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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1904)
. - . , r . falls City Tribune BY TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO FALLS CITY. NEBRASKA . . . . . 'rho typhoid microbes are pretty .wldeawalto , hut they are very easilY taken In However , Mr. and 1\II'B. Mosquito are still laughing In their sleeves at the eminent scientists. After a man takes more than $5,000 they quit cnlllng It stealing and refer to It as emhezzlemont. An observer says that the earnings oC married women are decreasing. How about their expenditures ? The mental anguish oC a dry man In n wet district Is exceed only by that ot n wet man In a dry district. Now that "Josh Dllllngs" Is dead , Prof. Davy Jones of Lancaster claims to be the "grentest English seller" living . 't ' his talk about time uselessness of the verlform appendix Is very fool. ish It's exceedingly useful to the doctors. The Duke and Duchess ot Marlbor ough arc reported to lIe living npart. There are only n few happy American duchesses 10ft. The Pennsylvania clergyman who shot nt a burglar the other day and hit him has eUl'nod the thanks of the entire congregation. Since love alone males It worth the while ! to 11\0. . Let all bo now forgiven uull OI'II\'C. says Alfred Austin In his latest poem , All right , Alfred , we'll forgive ) 'ou. A scientist has discovered that loaf. lug Is conducive to health and longov Ity. Come to think of It , who ever saw tramp suffering from arteriosclerosis . , sclerosis ? I If n person has a legal right to snore shoulll two persons snoring at the Dame time and In the same room be i compelled so to snore as not to make a discord ? . Even though 1\11' J. P. Morgan has just paid $13,570 for a miniature portrait . trait oC the duchess or Norfolk , by 1101beln , 1\Irs. Morgan has no reason \ to be jealous The Russians are not the first pea. plo ] to float mines. Wall street has .hf'en ! In the business for J'ears. And : many au Innocent craft has been ( wrecked thereby We suggest the following subject of world Interest for the sweet girl ' graduato's essay : Will the Russian , blouse ever be entirely superseded by ' the Japanese kimono ? I' Of course , if one of those floating mines sinks a neutral ship our pro. Jap shouters will Insist that It was a . _ + mllleHl l 01' u. mlneovltch , and that the " ' . JUIS were not responslhle. A Youngstown man dropped dead from sheer oxcltoment as the last man went out In the ninth Inning the other day. So happy 1\ death docs not fall to the lot ot every fan King Edward recently received In private audience CUlil. 1\1uhan , U. S. N. , ( retlrCll-tho man who knows pretty much everything about nIl kinds of shillS excepting lordships. . . . The piano dealers wore able to get ' : " together only 200 old square pianos for the bonfire at their national convention - ventlon in Atlantic City. You see , wo had 1\ coal , . strike a year ago last win- tel' - - - - . . - - 11 ' NEWS IN NEBRASKA STATE IN BRIEF. Flag day was quite generally ob. served throughout the state. Beatrice has sent fait horses to lov"\ under } control of Fred Itobore 'rho Grand Army of the Republic will hold a reunion Ilt Franklin August 22.25. Owen D. Peppen , wanted for larceny aK halloo at Dakota City , has been arrested rested at Topelcn. A reward of $50 Js offered for recov cry of the body of young Bessey , recently - contly drowned at Elk City. Three calves of smallpox have devel aped In one at the hospitals at the Sol- dlors' home at Grand Island Gibbon will celebrator the Fourth In grand style thin year with steam merry.go.'rounds and games and races of all lnds. l Grand Island college , which started I the year In debt , is out of debt and has $13,000 for a new dormitory which is ! under construction ! , and about $25 , 000 has been added to the endowment fund. Julius Kushman , farmer residing south of Nebraska City , was kicked In the jaw ' while unharnessing a team. The kick of the horse broke his jaw and caused concuslllon : of the brain. He 11:1 : not likely to recover. Violations of association rule were charged by members of the State 1m. element dealers in session at Lincoln. Some of the members , It was said , were either robbing the farmers with exorbitant rates or giving inferior mac lnery for good money. . Sixty.two graduates of the medical colleges of the state : took the examination . tlon before the state board of medical examiners for permits to practice medicine In the state. Of the number all hut two were uv to the required stand rd and will be Issued licenses. . The residence of Frank Wolf , who resides in OIenover , Gage county , was struck by lightning at an early hour In the morning. The family was away from home with the exception or MI' Walt , and when ho arose he found the roof on tire. The flames were extinguished . gulshed by the neighbors , who formed a bucket brigade before much damage \ resulted John Cloupelc , a farmer about 27 years of ago , living five miles east and one mile north of Ulysses , was found lead in his cornfield. He went to the neld after dinner and had plow. cd only three rounds. 'Vhen found , the horses were standing where they had stopped when the man fell off the cultivator. Death Is supposed to halve / been due to heart failure. Undertakers of the state , in convention - tlon ut Grand Island , elected the following lowing officers : President , J. W. Bull , Nebraska City : first vice president , president , George Darling , Alliance : second vice president , A. J. Jackson , Plattsmouth : third vice president , C. E. 'I'royer , Dorchester : secretary , George ? Drown , Superior : treasurer , N. P. Swanson , Omaha. Jacob Shaw and , wlte , pioneers of Beatrice , celebrated the fltfeth ( anniversary - versary of their wedding last week at their home in that city. They Came to Beatrice In 1864 and erected 1log house on Court street where M. S. 'Volbach's dry goods store now s1l1nds , tour years later building a brick rest- dance on Marko t street between Fourth and Fifth streets : , where they now live . The assessment of Cams county , which has just been completed , shows a large per cent increase over the returns - turns of one year ago. The total val. uatlon of the county Is $30,73,18,425. The valuation of real estate Is $24 491,875 , and of personal property $6- 246,550. There are 11,626 horses val. uel at $162,060 : there axe 28,435 head of cattle valued nt $662,755 , and 36,097 head of hogs valued . at $210,425. _ h . MANY ARE LOOKING FOR LAND - O'Neil Land Office Has Many Appli cants for Big Homesteads Q'NEILL-InquhT at the local land once brings outt the fact that from twenty to thirty strangers : are visiting this Plato dally In search of home- stenda. Many persons are filing on ,60 ( acres , under the Impression that when the Klnlmld bill takes effect on June 28 , that they can then take three more quarters and some under the Impression that such a filing now will give the applicants a preference right to adjoining land It Is certain that such n filing made now will not give any preference right to udjoln : ing land , but it Is believed by some ; well inform persons here that such an applicant may on June 28 make application to amend his original en , try and that If such an application i. i made before another filing Is made 011 the land desired In the amended ap llIcatlon , and there would he a possi bllIty of the entry as amended being allowed to stand Judge Klnlmld Is taking un active Interest In looking after the rights of the settlers In his district and hopes to have such a construction . structlon put upon the law. The judge received word from Washington that the filing fee on G40 acres will he $14 , the same amount as heretofore charged for lGO acres. There Is yet nn open question regarding the rights ot those , who have homesteads and have not made proof , where there Is no vacant land adjoining , being able to take three quarters not adjoining , but tho. judge Is making an effort to get a liberal construction which will permit such filings Such a provision was in the judge's Ol'lglnnl bill In plain words and it is believed that the bill as passed will be construed to permit taking land In this manner. The last congress also passed n bill allowing persons who have taken homesteads and have abandoned or relinquished their former entries to take another homestead. BONESTEEL IS ON THE BOOM. - I Hundreds of Prospective Homestead' II I I ers Camping Out NORFOLK-Within time last ten days the town of Donesteol , the tor. urinal of the Northwestern branch which runs ant of Norfolk ; : , has practically ] . Ucal1y doubled In size. From a village . lago of hardly 400 POOlllo eight weeks ago It has developed Into 1\ little city ot 6,000 today. Everywhere In Boner steel Is to bo heard time constant rap. ping of the carpenter's ha111mCl' The lumber yards are busy and the dray- men are on the jump , getting maw stock settlod. Out around the town , stretched for a mile or so , arc innumerable ' crable white touts wherein bunk hundreds . dreds of prospective homesteaders who have got In ahead of the rush Women ot Donesteel have made preparations for the reception of the Incoming throng of women who will want to take chances at the free home buslncsa Northwcslel'l1 officials in Norfolk have ordered all general agents of the company to make no arrangement this year whatever for Fourth of July spe , clal trains , as every car with : wheels on will be required for usa on the na- tlonal day for the transportation of the Rosebud rush Reghtl'atlon begins - gins at Fairfax , llonestcel , Yanl\ton and Chamberlain on July 5 ( ) and cons . tlnuos 1111 July , 23. I Found Dead In Saddle. HAY SPRINGS-During 1severc rain and thunderstorm Sam Lane , a rnnchman and farmer lI\'lng eight miles west or here , was Itlllcd by light nlng. Mr. Lane was a horseback , rid Ing his fences when the stJI'l11'came up , and he and the horse were instant- Iy klllod and he Was found shortly afterward sitting JIl the saddlo. Oldest Bell In United States. Time oldest bell Jn the United States Is on exhibition In time New Mexico building oC the World's fair The boll was brought from Spain on one of the 1.rst expeditions to Mexico by Father t Juan de Padilla , one of the Franclscon t fathers who accompanied Coronado to ' New Mexico It WaS hung In one of . ; time mission churches established in ono of the seven cities of Clbotla. From there Is was taken to Oran . . lulvern , where it was hung In a } church of which the ruins are still visible. From Gran Quivera it was taken to Algodones , whore it has bung in the parish church over since ; Father - . er PadIlla was killed by his guides ! while on the way from Oran Qulvera to Algodones The bell weighs exactly . f Iy 198 pounds It was baptized Mara I ra .Tosepfa. It was cast in the year ' A. D. 1355 , according to the inscription . . which Is cant In the bell. The "F" in f the word "Josefa" Is inverted , and the letters "s" and "E" are transposed , , the mistake evidently having been made in the mold , . ' It is a woman's fondess for change . that prevents many n. husband from leaving any in his pocket f strong Language. . . Fredericlesbprg , lad , June 20.-1tev. Enoch P. Stevens of this place uses strong language In speaking of DodG's Kidney Pills and he gives good reasons - Ions ' for what he says : "I can't praise Dodd's Kidney Pella too much , " says Mr. Stevens. 'rhBr have done me so much ood. I was , troubled with my kidneys so much that I had to get up two or three times fin 1 In the night and sometimes in the I day when starting to the waterhouse I the water would come from me before getting the-reo Two boxes or Dodd's ' - KIdney Pills cured me entirely "I have recommended Dodd's Kidney . . ney Pills to many people and have never yet heard of a failure Dodd' Kidney Pills are the things for kid. ney disease and rheumatism " Dold's Kidney Pllls always cure the 1c1dneys. Good kidneys ensure J4' pure blood. Pure blood means good health. t Tell n. man he shows diplomacy and be feels he has escaped . being detected In a direct lie. , More Flexible and Lasting , 'Won't shake out or blowout : by using ' Defiance Starch you obtain better re- suIts than possible with any other brand and one.thlrd more for same Inoney. Satan Is time father of lies and mat- rhnony is the mother of excuses nIrli. { wluslow's Soothing syrup. For children teething , soften ! the gums , reduen . nc.mmatlun , allays pain , cures wind collu. 25ca bOt o. The home of n. bachelor lacks one ot ' . the best modern improvements. , ' t\ . . I do not believe PIso's Cure for Consumpt'tOO bas an equal for coughs : and oolds.-JolI H . DOYEU , 'l'rlnlty Springs , Iud. , Pcb 15 , 1000. There Is 110 promise of pardon for . confessing the sons of others. If IOU wish beautiful , clear , white clothes use Red Cross Ball Bluo. Large 2 oE package , G teats Some women sweeten their tea with gossip Instead of sugar. JlCnnaneMIJ' . cured. No Auer DO"CtlIDOU atM FITS lint da , ' . are of IJr. KlIoe' UM $ . ere Pend ' for Fm1EK .2.00 trill bottle ADd tru. . . . . . 11& U. U. KLINE , Ltd. , 8Jl J'Ch Inn. t , ' dalpltlsL ' & A wise girl is known by the com. puny tllle docm't : keep Those Who Have Tried It . wlll use no other. Defiance Cold Wa. f tcr Stnrch has no equal In Quantity Dr QuaUty-16 01' . for 10 cents. Other brands contain only 12 oz 'I : . , . "II J The aimless life cannot be the end. . , . . . less life - Important to Mothers. Ezemino carefully every bottle ot CASTORU , 1sare and eUro remedy for Intants and children , and too that It Denrs the : Slgnalure ot , . , In Vel For Over 30 Years j The Bind YOti have ) Always Do'S" i . r ' \