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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1907)
i The Largest and Most Complete Assortment of Spring Goods Ever shown in McCook we now have in stock and in vite your early inspection Our Summer Wash Goods are duplicates of those shown on State street Chicago and present the most beautiful and stylish combinations of colors and shades ever before produced AH the New Silks in plaids checks and Roman stripes as well as a full assortment of plain colors in all the popular shades you will find at our silk counter at the same low pricts as heretofore sold by us SILKS HAVE ADVANCED GREATLY but by visiting the eastern markets early we succeeded in securing our present stock at former prices CHAMPAGNE LEATHER BROWN COPEN HAGEN BLUE and GRAY are the prominent shades with navy and black and white checks and plaids follow ing closely in favor These we are showing in all the weaves of WOOL and COTTON SUITINGS We are again to enter a big White season and our stock of white dress goods embroideries etc was never more complete Our fun stock of Dress Skirts and Waists is now in and our beautiful assortment of SUITS and SPRING JACKETS will be here within the coming week We will furnish you the best garments from our Suit and Skirt Department ever shown before in Red Willow county Call and look over the new advance spring goods We will take pleas ure in snowing you gjjumaLujiii i J f vnrii CLAPP Exclusive Dry Goods and Ladies Furnishings Walsh Block Phone 56 liienok Tnhune H P SUTTOK v PJcCOOK Onlv 1 JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA C H Boyle flcCook 00 per Year C E Eldeed Co Atty BOYLE ELDRED Attorneys at I aw Long Distance Ione 41 Rooms 1 and 7 second floor Portoffico R nil ding McLook Neb TT Tub two cent railrond faro bill has been passed by both houses of tho legis lature signed by Speaker Nettleton and Lieutenant Governor Hopewell and is now in the hands of Governor Sheldon who is expected to sign the measure af ter ho has had time to give it the care ful perusal it demands The house passed the measure by a vote of 91 to 0 and the senate by a vote of 26 to 4 RED WILLOW Mrs Owens Longnecker visited MMK3KWK3 i IKII1IIIMIJII at Mr Calvins on Monday Mrs Sheridan and Mrs Charley Allen called to see Nellie Longnecker on Monday Laura Ruggles is at Mrs McNeils thid week Mr and Mrs Byfield were to see Mrs John Longnecker on Sunday Walter Stjrk the Watkins man was in the neighborhood this week Mrs L J Burtless visited friends at Red Willow a day or two this week Arthur Iioagland and family started to drive through to their new home on Tuesday morning Gabrilla Longnecker returned home with Mrs Burtless to stay several days There was a quiet wedding at John Longnecker on Feb 24 when Owens Longnecker was united in marriage to Nellie A Shields of Springfield 111 Dr Finch performing the ceremony Only the immediate friends present Mr and Mrs Jacob Randel had a silver wedding on Saturday A number were present and there were many presents and such a dinner as Mrs Randl can give BARTLEY Mr McKnight is moving his restaur ant and grocery into the Rouse building and will be much better located than formerly Mr Stark and family and Mr Wilson and family are moving into their new homes in the south part of town Harry Brown and his children are on the sick list We had an all around mix up here last week with George Chandler Jack DeArmond Will Staats and Lente Bush A trial was held Mouday before his honor Squire Matthews No attorney appeared for the state S R Smith from Indianola appeared for the defence The result was that Lente Bush was bound over to court next term Miss Gertrude Clement is very seri ously sick with what the doctor diagnos ed appendicitis Perry Ginther has moved to town and takes possession of the Bartley mill Everyone wishes him success in the business Mr and Mrs Harry Athey have moved into Mr Theobalds house A F McCord is over near Cambridge moving a building for Mrs Joakun formerly Mrs Yontz Henry Burton of Wauneta visited in Bartley and took back a span of bron choes Floyd Hodgkin went with him for a visit The doctors are very busy now Several parties sick with grippe Rev Heggeman is holding a revival meeting at the Dry Creek ME church Mr and Mrs Fred Hunt Work will move into their property in Bartley first of next week Cards are out announcing the mar riage of Mr Guy Ritchie and Miss Daisy Bush at the home of the brides parents Mr and Mrs William Bush Jr next week Mr and Mrs Floyd Ford will return to McCook next week We regret their going They have been conducting the Bartley hotel for the past year and have given satisfaction to the traveling public and home boarders We are informed they would remain here if the hotel could be rented for a fair living price We hope Dr Hathorn will soon put up a new hotel and accommodate the public Mrs CE Matthews and Mrs Will Finch are each on the sick list The Nebraska Telephone Co have this week put on cross arms and two extra wires from McCook to Bartley IIHniBIIIUiW3MMniWIIIIMllUIIJIWIq ys HP e ew Pure Food Law p CREAMof TARTAR iKsillMm CrcstM Baking Powder WH ill If lll powder made from grapes The Effects of DcafiicsN An ear specialist insists that deafness affects all the senses He says the rea son for this is that the ear is only one servant of the sensory service of the human system Loss of hearing is really a partial paralysis of the brain but owing to the sympathetic connsc tion of the various sensory nerve cen ters of the brain the others indirectly concerned have to combat for their very life the demoralizing influence of the affected center Consideration of n Motorist We hold no brief for the motorists says the Bystander but honor where honor is due On a country road the other day we saw a motorist delib enately avoid running over an animal on the highway To be exact It wa s a circus elephant St James Gazette In the capital of Honduras all the houses in the poorer quarter are made of mahogany which costs less than pine there -- 1 mqpamgimBBHBm39rWimiJLminjwiwmwnKxmsKmamamwtwwm - COCHINEAL Lllllllll 111 II ggiarrn m r m tVy the Tiny Inxcct Live and How They Are Gutliereil Merry millions of little buglets sup port the vast cochineal Industries Where the tiny cochineal Insect comes from Is something of a mystery but he does come wherever the nopal pluut grows and for a long time was thought to be a seed or a floweret of the plant The living female Insect Is twice as large as the male weighs one tenth of a grain and loses much weight in dry ing so that 70000 are needed to make one pound During the rainy season many millions of the creatures are drowned or washed off the plants so that when the long dry summer comes there are but a few survivors on each plant But these multiply so rapidly that before long the plants are cover ed The last act of the females life is to deposit a large number of esrgs on which her dead body rests protecting them from the burning rays of the sun until the little ones emerge In about six weeks after the beginning of the dry season comes the flr3t harvest The plantation laborers make the round of the nopalry and with a brush go over the entire plant sweeping the creatures into a bag They then are killed by immersion in hot water by exposure to steam or by drying la hot ovens The hot water or steam makes them a dark reddish brown or black cochineal The hot ovens make them a red gray hue or silver cochineal The females outnumber the males by at least 200 to 1 a fortunate fact for the planter since the males are of no use to him whatever THE CABS OF NEW YORK They Are Aoi an Integral Part of the Life of the City The cab is no Integral part of New York life Venice without the gondola were as unthinkable as a woman with out hair No little of Londons com pelling charm is in its swift rolling hansoms These things we know But one cant think of New York in terms of cabs Once upon a time I was in exile Only In memory did the great city rise before me and what I saw was this Iluge canyons of stone and steel filled with noise and darkness through which great yellow worms crawled one after the other in mid air That is the picture of New York that haunts the exile even as the out lawed Venetian is obsessed by slim black gondolas cutting across lanes of moonlight Your true New Yorker is a steam projected electrically carted person Only in exceptional moments of gloom or gayety does he ride in a carriage and pair He Is carriage ridden to a funeral He cabs It in winey moments when the fear of God Is not in him There are only 2000 licensed cabs and hacks on the island of Manhattan Others there are of course plying piratically in the dark quarters but even with these thrown in the reckoning is small No the New Yorker is not a cabby person Vance Thompson in Outing Magazine A Collesre In Bokhara There lay behind the great arch and the domes and the minarets a retired precinct of ancient trees and shaded walks a grove in the midst of a city colonnaded in quadrangle by the point ed arches of the students cells Under the trees was a sort of summer house or pavilion Two or three young men were walking in an avenue against the farther colonnade and on the stone steps of a wide shaded pool sat several mollahs on their praying rugs We visited a number of the students In their cells monastic little brick walled rooms where they live the year around there are no vacations in Mussulman colleges and for years on end It is not unusual for a student after passing the primary school to spend as much as fifteen or twenty years at his higher studies though usually in such a long course he will go through several dif ferent colleges in the order of advance ment Quiet men these students mild eyed patient often middle aged Min neapolis Bellman Girl Slaves In Cliina A native writer in a Chinese publica tion remarks When a girl is sold in China she becomes the slave of her owner and a part of his property She no longer retains her freeborn rights but surrenders them all to the will of those who own her She receives no compensation for her labor but is obliged to accept such raiment and food as her owners may be pleased to give her In cases of tyranny or gross cruelty she cannot appeal for redress She may be resold given away or cast off in the streets at the arbitrary will of her master All freedom is de nied her and she remains a tool and chattel in tbe hands of her owner un til she is sold again or until death re leases her from her unwilling fate umrner Goods Organdies Swiss Appliques Dotted Swiss Muslins Trouville Stripes Chiffon Checks Soie Duchesse Soie Imprime Silk Chiffon Poie de Soie New Challies Marceline Silks La Suzanne Novelties Voile Tissue And a host of othersthe latest things out Mens Work Shirts All sizes and kinds for men of all kinds and sizes Mens Work Suits and Shoes New stock just in Queen Quality Shoes We are exclusive sales agents for these superb goods rannis 11 11 1 11111111 11 1111 111 ii 11 11 ii jganMmgregwa32B5aai7Jiiiewgj 1 kinTiwyFCTF in a Stock Certificate of the McCook I Loani Association Draymen Prompt Service Courteous Treatment Reasonable Prices GIVE US A TRIAL gjjftsa jgpgfciaafc - - ifw muvi tt 0 No better or safer investment is open to you An investment of 100 per month for 120 months will earn 80 nearly 9 percent compounded annually Dont delay but see the secretary today Subscriptions r e ceived at any time for the new stock just opened aeeaasoaAaiasnAJSiisMiaiaixxias E F OSEOEX J W WENTZ OSBORN WENTZ 3SSES2SZ5 List Your Property With Us Farms Ranches Etc Our office is in the east and we bring the buyers direct with the money For par ticulars address SHURTLEFF DOWNING Humboldt Neb IOOOOOO0OO McCook Hardware Co Hardware Implements Feed Grinders Gasoline Engines Harness Saddles Buggies Wagons We can fill your order for anything W B MILLS Phone 31 b SIMMONS Successors to W T Coleman i J 1 Hjn J V X J V Ja 7 i