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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1908)
3 m VI A L l r ii l I TWENTY SEVENTH see Gifts for the i Other gifts may plcaso the child for tho moment but the BEST of all holiday presents is a Bank Account It costs nothing it brings lasting pleasure and it teaches tho Saving Habit Young peoplo who learn to savo live wholesome lives for thoy do notspend their money in ways that are detrimental to health and character You can open an account for tho boys or girls Christ mas at this bank with ONE DOLLAR or more Wo givo you a neat little bank book with tho first record therein to bo presented on Christmas morning The First National Bank of Mccook MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS McConnell for drugs McConnell for holiday goods Christmas gifts at McConnells Everything in drugg McConnell Picture framing The Ideal Store McConnells Balsam cures coughs Mrs J Jnctfson nurse Phone red 251 Mary Harrisonnurse Phone black 286 Shoes are almost one half less during Viersens Big Clearing Sale McMillen has a complete line ofbibles gift and popular copyright books Magner Stokes far Wrights Pure Buckwheat Flour Nothing better Take advantage of the Big Clearing Shoe Sale at Viersen Sons -See their big ad for the figures fP Person who have been waiting for the gold mounted fountain pens should hur ry to see the new line at Suttons Eastman kodaks make splendid gifts SI 00 to 2500 L W McConnell DruggiBt We are just in receipt of a new and well selected fresh and up-to-date stock of neckwear and mufflers Come in and Rozell Bakger You never before purchased such values in shoes for the money as Vier sen Son are offering during their Big Clearing Sale See ad The Womans Missionary society of the Congregational church will meet with Mrs A R Scott Thursday after noon December 17th at 230 oclock If you desire to give something sub stantial and useful be sure and see our line of fine leather goods No end to useful gifts here L W McConnell Druggist PORSAJUJFTOEHTETC For Sale One mare 6 years old one mare 12 years old two mare colts 6 months old and one runabout Phone black 376 Mrs J S Miller For Sale A desirable close - in dwelling house 506 2nd street east For Sale A piano in good condition at reasonable price Phone red 60 For Sale A few fresh milch cows M C Cratty 5 miles southwest of Mc Cook 12 15 3t For Kent Four room cottage Mrs J I Lee Phone 43 ForBent A good barn Inquire of Julius Kunert For ReT Furnished room light and bath Phone red 255 or call at 309 2nd street W For Rest 6 room house at 910 2nd st Phone red 329 west Lost A back comb has one row of brilliants across top Valued because a gift Finder rewarded by returning same to Miss Maude Vanderpool Personal Will the lady who was in search of a suitable present for her hus band please call at Suttons jewelry store The mystery is easily solved 9 1 i Bargains In Used Stelnway Pianos If you know of anyone who wishes a very good piano at a moderate cost no will be interested in the fact that just at the present time the well known music bouse of Lyon Ilealy Chicago have a large salesroom entire ly filled with used Steinway Uprights These Steinways embrace a wide f riety of styles All of them of course are genuine Steinways and all of them are in fine condition but there is a great difference in the cost Besides these instruments Lyon Healy are also now offering at a great Rebuilding Clearing Sale the pianos formerly owned by the Thompson Mu sic Co the Healy Mu9ic Co and the big Thearle Piano Co as well as their own stock You can secure a fine in strument at 20 to 40 per cent less than usual prices These pianos will bo sold either for cash or upon very easy monthly pay ments Freight upon an upright piano is only a matter of a few dollars All of these instruments are fully guar anteed to be exactly as represented The opportunity to secure one will un doubtedly be taken advantage of by the shrewd buyers in this viciity A letter to Lyon Healy 10 Adams street Chicago will bring full partic lars Real Estate Filings The following real estate filings have been made in the county clerks office since last report Volley Gunderman sing to Katty Gunderman qcd to pt lot i blk 10 West McCook 400 00 State Bank Bartley to the public amended article of incorporation Orville B Woods et ux to Henry N Graham wd to pt s hf se qr 18-1-27 3500 00 George B Morgan et us to William A Minniear qcd to pt nw qr 17-1-27 125 00 Eobert Jones et us to William A Minniear wd to nw qr 3-1-27 sw qr 34-2-27 6500 00 SHOP BY MAIL People in the surrounding towns and country who may not be able to come to the store during the holiday sea son but who see in our advertise ments goods they want can order by mail Such orders will have careful at tention and satisfaction will be guar anteed Our stock of brushes mirrors mili tary brushes toilet sets traveling cases books bibles and manicure sets is large and if you can tell us what you want early enough before Christmas we can send goods on approval L W McConnell Druggist District Court Proceedings Up to the hour of going to press this morning the following cases have been disposed of In the Dwyer attempted rape case motion for newftrial was denied The Hickling vs Hammel case goes over to the nest term of court jury not being able to agree In the case of Rogers va Brening the jury gave the plaintiff a verdict of 8100 damage The Stillman vs Brening case is now on Seml Annual Apportionment State Superintendent McBrien has completed the semi annual apportion ment of state school funds The total to be apportioned is 26713291 This is smaller than was usually available before the school tax was abolished There are 369996 persons of school age in the state and the apportionment was made to the various counties at the rate of 72193 cent per scholar Red Willow countys share in the apportionment is S272046 A Llfe Lonff Term The term of usefulness of a good watch is life long a constant reminder of the giver See our line Scttox the Jeweler BOX ELDER A school entertainment and box supper will be given at the Box Elder school house Friday evening of this week Hay For- Sale Choice Alfalfa hay 81000 a livered 12-11-415 Milton Phone ash 1351 J553S8 ton de CiiARir Wanted Agents to sell Diazo the new disinfectant and deodorizer kills diphtheria and typhoid bacilli guards the home from diseases and makes good pure air Good proposition and terri tory to hustlers Address W E Wil cox Riverton Nebr Sales Mgrfor Neb An elaborate assortment of good gifts of real value Every holiday problem solved -v L W McGonnell Druggist ittcCotfh T I - Menards Opera House December 17 and 18 1908 There will be produced for Jho improvement of Calvary cemetery under tho patronageofMrs C M Bailoy and Mrs AdeloPhelan 1 N Strongheart A STORY OF RACE PREJUDICE Under personal direction of S C BEACH T THE STRONGHEART ORCHESTRA direction of Harvey Snyder 9 Taylor a Sophomore Ross a Freshman Reade a grind Thome somewhat bad Skinner a sport Nelson a Senior Livingston a Junior Saunders a Senior by courtesy Siegfried Betty Bates Mollys chum Maude Weston Mollys friend Dorothy Nelson Franks sister Josh a trainer Buckley head coach Farley manager visiting team Black Eagle a messenger MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Albert Berry arrived home lastFri day on a visit to the folks J P Crodse was in to see the corn exposition in Omaha last night John Maisal of Indianola was a Sat urday visitor in this part of the city Misses Flora and Angie Quick of Indianola were city shoppers Monday Mrs JKatherine Heun has returned from Hastings and is living in West McCook E G Bohanan the Lincoln insur ance man was in the city Monday on business Henry Vontz of the Bondville neigh- borhoqd was in town Saturday on some business matters Judge and Mrs Harry S Ddngan of Hastings arrived in the city last Saturday night on 5 and are the guests of Engineer and Mrs Will H Dungan the men being brothers John Murphy who has served the Citizens Bank efficiently for some time has been transferred to the branch establishment at Benkelman and A Patzman succeeds him in tho parent bank here Mr and Mrs J M Baldwin of the Driftwood expect shortly to leave on a prolonged visit They will spend part of the winter in Nebraska but expect to later go to Southern California to be absent quite a while in the interest of her health and for both of tnem to en joy an earned season of comfort and rest AS Big- as You The citizens of- McCook this state havo subscribed 30000 for the erection of an opera house and office building Thats going some for a small town Alliance Times A souvenir spoon of McCook 75c to 300 Suttons i CAST OF CHARACTERS t f i Cov BimNETT Frank Brady Edw Williams F L Wright Arthur Colfer ReidMcKenna Tom OConnell Roy Weidenhamer Laddie Rogers Soangataha known as STRONGHEART a full blood Indian S C Beach Mrs Nelson Nelsons mother Annie Bailey Molly Livingston Dicks sister Gertrude Morrissey Sadie Coyle Josephine Phelan Ethel Morrissey J Edgar Geo Campbell Geo Aiken L Schofeld SYNOPSIS Act I Room of Frank Nelson and Dick Livingston at Columbia Col lege Friends Act II Training quarters on Columbia football field Doubts Act III Drawing room in Nelson mansion Enemies Act IV Same as Act III Parted by race prejudice The committee desire to return warm and sincere thanks to the bus inessmen of our city for their ready support of this project Especially are they indebted to H C CLAPP - THE MODEL SHOE STORE J H GRANNIS ROZELL BARGER E BENJAMIN L W McCONNELL HARVEY SNYDER THE C L DeGROFF CO JAS McADAMS W R STARR Curtain Rises at 9 oclock ii i i ii i i mi ill mi mi ill iihi i iiTiii Earnest and Eloquent Judge Harry S Dungan of Hastings Nebraska judge of the 10th judicial district of Nebraska delivered an address on the Fundamental Needs of Business in the Congregational church Sunday evening The address was earnest eloquent and ethical The speaker insisted that American business needed not more cash but more char acter which sentiment was the keynote to his address His plea was for men in the churches in politics in business virile conscientious Christian men It was a splendid thought and sentiment he expanded and the manner of it was en thusiastic and at times eloquent It was withal a fine Iaymans evolution of an up-to-date ideal of business needs An equally appreciated feature of the special program of the evening was the vocal solo by Mrs Harry S Dungan who sang Millard3 Nearer My God to Thee effectively and feelingly The church was well filled and the occasion worth while in every respect The Mens Sunday Evening Club of the church promoted the special service Christmas and New Year Post Cards A pretty line at reasonable prices at The Tribune stationery department Also McCook city views greeting cards birthday cards and comics Thousands to choose from Found a Ring A young man walking down Main street dropped in at Suttons where he found a superb line of rings and he soon found what he wanted You can too GET GIFT IDEAS WATCH MCCONNELLS WINDOWS from now until Christmas new goods will be displayed daily and the exhibit will help you to decide what to give Toys For the Boys and Girls and Good Things for every body at McCook Hardware Cos z r Wi w q ii nf mccook red willow county Nebraska Tuesday morning December is 1908 rib tine P E 0 Christmas Entertainment Responsive to the following invitation District X of P E O county will givo a Christmas entertainment at the bel school house Saturday evening De cember 12th 1908 beginning promptly at 715 The teacher Miss Powers will require that each pupil bo present and take part in the program The program will consist of music speaking and dia logues Following the program there will bo a Christmas tree on which any of the pupils may place gifts for their little dlaymates the chapter held ono of the most interesting seejions of theyearlast Saturday evening at the home of Mrs J G Schobel The meeting partook of the nature of a farewell to Mrs H H Tartsoh hnr departuro in a short time being anticipa ted because the chapter adjourns until after the holidays The chapter presented Mrs Tartsch with a booklet Objects and Aim of P E O prettily decorated throughout by Miss Budlong The hostess gave each guest a minia ture water color picture ready for fram ing and each member received a mem ento from the tree the gift of another member The program of the evening was as follows Piano duet Mrs Willetts Mrs Schobel Dialogue Mrs Burney Miss Budlong and Miss Abel Piano solo Mrs Wilcox Recitation Miss Laura McMillen Original poem Mrs Hanson Solo Mrs Tartsch Recitation Mrs Forbes Speech Mrs Ebert Recitation Mrs Schobel Good Night Song Mrs Burney Miss Budlong and Miss Abel Reading between the lines even the uninitiated can readily discern the sub stance of a gay evening and the ladies have filed no disclaimer Attracting Lively Interest The extensive and splendid art exhibit of Mrs Eugene Gary in the great show window of J EKelleys office is attract ing much attention and eliciting very fa vorable comment Tho exhibit contains pictures from nature from life as well as copies of famous works and they are in ail water colors pen and ink in fine in any of the well known mediums of art The pictures are priced from 75 cents up Mrs Gary may be found at the exhibit foom 2 to 5 oclock afternoons Resi dence phone black 35S Initiation and Refreshments The O E S initiated two candidates at their meeting last Friday evening After the business and work of the session refreshments were served The meeting was well attended and was an enjoyable one Forced the Doors The front door of the court house was forced last Thursday night also the door into the court room and into Judge Orrs private room Apparently noth ing was taken or disturbed in any of the rooms An Error in a Figure The type mede it appear last week that Viersen Son were selling 300 mens dress shoes at 395 The correct figure was 5 00 and the reduction 3 95 Solid Gold Jewelry Elaborate patterns in brooches cuff links stick pins etc with a guarantee thats permanent Sutton Jeweler Cut Glass and Silverware Large assortment low prices Cook Hardware Co McCook spending the Mc- Remember that jewelry bought Suttons will be engraved free at R F D NO 1 Mr and Mrs C H Angell of Marion spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs E F Markwad Mrs Laffertv of Danburv is over at week with Mrs Roy Laffertv Mr and Mr E F Markwad are the happy beneficiaries of a visit from Dr Stork It is a nine pound daughter Mr and Mrs Amos Rogers have ten derest sympathy in the death of their first born infant son last week The remains were buried at Indianola Mr and Mrs C Markwad returned last Saturday from Omaha where the old gentleman has been receiving med ical treatment We are sorry to note he is not much improved Tom Orton and two brothers arrived here last Thursday and have been vis iting their aunt Mrs J I Leewho with the three boys went up to Haigler Mon day to visit the boys mother Mrs IN McDougal Joseph Downs of East McCook has been ailing with lung trouble complica ted with erysipelas He is improving Fred Troester is building a new house on the farm he purchased from W H Smith now of McCook NUMBER 30 Still We Grow Deposits Decombor 3 1907 8184118 November 27 1908 15196025 Tho fact that wo have not only hold our business but prac tically doubled it with all compotitionindicates that the public mind has not lost sight of tho ossontial re quirements that mako a bank sound and safe Tho principles of conservative banking that havo gov erned our development thus far will shapo our future policy Grow with a growing progressive bank start an account today with The McCook National Bank Wnlsli Prcs C F Lohn Vice Pres C J OBrien Cashier DIRECTORS P F McKoiitm J J Loughran See to Your Order or Lodge Card The Tribune has for some time been printing a lodge and order directory free on the promise that the cards would be kept corrected as to facts officers etc by the several lodges and orders As we devote 10000 a year free to this purpose we expect those re ceiving tho benefit to keep the cards corrected A glance at the directory reveals many errors and wo must insist upon the proper officers bringing in the facts Otherwise we shall discontinue the cards which we find incorrect Look to your cards To Build a Railroad ZZ Stops are being taken at tho present time to organize and incorporate a company for tho purpose of building and operating a railroad the proposed route being from Stockvillo to Cam bridge Whether the road will bo electfic steam or gasoline will be determined by the subscribers of stock at the time of organization and will also probably depend upon the amount of capital raided Stockville Republican Faber Officers For Next Year The officers of the Red Willow Coun ty Agricultural society for next year are John Dutcher president Charles Thompson vice president James Ryan secretary Will Dolan treasurer Roscoe Korns general superintendent Charles Masters superintendent of live stock SUBSCRIPTIONS If you want to subscribe for or re new your subscriptions to any maga zine or paper published go to Barney Hofer the old reliable local dealer who will save you money Get wise to strangers and dont get stung like so many have the past year FOR SALE All new bowling alley double alley all hard wood maple Will sell cheap for cash or trade for stock Address F MEDEARIS Palisade Neb Free Entertainment The weary shopper will find our store an entertaining place presents for any member of the family can be selected from our splendid stock to suit your purse H P Scrrox Just Arrived A new shipment of fancy suits for young men just received at Rozell Bargers They are dandies too The prices are reasonable They fit the purse and person Cash Plus It is cash plus the goods and courte ous prompt service that places D C Marshs meat market easily in the first rank in its line Everythingseasonable Gave a Piano He looked at our line and the prices convinced him that this was the place to buy H P Sutton Why Not Buy a Majestic Range for her Christmas She will never forget it At McCook Hardware Cos Farm Loans Go to Johnson Rozell H E Sutton is displaying a splendid line of watches durirg the holidays Monograms free Kodaks and kodak supplies Mc Connell Druggist Big Clearing Sale of shoes at Viersens