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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1907)
FEUD IS RESULT OF A REFUSAL TO KISS BABY Whole Section in Trouble Because of Unappreciative Man with Grouch COMMUNITY TAKES SIDES Bill Dunham Open in His Declaration That Ollie Kebler Shall Yet Beg for Privilege He Scornfully Refused Kebler Had Loved Pretty Little Ones Mother and There Is the Root of the Whole Trouble Fight So Far Has Been Interesting with Further Developments Expected Cynthiana O Four hundred and sixty three persons have kissed little Miss Margaret Dunham aged four months and three days The tally in cludes Dave Downing who travels for McKcehan Heistand Companys grocery and the five candidates for office in Pike county Ohio who vis ited during the recent campaign which are about all the visitors the littlo hamlet set down in the beauti ful Brush creek hills has had recent ly or at least as recently as the com ing of Miss Dunham into the world that has welcomed her with kisses But despite the fact that she has been kissed by more persons than any girl in Pike county and most of them are kissahlo the fact that Ollie Kibler has not kissed her has started trouble divided the town Into two factions and almost caused a feud between the Dunhams and the Kibler family Everybody in Cynthiana over the age of five months excepting Kibler has kissed Miss Dunham Kibler alone has refused to fall in love with her How Kibler can refuse to kiss her no one else in town can understand for she is the prettiest plumpest sweet est baby ever born That is what her mother says and besides that 463 per sons including Dave Downing who ought to be unprejudiced heing a bachelor have said the same thing She is so soft and satiny and so pink and white and her blue eyes open with such amazed and delighted stares and her dimples evolve such unexpected and wonderful smiles and her soft little rosebud hands flut ter so confidingly into even the horny hands of the loggers that any per son it seems who has any human blood in his veins wants to grab her right into his arms and just squeeze her and kiss her and then look ashamed and say I always liked ba bies and sneak away and wish he had one just like it Where Ollie Kibler Lost Out That is the way little Miss Dunham has affected everybody except Ollie Kibler He has not kissed her and will not kiss her Therefore there is trouble It appears from the facts -that are ascertainable that Miss Margaret Shannon who was better known as Madge was the belle of the entire dis trict around Cynthiana by the time she was 18 years old Not only that but the young men from Bainbridge drove down to call on her and once it was rumored that she was engaged to a wealthy young man up at Wav erly the county seat Everybody knew that Fred Cravens from Sink ing Springs was wildly in love with her Almost all the town boys were and especially Ollie Kibler who owns a big farm over Camerons mountain besides his house in Cynthiana Then Bill Dunham big hearty good natured and with a laugh that could be heard over half the town fell a victim to the prettiness of Margaret Shannon and that settled it They were married and Ollie Kibler became a sort of woman hater People with college educations would have called him misanthropic but Cynthiana sim ply referred to it as grouch except Uncle Billy Newell who said Ollie was peevish At any rate Ollie ceased to be the Beau Brummel of Cynthiana and set tled down to business and was as hard as flint and as Uncle Billy Newell vowed as closs as his paw was and 14 shoemakers couldnt have got a bristle between his fingers and a dol Jar Story About the Baby All those things happened years ago possibly ten Bill Dunham got along pretty well in the lumber busi ness running a sawmill over Newell Mills way and hauling to Bainbridge and his wife was just as pretty as when she was a girl although in a different sort of way They were hap py but until a few months ago their happiness was incomplete Bill Dunhams friends said he hadnt an enemy on earth He was one of the most popular men in Pike county and a lot of the Republicans up at Cynthiana wanted Bill to run for coun ty supervisor and try to wrest the con trol of old Pike county from the Dem ocrats but Bill said he didnt care for politics and refused to run al though ho let them make him an al ternate to the state convention which was quite an honor He took his wife with him to Columbus and they visit ed the penitentiary and the blind asy lum and but that is another story This story is about the baby When the baby arrived everybody said it would be a pretty baby for its father was big and handsome and its- mother so pretty Grandma Shan non said it took after the Shannons and Grandpa Dunham vowed it fav ored tho Dunhams but almost every body said it resembled both Its eyes were blue like Its fathers and the upper part of Its face was his one could see that by putting a hand over the mouth But its nose and mouth were just like Its mothers only prot Uer she said although of course Bill denied that Anyhow it was the prettiest baby that ever came to Cynthiana Every body conceded that but no one sus pected that it was going to cause so much trouble The First Great Event When it or she rather her mother gets mad when anybody calls her it was just one month old they took her to the Campbelllte church and christened her Margaret after her mother and her mothers Aunt Mag who sent the little turquoise ring and the knit jacket for the baby By that time almost everybody In town had kissed Margaret her moth er wont let her be called Mag or Madge and on the day of the chris tening almost everybody else kissed her They dont have these new fangled ideas about it being unhealthy to kiss babies down in Cynthiana and when Dave Downing kissed Margaret and said he was going to stay single and marry her when she grew up Mrs Dunham was just as proud as any one could be The real trouble didnt stact until Margaret was over two months old Her mamma had her out riding in her m0 n m n 7i r0 nam y II C M HHHT L ryY v Mraiiramn IF- Aim Jii new go cart the one with the front that lets down and the blue silk para sol with a robe to match all covered with blue ribbon when right in front of Wickershams store they met Ollie Kibler He was standing there talk ing to Nate Giddlngs from over at Paint Kibler Refused Precious Boon Nate never had seen the baby so of course he spoke to it and began playing with it and when it cooed and laughed and wrinkled up its dim pled little face he didnt do a thing but stoop down and kiss her Nate is a family man himself and has three or four kids at home and likes them But Ollie never moved He just stood there and looked disgusted and Nate and Mrs Dunham talked baby and she asked how Mrs Giddlngs was Then Nate not meaning to make any trou ble laughed and said Ollie come and kiss the baby Ye aint afraid are ye Ollie said something about not making a fool of himself over any slobbery brat and walked away Nate said afterwards he was so mad he could have kicked Ollie and Mrs Dunham was so hurt she almost cried She went straight home and at supper she told her husband and Bill was hot under the collar Of course he didnt care whether Ollie Kibler ever kissed his baby or not In fact hed rather he wouldnt but that didnt make it any better Swore Kibler Should Be Sorry And then and there Bill swore that Ollie would kiss the baby or be sorry for it He went right up to the store and told Ollie what he thought of him before all the men and repeated his vow that Ollie would be begging for a chance to kiss the baby before he got through with him Ollie was just as mad as Bill was and swore he would nt kiss anybodys squawking colicky brat Tho idea of saying that when Margaret never had colic but once and that was when Lizzie Muntz gave her a lump of sugar Bill and Ollie came near fighting and would have fought If Mr Wick ersham hadnt told them to dry up or else go out In the street and fight It out Tho trouble grew serious at once Half the people In town declared that Ollie ought to be tarred and feath ered A few said that the Dunhams oughtnt to be so touchy The rest just kept quiet A few days later Bill came out as a candidate for township trustee on the Republican ticket just to beat OHIe who was a Democrat He only had three weeks to campaign in but ho swept the township and it went Re publican for the first time in years Made Ollie Spend Money Bill didnt boast much He simply repeated his assertion that Ollie would beg to kiss the baby before he got through with him Then he went up to Bainbridge on business and caught the train for Waverly and what did he do but buy a tax claim on a piece of land that belonged to Kibler Ollie had neglected to pay the taxes and it was advertised among the delin quents so Bill bought It just to spite Ollie and make him spend money People began to say that Bill Dunham could be just as bad an enemy as Iie was a good friend but they didnt know him until he had two of Olllea stray cows that were feeding along the roadside taken to the pound When Ollie had to pay one dollar each fine he was so mad he threatened to lick Bill Thats the way the feud stands now Bill still vows that Ollie must kiss his baby and ask his wifes permission to do it But Ollie swears hell law Bill out of Pike county before hell do it As for little Miss Dunham she is growing prettier each day and from present signs about the time she gets to be 17 Ollie or any other human being will beg for the chance Cheer Upl Here is some good advice from the Ottawa News Cheer up What right have you to carry a fu neral in your face The world has troubles of its own Cheer up and change your point of view Your ills are mostly imag inary Why man alive in five min utes walk you can find scores of peo ple worse off than you And here you are going through the world feeling sorry for yourself the meanest sort of pity in the world You are nurs ing an ingrown illusion Rid your self of the bogie man and Cheer up Los Angeles Times Long and Short of it Junior Partner Did you see that short man who was inquiring for you Senior Partner No What kind of a looking chap was he Junior Partner Oh he was rather tall and Senior Partner But you just said he was short Junior Partner Well I guess he was At least he wanted me to stake him to a dollar until he could see you Chicago Daily News M1MJ flJWJI Jaw KfaUJC r GREAT SOLAR SPOT FOUND Prof Brashear Announces Discovery Which Portends Storms Pittsburg Pa Professor John A Brashear of the Allegheny observatory has announced a discovery of one of tho greatest sun spots ever called to the attention of astronomers He says electrical disturbances will be experi enced throughout the country soon These disturbances he further de clares may take the form of a dis play of the aurora borealis or tele graph and telephone communication may be seriously affected Tho present spot is so large that it can be seen through smoked glass and the scientist says it is one of the most active of solar spots In his statement of the discovery Professon Brashear says A very large and beautiful sun spot or solar disturbance is now crossing the face of the sun and is approaching the central meridian This is the larg est spot that has been seen for sev eral years Its approximate length is 118000 miles and it is 30000 miles wide covering an area of about 3500- 000 square miles There is considera ble activity in the spot and there may be some electrical disturbances on the earth soon but this is rather difficult to predict on account of the position of the disturbance in relation to the earth Besides this great group of spots there are three other groups to the west of it and a fourth is just leaving the sun on the eastern side This great spot can be readily seen by the naked eye with a piece of smoked glass Indeed my attention was call ed to it by a gentleman who saw it through the morning fog We have been observing the spot with great interest measuring it and estimating its size It is a great spot stretching an eighth of the way across the sun It comes at a time when it is not usual to expect sun spots and is of greater interest for that reason Why it now appears is not explained FARM LABORERS IN DEMAND Plan Adopted by Empire State to Supply Needed Help New York The bureau of informa tion and statistics or the New York state department of agriculture esti mates that fully 50000 laborers will be required on the farms of the state this spring and through its office in this city is putting into execution a novel plan which in a small way proved highly successful in supplying the demand last year The department has advertised ex tensively both in New York and m Europe for agricultural laborers and as a consequence is in daily receipt of many applications from men both single and married who are anxious to work on the farms of the state Many applications have been received from Holland and other European countries where whole families are willing to emigrate if assured of farm employment here Many immigrants reaching New York are at once engaged by the bu reau of farm employment Last year the bureau placed 4171 farm laborers and hopes this year to increase the number to the 50000 which will give the farmers of the state a chance to sleep nights But an investigator who a day or two listened to 28 appeals for assistance in two hours spent on two blocks on Fourteenth street all of them from men out of work and then recalled the many appeals of philanthropic and charitable organiza tions for funds with which to assist New Yorks army of unemployed won ders why it should be necessary to advertise in Europe for laborers to relieve a situation within ten miles of Broadway which is little better than that of Kansas at the time of the wheat harvest HUNTERS KILL LARGE LYNX Animal with Tassels on Its Ears Makes Attack on Men Memphis Tenn An animal weigh ing 60 pounds with tassels on its ears yellowish striped fur and a stubby tail was shot the other day near Port Jarvis Sullivan county The old in habitants say that the beast is a lynx and the oldest of them swears that he has not seen a lynx in this section since he was a boy 7S years ago Since then he says with a chuckle they have been missing lynx James Cooley and Andrew Van Dyke were hunting for foxes which they supposed had robbed their hen neries They came across queer tracks on the snow then the lynx came across them The beast jumped from a tall stump and landed on Van Dykes back It ripped the heavy clothing from his back and lacerated his flesh Afraid of shooting his comrade Cooley kicked the lynx in the head with his heavy boots The beast turned on Cooley fastening its teeth and claws in his thigh Van Dyke jumped up and placing the muzzle of his gun to its head blew its brains out Reflection from Ore Deposits German observers recorded as long ago as 1747 that a luminous emanation of variable shape will appear in the dark at points on the surface of the earth below which there are extensive ore deposits Immediately before or during a thunderstorm these phenom ena are said to be especially striking Similar observations have more re cently been made in North America in the neighborhood of ore deposits The electric emanation given off from the surface of the earth has been re peatedly ascertained photographically In the Land of Famine l From stereograph copyright by Underwood Underwood N Y As a result of the great famine and plague now ravaging China it is said that over 1000000 natives have already perished The accompanying photo graph shows how some of the bodies of the victims are disposed cf iOT ARE SAVANTS MENTAL FEATS PERFORMED BY INMATES OF IOWA ASYLUM One Feeble Minded Boy Is Walking Dictionary Another a Marvelous Speller and a Third Has a Freakish Memory Omaha Neb The Iowa state insti tution for the feeble minded children located at Glenwood has several idiot savants who are regarded as remarkable One inmate is used as a calendar and date record another is utilized as a dictionary another is em ployed as a ready rapid calculator and others show the marvelous but unex plainable traits of the learned idiots Dr A R Schier assistant superin tendent of the institution has just made his report as required by the Iowa law The most astonishing case he reports is that of John S taken into the institution when he was 12 years of age and who has been there 23 years He is the mental bookkeep er of the home When the date of any occurrence about the institution is desired as in formation John S gives it He recalls without error the date of the employ ment of any new hand or the entrance or discharge of any inmate If he has seen a visitor at the home he can recall the exact date of the visit the condition of the weather at that time and some of the incidents connected therewith even though it occurred years before any question is asked him concerning it If given the day of the month the month and years of any occurrence as far back as 35 years John S will without hesitation tell upon what day of the week the date fell Asked how he does it he replies that he does not know Marvelous ability is shown by a boy inmate about 16 years of age He can neither read nor write yet he can readily spell any word given him and as Dr Schier says He has been tried with uncommon words time and time again and never fails to spell them correctly He is constantly Structures Costing Over 40000000 Erected Since Earthquake San Francisco Cal The sum of 40128753 represents the aggregate of building in San Francisco for which permits have been applied since the middle of last May when the building inspection bureau resumed its opera tions Of this 21 new office and other buildings represent 3050000 reen forced concrete and other class B construction contribute 2194100 brick buildings in general contribute 14198549 frame structures 16 387902 and the alterations of build ings gutted by fire add 4298202 The report showing the above totals has been presented to the board ot public works by Building Inspector Horgan The number of buildings taken up each month and their cost is segregated and the rapid rebound in building operations is shown by the monthly totals For May permits were issued for all classes of buildings to the amount of 795619 June showed a great gain 1689288 The subsequent increases by months were as follows July 2 3S9501 August 454S551 Septem ber 6309013 October showed a slight decrease over the previous month 6046369 November made a called upon to settle spelling disputes and is as reliable as a dictionary Both his parents were insane G F H aged 18 years of Danish descent can multiply three figures by three figures as rapidly as they can be written down He never fails in his multiplication feats but his addi tion subtraction and division are not correct A 17-year-old boy R G L without education is able to mold the forms of animals with almost miraculous per tection Other figures he cannot make He was found one day mixing saliva with dust and molding the figures of animals which from his first attempt were perfect in almost every detail ROCKEFELLER GIVES OIL IS UP New Profits of 40000000 May Offset 32000000 Benefaction Philadelphia With the announce ment of the proposed gift by John D Rockefeller of 32000000 to the Gener al Education Board comes notice to the oil dealers and consumers all over the country of an advance in the price of oil which will net the Standard Oil company about 40000000 addi tional in a single year It is estimated from the figures at hand that fully 12400000 of the addi tional annual tax must come from the homes of the working class where oil is used for light and fuel Notice of the advance in the price of Standard Oil products was received by dealers Thursday the same day the announcement of the great gift was made Although the advance quoted to wholesalers is one half cent a gallon on oil for domestic use the public will pay one cent additional as the retail dealers have raised the price to con sumers from 10 to 11 cents per gal lon The yearly consumption of oil for domestic purposes in Philadelphia is about 15500000 gallons So this city alone will pay an additional sum of 155000 annually for the cheap grade of oil used for light and heat 00SOSCCS5O15gg0CgCQCOaSCCSCCCCgC0OPSCCOCOgqttCCCO Rebuilding an Francisco decided gain 7233765 The rains of the past two months show in the final totals for December 5915290 and January 5201357 LONDON NOW LIKES AUTOBUS Popularity of Vehicle Shown by Fall ing Off in Tube Passengers London After all the abuse that was heaped on the noisy evil smelling and nerve destroying autobus a few months ago it is now interesting to note the effect the autobus has had on the underground railways and what it means to London The two penny tube which only the other day was regarded as almost the last word of locomotion has lost 1000000 passengers during the year and the responsibility is laid on the autobus This is not an isolated instance for the same story has been told at almost every railway meeting here during the last few weeks It -is wonderfully eloquent of the hold which the huge and unwieldly but fast moving vehicle has gained here and the agitation which only a few months ago was raised against the motor seems ludi crous in the face of such a figure as that mentioned at the meeting of the tube company the other day s i x t A