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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1905)
, _ . . i . . t ' , . - , ' . 1i. . . . , . . . I . 1. ' :1 ) I " - ' - I 't , \ . " , . . , . " , \Tol. II. [ No. 3 FALLS CrrY'n NEBRASKA I , FRIDAY , JANUARY 20 , 1905 Whole No 55 , - , ; . About the Division. I' t . 'l'hc chances for Falls City to I . . : , ' get thc division , was . never I so . good , , as now. 'rhat tillS is true is rile . result of what seems at first l sight J. w , , - . to he a very foreign cause. Sometime - . ' : : - - time . since Omaha secured . what . . ' ' is known I as a proportionate . ' . * ' , , freight ratl' 'l'hc result was that , _ all the grain in the northwest has , ! - . , been . , ( dividc l from the Chicago " , . and St. LoUts markets and is car- . vied < 1 direct to the gulf for expot t 1emand. To reach , the gulf it is : necessary for shippers in thatl , territory to use thc Missouri l' ' Pacil from Omaha south and to ' 1 - the gulf via thc Texas Pacific 1 lsailie manag-c\l1cn \ as thc M. P. ) r l vets now thc freight trains on this road are running in five ( to : r " " + . twelve sections to accomodatc . a . : ' ; ' , : tie grain shipmcnts. General . .4 . , ) tanager Sullivan was in Omaha last week and told some of the j Omaha officials , so the ' wrih was _ . . ' . . told by one who heard the remark , , : . : . nc. that this Immcnsc , freight husl- . ness'made ' it imperative that thc ' . .I\\ \ . . ' division 1 He moved . . to l'alls City , . , -4'f. , c : its locatIOn was cost- as ' " ltsprcsent i . . . . . of - i1i ! thc railroad thousands of ' 1. 1 " dollars a year ' unncccssar I r. ' : The writer has never believed I = until now that thc division was t more than a remote possibility. \Yc have reached tll conclusion that we arc 'it'and } that an announcement of great interest to all of our people will shortly he forth coming- One flan's Sport. A rosy cheeked little lad and his still smaller sister were hav- ing all kinds of fun "hooking" their sled ! onto thc different conveyances - vcyanccs passing up and : down stone street Saturday One brute I waited until the boy had secured I ' the rope of his sled to he conveyance - I ancc and then reaching back . 1 struck the child in the face with . his hand knocking him into the ' 4- SIlO\\ The little fellow picked himself up and went limping and crying home with little sister , tagging on behind , their fun ruined for thc day The instincts . . of sonic men arc unspcakablc. ( , Girl's Sad Plight. , , . Bettie Rhodes , a young woman of Salem , Neb. , who came to St. Joe Monday in search of house ' work , ttttercd into he union pas- scng"cr station early this morning- weary from her unsucccssul quest . . and half frozen and half starvcd. Her plight might not have been . discovered had she not succumb- . . r \ eel l to weariness and hung"ct' Thc girl fainted shortly after she en- tercd the waiting room and w are revived by passeng-crs. Women noticed her scanty attire and after much questioning thc girl broke into tears and told the story of her attempts to get work in St. Joscph. She is an orphan and came to the city Monday and since then has endcavored to ob- tain cmploymcnt. She , was unsuccessful - successful and when her money was : exhausted she entered the union station where she intended to spcnd the nig"ht.Vork in a private family will \ bc secured for h'r.-St. Joseph Gazette Jan. 13. - - - - - - - flan Frozen. Charles F. Bray who claims to have been an employee in hc Union Pacific shops in Omaha until quite recently , and who is undoubtedly dcmcntcd , was badly frozen Thursday night of last weck. Hc came into town from kilo ' 1 ' 'l'hursda _ afternoon lIic1 : stated hat t he was on his way to Kansas City from Denver . but had ( JetC'rmincelnot to go to Kansas - sas City because of eight men down there who were going to kill him bccausc hc was a "scab. " After drinking to excess he walked out to Strauss\'illc and notwithstanding the thermometer registered ten degrees below zero , he slept all night in the buggy shed of Jacob Strauss where he was found in the nwrning" 1\1r. Strauss gave him his breakfast , after eating which the unfortu- natc man went to the granary and barricaded hil lself from Strauss. lIe appeared to fear harm from some source On thc advice of l\rr. James the county attorney , the sheriff drove out and got him. His feet are badly frozen and thc probablities are he will lose one of thcm. There was nothing about him to identify - fy him. He had twenty-fivc dol- lars in money and an empty whiskey bottle. He gives his name as Chas. Bray and that his home is somewhere in New Jersey He is being cared for in the Mercy hospital. Printing Contracts. The contract for furnishing the supplies for thc county next year was given to H. P. Custcr he being thc lowest bidder therc- for. 's ' he printing of thc super- visors proceedings was given the News and Humboldt Standard. Petty Spite. Johnny Martin has appealed from thc alto , \'ilnCC of 'f hc'fribunc claim for printing thc ballots for the last general election , and thc niattcr will bc heard at the nest term of thc distl'ict court. Notwithstanding - . withstanding the bill allowed is. less than thc claims heretofore paid for thc same work. Johnny is so impotently angry at us that hc has held it up for a short time. Johnny wanted thc work himself and asked for it , hut 'l'he'rribune was successful in securing the cmploymcnt. " 'l'hc log in thc mangcr" is one of Johnny's chief charactcristics. "If I can't have it , the other fallow can't" has been thc policy of thc little man [ or several yearsSo : notwith- standing 'l'hc Tribune was to receive - ccivc less than 'l'he Journal received - ce'cd in lSII , considering the work done , Johnny files his little appeal and says to himself "see what a big Loj' am 1. " 's ' he straits in which hc found himself - self , , is .indicatcd , . t , " . by , the bond hc offers signed by himself , his bro- ther F. I . Martin and W. S. Leyd In the meantime tj'he Tribune goes peacefully on its way of taking thc subscribers of the poor old Journal , and fretting thc timid soul of little Johnny. Woodmen Circle Instal- . 'l'hcYoodmcn Circle n1C't in regular session Saturday , Janu- ary , 14 1905. For ; purpose of installing - stalling thc ofiiccrs Those elected - ed as follows : J\1rs. Della Stumbo , guardian ; I\l 1'5. h/uina / Lcitzke , ae1'iscr1 ; ss Violet Lippold , clerk ; J\frs. Lcttie Jobe , banker ; Mrs. Ida Stumbo , attendant ; Miss Ruth l'inlcy ; , magicIan : Dr II. N. Miner , phyoician ; 1" rank Stumbo inner sentinel , Ed Hannah , outer sentinel ; G. J. Crook , G. W. Stumbo , J. Richards , managers ; J. G. Crook acted as installing otlicers , and did credit to himself and the order. After thc session was over thc lodge enjoyed an oyster suppcr. Will Veach Wins. Richardson county leads again at a shoot held il' Kansas City Sunday , Will Veach , of Vcrdon won the Elliott target trophy. At lee targets , Veach broke : 86. Thc score nearest his was 75 made by one Clayton. After the m lt ) Clayton challenged Veach and a return match will be held probably in St. Joe. In addition to the target shoot Sunday Veach made a straight kill of live I birds , wLlning' (10 per cent of thc prize moncy. Veach IS rapidly getting a national rcputation. It has been- rumored that he will devote his entire attention to this field and he certainly will land at the top. I uillboidts Park. A case was instituted in the district court this week against the heirs of C ) . J. Tinker to quiet the title to thc city block jut ' ,'here seems to bc . some question concerning the. dedication of thc block end the city council has detcrmincd to settle the entire matter without further cI'lay . - - - - - - Ogden Trial. 'f lie preliminary trial of Burt Ogden , the young man , who shot John McClcllan at Ratio on New Years day was set for trial before Judge Wilhite Oil 'l'hursday. Ia. Fal1'oon and the county attorney appearcd for thc state and Sample Newton of Hiawatha and C. F ; . Rca\'is for thc dercnelant.Vc g"0 to press too early to annol1nce' the result of the trial though it is presumed that the defendant will be bound over as hc intends to make no defense at this hcaring" . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - N. E. Grinstcac1 was a B. & 1\1. passenger for Salem Saturday. The appeal from 'l'he 'l'1'Ibunc's bill for printing ballots was tak- cn Friday , Jan. 13th. If the fellows - lows who took the appeal don't prove a Jonah , the elate will. 't ' he great shipments of grain have about convinced thc \Io.Pa. , people that this should be the main. line. It will probably \ re- stilt in ml1terial improvement to the road heel mill l.'qinpuH'Ilt. From the assortment of shapely - ly legs seen in the niiuslimi advertisements - tiscmen of the great dry goods stores , one wouid think the ad- vertister were trying to attract the'a ttcn t iun of the mcn instcad 01 thc women. \Vouldn't you like to bc a boy again ? 'Vc know one who came home from skating Saturday evening after being out all clay. He ate a plate full of inch thick porterholt c , two baked potatoes , two apples. two dishes of corn , about a half a loaf of bread and drank three glasses of milk. He went to bed at seven o'clock and was asleep before his mother finished "tucking him in'and didn't awaken until eight the next morning.