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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1904)
t ( Jl II. I I. I I' .1 ) r . : , . . , IU 4iIIti ( ItItJ1 jl } j : . ; i\ ; \ . ' _ - . . _ _ _ - - - - . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ . _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . VOLUl'vIE I FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , .J J ULY I , 1904. . NUMBER 26 a Ij # ; , .1 , . : . , , ' . LOCAL AND PERSONAL. . ' , , ' " I " ) . . . . . ' I , l\1rs. Blakeney IS'ISlt111g in 't ! Humbold I 1 , . . . . . Mrs : J. 1-1. Miles is a Kansas ' / , ( City visitor. t : : ' 1'.Ir. , . . Carraway made a business t . . . . _ . _ . . trip to T-4incoln. ( f. : r- ' 'rhos. Taylor , wife and daugh- \ ! . : ' ters are St. Louis visitors. sue ; : : Mrs. ' . ' i , . Henry King's mother re- . I ff.i6 turned to Omaha Monday. ' , j , Ingram Cain of Stella is visit- I l \ . jug his parents in this city > ! / i .1 L ' \ B. Siman ton , Sr returned ' . I from an extended visit in Indiana. I _ _ t' " . . . . . . . . U. i. . Cooper of Humboldt paid n . ' : Palls City a flying visit 'l'ues- \ day. . f 0. : ' . , ' Billy Boyd from Salem drove t ' . clown to meet Mr. Wilson of Paw- , , nee City. . i " " . t . , Dean 'Vindle who has been \I \ " . . . . . . ' 'I vIsItIng with I his sIster , Mrs. ; ' , ' Hattie l\1ettz , retuned to his ; rj home in Salem Tuesday ' Mrs. Dr. Rush and daughters t who have been visiting in Lin- - 1 .1 m i' " . coin returned on Sunday. - < < - I ; - . : ' . Fred Cleveland , Jean Cain , Bart Messier and Bert Gray were Hiawatlla visitors 'ruesda\ , Anthony Nesladek was making 0 " a few repairs on thc Rube switch- , 1 ' . ; . ' , . board the first part of this week . . . . ; ' . "Mrs. Maud Hearst of Padonia , rl' ' .Kanss . , is visiting with her par- ' ; ' , \ : cuts ! , Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Potcet r. . Thomas McLane , "the genial I' " : 'i" cigar . manufacturer" returned . . ' from Rule the first of thc wcek. r ' \ ( ' The bill posters of Ring-ling- . . ) l. . . Bros Circus were in town , the , . , ( result of which is very easy tq jf 1 , ' see. , .1 The smallest calf in the state " jr ! of Nebraska is to be found at the " : . Soldiers' Home in the southern I , " part of the city. , } , } Mrs. Chas Birdsley , son and , daughter left for Verdon Tues . clay where they yill bc thc guests ' " . ' of Mesdames , Bowers and Du Ofnb. . Mrs. Harnack returned from Nebraska City Sunday evening. I ' Mr. ' Harnack , Jr. is : still ) ) visit- 'j , . ing with his gqll1dp rents of { that city. t - * - . ' Mmes. V. Siman ton , Wylie : I 0 Bert Simanton , Samuelson and j Zola Jones went to Humboldt . Tuesday . to attend a meeting of , . the Rebcccas. . Mrs. Ewalt and daughter , l\1agilolia , l\Irs. Hcacock and , , " . daughter Kate , Edna Holldnd , " , . . . Carrie " Slocum . , : Minnie . Jussen and E. O. Lewis are visiting the lib ; . pike at St ( Louis this wcek. r r Clara Babb is visiting in St. Louis. , . . . , . John \ViItse went to Lincoln , on 1\1onday. Mr. Judd returned to Dawson on 1londay. A. J. Helmick of Stella was in the city Sunday. Rev. Smith made .a trip to Omaha the first of the week. A. J. Baldwin , the insurance man of Stella , was in town 'l'ues- cl ay. day.A. A. E. 'Ken tner was up from Leavcnworth a few days this wcek. . Ethel Shields is spending . the week with relatives at Highland , Kansas. . . . Chris. Shelly and wife from Preston were halls City visitors aturc1ar. Fred Cleveland made a business trip to Pawnee City thc first of the week. - Mrs. W. S. James of Sidney , Iowa , is 1n the city. visiting at . thc home of L. B. Snyder. Time electrical storm of last week put about all the telephones in town out of the busincss. Master Albert Tanner of Hum- toldt is spending the week with his grandparents , J. J. Tanner and wife Henry Rogers left time first of the week ] for Beatrice , hang returned - turned from Leaven worth m Sun- day morning. Henry Barry came up from At- cl1 son Tuesday for a few days visit with his mother and } other relatives here. Guy Grcenwald is an addition to the working force of the State bank , made necessary by the increasing - \ creasing business of that institu- tion. Frank Diltz is seeking a ball team that can beat Falls City. He promises to teach the local sports a lesson if he ever finds such a team. The tobacco trust has placed immense bill board signs adver- tising a certain five cent cigar along 'cvery transcontinental line in the United States. These signs , ar3 at intervals of three miles all the way from New York to Sanli'rancisco. Time tobacco trust is managed by the ablest and most conservative men in America. Do you suppose they would make such a vast outlay of money in advertising if it was not a paying investment . ? There is a lesson in this . . to . the wide- ' , awake , progressive business man. i Married. - On Monday , June 27 , ' 1904 , occurred - curred the marriage of Miss Ma- hala Clark to Francis Hcrbert Anthier at the Dome Cathedral in Los Angeles CaI. The bride is well known and highly respect- cd in this city , being a daughter of thc late A. " ' . Clark and a sister of Emery Clark and Mrs. Ceo. FrcilmrgJousc ! of this city , and has many friends throughout - out the county to extend congrat- ulations. The newly marricd couple will be at home to their friends after July 15 , at 2019 E. 4th street , Los Angeles , Ca1. Smashed His Fingers. Last Saturday afternoon while Irvin Yoder was trying to find out something , about the mechanism - ism of Harry Custer's large job press he got his fingers in too close proximity to where two parts of it meet , and as a conse- quencc' , is carrying his right hand in a sling , owing to the fact that two of the fingers arc s smashed , one so badly as to require twelve stitches in order to bring it together. Burglars at Preston. Last Friday nigh urglars en tered the store of C. I ! . Pribbeno at Preston , blowing open thc safe and securing some clot1ing , about S25 in cash and $12,000 in notes. No clue to the robbers can be found The notes were found in the lumber yard. _ ' John Ncsladek went to Dawson the first of the week. N. B. Judd and wife of Dawson SLtndayed with Ceo. Crocker and family in this city. Jno. 'l'immerman , the genial politician of Salem was a : usi- 1 nesss visitor here nlomida } . George Halt and Jim Powell received three fine fox hounds from Highland , Kansas , the first of the wcek. 'Ve are informed that Col. Sattcrwhite , the conservative and taciturn telephone man will soon be in our midst. The Glass Blowers are install- cd on the corner cast of the Union , House. "Uncle Billy" Watkins hauled them up. John Crook , who contributes largely l to the immense business of the Gilligan bridge compal1Y , is home for a few days. A. KentHcr , wife and daughter Helen returned from Leaven- worth the fore part of the week. 1'11ey will make Falls City their , home for the future. - - , \ ' . Commercial Club Meets. Z , , Time Commercial club nlct at . . . . , thc court house on Monday night t . . . . . with a good crowd in attendancc. \ A motion was made and adopted " - that thc present chairman and 1 - < f . . . secretary be rc-elected. These gcntiCimmen however declined the honor and asked that steps be taken for thc election of new ofii- -Y , cel'S. The secretary uf the brick ' 1 plant at Chanute , Kas. , was expected - " pected to be present at this meeting - " ing , but h telegram from him ] at ' .Howe stated that he had been \ carried through halls City and ( ) " could not be nr ' sent . , W W. H. C rook , A. Graham and \ Chas. 'ViIson were appointed to recommend nominations for chair- \ man and sccrctary. A committee of three were appointed for constitution - stitution ' ' \ ) . and by-laws. They are Geo. Hall , C. C. Davis and F. W x" J Mich ll. , ' Committee appointed to solicit ( Q - , memberships are W. S. 1-4eyda , . , ] i' . E. Martin 1 and A. Seff. A resolution that the l11ember- t 1 ship fee be $5.00 was adoptcd. , The club then adjourned to meet agail July 11. in the mean- time subject to the call of the hairman. Fraternal Union. Time various committees of the Fraternal Union met at the G. A. x H. hall on Monday evening for the purpose of making further arrangements for thc bier Fraternal - IHtl picnic to be held in this city August 23 , 24 and 25. There s e c m s to 'be an impression throughout the country that an . admission fee is to bc charged at this picnic , but the committe in charge wants it distinctly under- stood that admission will be free , to every event over which they have control. Everybody should - make arrangements to attend this , the largest and best attrac- tion to . be held in the county . this season. . \ The committee adjourned to meet again at the G. A. R. hall on Monday evening , July .11 , at 8 o'clock. "Dead Easy. l " _ Although it was announced in advance that the Atchison ban team , which played the Colts here Sunday , were a very strong team and had not lost a game this sea- son , they proved to be "dead easy , " for the Colts beat them by a score of 11 to 1. It was the easiest game thc boys have had . this season. On next MOlday : they go ' to Hiawatha to play Troy , Kansas. .