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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1907)
pv k f 1 If k tT J V Uwiiuunnim Hi imwnnnji New Sale of New Goods All the Time i in DENTIST phokb 112 Office Rooms 3 and 5 Walsh Blk McCook FAY HOSTETTER TEACHER ON PIANO McCook Nebraska Studio upstairs in new Kishel building south of Post Office KT mjjwimlwii emaasnESBECXssasa m JL JL LiiiilO CXsXXSX5SX A Dollar in Your Pocket and more coming Saturday night the chances are you will spend the dollar probably for something you do not need possibly for something you would be better olf without If that dollar was in the bank ou would keep it and add to it until you had enough to make an investment so you could make more money Many of the larger bank accounts wpre started in a very smull way and gradually builded to their present size Why not start an account with us and build up to whom you can live on the interest of your investment Its worth while trying makirg a start helps start todav THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK McCook Nebr Feb221007 The best of every thing in his line at the most reasonable prices is Harsh s motto He wants your trade and hopes by merit to keep it The Butcher Phone 12 A wtk 9 J I BrtLL IBlUUUUn AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED Fairbury Hanchett Windmill This is a warranted and guaran teed windmill nothing better in the market Write or call on Mr Ball before buying PHONE BLACK 307 4l1bSlSS9 McCook Laundry G C HECKMAN Prop Dry and Steam Cleaning and Jrressmg DR H M IRELAND Osteopathic Physician Kelley Office Bldg Phone No 13 McCOOK NEB Consultation free JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTER McCook Nebraska 53Agent of Lincoln Land Co and or McCook Water Works Offico in Postoffice building DH OUNN YOU WOULD DO WELL TO SEE J M Rupp FOR ALL K INDSOF Brick Work P O Box 131 McCook Nebraska ea r and Oo Center Home of Quality and Quantity where W BULLARD sells THE BEST LUM BER AND COAL Are you thinking of building If so it is ten to one our figures will please you M O McCLURE Phone No 1 Manager March 1st to April 30th 82000 to Salt Lake Butte Helena 82250 to Spokane district 82500 to California Portland Seattle Ta coma Washington Daily through tourist sleepers to California via Denver Scenic Colorado and Salt Lake Citv also to Montana Wash ington and Puget Sound country Winter Tourist Rates To Colorado California and all Southern resorts Homeseekers Informa tion Bureau Free valuable information fur nished to seekers of Government and deeded lands along the Bur lington lines Let us help you locate your home in this fast grow ing and reliable zone of prosperity Write Landseekers Information Bureau lOOlFarnam St Omaha Nebraska For rates folders information etc apply to GEORGE S SCOTT Ticket Agent McCook Neb L W WAKELEY G P A Omaha Neb ijmiujijvfciiAmi immii iiMumimumrwa iiiiii n i inn ii in in in n 1 1 i n i i i in n in i it rew MtittldPk iA 7Jtsayigggscan rr r mm mm JffifflsmMmmwm S Floyd Stayner is at Lafayette Colo George Campbell is over from the Kansas branch on a short visit home A new order has gone into effect re quiring passenger conductors to do their own auditing Engineer William Deere is adding four rooms to his house over near the brick school house W S Perry chief of the bridge and building department was up from Lin coln Wednesday on company business Conductor W H Brownes family has returned from Denver to live heie again lie is running on tho Orleans St Fran cis branch CirY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Christian Sunday school at 10 am preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m Christian endeavor at 7 p in Prayer meeting Wednesday euening at 8 Rev OP Evans will preach Catholic Order of services Mass 8 am Mass and sermon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday J J Looghban Pastor Methqdist Sunday school at 1000 a m Preaching by Presiding Elder C C Wilson at 1100 The Lords supper at 1200 Junior League at 400 Epworth League at 700 Prayer meeting every Wednesday night 83 prvsent Feb 27 Sunday school and preaching in South McCook nest Sunday afternoon M B Carman Pastor Christian Science Services at Zint McClain bldg Sunday at 11 oclock a m Wednesday at 8 oclock p m Subject Man Reading room at same place open daily where Christian Science literature may be had Episcopal Services on Sunday at 11 a in Holy communion and sermon on third Sunday in each month at 730 pm prayers and sermon Sunday school at 10 a m The rector will officiate All are welcome to these services E R Earle Rector Baptist Sunday school at 1000 a m Preaching services at 11 a m and 8 p m Young peoples meeting at 7 p m A h Green Pastor Congregational Sunday School at 10 a m Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m by pastor Christian Endeavor at 7 pm 8 pm Prayer meeting Wednesday at bubjects Sunday a m Citizens Duty p m Why the Door to Salvation is Narrow A cordial invitation is extended to all these meetings Geo B Hawkes Pastor R F D No 1 Mr and Mrs H H Pickens Mr and Mrs W S Fitch and Mr and Mrs C II Jacobs enjoyed a dinner at the Jacobs home on the Driftwood Thursday of last week The gathering had deep significance to them from the fact that these three families are the oldest set tlers stiil residing on the South Side All of them settled on the South Side in 1S72 Henry Kisker William Baumbach G E Evertson and others made a large shipment of cattle and hogn from Red Willow station Monday of this week W N Rogers went up to Denver Monday to make arrangemonts for a joint sale in that city in the near future A big dance at H L Eberts last Saturday evening Mrs Frank Dudek was taken quite ill Sunday while visiting at the home of her father W E Bower and was not able to return home until Monday Con Brening will have a sale on March 6th We understand he thinks of going o Wyoming Amos Rogers sustained thersputation of Sbadeland marksmanship the other day by killing a coyote with a club W N took a running shot or two but Amos shelalah did the business up brown for mister coyote A basket social will be held in the Picktns school house district 31 Fri day evening March 8tb preceded by an excellent program Proceeds to be used for bookcase or books All invited NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a chattel mortgage axecuted to the Huber Manu facturing Company an incorporated company under the laws of the state of Ohio of Marion in the county of Marion and state of Ohio by John P Reiter dated the thirty first day of August 190T and filed in the office of the county clerk of Red Willow county in tho state of Neb raska on the fourth day of 1901 upon which default has been made and upon which there is now due the sum of SI 5M14 the said Huber Manufacturing Company will expose for tale at public auction and sell to the highest bidder on Friday the twenty second day of March 1907 at the hour of one oclock p m on lot eighteen in block thirty three in the origi nal town of Indianola in said county of Red Willow in tho state of Nebraska tho property mentioned in said chattel mortgage as follows to wit One Huber traction engine 18 horse power number 71S3 one Huber separator with J2 inch cylinder and 51 separating part number S65S together with all belts and tools pertaining to the use of said machinery one Huber wind stacker number 2527 and one Huber Ifi self feeder number 2913 Dated at McCook Nebraska this first day of March A D 1907 The Hdder Manufactumng Company Mort gagee By W S MoELAN Its Attorney 3-1-1 1 B3G9IS9S3ES5EnSE9SEBD3J jgBgSftSggSggSwfgtiiwi HcDCprTsrBaa3rcnErrlsrccrE L 1 C orioe C5i INDIANOLA Mr and Mrs Gus Krydor of McCook are visiting her parents west of own E G Caines mother died Tuesday after a protracted illness The remains were sent toKausus Jit on No 11 i day evening accompanied by Mr Caino Mr Eddy fiom Custer County is here visiting hid brother-in-law John Broom field and family Lou Sargent and family of Danbury are moving onto the John Broomfield property Owens Longnecker and Mrs Shields were united in marriage by Rev Finch at the home of the groom Sunday Mr and Mrs Ralph Dean of Cam bridge were guests of Arch Mann and family this week Powell Smith shipped a carload of hogs to St Joe Saturday evening Mr Donuellyaud family from Adams Co Kansas are moving onto thelleaton farm north of town Fred Vering and family left last Sat urday for their new home near Marys ville Kan Arthur Hoagland and family left last Tuesday morning for Pawnee where they will make their home Clark Hedges is enjoying a visit from his brother who is mail clerk at Falls City John Welborn is convalesing nicely from his recent illness An Armenian gave a very interesting lecture at the Congregational church Monday evening to a crowded house Mr and Mrs Orson Lee of Loveland Colo visited with relatives the forepart of the week Luther Lee died suddenly last Satur day morning of heart trouble Funiral services were held at the M E church Sunday afternoon He leaves a wife and babe Bennie Smith entertained a few of his friends Saturday evening in honor of his eighteenth birthday Mrs W H Smith is very sick with muscular rheumatism Mr and Mrs Chas Lehn of McCook visited with home folks Sunday Mr and Mrs Theodore Collings of McCook spent Sunday with relatives Mr and Mrs Tom Haley were visitors in Arapahoe tho first of the week Mrs Ferree and mother Mrs Lee Mr and Mrs Will Hold of McCook and Mr Siska of Maywood attended the funeral of Luther Lee Bob Spaine of Danbury drove over to Indianola Tuesday danbury Born to Mr and Mrs Geo Hess Feb 25 twin boys It looks like Danbury has her share of twins having six pairs in and around town Miss Clara Gerlich who has been nursing WJ Stilgebouer returned to Lincoln Wednesday S H Sargents are moving their goods to Indianola where they are goinj to live H V Lord and Mr Goodenburger are exchanging living places this week having traded last week Mr Ketlerings moved on their farm last week Hon Philip Gliem spent Sunday at his home here and returned Monday evening to carry out the will of the people Mr lloldreges have moved to their town property recently purchased of Mr Kotlering W J Stilgebouer is improving this week There was a farewell party given in honor of Miss Sargent at the Greenway home last Tuesday evening All spent an enjoyable time John Greenway spent Friday in Mc Cook Miss Jennie Ryan and Mr Leopold were married at the brides home last Sunday Miss Jennie VanVleet and Mr Andy Hoger were married Wednesday at the brides home Rev Hall departed Monday evening for Chadron Nebr where he and Miss Reynolds of that place were married Thursday Feb 28 BANKSVILLE Thayer Rowland ishere from Seattle Washington Miss Jessie Hartman is staying with her sister Mrs B W Benjamin The basket supper was not wellattend at school district 51 Saturday night August Wesch is hauling lumber for his new barn this week Clyde Hartman is back from Iowa A prairie fire swept the country west of Devils Gap Monday afternoon Miss Mary Richman is on the sick list Thunder was heard Wednesday noon It will soon bo spring Everything sold well at the sale at Jacobs A Guaranteed Cure For Piles Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud ing Piles Druggists refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case no matter of how long standing in 6 toll days First application gives ease and rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it send 50c in stamps and it will be for warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co St Louis Mo MHllMBMaSHaMOt m KiiMjmJWi w wilt rnaarpiurimjiwgjuuwtuwjw e1 caa m w1 inusiuinairEiTtunu wDiii i T inraLii awiC21iw1iflnrrwTiMiarfriWignimm wywmwiww wmnmmuM uwnra t tit t mirmmiiwi oeciais To close out our line of warm footwear of winter goods we are offering some desirable shoes at really extraordinary low prices Ladies Felt Slippers always sold at 8200 now Lndios Felt Shoes former price 82 50 to S150 now 150 125 and P vHJ Mens Felt Slippers always worth 65c now Ar Mens 300 Felt Shoes ood values until they are uone at Childrens 175 warm limd Shoes now Childrens 1 50 warm lined Shoe now 195 115 100 9 6 V No Old Sale of Old Goods at Any Old Time Our spring stock consisting in part of the most beautiful Oxfords ever shown in McCook has arrived and is now on display Come in and see the n THE MODEL SHOE STORE hs McCOOK NEBRASKA 3SCIEC3T1C3BZa2CSCBBISa PHONE 18 EWES iaM ii kv vsar rinmxn THAT ECOwOYi n c CRTME7 IFYOVWI5HTO MAKE YOUR O WTV DRE ST ES the n er COOD You CAN Wp AFFORD To iET US re A PURKirsK vou Our Wfifr MAT6 RALS til iwm A jk iwn ouitK ASROWN frovtidkl iQrA HVr Wk Xmi fjf iJ Jw COPYfcJCHrtD l5o BYTHS 80JTCR BRwf Cc CHICAGO- 6 rtW SHOPPING1 WE KNOW THAT MANY WI 5H To BUILD THEIR DREE 5 TO SUIT THEMSELVES FOR THO 5E WHO DO WE HAVE HEAP OF SPLENDID MATERIALS Do NOT BELIEVE BE CAUSE WE MAKE THE FOLLOWING PRICED ON OUR VKESS GOODS THAT THE QUALITY S NOT GOOD WE ARE -SHOWING A LARGE LINE OF ALL WOOL CLOTH PLAIN AND FANCY DRE S GooDS AT 5C PER YARD CHEAPER GOODAT 20C AND 25C AL SO A BETTER LINE AT 300 AND UP GINGHAMS AT 8C AND J A VERY GOOD LINE OF AND WHITE GOODS CALL AND -SEE RESPECTFULLY O L DEG RQFF OO V FRANKLIN PRESIDENT A C E5ERT CASHIER JAS S DOYLE Vice President THR Lfe CITIZENS BANK OF MeCOOK NEB a Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus S 1 2000 V FRAHKUN a n DIRECTORS JAS S DOYLE A C EBERT ssi Vvwvvwa 1 Mike Walsh DEALER IN POULTRY and EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash New location just across street ia P Walsh building TlcCook - Nebraska BPBaMMMMBiHnBaMavaiMSRtiT BEGGS CHERRY COUGH SYRUP Cures BRONCHITIS l GO TO 1 HSGODFREY CO for Bargains in Flour and Feed Red Lion Silver Leaf Oak Leaf Faultless IsabeUe Flour AGENTS FOR LIQUID COAL