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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1908)
t V f fc ir le r flpprng Barred A wU fcnown Now York hostelry lion IntniKurated an antl gratulty pol icy foft at least tho current season The mauagetacnt makes official thus Tho servants of the houso receive foil and satisfactory compensation for their services from the owners and are neither permit ted to accept nor do they expect to receives fe of any kind from guests The reason some people stay out of fiebt Is that no one will let them Set in A Novel Bottle In furnishing Information concern ing Calcuttas supply of the various -soft drinks Consul General William H Michael refers as follows to an im proved bottle In use Tills bottle is so blown as to con tain in tho neck a round glass stop per which is forced upward by the cas in the bottle and holds the gas perfectly An expert can remove half the contents of one of these bottles and by a shako force the ball up into the neck and thus preserve the re maining half for future use It is an iugonious device and every way su perior to the old style corks In open ing a bottle a wooden cup shaped de vice which Ills in the hollow of the hand and contains a short nipple is placed over and against the glass ball stopper and pressed downward This causes the ball to drop down into the neck of the bottle prevents too rapid escape of gas- and foam and if only part of the contents is required the ball may be forced back into the posi tion as stopper Nebraskas Meeting Place Thats what people are now calling the city of Lincoln Nearly all so cieties of every sort meet sometime during the year in Lincoln and this gives The State Journal a peculiar Interest to state readers as it devotes more space to such meetings than any two of the other state papers The recent teachers association called to gether nearly 5000 of the slate teach ers and every home that has a school child was interested in the reports of their doings Especially was every member of a school board interested Soon will come the great agricultural meetings and columns of facts will be printed in The Lincoln Journal that affect the earning power of every far mer Then of course the legislature will be here for three months and eurely you will be interested in what It will do in regard to regulating the liquor traffic and guaranteeing bank deposits The Journal spends more money for and devotes more space to Its legislative reports than any other paper Its a Journal specialty The Journal is not a city paper its a state paper and its energies are pushed in the direction of dealing with state affairs Whatever inter ests you as a taxpayer interests The Journal and you will find the impar tial disinterested facts in its columns Putting It Up to the Querist The next letter the information ed itor opened contained this question What is the correct pronunciation of irrefragable Consult your unabridged he wrote and savagely Impaled both the query and answer on the coy hook For somebody has carried away the office dictionary It was about midnight that the de tectives arrive with their prisoner and a Mr Collins the principal de positor in the bank and therefore the principal loser was awakened at his home and informed by telephone of the capture He expressed his gratification and went back to bed Shortly afterward he was aroused to receive another telephone message to the same effect from a different source This sort of thing continued to such an extent that Collins grew very wrathy so that when he answered the phone bell for the last time he was in anything but an amiable frame of mind Hello Collins came over the wire Yes What do you -want Collins this is Deputy Sheriff Myers Weve caught that runaway receiver Is there anything youd like to have me do personally in the mat ter Yes roared Collins hang up the receiver Illustrated Sunday Maga zine The Jolly Fat Man When you meet a how legged man In the street do you stop him and ask how it feels to walk that way On being introduced to a man with a fape like an inverted comic sup plement do you condole with him on being so homely Do you recommend to the sallow man sitting next you In a car a tonic for his liver At uncheon do yuo hint to the puffy eyed er nosed stranger opposite you that he ougt to get on the water wagon Of course you dont You would not be so impolite You might hurt their feelings But when you meet a fat man its different Everybody recognizes him as legitimate prey He is a buttt for jokes a subject for condolence an ob ject ftr advice Even the man so thin that he does not know whether it Is his back or hi sstomach that hurts him takes it for granted that he Is the fat mans ideal and insists on giving him advice on how to re duce Everyone Imagines that the fat man must be unhappy because ho weighs jnore than the average person Exchange ve Vti ytX - frO w ck y A 1 113 2fcctlilcltcm Sheltered within the hollow of her arm The Son of Man lay sleeping On her cheek She felt his warm breath stirring like the faint And fragrant breeze that fans the silver leaves Upon the slopes of Olivet Her eyes Still shadowed with the pains of moth erhood Dwelt tenderly upon the placid brow And cherub features of the infant Christ The babe in swaddling clothes whose destiny Led to Golgothas summit where the Cross Of his perfected manhood All the cave weiqht Kfc Wr luminous with starbeams and her Like some pale lily drooping on its And washed with heavens dews ff scents miimumtatamiBmfmiit nn jhh tss W 3h Three kings are we that come to wor ship him For we have seen his star in the Far East Beyond the deserts We have jour neyed far Star led and lo it standeth oer this rnnf A sign celestial Then each laid aside His mantle and his sandals bowing low Before the mother and the holy child Crying All hail Redeemer of the World King of the Jews all hail and they did break Was yet to groan beneath the sacred Boxes of precious ointments and the stem air Was heavy with the perfume of rare gums And costly spices cinnamon and myrrh And sandalwood and cedar and the gleamed pearly white Agi Distilled from blooms in gardens of In that strange radiance Somewhat the East apart - And ambergris and frankincense and And leaning on his staff the carpenter f nard Joseph of Nazareth musing stood j And they laid down their offerings of Lord who am 17 he marveled in jT price his soul Soft yellow bars and bags of shining That thou shouldst deign from thy dust exalted place All intermixed with amethysts and To cast thine eyes upon me and to say pearls Behold he shall be warden to this k And carbuncles and diamonds and the pearl pae This of womanhod jST pearl perfect Lackuster topaz And the foremost more Pure - guest Than of the of mankind any daughters g Unclasped the h chain of bsaten From the beginning of the world and H aown That hung about his swarthy throat all the that to Y Through ages are yet and showed w 4T ts curious pendant fashioned in Lo shelter she shall find and - change wise tenance And hammered from a nugget soft And one round arm encircled the fair yr pure rhilri i V For uncouth semblance to a rugged As if the newly awakened mother love cross Lay listless with transparent fingers Speaking in awed low tones of curved prophecy As though she clasped some blossom r A voice cried in the desert wastes in her sleep- f 1Arise borne rare sweet nower sne was Tain to keep Anrl fhtrich aluv5 Jncpnh tnnk the fe JL And hammer it into a massive cross And held it in his rough toil hardened g Such 2S the common criminal con palm - 5 dmnedJ Wonderino at its softness the blue W UP ns snrmKing veins X Take of pure gold a nugget large and bright spirit on That threaded all its whiteness and 3 And han9 t to the chain about thy the bloom W neck That made a sea shell of each finger- And when thou comest to the jour tip neys end But he forebore though sore his heart F Lay t wjthin the mothers hand that did yearn sne To clasp the little sleeping new born May read therein a sign Lo I have babe done Whose golden head lay pillowed on According to the word And Marys her arm eyes Thinking It were not well for her w Grew wide with terror as her fingers or him J closed That he should waken suddenly A p About the gleaming symbol for she sigh rF saw Heaved the soft breast of Mary and As in a dream three crosses on a hill her eyes And nailed between two thieves of Like heavenly blue flowers opened g aspect vile wide pp Upon the middle cross a tortured form Meeting the gaze of Joseph as he That moved her strangely with a knelt fy sense of loss In reverent adoration Her low tones And woe unutterable for multitudes Thrilled like aeolian strains her ten- J Surged round the sufferer and scoffed der smile at him Flooded his soul like sunshine as she Crying in mocking tones Hail King spoke of Jews Joseph my husband I have dreamed j But he that hung cast downward pity- a dream ing eyes The Angel of the Lord hath been 3C Full of meek pardon and of tender again Ji love Saying Behold that which thou hast p Gasping Forgive them Father Oh brought forth ly forgive This night is the Redeemer of the x Thy children for they know not what World they do Even Messiah But a grave voice s5 And in those dying orbs compassionate cried As she ceased speaking Peace to all within And Icthere stood upon the thresh old one Who bore much gold and frankincense and myrrh In his two hands And Joseph an swered Sir Peace be unto thee now and ever more And lo there came two others bear- ing gold And precious spices who likewise did say Peace and good will And Joseph made reply Peace unto thee and thine forever more Then spake the foremost stranger Where is he Born King of Jews this night in Beth lehem She saw a semblance of the holy light That shone within the eyes of her fairrbabe And moaned Take it away the cross of gold I shudder at the phantasies it brings At which the strangers out of the Far East Arose and gave their blessing to the child And passed into the night And Mary slept i The sleep of sweet forgetfulness while he - Who stood in place of father to the oaDe Watched the sweet pair until the morn awoke The songbirds in the clustering olive trees And tinged with light the roofs of- Bethlehem LILITA LEVER il imn ai h f WL tea wmwMnnoMiNi W VVV - 2 t rAh -V ftumwi yw w in i - o YJJ K Vk rUL fM wwrwnHWtiiita VMAliMNH TO CURS A COUGH Or Break a Cold In 24 Hours Mix two ounces of Glycerine and a halt ounce of Virgin Oil of Pino com pound pure with a half pint of Straight Whisky Shake well and take a tea spoonful overy four hours Tho genuine Virgin Oil of Pine com pound pure is prepared only by Tho Lench Chemical Co Cincinnati Ohio and is put up only in hnlf ounco vials each vial sccuroly sealed in a round wooden case to insure its freshness and purity AMONGST THE BULL RUSHES itxxr2 a 13- - Tii r tlW jr Lazy Larry Woof Just to think with all this wasted effort I could have won the Marathon race Sheer wnite goods In ract any fine wash goods when new owe much of their attractiveness to the way they are laundered this being done In a manner to enhance their textile beau ty Home laundering would be equal ly satisfactory if proper attention was given to starching the first essential being good Starch which has sufficient strength to stiffen without thickening the goods Try Defiance Starch and you will be pleasantly surprised at tho improved appearance of your work Lachrymose Pa Marys upstairs crying again Whats the matter this time mar I cant just make out whether Its because shes afraid Jim wont ask her to go to tho theater to night or whether she hasnt anything fit to wear if he should Detroit Free Press UNITED STATES SENATOR FROM SOUTH CAROLINA PRAISES Ex Senator M C Butler Bysfcfsia Is Often Caused by Catarrh of the Stomach Peruna Relieves Ca tarrh of the Stomach and Is Therefore a Remedy for Dysefsia t Hon M C Bntler U S Senator i from South Carolina for two terms I in a letter from Washington D C I writes to the Ieruna Medicine Co f I as follows t J can recommend Peruna fort I dyspepsia and stomach trouble I T 1 have been using your medicine fori i a short period and I feel very much I T relieved It is indeed a wonderful f medicine besides a good tonic j CATARRH of the stomach is the cor rect name for most cases of dyspep sia Only an internal catarrh rem edy such as Peruna is available Feruna Tablets can now be procured Ask your Druggist for a Free Peruna Almanac for 1909 Omaha Directory w m8SP Aulabaughs complete catalogue will show iyou wiiat you want G N AULABAUGH DeL H 1508 DoucUs St OMAHA RUBBER GOODS by mat at cut prices Send for free catalogue MYER8 DILLON OBUQ CO OMAHA HEBR Eb DTAITS DENTAL ROOMS m 1517 Douglas St OMAHA NEB Rehable Dentistry at Moderate Price meni iSHfiSlii Keep It on Hand CocsKj ad ccUj tnay use aar nysnber of the farIy toy c Masy a bad celd hit been orated six r irltrm Tnf fcubeen tsred bye Fteapt ae ef Paoi Ctse Thecbccthcss E le it to break upcoca aad ccUU Tiers a sobtoocHxl or bag trocbSe tLst it VnD cot reKeve Free frco ocstes or hsnsftd c Se5a Hne for cfnVrm Wm At ell drczziits 25 ct mmm IB ft