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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1908)
American Sunday School Union Tho origin of tbu Amoncmt Suutinj acbool union nonrly ouo hundred jiwtrs ago was tho expression of two gieat mi pulses in response to conditions Hit n prevailing and which still exist in our country Tho first u wise far seeing patiiotistn 7ecoganizod tho truth uttir d ii G o Washington that tho perpetuity f our national institutions dupows en the right moral training of tho youth of ih land and saw in tho increasing iiuin ber of morally neglected youth iev jryat menace to tho nations fuluie Tho second was tho loving impulse to respond to the Saviors appeal to feed his lambs scattered neglecte 1 and per ishing unshopherdod Early efforts to meet the needs of such ciidrn by opening Sunday schools for them led to a cooperation of devoted pitriotie Christians of various denominations which culminated in the beinnint s of the American Sunday School Union in 1317 and in its present form of organiz Rov F G Ensign whoso cut appears in this connection was a co worker with D L Moody in the sixties Urged by Mr Moody ho accoptod tho office of superintendent of tho northwest district for the American Sunday School Union in 1SG3 with seven men aa his force for work in tho territory now comprising ten Htates 1 his force was increased in hu thirtj eiyht years of service to ono hundred permanent men and about fifty students commissioned for vaca tion work Under his leadership about ENSIGN S000UU re brought into Sunday Schools opened by his men When wo consider tLat the men now leading in and professional life in our own towns and citie were most of them twenty five j ears ago among the chil dren of rund districts we are ready to realiz that it is not likely that even his great evangelist friend did so much for the permanent good of his country as Mr Ensign Rev Geo P Williams D D whose cut appears herewith is the present lUW EUdsSSHl REV GEORGE P WILLIAMS D D ation in 1824 The object then espress ed in its conrtitution is to plant and sustain a Bible school in every destitute community in the land The method is by sending out Sunday school mission aries supported by gifts of patriotic and Christian people of all classes Many statesmen including United States presidents and prominent business and professional men including some of our most noted preachers testify that these Sunday schools touched their lives and moulded them for usefulness district superintendent He began his gospel ministry as ono of Mr Ensigns missionaries in North Dakota Thus after a seminary course and a brief pastorate in Chicago he did magnificent service as home missionary superintend ent of Chicago Presbytery for twelve years His intimate acquaintance with Mr Eusiga and his work during this time peculiarly fitted him to become his successor in January 1907 The grasp with which he has already laid hold of the work convinces its friends WALNUT GROVE SUNDAY SCHOOL One rough profane illiterate man was reached by such a school through his little girl He was converted and trained to such efficiency that ho bo came a missionary of tho Union and himself opened over 1300 more such Sunday schools Another missionary still living has planted over 1250 Sunday schools in Siinnesota No other man has done as much for the permanent good of Minne sota as be and probably none ever will Nearly 200 churches of eight or ten de nominations developed from his schools that God has trained and called a man large enough for this field in its present magnitude Mr W II Kimberly state superin tendent for Nebraska and Wyoming is now in his nineteenth year of service in the state In his modesty he has furn ished us with no statistics of the results either of his own personal work during his earlier years as field missionary or of that of the whole state force since he was placed at its head But of all the tireless workers who have spent their energies in heroic efforts to feed a X- tho scattered lambs of Nebraska none has equalled in labors more abundant than our beloved W JI Kimberly Many a remote district in these western counties in tho early years felt tho touch of his largo warm heart and the thrill of tho Masters spirit in him and many a church is the fruit of his seed sowing Men who are now missionaries in our work and others pastors of churches beside multitudes who glorify God as truly in tho common walks of life point back to tho work of this great heart as the source of their use fulness Mr Kimberly is a worker of the Toddj R typo and attracts such workorB to his forco Last years report of the state forco showed 170 Sunday schools opened with over 0000 mem bers nineteen joung peoples societies and prayer meetings established to deepen and establish the work of tho schools preaching appointments ar ranged in forty one places for pastors of sevon denominations seven churches de veloped 13453 visits were made to KEV W II KIMBERLY homes many of which are beyond the reach of any pastor and nearly 400 con verts were reported Mr Webber recently located at Mc Cook as permanent missionary for Southwest Nebraska has spent about eleven years in this work elsewhere be side five years as a pastor He has al ready opened some fine Sunday schools in three counties and is working at other needy districts Many newly settled districts are in need of Sunday schools and in some places churches that used to flourish are now dead and work must be begun over again with a union Sunday school Mr Webber will be glad to respond to any appeals for districts needing his help lie will also gladly receive any contributions for the support of the REV B L WEBBER workers in the state Quite a number of men have for years given the entire support of individual missionaries and counted this the best of all their invest ments but most of the funds comes in small contributions of from one dollar upward Who loves the Savior enough to help feed his scattered lambs in this way Communicated Herewith we print a picture of the Walnut Grove Union Sunday school or ganized a few years since about eleven miles south of Cambridge About thirty of this school are now members of churches in that part of Furnas county Death of Former Citizen Mr J H Evans of Cache Creek was called to the great beyond Wednesday May 27th The cause of the death was pneumonia Undoubtedly the advanced age of Mr Evans had considerable to do with aiding the desease he being 73 years old Mr Evans came to this section some 14 years ago from McCook Nebraska A wife and seven living children and 11 grandchildren are left to mourn his loss He was a G A R man serving the full four years of the war was at the time of his death a member of the Christian church Mr Evans was well and favorably known we might say by every one and his loss will be noticed by this entire com munity Grand Valley News Colorado The deceased came to Red Willow county in 1S79 and resided for many years west of our city The Commercial National Bank of Cedar Rapids Iowa has just been au thorized to begin business with 100000 capital Among the officers is one of McCooks early and leading business men W O LaTourette who is vice- presiueuu I LeGore Rltchle Wedding A beautiful and elaborate wedding took place at 830 last evening at tho home of Mr and Mrs Robert M Lo Gore 1G29 C street in tho marriago of their only daughter Lila Marie to Charles David Ritchie of McCook Neb Tho ceremony was witnessed by a company of about 200 people who were seated in an arbor mado by canvasing in tho lawn back of tho houso and coering the screen with branches nnd vines Numberless little electric globes gleamed through the foliage with love ly effect An orchostra played the wedding march nnd also furnished music all during tho evening Tho bridal procession was led by sixty girls of the Alpha Omicron Pi sorority all dressed in white nnd pink who took seats at tho further side of tho arbor Next came tho two bridesmaids Miss Edna Waite of McCook and Miss Ethel Perkins of Lincoln drossed in pink silk The two maids of honor Miss Anna Jones and Miss Minuio Baumau of West Point with trained gowns of pink silk followed Mrs Charles Nichols of Leavenworth Kas tho matron of honor in white lace over pink silk preceded the biido and her father The groom and his best man Ralph Mansfield of Wisner and tho officiating minister Rev W W Law ronco awaited the procession in tho arbor The bride wore an exquisite gown of baby Irish lace over heavy whito silk entrain with a tulle veil and carried a shower bouquet of bride roses and lilies of the valley The guests woro received in the house by Mrs LeGore assisted by her mother Mrs John Wilson of Montezuma la and tho grooms mother Mrs Ritchie of North Bond Garlands of honey suckle and pink and whito roses gave a bower liko effect to the reception room Aiound the plate rail in the dining room was a closely placed row of pink candles in crystal sucks xne taoie was cover ed with a beautiful cloth embroidered by tho brides grandmother and was decorated with pink roses and big pink bows Mrs C I Jones Mrs J C Seacrest Mrs C H Rudge and Mrs Emma Holyoke alternated in serving the coffee and ices Mrs E H Fol som and Mrs E II Marshall had charge of the long pink ribbons which were drawn when sufficient number had been admitted to the dining room and Mrs George O Smith drew the ribbons at the exit Mrs W E Bark ley introduced the guests to tho re ceiving line Miss Ada Comstock as sisted in the parlors and Miss Mabel Ritchie assisted in the hall upstairs Punch was served on the front porch which was screened in with vines and honeysuckle The effective decora tions were placed under the direction ofH T Folsom The beautiful col lection oi guts were on view in a room upstairs Mr Ritchie graduated from tho state university in the class of 1903 and from the law school in 1905 Ho is a member of Alpha Theta Chi Phi Delta Phi and Theta Kappa Nu fraternities and was a charter member of tho In nocents He is now a member of the law firm of Morlan Ritchie Wolff at McCook Mr and Mrs Ritchie will travel about two weeks and will be at home to their friends at McCook after July 15 Among the out of town guests were the following Mr and Mrs David Ritchie and daughter Mabel North Bend Dr and Mrs Charles Nichols and Goodsell Nichols Leavenworth Kan Miss Anna Jessen Nebraska City Ellery Delaney and Miss LeNora DeLaney Douglas Neb MissBauman West Point H P Leavitt Omaha Fred Laird Fremont Mr and Mrs M H Head Jefferson la Charles Mar shall and son Earl Douglas Neb A number of the Alpha Omicron Pi alumnea from over the state were also present Lincoln Journal June 11 Hag enbeck and Wallace Coming Circus is coming A real circus A big one The largest that travels The reliable Carl Hagenbeck Great Wal lace show comoined with every depart ment augumented with additional novel ties rare and interesting new features in tho monster menagerie Special im portations in the way of all kinds of new circus acts have been secured in con junction with a long string of the pick of American performers The horses are a show all by themselves and every department has been increased extensively and such a superb exhibition of blooded horses as form a part of the Carl Hegenbeck Wallace circus can be truthfully said that no other show offers The new parade is also creating exceptional at tention and is called the finest turn out any circus has ever made in any coun try The big shows come to McCook Friday July 10 afternoon performance only Annular Eclipse of Sun There will Le an annular eclipse of the sun June 2S visible in nearly all parts of the United States but annular only in the vicinity of Tampa Florida and begining there at 745 a m will be of 245 duration About three fourths of the suns surface will be eclipsed at Tampa and in a strip of country 90 miles long by 45 miles wide in the vicin ity of Tampa the eclipse will be as nearly total as it is possible to hide the sun for a period of three minutes Marriage of Miss Stevens An unusually pretty wedding was that of Miss Elizabeth Stevens and William Irwin Brooks in St Cecelias at half aftor seven Wednesday morn ing Tho ceremony was performed by Rov Father McDonald of tho local parish assisted by Rov Father Kirwin of McCook The brido was attended by her sister Miss Mary Stevens of Lincoln A D Crawford of Lincoln was best man Only relatives and intimnto friends wero present Tho brido was attired in a going away suit of tan with which she woro a laco bodice tan hat and whito gloves Sho carried a white prayer book Following tho ceremony tho bridal party went to tho homo of Mr aud Mrs J C Stevens whore a wedding break fast was served by Fisher There woro thirty two guests Decorations wore in pink and white Tho menu was served in six courses Mr and Mrs Brooks left on Burlington train No 2 for the oast A large numbor of friends assembled at tho depot to ex toud their good wishes Tho bride who is a sister of John Stevens has been a resident of Lincoln for several years Sho was ono of tho chief librarians of tho stnte library under Supremo Court Clerk Ilerdman and later held a desirable appointment in the Burlington legal sorvico at Lincoln Mr Brooks is well established in Lincoln in association with tho firm of Miller Paine Tho couple will re side at S26 South Fourteenth street whero they will receive their friends after July 15 Among tho out of town guests were Mr and Mrs George lleflley A D Crawford Harry Gil more Miss Ethel Erford and Miss Nora Sullivan all of Lincoln II M Brooks and Mrs S D Love of Pender father and aunt of the groom Mr and Mrs Kendlen and daughter Miss Maggie Ecklesfield Miss Minnie Fitzgerald and Rev Father Kirwin all of McCook Mrs Kendlen is a sister of tho bride Tho happy couple received many beauti ful presents Hastings Tribune June Real Estate Filings Tho following real estate filings have been made in the county clerks office since last report Mary A Mugan to Mabel C Hammond wd to lot 3 blk 7 2nd McCook 400 CO A G Bump and wife to Jennie Ilegonberger wd to lot 3 blk 22 1st McCook 2100 00 John H Daily and wifo to Peter HKiIzer wd to hf int e hf 7 1 2G no qr 3500 00 John L Horton sing to llona Turner wd to lots 123457 Lebanon pt no qr sw qr 17-1-26 1000 00 Robert N Piper toEE Atwater qcd to nw qr sw qr 2 e hf so qr 3 no qr no qr 10 in 4 29 Conrad Amen and wifo to Geo Fahrenbruch wd to pt se qr seqr30 3 29 1 00 1 00 Daniel Harrison and wife to Thomas L Kelley wd to lot 4 blk 28 Indianola 100 00 William T Davis to John A White wd to no qr 1-4-29 1S00 00 H A Dickson to McCook Gas company b of s of gas fixture in barber shop 30 00 Frank Morosic and wifo to James S Doyle wd to w hf ne qr w hf se qr 4 4 23 1300 00 N E Barger and wife to H N Rosebush wd to pt ne qr se qr30 3 29 2500 00 Whos Afraid There wero more frightened people in McCook last Friday evening than have ever before been within her borders That ugly cloud of dust in the south west looked ominous and was partially tho cause of the fright but a telegram from Trenton announcing an approach ing cyclone which did not exist or materialize was the principal element in the scare Fortunately it was naught but wind followed by a heavy rain Tho worst of this McCook escaped the heavy blow passing on down the valley but doing no damage of note But cyclone cellars and house cellars were consulted all over the city But whos afraid A Guaranteed Cure For Piles Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud ing Piles Druggists refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case no matter of how long standing in Ctol4 days First application gives ease and rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it send 50c in stamps and it will be for warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co St Louis Mo Farmers Attention I am receiving cream for the Fair mont Creamery Co of Crete Neb Bring your cream to me and I will guar antee good results You get your checks every shipment To those part ies that are delivering cream to other creameries if you will divide give one half to me I think after a few ship ments you will bring it all to me M Walsh Death of Baby Douglass Baby Lee Francis infant son of Mr and Mrs Charles F Douglass died on Sunday and the little remains wero buried in Riverview cemetery Monday TEMPERANCE COLUMN I Conducted by the McCook W C T v wwvwv1 l Tho W C T U met with Mrs H A Rouch Meeting opened by singing How Firm a Foundation followed by a scripturo lesson from I Timothy Business Discussion was led by tho president relative to tho Sunday baso ball playing Mesdames Gary and Beardsloy announced that they would organize tho L T L this noxt weok Mrs Rouch led tho lesson for tho day Subject Which has tho Greater In fluence Over a Childs Lifo Heredity or or Environment It was interesting nnd profitable In two wooks will moot with Mrs Ed Callen Thoro will bo a tea Wo cordially invito all to attend our meetings THE SALOON A BAD INSTITUTION After nil tho worst thing about tho saloon is tho saloon itsolf It is worso than folly to try to cienus tho stream of a foul fountain Tho saloon is a foun tain which sends forth a stream of vice and thoro is but ono way to got rid of tho pestilent stream and that is to dry up the fountain Thoro is no uso cut ting at tho ulcerous surface of tho can cer while tho roots aro left Tho real cancer is tho saloon itself nnd a saloon no matter where it may bo or what its appointments may bo is a plaguo spot As an institution tho saloon is per so bad It ministers to and develops the baser instincts and tastes Its wholo influenco is to deprave It inflames tho passions paralyzes the finor sensibilities and impoverishes in all that goos to tho making of a noblo manhood Tho gambling den and tho brothel aro allies of tho saloon Anarchy breeds in tho atmosphere of tho saloon Tho stream of political corruption has its source in tho saloon Tho only way to get rid of tho deadly fruit is to dig up tho roots of tho tree It has been demonstrated that the only effective regulation for tho sa loon is extermination Word and Way CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Episcopal Preaching services at St Albans church at 11 a m and 730 p m Sunday school at 10 a m All are welcome to these services E R Eaule Rector Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sormon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday Wm J Kirwin O M I Christian Bible school at 10 a m Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m C E t 7 p m Knights of Pythias memor ial sermon at 2 p m All aro welcomo R M Ainsworth Pastor Baptist Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching service at 11 00 a m Even ing service at 800 B Y P U at 7 p m A most cordial invitation is extended to all to worship with us E Burton Pa3tor Christian Science Services Sun day at 11 a m and Wednesday at 8 p m Meetings held in tho Diamond block Room open Wednesdays and Saturdays from 2 to 4 p m Sunday subject Is tho Universe Including Man Evolved by Atomic Force Sci ence literature on sale Methodist Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m Junior League at 4 Epworth League at 7 Prayer meeting Wednesday night at 8 p m Morning subject The Church That Wins Evening Some Needed Reforms in McCook Sunday school every Sunday in South McCook at 3 pm M B Carman Pastor Congregational Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching at 11 a m by pastor Junior C E at 3 pm Senior C E at 7 p m Prayer meeting every Wednes day at 8 Morning subject Amos the Times and the Mam Childrens Day programme by the Sunday school at 8 p m Public is cordially invited to these services G B Hawkes Pastor 150 For Best Article The Republican Congressional Com mittee offers 150 for the best article not exceeding 1000 words on tho sub ject WHY THE REPUBLICAN PARTY SHOULD BE SUCCESSFUL NEXT NOVEMBER The competition is open to all In judging tho merits of contribu tions consideration will be given not only to style arguments and facts pre sented but to the convincing power and it should be born in mind that Memoers of Congress are to be elected as well as President and Vice President No manuscripts will be returned but will be the property of the Committee The best article will be widely used both in the newspapers of the country and in pamphlet form The reward will be made and check sent to the successful contestant about lugust lutn Manuscripts must be mailed not later than July loth to Literary Bureau Republican Congressional Committee Metropolitan Bank Building Washington D C A Handy Receipt Book Bound duplicate receipt books three receipts to the page for sale at Thk Tribune office k L m