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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1908)
i u J r J V Denver Very Busy Colorcdoa Capital Is Making Ready For the Coming of the Democratic Delegates In July The Convention Hall j Is making big prepara tions for the coming of tho Democrats of the nation on July 7 to nominate a candidate for the presidency For some months the city lias been busy -with the plans for the entertainment of the expected Visitors and Denver and the whole state of Colorado are looking forward to the event with enthusiasm Citizens of Denver contributed 100000 toward the expenses of the convention and will spend more than that before they get through probably iu giving their guests the time of their lives The City Auditorium which is now nearlug com pletion will afford an ideal meeting place for the assemblage and it will be possible for more persons to witness the proceedings and hear the speeches than has been possible at former con tentions The seating arrangements in the hall arc completed already There are to be llu21 chairs in it in regular jrows and by placing additional chairs In the aisles and in space left for standing room it will be possible to seat 14000 people This is a greater seating capacity than that of the Chi cago Coliseum the Madison Square Garden ISew York or the Mormon temple in Salt Lake City The work of getting ready for the convention In July is under the direc tion of the committee of arrangements of the Democratic national committee and of local committees The former committee is headed by ex Governor John E Osborne of Wyoming The lo cal committees are giving special atten tion to the arrangements for accom modating all v ho may come Names of those who are expeetecTare secured so rfar as possible in advance and proper quarters are provided for them Den ver has lo0 hotels mostly modern structures of brick and stone and in general as well equipped as any hotels in the United States In addition there are numerous apartment and rooming houses and many private families ex pect to open their homes to visitors on the occasion of the convention A big i f fa it T r i p a I1 ri srti Miil j MATOR SrEEB OF DENVER A A WELCOME I ARCH attendance is looked for in part be cause a great many people will doubt less take occasion to visit Denver at tho time of the convention and inci dentally see the sights of that part of the country Many side trips can be made easily from the capital of Colo rado to points famous for their scenic charms or for their human interest such as Pikes peak the Royal gorge and the gold fields of the Cripple Creek district One of the excursions which are popular is that offered by a railroad giving a trip of sixty miles in both di rections affording passengers the op portunity to stop at various points and gather the magnificent mountain wild flowers which abound 1 There is no such thing as Democrat or Republican in Denver when it comes to civic pride and work for the general 5Q0d of the city Republicans are work ing with Democrats in the movement to give every person who visits Denver a good time Lnuer the inspiration or the example of the mayor R W Speer who is untiring in labors for the mu nicipality the citizens generally are preparing to do their full duty in the matter of hospitality There has been a remarkably united effort to increase the beautiful appearance of the city Twenty thousand shade trees were planted under the direction of the mu nicipal authorities this spring and a contest has been arranged by virtueof which a prirt will be av irk for the lawn which i Lrpt lt during the coming summer Ornamental gates and columns have recti planned as perma nent featucj ii the beautiScation oi the city and -special arches and col nmns have Ku- i eirtetl by way of wcl come to tli of July Denver has Jong outgrown the characteristics of a mining camp It is a city with sixty five graded schools including four high schools ISO churches a public library of 100000 volumes and a manufactur ing output estimated last year at near ly 200000000 After the Chase 4 He panting as he pushes her over the fence Well darling you made a good shtvvlth that red hat of yours She also panting What do you mean He grimly It hit the bulls eye all right Baltimore American- gjfcljar feafe AV WffEWWgpy rxzr I- THE SCHEMIHL Ho la the Poop Fellow Who Always Misses His Chance The scliemihl is easier to understand than t define Many years ago a gath ering of the wits at the Maccabacus endeavored to come to a decision as to tlie real definition of a schemlhl They could not agree as to the origin of the word and they found It equally fiard to define what exactly a scliemihl Is The nearest shot says the Jewish Chronicle of London was that of Stu art M Samuel M P who said that he could tell a story that would illus trate exactly what was meant by the term There was a poor man who could not find anything to do What ever lie tried failed and when he sought employment he could not ob tain it Day after day he sat schemihl like on a bench in the public gardens waiting for some one to offer him work but the offer never came For a whole year he sat thus each day un til at last he attracted the attention of a merchant who said to himself I want some one at my warehouse and I think I shall offer the job to that poor man who is always sitting so pa tiently and wistfully as though he is looking for employment Tomorrow I shall speak to him The morrow came and the poor man started for his usual walk to his usual seat As how ever lie was leaving his house he said to his wife My dear I have been out like this for a whole year and noth ing has ever come of it Today I think I shall stay at home And he did And he missed the merchant That is the schemihl A LIFE OF THE ROOFS Gardens Flourish on the Housetops of Florence Italy There still exists in Italian cities a life of the roofs that is distinct and characteristic and of which the mere foreigner and tourist is entirely un aware Particularly fs this the case In Florence Mount to the top floor of one of these grim big palaces standing in some gloomy sunless street often approached by a stern forbidding door way and dark steep stairs and you will hold your breath with wonder at the surprise that awaits you for here before your eyes stretches an unfa miliar city a red and green city of wide expanse and varying altitudes a city no less architecturally beautiful than the one you have left below and enlivened too most unexpectedly by verdure In the very heart of the city on its topmost apex there is no trace of grime The air is pure and whole some Indeed its breezes are charged with no small suggestion of sea and mountain breath As for the smoke one would expect to find hanging above the roofs of a densely populated city it is conspicuous by its absence and only at the hour of meals does some faint blue column rise for the briefest space into the atmosphere Ilelen Zimmerns A Florentine Roof Garden in Cen tury Grant the Hero When General Grant was seized with his fatal illness in the autumn of 1SS4 he appeared before tho world in an en tirely new character From being view ed as the stern uncompromising and conquering military commander the revelation of his simple resignation in the face of great suffering claimed for him new fame as a hero in another sense His last battle with the great conqueror destined him for grander laurels than were gained on any of his many triumphant folds It was the purely human side of his nature that then appealed to the general sympathy of mankind Thus his last and only surrender was his greatest victory If it had been otherwise history would have cheated itself of an example of Christian fortitude the like of which has been seldom recorded Dr G F Shrady in Century New York Church Choirs Singing in a New York choir has several advantages one of which is the long contract said a soprano I sang in churches in four different cities be fore coming here and everywhere I was hired from month to mouth That is the custom in most churches in oth er towus The trustees are afraid to sign a years contract on account of the hot water they will get into if the choir proves unsatisfactory Congrega tions in other cities are very finicky and stubborn in the matter of music They dont take things as easy as the people do here Tbeaverage New York congregation is the most obliging body on earth Unless a choir is hopelessly bad nobody interferes so the trustees feel safe in hiring the singers by the year New York Sun Scientific Sammy Sammy said Mrs Tucker who was showing him through the geolog ical department of the museum these are called aerolites They are suppos ed to be fragments of some planet that has been broken up They come with in the attraction of our planet and fall to the earth Oh I know what they are said Sammy Theyre the ballast the man in the moon has to throw out to keep himself up in the sky Works Both Ways They bore one these society calls dont you know declared the young lady They bore one Sometimes they bore two respond ed the young man taking the hint and likewise his departure Louisville Courier-Journal Thats tho Answer Why is your husband so irritable at home Inquired the amazed visitor Because he knows its safe to be answered the long suffering wife St Louis Republic ft County Commissioners Proceedings McCook Nebraska Juno 11 100S s The county board of equalization met pur suant to adjournment present F S Lofton C B Gray nnd S Prcmer commissioners T A Endsley assessor und Chtis Skalla clerk Tho equalization of assessments was contin ued throughout tho day In tho matter of the nSHJ sment of tho im provements on lot 2 section 115 Perry precinct presented to the board by II P Sutton a mo tion was made by Gray seconded by Ircmer that tho valuation of 100000 for snld improve ments bo stricken from tho assessment list be iiiB un error and that a valuation of 00000 be placed on the iinjroeinents of lot 3 section IS5 Motion carried unanimously A motion was made by Gray seconded by Skalla that the valuation of 00000 on improve ments on northeast quarter of section W iu Perry precinct be stricken from tho assessment list being an error Motion carried unani mously In the matter of tho assessment of certain lots along side the river in Perry precinct a motion was made by Gray seconded by Eudsley that the valuation of lots 1 2 and 3 in section 35 Perry be reduced to 2200 peracro and of lots 4 5 J and 7 in section 30 lots 2 3 i 5 and C in section 35 lots i and 5 iu section 20 and lots 7 and 8 in section 27 nil in Perry bo reduced to 1800 per acre Motion carried unanimously A motion was mado by Skalla seconded by Premer thnt a valuation of 00000 be placed on the improvements on lot 7 block 21 1st addi tion to McCook having been missed by the as sessor Motion carried unanimously In tho matter of tho as essment of lot 41 block 2 South McCook presented to the board by Karl SSjencer a motion was made by Gray seconded by Skalla that the valuation of the improvements on said lot be reduced 10000 Motion carried unanimously In the matter of the assessment of tho one aero tract of Jacob Bauer in tho southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 30 Willow Grovo precinct presented to tho board by Jacob Bauer a motion was made by Skalla seconded by Premer that the valuation of the improvements on snid tract bo reduced 10000 Motion carried unanimously In the matter of the assessment of lot 3 block 31 2nd addition to McCook presented to the board by Mary Heaffy a motion was made by Premer seconded by Endsley that the valua tion on said lot stands as returned by tho as sessor Motion carried unanimously In the matter of the assessment of certain buildings along Main street iu McCook a mo tion was mado by Gray seconded by Skalla that the valuation of the improvement on the following lots bo reduced Lot 7 blk 22 original town fromSC00 toC00 Lot 8 blk 22 original town from 8000 to 0000 Lot 9 blk 22 original tow n from Lot 10 blk 22 original town from Lot 11 blk 22 original town from Lot 10 blk 22 original town from Lot 10 blk 10 original town from Lot 11 blk 10 original town from 8000 to 8000 to 7000 to 0000 to 7500 to 7000 to 0000 0000 sro 5500 0000 5500 Motion carried unanimously In the matter of the assessment of the south east quarter of 0-3-29 presented to tho board by C F Lehn a motion was made by Gray sec onded by Premer that tho valuation of said land be reduced from 34000 to 250000 Mo tion carried unanimously In the matter of the assessment of lot 7 block IS 1st addition to McCook presented to the board by C F Lehn a motion was made by Gray seconded by Premer that the valuation of the lot without the improvements be re duced from S00 to C00 Motion carried unani mously In the matter of the asscssment of the south west quarter of 27 in Bondville presented to the board by Aaron liedfern a motion was made by Prcmer seconded by Gray that the valuation of said land stand as returned by the assessor Motion carried unanimously In the matter of the assessment of the im provements on lot 2 block 22 1st addition to McCook a motion was made by Skalla second ed by Jjndslcy that tho valuation of saiu im provements be reduced from 1000 to 700 Mo tion carried unanimously On motion board adjourned to meec Juno 12 IPOS F S Loftox Chairman Attest Ciiaiiies Shall Clerk McCook Neb June 12 190S The county board of equalization met pur suant to adjournment present F S Lofton S Premer and C B Gray commissioners T A Endsley assessor and Charles Skalla clerk Tho board continued the equalization of as sessments throughout the day In the matter of the assessment of the im provements on lot 4 and the north ten feet of lot 5 block 23 1st addition to McCook present ed to the board by John Morris a motion was made by Gray seconded by Skalla that the valuation of said improvements be reduced from 348000 to 327000 Motion carried un animously In the matter of the assessment of the south half of the southeast quarter of section 27 and the northeast quarter of section 34 in Perry presented to tho board by H P Sutton a mo tion was made by Gray and seconded by Premer that the valuation of the south half of the southeast quarter of section 27 be reduced from 20C000 to 1C0000 and the northeast quarter of 31 from 645000 500000 Motion carried un animously It was ordered by the board that the clerk be instructed to notify tho following named per sons and property owners to appear before the board on Wednesday June 17 to show cause why they should not be raised on the assess ment of the following described property Barnett Lumber Co improvements on lots 3 4 and 5 block 27 original town of McCook Clint Hamilton Lumber Co improvements on lots 7 and b block 23 original town of Mc Cook W C Bullard improvements on lots 8 9 10 11 and 22 block 26 original town of McCook H P Waite improvements on lot 2 block 27 original town John Morrisimprovements on lot 14 block 27 original town V Franklin- improvements on lots 1 2 and 3 block 28 original town N J Johnsonimprovements on lots 15 and 16 block 3 original town W W McMillen improvements on lot 17 block 22 original town L W McConncll improvements on lot 7 block 21 original town Wesley Rozell improvements on north half of lot 10 and south half of lot 11 block 17 first addition to McCook S D McClain improvements on lots 5 and 6 block 21 1st addition to McCook George TV Short improvements on lots 34 block 39 city of Indianola Masonic Temple association improvements on lot 11 block 33 city of Indianola State Bank improvements on lot 12 block 33 Indianola Farmers Merchants State Bank improve ments on lot 17 and south one third of lot 18 block 32 city of Indianola On motion board adjourned to meet at 10 a mMune 13 1908 F S Loftox Chairman Attest Chas Skalla County Clerk McCook Nebraska June 13 190S The board of county commissioners met pur suant to adjournment Present F S Lofton S Premer and C B Gray commissioners and Chas Skalla clerk mm At ten oclock a in tho board on motion ad journed sine die F S Lofton Chnirmau Attest Chas Skalla Clerk McCook Nebraska Juno 13 1908 The county board of equalization met iu regu lar session Present F S Lofton S Premer nnd C B Gray commissioners T A Eudsley assessor Chtis Skalla clerk and P E Keeder attorney The board continued tho equalization of as sessments throughout the day In the matter of the assessment of tho south half of tho south east quarter of section 29 Perry precinct presented to tho board by C II Meeker a motion was mado by Gray seconded by Premer that tho valuation of snid land bo reduced from 250O to 800 Motion carried unanimously In the matter of the assessment of tho south half of tho northwest quarter and north half of tho southwest quarter of section 17 Coleman precinct presented to the board by C F Lehn a motion was made by Gray seconded by Skalla that tho vnltiation of snid land bo re duced from 3800 to 3400 Motion carried unanimously In the matter of tho assessment of lots 22 nnd 23 block 21 original town of McCook a motion was made by Grayseconded by Premer that the valuation of said lots be reduced from 1700 to 10U each Motion carried unani mously In tho matt r of the assessment of tho south west quarter of 21 Coleman precinct presented to the board by W M Itozell a motion was made by Gray seconded by Skalla that the val uation of tho 70 acre of unimproved land on said quarter be reduced from 1500 to 1050 Motion carried unanimously It was ordered by the board that the clerk be instructed to notify the following mimed per sons to appear before the board on Thursday Juno 18 to show etiuse why they should not bo raised on tho assessment of the following de scribed real estate John B Smith southeast of section 11 half of southwe t quarter of section 12 and northwest quarter of section 13 all iu Coleman precinct Beu Doyle east half of northeast quarter and northwest quarter of section 12 Coleman pre cinct BT Walters north half of southwest quarter of section 12 Coleman precinct John L Traphagan northeast quarter of sec tion 13 Coleman precinct On motion board adjourned to meet June 17 1908 F S Loitox Chairman Attest Chas Skalla Clerk McCook Nebraska June 15 190S The board of county commissioner- met in regular session present F S Lofton S Premer and C B Gray commissioners and Chas Skalla clerk The minutes of tho meetings on June 8 and June 13 were read and on motion approved The petition of J F Cordeal and O N Hec tor and others asking for the establishment of a public road was read and considered The board finds that all the requirements of the law have been complied with nnd that no claims for damages were filed On motion the road as petitioned for was granted establishing a pub lic road as follows Commencing at a point on tho section lino between sections 2S and 29 where the irrigation ditch of the McCook Irrigation Water Power Compani intersects said section line running thence south on said section line between said sections and between sections 32 and 33 all in town 3 range 30 nnd on the section lino be tween sections 1 and 5 and S and 9 in township 2 range 30 west of the 0th P M or as near to said section line as is practical And the clerk was instructed to notify over seer of highways to open said road On motion board adjourned to meet June 20 190S F S Lofton Chairman Attest CnA Skalla County Clerk McCook Nebraska June 17 19US The county board of equalization met pur suant to adjournment present F S Lofton S Premer and C B Gray commissioners T A Eudsley assessor P E Hecdar attorney and Chas Skalla clerk Tho minutes of the meetings on Juno 9 Id 11 12 and 13 were raad and ou motion approved The board continued tho equalization of as sessments throughout tho day In the matter of tLo assessment of the im provements on part of lot 1 and of lot 2bIock 27 original town of McCook H P Waits owner having been notified and being present a mo tion was mado by Gray seconded by Premer that the valuation of 1200 00 on improvements on lot 1 being an error be stricken frra the list and a valuation of 1200 be placed on tho improvements on lot 2 leaving the total valua tion stand as returned by the assessor Motion carried unanimously In the matter of the assessment of lot 7block 28 presented to tho board by M O McClure a motion was made by Gray seconded by Promer that the valuatiou of said lot be reduced from 700 to s500 Motion carried unanimously In the matter of tho assessment of the im provements on lots 8 9 10 11 and 12 block 26 original town of McCook of W C Bullard M O McClure manager having been notified and being present a motion was made by Gray seconded by Premer that the valuation of said improvements be rnised from 2000 to 2500 Motion carried unanimously In tho matter of the assessment of the im provements of W W McMillen on lot 17 block 22 original town or McCook W W McMillen having been notified and being present a mo tion was made by Skalla seconded by Premer that the valuation of said improvements be raised from 3000 to 4000 Motion carried un animously In tho matter of the assessment of the im provements of lots 15 nnd 16 in block 3 original town of McCook N J Johnson owner having been notified and being present a motion was made by Premer seconded by Gray that tho valuation of said improvements should stand as returned by the assessor Motion carried nnanimously In the matter of the assessment of the im provements on the north half of lot 10 and the south half of lot 11 block 17 1st addition to McCook W M Rozell owner having been notified and being present a motion was made by Skalla seconded by Premer that the valua tion stand as returned by the assessor Motion carried unanimously In the matter of the atsessment of tho im provements on lot 7 block 21 original town of McCook L W McConnell owner having been notified and being present a motion was made by Gray seconded by Endsley that the valua tion of said improvements be raised from B000 to 1000 Motion carried unanimously In the matter of the assessment of the im provements on tho east eighty feet of lots 1 2 and 3 block 28 and lot block 21 all in origi nal town of McCook VFranklin owner having been notified and being present a motion was made by Gray seconded by Skalla that the valuation of 14000 on lots 1 and 2 be reduced to 12000 that a valuation of 5500 be placed on lot 3 block 23 for improvements and that the valuation of the improvements on lot 8 block 21 be raised from 3000 to 4000 Motion car ried unanimously In the matter of the assessment of the im provements of lot 3 block 21 of Selma Stern a motion was made by Graj seconded by Promor that tho vnltiation of miiio bo reduced from 1100 to 1200 Motion carried unanimously In tho mntterof the nes mont of tho Im provements on lot 4 block 23 crigtnnl town of McCook of C BGray u motku was nwdo by Gray seconded by Premer that the valuation of samo bo raised from Stf to jiOO Votiugnje Lofton Gray and Premer nny Eudsley and Skalla Motion declared carried In tho innttorof the aesunent of the im provements of John Krieiter on lot 7 and of Mary E Simmons on lot 3 both in block 25 or isinnl town of McCook a motion was mado by Gray seconded by Premer that tho valuations bo reduced from l0CO each to Sl0 each Mo tion declnrcd carried In the mutter or the assessment of lota 3 4 5 and ft without the improvements in block 20 original town of McCook a motion was mado by Gray seconded by Premer that the valua tion of lots a 4 5 and C be roducml to 450 each and or lot 2 to 500 Motion carriea unani mously In tho matter of tho aes ineut of tho im provements of S 1 McClnin on lots 5 mid 6 iu block 21 1st addition to McCook a motion was mado bj Skalla seconded by Premer that the valuation suouiu stand as returned by tlie as sessor Motion carried uuauimuusly In tho matter of tho asses meutof tlie im provements of tho Harnett Lumber Co on lots 3 i and 5 in block 27 original town of McCook a motion was mndobyGrnj seconded bySknllu that tho valuation stands as returned by tho assessor Motiou carried tiuauimously In tho matter of tho assessment of tho provomoutson the west flftj feet of lot 12 block 33 Indinnola presented to tho board by W A Dolou n motion was mado by Skalla second d by Premer that tho valuation of snid lots bo re duced from MX to 500 and that the valuation of tho lot ho reduced from 2 0 to 100 Motion carried unanimously In tho matter of the ase smcnt of the im provements t f II W on part or lot 13 block 32 Indianola a motion was made bv Skalla seconded by Premer that th valuation orsamobo reduced from 1510 toIttO Mo tion carried uiianimjii ly In the mutter of tho of tho im provements of George V Slort on lot 21 block 39 of Indianola a motiou was made by Premer secouded by Gray that tho valuation be raided from 2000 to 3500 Motiou carried j mausly Iu the matter of the as o meat of theim j provements on lot 11 and part or lot 12 block 33 or tho Masonic Temple Association or lot 12 block 33 or tho State Bank ami or lot 17 and part or lot IS or the Farmer and Merchants State Bank nil in Indianola cit a motion was mado bj Skalla secoi ded by Premer that the sen ted to tho board by W A Dolan n motion was made by Premer seconded by Skalla that the valuatiou of said land bo reduced from 3200 to 20C0 Motion carried unanimou ly In tho matter of the assessment ot the im provements or Mrs Sarah E Christian amo tion was mado by Premer seconded by Ends ley that tho valuation of 1500 for the im provements on tho northwest quarter ot s ctioii 34 Perry precinct bo cancelled being an error nnd that a valuation orl0U bo placed on tho improvements or the quarter or tec tiou 31 Perry precinct Motion carried unani mously On motiou board adjourned to meet Juno IN 190S FS Lofton Chairman Attest Chas Skalla Clerk if f 7f7ri igpaSMiftww 1 1 i iiiiilii j iiuill in 1 1 o0 ii i i i - the io rejen any iroinsai is re erveti nnutMv iipriiviiieiis llH 1r00nI Jt m1 arked Pro thereon should stand as returned by the as- l posat for 1 cueral Iuihlig site at McCook Ne sessor Motion carried unanimousli hrasla and mailed to tho Secretary of th In the matter of the u es 10nt of tho north- n I reasiiry - j M bupervi cal lorm ing Architect of proposal WashiimkJH is unsi quarter oi i Missouri itiugo precinct re- l or provided Typewriter notions papers sale nt The TitiuuNEollice Recommended by leading physicians and chemists etc for Glo U CoitTiivou Secretary JMX I Hillll IARRY FREY Resident Piano Tuner Herniating and Kcpairirg Sntlxfnctlon G un ran teed Grndiuito of Central School tf Piauo Tuning Shulhyiillo luil McCook Neb Phone black 322 NOTICE OK SUIT r lvfH William WYiguiit Willium Wy Kintft r Hidgeley Matie Stewart Matthew iVar -V 0N lininH Klualith A Campion snllie I Hamilton Jen ie Poll Tumor Com U CamiilKd Jniie L Campbell A Ketct and William Kttcb defendants will take notice Hint UiIIimii JclTrie phmitiir hn Hied hi jMtitio i ngaiiikt snid defendant- in the district court of Bed Willow county Nebniiku the olr ject and prujer of which are to quiet tho title of theplaiutiir in tlie northeast quarter ami the north hair or the northwest quarter and the southeast quarter or tlie northwest qunrtur and the wet half r the Miutlieiist quarter of section Tour il township four iH rnngu 2tU iu Hed Willow county Neliruoka and tho southeast quarter or the southwest quarter and the west haH or the southwont quarter of section twenty Mjten 27 and the northeast quarter and tho north hair of th soiithea t quarter aid the Miuthoimt quarter or tho southeast quarter ot sction thtrty threo 33 and the northeast quarter nnd east half of tho northwest quurter and east hair ir south east quarter or thirty four CM nil in township five 5 range tenj niue 29 it Front i r con- tj Nebraskti in d ror H decree that the defendants and each of them bo de creed to have no uitere t in or imj claim lien or title to said premises or any part thereof and thnt the plain ills title thereto is good und valid and thnt the defendants ai d each and aH or them be rorever njoined from averting or claiming nny right to or right or pooiou o said promise- or any part thereof You are reouirod to answer said petition or or before Monduj the 2Uth duy of July UXtt JJnteil this 10th dny of Ju e limb- Willi m lnrruii 1lnintilL By IVvle A Kldred hi uttoruejs ADVEKTISING FOR FFDFHAL BUILDINff SITES Treasiirj departiueiit oitlce if tlio secretary Wa hiugtoii L luneJt liiis Projio als will lie received to bo opened nt two ii clock p m Jnlv H lt08 Tor the Mile or donation to the Inited Slate- or a suitable situ ceutrallv and couveuientlv located Tor the Fed oral building to he erected in McCook Vobras ka A corner lot f approximately ia x 1SU feet required Kaeh proposal must give thrt price the character of foundations ohtninftblu the proxitnit to strict cars sewer and water mains tc at d must he accompanied by a diagram indicating the principal street the north point the dimension and grade- of th land tiie widths und pnvuiK of adjacent street anil alley- whether the allevs are public or private and uheher or not the city owns IhihJ occupied by The vendor must jm all connected with furnishing evidence-of title niid deeds of conveyance tho propcrt v must be reserve by th vendor but pi n ling the commencement of the lederal building the may remain on tho land upou payment of a rea onablo grouml rent The grantor must however remove all improvement- on thirtj das notice so to dv OKDEi OF IIEVRING In the county court of Ued Willow county Nebraska State of Nebra ka count v of IteJ I Willow- lo all per-on- interested in the estato oi Jacob Crocker decea ed On reading tho p tition r Jra Crocker praying that the adminis tration r -aid I tate be granted to Michaet Crocker a admini trator It hereby ordered that jiiii and all pr-on- iut rested in saiil matter ma and do appear at tho count frilirt tf lu Iiitfl in unit Tir tsiitl i nlititt nil fli J 29th day ir June A I I at one oclock p m to -bow cau e it any there be why tiie praver of the petitioner should not lm granted ami thnt notice ir the jiendi ncj of saidiwtitiou i and that the hearing thereof be given toaK person- intere ted in said matter by publishing a copy or order in The McCook Tribune a weekly newspaper printed in said county for three successive weeks prior to said day o i hearing Witness niy hand and seal of said court this Clth day of June A 1 IWR scal J C Moore County Judge FIVE REASONS WHY IIII has obtained the confidence of the public 1 It complies with the Pure Food Laws of all states 2 It is the only high Errade Powder sold at a moderate priceI 3 it is not made Dy a caking Powder Trust 4 Food prepared with it is free from Rochelle Salts or Alum n 5 It is tne strongest Baking Powder on the market SI 00000 given for any substance Injurious to health found In Calumet Calnmet Is so carefully and scientifically prepared that the neutralization of the ingredients Is absolutely perfect There fore Calumet leaves no Rochelle Salts or Alum in the food It is chemically correct All Grocers are Authorized o Guarantee this Calnmet BaklnePowder costs little Costs a little more than the cheap injurious powders now on the market but it is a big saving over tne trust powders Try Calumet AetBfrTHETWIT IUJUHJJJ N umi jwnujiw RKsagSSNS3SrS3SSSE2S353s S3vaw SSSSSSTvOSEiSs NSBNSSS m - U - u - rJ efore Buying Elsewhere s3EarsEjsasEr enssjbsfjs23s ssssxErsrssrss besjssesen Bl aSfcfcVfcSr 9iSrQ SSZ V 7 Attention Hiiilclers I If you want a FOUNDATION CUKBSTONE SIDEWALK or anything pertaining to Cement Work see J E MOLUND Or at Yard Two Blocks East of Main Between Dodge and Dennison 3C Room 8 Walsh Block I i i