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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1908)
la rp fe ky i i I P IVf Vfc ft rf IV M j P J IV f b tFVX ill JSWr twenty seventPtear Still We Grow Deposits December 3 1907 S 8184118 Novcmbor 27 1908 15196025 The fact that wo have not only held our business but prac tically doubled it with all competitionindicates that the public mind has not lost sight of tho essential re quirements that make a bank sound and safo Tho principles of conservative banking that havo gov erned our development thus far will shape our future policy Grow with a growing progressive bank start an account today with The McCook National Bank P Walsh Pres C P Lelin Vico Pres C J OBrien Cashier DiEECTons P F McKenna J J Loughran MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS McConnell for drugs Everything in drugs McConnell Picture framing The Ideal Store McConnells Balsam cures coughs Mrs J Jacuson nuree Phone red 251 Mary Harrison nurse Phono black 286 Typewriter ribbons for sle at Thk Tribune office McMillen has a complete line of bibles gift and popular copyright books Magner Stokes for Wrights Pure Buckwheat Flour Nothing better Dr Hare examines eyes free and guar ntees satisfaction in fitting glasses Fresh lettuce celery cauliflower rheubarb etc constantly on hand at Hubers Godfrey Co are operating a feed mill See them for feed of all kinds at right prices Patronize home industry by smoking Commercial Club 10 cent cigar and the Smoke 5 cent cigar McMillen Druggist has a very select line of dressed and kid dolls as well as a novel assortment of doll toilet articles A colored lady was in town Saturday soliciting funds to assist in building a church for people of her race in Pueblo Colorado We have some of the most exquisite perfumes in fancy holiday packages cut glass bottles- Fine gift for a lady L W McConnell Druggist We are just in receipt of a new and well selected fresh and up-to-date stock of neckwear and mufflers Come in and Bee Bozell Bargek Wanted Agents to sell Diazo the new disinfectant and deodorizer kills diphtheria and typhoid bacilli guards the home from diseases and makes good pure air Good proposition and terri tory to hustlers Address W E Wil cox Eiverton Nebr Sales Mgr for Neb Are You Mr Merchant Considerable Christmas buying is now being done only 17 days to Christmas Mr Merchant are you giving proper attention to your advertising Are you offering inducements for trade The Tribune is the best advertising medium to reach the most of the buying public in this section of Nebraska FALEORENTETC For Sale One mare G years old one mare 12 years old two mare colts 6 months old and one runabout PhoDe black 37G Mrs J S M lller Fok Sale Seven -room house two lots on 1st street W Fruit in season Phone No 5 Fok Sale A desirable close - in dwelling house 506 2nd street east Fok Sale A Radiant Home base burner Chas Merle For Sale A piano in good condition at reasonable price Phone red 260 For Rent Four Toom cottage Mrs J I Lee Phone 43 For Kent A good barn Julius Kunert ggaggMKajrairrmrt MUTiZvs - Inquire of For Rent Furnished room light and bath Phone red 255 or call at 309 2nd street W For Rent A new 5 room with bath 312 east 6th street Rector phone red 349 cottage O N DEATH CLAIMS ONE OF McCOOK S FIRST SETTLERS Sweet Uncomplaining1 Soul Passes On to Her District Court Proceedings Since last Fridays report the time of the court up to the hour of printing Tuesday morning has been largely con sumed with the Dwyer attempted rape case and the land boundary line case of fame now between Havens and Ludwig Last Saturday morning the jury in the case of the State of Nebraska versus John H Dwyer charged with at tempted assault on Louise Trout brought in a verdict of guilty The motion for a new trial will be argued before the court next Saturday The lowest sentence is two years the sever est fifteen years in the states peniten tiary In the divorce case of Katfcy Gunder man vs Voile Gunderman a decree of divorce was granted Mrs Gunderman who received 400 alimony with a lien for same on property in West McCook of the defendant Dont Think you are troubling us in coming to see the holiday goods even if you are not ready to buy This is what we like because we know what will happen when you are ready to buy L W McConnell Druggist Courageous Reward Last Friday night at eleven oclock Mrs Mary E Babcock died at the home of Judson Babcock in Cambridge Neb raska whither she went about throe weeks since on account of failing health and to be among those nearer of kin Mrs Babcock had been in delicate health for some time and while it was known by her more intimate friends that her condition was steadily growing more precarious the news telegraphed here on last Saturday morniug was a distinct surprise and caused many a heart ache Mary E Wygant was born in Platts burer New York in 1847 Died in Cambridge Neb December 4 1908 aged 61 yoars Hers has been a Christ ian life since early young womanhood becominga member of the Plattsburg Congrej jnal church at 18 January 17 1876 she and Charles F Babcock were happily wedded in Chicago Illi nois after which they went to Little Rock Arkansas and made their resi dence in the south during those stirring reconstruction days In 1880 they set tled on a ranch a short distance west of Cambridge A year later Indianola became their home and in 1882 shortly after the town was laid out they moved to McCook and Mrs Babcock became a charter member of the First Congre gational church ofthis city retaining her membership until the end During tha quarter century and more of her residence in our city her life was inti mately associated with the social liter ary and religious life of the community A gentle and refined spirit yet an un complaining courageous soul in suffer ing and adversity her life has been a benediction and her memory will be a precious one to a host of friends here and relatives elsewhere Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at two oclock at the home of Judson Babcock in Cambridge conduct ed by Rev G B Hawkes of McCook and Rev Alexander Simpson of Cam bridge with music by the Congrega tional church choir of Cambridge The remains were laid to rest beside those of her husband in the Cambridge cemetery There were present at the funeral the following named friends of the departed from McCook Mr and Mrs T B Campbell Mr and Mrs F M Kimmell Mrs Mary Campbell Mrs Viola Ken yon Mrs F S Wilcox Mrs Frank Kendlen Mrs A L Knowland Mrs Harry Barbazette Mrs J L Kay and Mr J F Forbes Beautiful tributes of flowers were laid on the casket of the dear one gone on before by the ladies of the Au Fait and Shakespeare clubs and by the Congregational church of Mc Cook The only surviving members of the family are a married sister and a brother James G Wygant of Denison Iowa who attended the funeral and will re main here a short time to look after the estate cottage on west Elm street this week and expects to move into it soon Dr Gatewood and family will move to Mc Cook in the near future Arapahoe Pioneer Just Arrived A new shipment of fancy suits for young men just received at Rozell Bargers They ere dandies too The prices are reasonable ri0y fit the purse and person J SX2X3SS IS YOUR NAME PRINTED HERE ss NAME Barnett Lumber Co SHARES 1 NAME 100 Patrick Walsh 100 WC Bullard 100 AODW 100 JE Kolloy 100 John Morris 100 WSMorlan 100 V Franklin 100 King Cyrus Chapter No 35 R A M GO St John Commaudery KT GO Ii W McConnell r 55 A Barnett 50 BMFrees 50 CL Fahnestock 50 HP Sutton 50 CHBoylo 50 First National Bank 50 Paul Anton 50 Gotlieb Clamp 40 Eureka Chapter No SO O E S IX McCook Lodge No 135 A F AM 80 William Lewis 25 HP Waite Co 25 EHDoan 25 MU Clyde 25 CLDeGroffCo 25 J H Stephens 20 RMOsborn 20 Frank Stillman 10 EdHuber 10 Tom Roberts of Omaha 10 Robert Koebel 10 RCOrr 10 McCook Band 10 Mrs E M Easterday 10 WH Dungan 10 RC Colo 10 Clark Music Co 10 JH Grannis 10 David Diamond 10 WE Hart 10 EE DeLong 10 WD Burnett 10 William Hammell 10 SN Wilson 10 Brotherhood of Carmen of America 10 JEMelund 8 CMBailey 5 JohnSeth 5 J I Lee 5 FSLofton 5 H G Phelps 5 J J Baker 5 Bruce Berry 5 VFunk 5 GW Godfrey 5 H P Johnson 5 AG Bump 30 Mitchell Bros 20 Z L Kay - 20 CBGray 20 FB Nichols 20 MO McGlure 20 S S Garvey 20 NE Bargcr 20 WA Gold 20 FS Wilcox 20 M Walsh 13 McCook Brick Co 15 McCook Republican 10 All Knowland 10 Paul Perrjeuoud 10 W HFergurson io Joseph Allen io Eikenberry fc Clark io Jaincs McAdams 10 Sam Hornback 10 MrsPThompson 10 WR Starr 10 WECorwin 10 C A Fisher 10 Ed Perkins 10 George Willets io The Dr Will Move Here uuaBiuiM i I R F Rmi cn in Frank Carter purchased the Gate wood 1 CD Noble io WBWhittaker io DC Marsh io HECulbertson io Ed Fitzgerald 10 Mrs JEKelley 10 The Awl Os io LS Yiersen io A McMillen io HC Clapp 10 GETnompson 10 Charles Skalla io HIPeterson 10 FM Kimmell 10 Williain Deere 10 SHARES AG King 10 Eugene Gary 10 FA Mundcn 9 R JGunn 5 PE O 5 Mrs J I Lee 5 M B Carman 5 LOTM 5 CEEldred 5 Frank Baker of Cambridge 5 KVQlazo j 5 EFFlitcraft I 5 SC Beach 5 WTLyou 5 J S McBrayer 5 Updike Lumber Coal Co 5 AC Wieho 5 Osborn it Wen tz 5 Fred Burns 5 ACHipple 5 HN Rosebush 5 MrsA Campbell 5 Walter Stihvell 5 ES Howell 5 Jacob Matz 5 RE French 5 William Byfield t 5 Lon Cone 5 GSScott 5 CF Hebcr 5 E Hanson 5 Fred Jernberg 5 J F Hunt 5 John Calkins 5 Charles Merle 5 G C Heckman 5 H L Kennedy 3 EM Day 3 JCMoore 3 George Elbert 3 FJRolfe 3 Joe Waters 3 GWPredmore 3 C J OBrien 2V3 Mrs A Anton 2J4 JM Smith 2J5 OttoBently ly WCBlair f 2J J TAEudsley 2 JoeMokko 2 BlanchcEAsten 2 WH Harmon 2 WBMcClain 1 J K Gordon 1 Frank Walker 1 Sadie Coyle 1 G W Norris 50 GWcyeucth 10 Updike Grain Co 5 Charles Starr 5 Pade Furniture Co 5 CW McDonald 5 EM Cox 5 FJ Pierce 5 ME Knipple 5 J R Frederickson 3 WAWeintz 5 W EBower 3 CGBudig 5 Clifford Naden 5 W C McCarty 5 JD Young 5 J A Wilcos 5 L Suess 5 Dr WFJones 5 PE Reeder 3 Judd Kay 3 Frank Real a 5 A O McDonald 5 BH Stewart 4 George Lechleiter 3 JENelms 3 SDMcCIain 3 David Magner 3 WB Mills 3 Liuebergifc Co 3 Elmer Kay 24 REFoe iy IMSmith 2yt f George Randel 2Ji M S Jennings 24 WO Russell 2 CGBosworth 2 C J Ryan 2 MillieElbert 2 Mrs Ella LeHew 2 WBFearn 1 D Diviny - 1 JohnEkstedt 1 CONTINUED OX SECOND PAGE McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA TUESDAY MORNING DECEMBER 8 1908 Look over tho following list of subscribers to tho capital stock o tho McCook Masonic Temple -Opera House und see if your name is printed there If it isnt look up one of tho Board of Directors and subscribe for as large a block as you can afford The shares are 10 each and are non assessable This is an enter prise which should call forth the utmost generosity and pride of the citizens of McCook as the structure will bo the handsomest and costliest monument to our vim pluck and confidence in the future of the Valleys Metropolis Make the work quicker and easier for those who are devoting much time laborand money without compensation in boosting this enterprise by coming to the front today with a liberal subscription Wo will all bo proud of it let us all havo a part in it 9 ErmvM LT mSBOTs rtbtttie Annual Report and Meeting To All Stockholders of McCook Driving Park Association Tho annual meeting of tho McCook Driving Park association is hereby call ed to meet Friday December 18th 1908 at 730 oclock at the Commercial club rooms in McCook for the purpose of electing a board of nino directors a part of which board will be elected to servo as officers of said association for tho year of 1909 Below is a condensed financial state ment A detailed statement of the two meetings held this year has been made out and given to each of the dir ectors JULY meeting Total expenditures 1541 07 AUWW ILUUipiS IdOJ JO Lo3s for July meeting 71 82 OCTOBER MEETING Total expenditures 2281 43 Total receipts 172145 Loss for October meeting 55998 Balancecash in treasurers hands 54002 It is desired that as many stockholders attend the annual meeting Friday eve ning as possible and assist in the elec tion of new directors and officers C B Gray Secy A Barnett Pres Below are the names of present officers and directors A Barnett President George S Scott Vice President C B Gray Sec retary F A Pennell Treasurer L W McConnell Director Win Y Johnson Director II J Cox Director A G Bump Director Wm Lewis Director Nearly 1000 Pianos at a Bargain Lyon Healy of Chicago known everywhere as the worlds largest music house are doing a remarkable thing They are re building their great estab lishment and offering an enormous stock of pianos to make room for carpenters painters etc Lyon Healy offer all these pianos on such extraordinary terms that hundreds will buy now who other wise might wait till next year In short here is a chance to get a much better piano for any sum you have in mind than you could ordinarily obtain Write today for the list of pianos in this piano sale which is an event en tirely unprecedented in the history of piano selling Address Lyon Healy 10 Adams street Chicago Four dis tinct plans of easy psyments for those who do not with to pay all cash New City Directory Representatives of the Hoffhine Dir ectory Co are commencing work on a new city directory This will not only be a complete directory of McCook but will contain also a directory of Red Wil low county The new system of house numbering and changing of street names makes a big demand for a book of this kind and it is believed it will merit the success it it deserves The above firm has been publishing directories for a number of years thruout Nebraska Kansas and Oklahoma and are thoroughly experienced in this kind of work adv Return Game Next Friday The foot ball team is to play a re turn game at McCook on Friday De cember 11 While the home team was victorious Thanksgiving the shop team will put up a harder fight on their home grounds and the hornet boys will deserve any prestige they may win Tho McCook team played a tie game with Arapahoe yesterday as neither team was able to score Beaver City Times Tribune Entertained Young- Friends Miss Arlene Allen and Miss Erma Stillman delightfully entertained a large company of their young friends last Friday evening at the home of Mrs Stella Allen A two course lunch was the gastronomic consideration while games and social jollity rounded out a full evenings pleasure SUBSCRIPTIONS If you want to subscribe for or re new your subscriptions to any maga zine or paper published go to Barney NUMBER 29 In Selecting Your Bank give careful attention to tho stability of tho bank and its willingness to co oiorato with patrons in tho dovolopmont of their business Our customers value and bank on our willingness and ability to assist them in every way consistent with safe sound banking Whothor thoir account bo largo or small wo appreciate thoir patronage This makes for a mutually satisfactory and profitable arrangement and for tho fu turo well being of both bank and patron We shall be pleased to havo you open an account with us The First National Bank of McCook Visit our photo department for holi day ideas We have a stock of cameras and accessories that would please either young or old L W McConnell Druggist Nebraskas Meeting Place Thats what people are now calling the City of Lincoln Nearly all societies of every sort meet some time during the year in Lincoln and this givesThe State Journal a peculiar interest to state readers as it devotes more space to Buch meetings than any two other state papers The recent teachers associa tion called together nearly 5000 of the state teachers and every home that has a school child was interested in the reports of their doings Especially was every member of a school board inter ested Soon will come the great agri cultural meetings and columus of facta will be printed in The Lincoln Journal that affect the earning power of every farmer Then of course the legislature will be here for three months and surely you will be interested in what it will do in regard to regulating the liquor traffic and guaranteeing bank deposits The Journal spends more money for and de votes more space to its legislative reports than any other paper Its a Journal specialty The Journal is not a city paper its a state paper and its energies are pushed in the direction of dealing with state affairs Whatever interests you as a taxpayer interests The Journal and you will find the impartial disinter ested facts in its columns Enterprising- and United McCook has raised 53000000 for her Masonic Temple Opera House and the Hofer the old reliable local dealer subs are still pouring in They will who will save you money Get wise need 15000 more but they will raise it to strangers and dont get stung for McCook is enterprising and its like so many have the past year zens pull together Arapahoe Pioneer Troubles of His Own Glen E Congdon a former resident of McCook now of Wilcox where he runs the American hotel was convicted at Minden last week of selling liquor without license This case together with domestic difficulties has been keeping Mr Congdon quite busy of late Admitted to Practice John E Kelley of McCook Neb on the motion of F J Kelley of Lincoln was given permission to practice in the federal court of Nebraska After the motion wa3 passed upon by Judge Mun ger Mr Kelley was sworn in by Deputy Clerk McClay Lincoln Journal Farm Loans Go to Johnson Rozell i iwu IFKiySij Christmas and New Year Post Cards A pretty line at reasonable prices at The Tribune stationery department Also McCook city views greeting cards birthday cards and comics Thousands to choose from Commercial Club Tonight The commercial club will hold it3reg ular session in the club rooms thi3 evening at eight oclock New consti tution and by laws wil be adopted Important meeting Come Cash Plus It is cash plus the goods and courte ous prompt service that places Dr C Marshs meat market easily in the first i rank in its line Everything seasonable JL qftOfi