 Well Sound Taps ! Saturday night January 28 our Shoe Sale wIll end and we will then close one ot the f ' ' . . , Grandest . . . Shoe Sales - the people of Falls City have ever witnessed. That they have relished it could be plainly seen by the crowds that we have had . laily. But we are compelled to declare the finale and Saturday night taps will be ounded. Of course , till then you have the pick from the best shoes made-Shoes that were . Never Intended to be Sold at Our Present Prices - It's' hard on the other Shoe Dealers we know , but these Shoes must go. To look means to buy. So don't look unless you want to purchase , for if you do von can't help - . . . . buying.Ve will be pleased to see you , at any rate. - . lfanV omaIi or Child-there's a pair of excellent Shoes waiting for von Jiere , at a price so low that it will surprise you. ' I Come , See . Geo.B.Holt The Shoe I . . , anJ , Surprise Party. The young folks near Dawson and Salem gave a surprise party on Miss Minnie Schuttc of Dawson - son Wednesday evening Janu- ary 18th , It being her birthday. A jolly time was enjoyed by all. Light refreshments were served. - - - - - - - - - - - - - A Prisoner an Her Own house - Mrs : . \V. H. Layha , 0 [ . 1001 i Agnes A\'e. , Kansas City . Mo. , has for several years been troubl- cd with severe hoarseness and at times a hard cough , which she says , H\Vould keep l mc in doors for days. I was prescribed for by physicans with no noticeable re- suIts. A friend gave mc part of a bottle of Chambe : rlain's Cough Remedy with instructions to close- ly l follow thc directions and J. wish to state that after thc first day I could notice a decided change for thc better , and at this time after using it for two weeks , have no hesitation in saying I realize that I am entirely cured. " This remedy is for sale by A. G. \Vanncr. Mrs J. R. Cain once gave thc "hircd girl" a dose of iron tonic for that tired fccling. Just as she handed it to thc girl in a glass of water , one of thc boys came in and not understanding I why any one should swallow iron asked thc girl if she took it internally - ternally , "no" replied thc girl innoceutly Hyour mama says I must take it in watcr. " I The case of the statcof Nebraska - ka against Burt Ogden for shoot- ing John McClellan at Milo a few weeks ago , was continued for fif- teen days at the request of thc Statc. The court fixed the bond at 100000. Theodore Smuckcr entertained about twenty of his friends at a party Friday afternoon in celc- bration of his fifth birthdy. A most enjoyable time was had by all the little guests. 1'0 many of you The Tribune has been coming each week for a ycp r.Vc believe it has becn"a good ncwspaper. It has cost YOU less than ten cents a month. \Vc would bc very glad to have you pap your subscription if you arc ' , in arrears. 1\lr. and Mrs. J , R. Cain accompanied - companied their laughter Miss Nellie Cain to her school at Columbia - lumbia , MiSSOUri , on Monday. 1\11' and Mrs. Cain will visit in several places in Missouri and I Kansas before returning home. Cards have been received \'C an- nouucing the marriage of Jessie June Grable , daughter of Mrs. Sallie Grable formerly of falls City. The wedding will occur I February 7th at Pasadonia , Gal. There is a certain gentleman in town who is always stopping us on thc street to compliment thc various issues of this paper yet hc never bought the paper in. . his life. Don't bc a spongcr. Cecil Graham of St. Louis , for- merly of Falls City attended the Lumbermans convention at Cin- coIn last week and visited over Saturday with his parents in this ci ty. The beautiful silver cups won by Will Vcach in his shooting match ' with Clayton ol Kansas City arc on exhibition in George Holt's show windows. Harry Jcnnc and wife of Falls City were guests at the home of E. Wheeler a few days this week. -Stella Press. Judge Kclligar was in the city a few hours Friday cn route from 'l'ecumsch to Auburn. Lest you forget-did the blue mark catch you. I Trade with Tribune advertisers Henry Rogers came down from . Beatrice Sunday. Doff Barnhart of Auburn was in this city 'londay. . C. F. Rcavis was an Omaha , r visitor Thursday. \VC do all kinds of job printing - Let us figure : with you. " - Arc you a subscriber for the ( ' . Tribune ? If not , lvhy not. - Fresh bulk oysters direct from Baltimore at Coupe & 1'horntons. - \ l'wo Choice steam heated rooms for rent in State Bank Building. Elizabeth Miller is visiting with her sister 1\lrs. J. Smith in Omaha. Sale bills printed promptly , ' and j a free notice inserted in the pa- I per. , Mrs. Marion and ( laughter re : .rc . . i turned Monday from Merrill , , ' I Kansas , " ,1I Monte rendered lard and benne l I cured hams and bacon at Coupe & 't ' horn ton's. . I Mrs. Themes Fisher of Shil\\- \ lice , Ok. , is visiting her sister , Mrs. Joseph Varncl' < I3eruian Bochme of Rube \ \ as - in tht' city Monday in attendance 011 the Ogden trial. / Mr and 1\1rs. John Joseph ' were 1\1. P. passengers to Atchison - - . son last Saturday afternoon. . , . - Mr. J. Morchend returned Sat- urday from a week's stay in F'ill- cy and 'rce umseh. Helen Fowler left Monela . . afternoon for White Cloud where she will spend a few days with ' relatives . . A Falls City lady who was calling , one day last wcekcntercd five houses where grip was a visi- tor. - {