Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1905)
J 1 rl I S fe V t fS Fn s U ft v TWENTY FOURTH YEAR v Real Estate Filings The following real estate filings have been made in the county clerks office since last Thursday evening J Williamson to L S Lovitt wd to lots 7 and 8 blk Ai Bartley 500 00 E C Wilcox to L S Lovitt deed to the und 34 int in lot 6 4-3-26 200 00 C H TJerlings et al to J WDolan wd to nwqr 20-2-27 1000 00 C F Fay to Minnie Wick qcd to lots 1 2 and 3 blk 7 1st South McCook 300 00 IT S to Elizabeth Young pat to no qr 33-3-26 T R Kennody to F D Kennedy wd tonoqr 14-1-29 1000 00 Mer Nat Bank to Hattie Deveny wd to 8 hf nw qr and n hf sw qr 27-3-29 L Tully to C F Lehn wd to lot 18u blk 15 McCook and lot 15 blk 4 S McCook 1st add Lincoln Land Co to W A McCarty wd to lot 4 and 5 blk 2 Lebanon J Kinkead to A C and G E Abbott lots 12 and 13 blk 1 Lebanon 2000 00 fcOOOO 100 00 150 00 Julia Baugger to J P Baugger wd to swqr 28 320 2500 00 Mary Fitzgerald to L Hozier wd to lots 23 and 24 blk 1 South McCook 30 00 W S Morlan to J Hammill wd to nwqr 23-2-29 1000 00 United States to A Guy pat to e hf so qrOand nwqr se qr 5-4-28 Good Homes Cheap On August 1st by train No 3 an ex cursion will leave McCook by way of Denver for a trip through the Laramie mountains and incidentally to inspect the enormous irrigated system of the Wyoming Development Co The trip is one which will more than repay one for the going combining as it does the ride over Sherman Hill the highest point on the Union Pacific railroad the match lesssight of snow capped mountains in mid summer and the drive of 70 miles over the Laramie plains and mountains ending at Wheatland in the midst of the Finest Irrigated Lands In The West No charge is made for the 70 mile drive the meals etc The lands are selling on very reasonable terms A person may lmv 40 QO rr 1RO arroc np mnrA nr tbotr may take the trip for the pleasure If interested write C L Littel Culbert son Nebr A Phonograph in your home would help to entertain yourself and friends evenings or on rainy days These instruments are dif ferent from the majority of instruments because in these you have all instru ments in one Sou can have the music of bands or orchestras solos duets or concerted pieces Vocal music or the latest selections of the vaudeville artists Let us fit you out with an Edison phono graph outfit Latest records constant ly received McConnell Druggist Advertised Letters The following letters were advertised by the McCook postoffice July 5 1905 When calling for these letters please say they were advertised Abegg Mr Albert Bounce N Crispin Mr Isaac Doherty Mr Alva Evans H F Gordon A G Jennings Mr Harry Kline M A Kehr Geo S Morris Miss Ella Meyers G G Odell Mrs C M Schneider Henry N Schaffer Miss Mary Tuesdele Mr Herbert Woofter Mr Lucian Wallace Mr Clarence Walls Mrs Mattie Mills Mrs Sarah F M Kimmell Postmaster Notice of Estray Came to my farm about one mile west of Perry station about June 1st two Hereford cows in good condition Have been dehorned Branded aT on left hip and SH on right hip Owner can have same by proving property and pay ing charges J S Williams McCook Neb W H Ferguson Sells Pictou Maitland lump coal at 775 ton Best Jump threshing at 700 ton Best nut threshing coal at 625 ton Best egg coal at 575 ton He also pays the highest market price for all kinds of grain Try him Helpful Rest can be secured by purchasing a com fortable hammock at McMillens drug store First in the hearts of all good bread lovers is Doans 91 patent You need the flour to keep well fed Doan needs your trade to knead your bread Dont you need a hammock we have them at prices to suit you McConnell Druggist The mills of the Gods grind slowly but never grind finer flour than Doans mills produce Best carpet warp on spools 19 and 21c at Thompsons Use McMillens Cream Lotion for sun burn and tan Mens helmet hats for harvest 20c at Thompsons Harvest gloves all prices at Thomp sons Stokes the grocer MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Inspector Barstow was at headquar ters close of Inst week Mrs L M Stayner and Leila went east last night on a visit F M Colson returned close of past week from a trip to Denver Dr W E McDevitt has been a guest of Dr J D Hare since last week E J Kates of the draughtsmans of fice Lincoln was a Sunday visitor Miss Ilola Neiswanger of Cambridge has been a guest in Mayor Waites home Mr and Mrs W A James arrived home from their visit early in the week George Overing is up from Red Cloud this week putting up some monuments J Fred Kinghorn now carries the star and dignity of the night policeman Mrs L D Gockley of Holbrook is a guest of her daughter Mrs R J Pred more Mrs G II Mershon of Wilcox is a guest of her daughter Mrs Floyd M Berry John A Gaarde is back in the bank again after a short vacation at home in Minden Mrs E A Bocock has been up from Holdrege this week guest of McCook fiienda Herman Meyer is here from St Ans gar Iowa Rooking after his real estate interests Miss Millie Slaby is enjoying a va cation and outing in Boulder Colorado and vicinity Mrs Fred Harris and daughter of Kansas City are guests of Mr and Mrs Joseph Menard Mr and Mrs J T O Stewart of Kearney are visiting relativing relatives in the city Mrs MAity Duffy a former resident of our city is a guest of Mr and Mrs C J Ryan and friends J H Williams of DesMoines Iowa has been a guest of his daughter Mrs A E Wright since close of last week Mrs F F Neubauer returned home Tuesday night on No 3 from a visit of a few days in Creston Iowa with friends Mr and Mrs W A James are seeing some of Colorado after taking in the great League conveution in Denver last week Calvin C Goodman and Ross E Good man of Alexis Illinois guests of Mrs Susan C Hileman arrived from the east last week John Selby was up from Lincoln to attend the funeral and burial of his brother Jacob whose death is elsewhere mentioned in full Rev J J Loughran is expected home tomorrow from his vacation in Wisconsin Rev Damian Lavery OS B has filled his place acceptably mean while Miss Ida MCCarl is absent on a va cation visiting friends in Sheridan Wyo ming and seeing some of the Yellowstone Park Miss May Hileman is city librari an meanwhile R Morris Wheeler of Onarga Illi nois is visiting his cousin Earl Lud wick on his way home from attending the League convention in Denver and seeing the mountains Miss Emma Burrows of Fond du Lac Wis is spending her summer vacation with her sister Mrs Herman Pade Miss Burrows is principal of one of Fond du Lacs ward schools Harry Barbazett has commenced extensive repairs and improvements on his residence over on Madison street It will be transformed into a two story house and modernized in every respect When thoroughly converted it will be one of McCooks best homes Rural Free Delivery Route No 2 The postoffice department has author ized rural free delivery route No 2 and the same will open for business on Aug ust 1st with Leon Clark as carrier The route covers the territory west and north west of the city Mrs John Lofvenburg Dead John Lofvenburg arrived home Wed nesday night from Hastings where he buried his wife Mrs Lofvenburg went to Hastings for medical treatment in a hospital there but death relieved her sufferings Ready made sheets and pillow cases Thompsons Boys round straw harvest hats 10cat Thompsons Best quality table oil cloth 15c yd at Thompsons Large gingham aprons of best quality 20c at Thompsons Mr Albert Gripe and Pearl Shiftier of Earl near Cambridge while here the Fourth procured a license and were mar ried by Rev Carson at the Baptist par sonage raPI t ttumyaguJiiwi ittcCoo ure on liuttoned up People at tne opera house Friday night Aug 1 Dr Mclntyre is the pastor of a large church in Los Angeles California and is recog nized as one of the veritable kings of the lecture platform His coming here will be hailed with delight by lovers of noble oratory Instructor C M Barr and Supt E B Sherman who has been giving lectures on reading this week are the special ob jects of congratulation at present Mr Barr received word that he had been chosen superintendent at Wahoo while Mr Sherman is promoted from Schuy ler to the suporintendency at Columbus The two gentlemen were hosts to the faculty on Tuesday evening at McMil lens soda fountain The additional enrollments this week include Victoria Finn Wray Colorado Mary Sissler Trenton T A Endsley Cleo Rector McCook Fannie Davis Colfax Iowa Gertrude Rosenfelt Grace E Edwards Cambridge Florence Tee ter Wauneta Alice Warren EmmnH Gaarder Culbertson Iva Evans Hayes Center Hattie Green Mrs Mary A Murdock Frank S Graves Palisade Florence Bole Kathryn ODonnell Stratton Laura G Miller Indianola Supt E B Sherman of Schuyler has served this week as special lecturer and instructor in the subject of reading continuing the work begun last week by Mr McMurray Mr Sherman has de voted one period each forenoon to an ex position of the principles upon which good reading depends while each after noon he has conducted classes in the subject much as any teacher would be called upon to do The work through out has proved helpful and inspiring all feeling that they have derived great good from his instruction The lecture by Professor A McMurray of Chicago last Friday night at the M E church drew but a small audience but its excellence deserved a much larg er hearing Mr McMurrays subject was The Better Personality or as it proved Charles Dickens the novelist as an educator The speakers delivery was faultless and his thoughts as to what should constitute sound public school teaching were enriched by many illustrations and much humor The readings from Nicholas Nickleby were well rendered and greatly enjoyed Mr McMurrys presence at the normal meant much to the profit and enjoyment of the weeks work An excellent music program was rendered this morning at the chapel exercises The following were the num bers TEOGRAM Chant School Song Row Lightly School Piano duet aXCavelleria Rusticana b Lustspiel Mrs G Thomas Mks W B Mills Vocal duet a No Hope Beyond b On the field of Glory F M Kimmell C H Miller Vocal solo The Happy Three C Bf Miller Piano Solo The Murmuring Spring Miss Jessie Miller Song Tho Lord is My Shepherd School Reduced Rates toKansasCity St Louis Savannah Ga Ft Worth Texas Bristol Tenn Mil waukee Toronto Indianapolis Balti more Buffalo and numerous other points east west north and south will be on sale in the near future Call on agent for particulars Prohibition State Convention The Prohibitionists of Nebraska will hold their state convention in the aud itorium Lincoln on August 8th 1905 at 10 oclock Red Willow county is entitled to eight delegates under the call Ladies washable skirts 8100 S150 at Thompsons H Iciil Society The Summons Came Suddenly Jacob Graves Selby a resident of Im perial but who had been in McCook for a Jew weeksseeking relief from a serious ailment died suddenly at the home of his mother Mrs E E Selby last day morning July 15th 1905 Deceased was born near Iowa City Johnson county Iowa September 6th 1867 Died July 15th 1905 aged 37 years 10 months 9 days He became a member of the Christian church in West Liberty Iowa in 1883 On July 2 1903 he was united in marriage with Miss Amy Morris of Im perial Nebraska A wife mother four brothers and many friends mourn his death The popularity of the departed was amply attested last Sunday afternoon at the funeral service in the Christian church of McCook when a large number of friends were present at the service conducted by Rev L F Sanford at four oclock Monday morning the remains were taken to Stratton Nebraska for inter ment The relatives accompanied them and a large gathering of frienc s there were present to witness the last of earth The body was laid away beside the re mains of his father in the family burial grounds in that town AN EXPRESSION OF GRATITUDE The relatives of the deceased desire to thank the friends for their kindness dur ing his illness and for their many ex pressions of sympathy in their hour of sorrow Spices That Are Worth Having People who buy spices for their cheap aness invaribly pay more for the spices than they are worth Pure spices are stonger go farther are so much more delicate and appetizing that they are worth double what we ask for them When in need of spices let us supply you McConnell Druggist gSSSSESSSSSESSBl lW l The Time Has Arrived Sam Jones is in town and will lecture to night at the M E church Read this and get ready Doors open at 7 15 Lecture begins at 8 30 Admission 50c Dr Warrick the specialist of Hast ings will meet eye ear nose and throat patients at the Commercial hotel in Mc Cook Monday July 31st Hours from 12 to eight p m Eyes tested and prop erly fitted Good turkey red table damask threshers 30c at Thompsons for RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Auditor Sampson was at headquarters yesterday Switchman W W Prall returned to work Wednesday The St Francis Orleans line was opened for business yesterday E J Osborn of the blacksmith shop is off duty with a burned hand A daughter was born to Mr and Mrs C H Bixler in Holdrege last Friday Conductor H C Brown went up to Hayes Center Wednesday on business Conductor A L Hurlburt and crew are on the St Francis line temporarily N B Silver has gone from the black smith shop into the engine service as fireman Switchman Ed Regan and Brakeman C W Tyler of the west end have quit the service E B Billson is a new blacksmith and Geo Schmidt and H C Bateman are new helpers J G Schobel of the trainmasters of fice was a Minden pilgrim Sunday be tween trains Brakeman and Mrs H W Conover and child spent Sunday in Red Cloud with relatives Switchman E L Hawkins was called down to Alma Tuesday by the illness of his father Coy Burnett has quit the steam hammer job and will do dentistry L F Rolfe succeeds him Mr and Mrs A P Ely went down to Red Cloud Sunday morning Mrs Ely is still visiting there Conductor Tim Foley Left Monday for Rocky Ford Colo called by the ill ness of his daughter Gesuline George Stroud has been transferred from the blacksmith shop to Agent Scotts force in the freight honse Brakemen Sentance and Crone have returned to duty on the Orleans St Francis line after being on the main line for a short time Yardmaster Frankenfield of Oxford has been called to Bloomsburg Penna to the burial of his mother A CPaul son is in charge of the yard The company is enlarging the round house at Red Cloud to enable them to accommodate and house the larger en gines now in use on the line Mccook red willow county Nebraska friday evening july 211905 JUNIOR NORMAL SCHOOL NOTES Jlev G L Goodell of Holdrege was a caller at the normal Monday morning The total enrollment thisweek reaches 219 This is three more than at the corresponding time last year The additional enrollmentsThursday included Effie Long Alice Marquissee and Mrs Frances Kerr of Palisade Miss C Estella Goodwin of Benkel man came down Thursday morning to pay an official visit to the normal I S Cutter state representative for the publishing house of Ginn Co made a professional and friendly visit to the normal several days this week The model school garden conducted by Instructor Barr is proving a success in every way Pictures taken by trave lers to the other junior normal indicate its superiority No definite word has yet been received from Frank R Roberson and it is pos sible that his dates may be cancelled and a high grade musical organization se cured in his place Robert Mclntyre the great word painter will deliver his celebrated lect BUTTONED UP PEOPLE A magnificent lecture by one of the greatest masters of word painting on the xVmeri can platform REV DR ROBERT McINTYRE of Los Angeles Cali OPERA HOUSE FRIDAY AUGUST 1 830 pm Auspices McCook Junior Normal School Seats reserved for holders of seas on tickets Monday August 1 at McConnells Sale begins Aug ust 2nd f The Cossacks or Tne Caucasus The most exceptional cavalry of sol diers of Europe are the Caucasian Cos sacks of the Russian army Blindly obedient to their officers indifferent to danger and death inured to endurance of the greatest physical hardships and amazingly skillful in management of their tough wiry steppe ponies a breed closely akin to our mustangs their rep resentatives are among the most inter esting personal exhibits in Campbell Bros Shows It is not easy to view their fantastic feats on horseback in the light of military training but they are aston ishers any way The Campbell Bros Shows will exhibit at McCook Aug 2 Samples of Grain For The Carnival W T Coleman chairman of the com mittee on agricultural display has sent out about a hundred letters to farmers asking that they preserve samples of small grain for display and competition at the McCook Street Fair and Carnival August 2Sth September 2nd and The Tribune hopes that there has been a ready and liberal response to these let ters and that a magnificent display may be made in the competition Insure Against Summer Complaint by keeping a bottle of McConnells Blackberry Balsam always at hand and with the first symptom of diarrhoea or colic begin taking it and almost instant relief will be had McConnell Druggist Celery Plants for Sale 25000 choice celery plants for sale and now is the time to plant for fall and winter use 250 per 1000 30 cents per 100 Large tomato cabbage and sweet potato plants 35 cents per 100 McCook Greenhouse McCook Neb Cash Offer Wanted On lot 3 block 7 1st addition to McCook Neb and the southeast quart er of 22-3-29 134 miles east of McCook Neb Address owner Benj Hammer 195S Emerson st Denver Col For Sale A nice front door for a residence with screen door to match Also window frame and two sashes with glass Will sell very reasonable Call at this office for further particulars Some years ago all machinery was made from wood Now all first class machinery is made from steel The latest is a steel wagon And W T Coleman has them A Dorcas kensington will be held by Mrs Barney Hofer and Mrs Loui Suess next Thursday afternoon July 27th at the home of Mrs Hofer The usual charge ten cents Miss Jennie Carson after a weeks visit with her brother Rev A B Car son returned to her home in Denver Colo Thursday iur oiyae cotc ana uisie JJann were united in marriage at the Baptist par sonageMonday evening Lincoln Mixed Paint will give entire satisfaction Sold by McMillen Drug gist McMillens Blackberry summer complaint etc Balsam for Cylinder and all other kinds of oil for sile at Colemans Best quality apron check ginghams 5c yd at Thompsons They want second hand furniture Call telephone 316 Ready made wrappers 50c 90c 8125 at Thompsons Very good harvest overalls 50c at Thompsons Farm trucks as low as 82700 at W Colemans T Fringed table cloths 1 sizes 8100 to 175 at Thompsons The Round Oak Chief steel range at Waites Best harvest toweling 9c at Thomp sons - utthtiifip l A j 4 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Ludwick for dishes McConnell for drugs Vo NUMBER 8 Feed mills at CoJomans Stokes grocer phono No 30 Everything in drugs McConnell Detroit gasoline stoves at Waitos Try Stokes for groceries Phono 30 McConnells Lightning Corn Cure 10c Cups and saucers 45c per set at Lud wicks Turnip Waitos and wintor radish seed nt Those bread mixers at Colomans are bread winners Fresh butter of best quality at Marshs meat market Wanted Second Call telephone 316 hand furniture Mens black alpaca coats 175 at Thompsons The best harvest work shirts 35c 50c 65c Thompsons A car load of corn for sale O S Van Doren Bartley Neb Best quality Simpsons prints 5c a yard at Thompsons Remember phone No want nice fresh groceries 30 when you Mens black undershirts and drawers 35c at Thompsons American A 2 bushel seamless grain bags lGJoc at Thompsons The new Press cut glassware at Lud wicks Have you seen it Turkey red handkerchiefs for thresh ers G for 25c at Thompsons Coleman sells steel ranges as low as S1600 Call and see his line Phono to No 31G if you have any sec ond hand furniture to sell II P Waite Co Imvo a largo stock of bundle and header forks Cream in sealed 10c and 20c bottles for sale at Marshs meat market That sliced halibut will capture you if you try it once Stokes grocery Ladies linen colored shirt waist suits 8150 at Thompsons Four colors of Cotton Covert Skirting 13lc at Thompsons Youll walk easier if Connells Foot Powder youll use 25 cents Mc- For Sale My residence Inquire at bouse May E Goldtrap New fall dress goods beginning to ar rive at Thompsons French canned goods peas mush rooms sardines etc at Stokes groc ery This is weather to naturally remind you of the comfort of a lawn swing See Coleman Get the first choice of those elegant new fall waist patterns just received at Thompsons This is ideal weather for a gasoline stove Tho Quick Meal is still the un equalled stove W T Coleman Ladies ready made dress skirts 8200 to 8S50 alterations made quickly with out extra charge at Thompsons Dinner sets tea sets toilets sets plain ware decorated ware good cheap dishes fine dishes everything in the line at Ludwicks Our own make bed comforts Gx7 feet 11 yards cloth six Izzer batts inside well tacked and hemmed 1S5 at Thompsons Our living advertisers friends are not our only Competitive importations resort to devious methods to decry the merits of Doans 91 patent Out-of-town products are not in com petition when quality and excellence are considered as factors in flour Theres none so good as Doans 91 McCook has an enviable reputation as the foremost city of enterprise in the western country Doans 91 patent has been one of McCooks best advertise ments An expert gasoline stove repairer has head quarters at H P Waite Cos for one week Now is the chance to have your gasoline stove cleaned or repaired Work done at vour home You can depend upon it every time the quality of meat you get at Marshs market Always the best and no high er than the cheaper kinds No need to experiment just remember the reliable A rubbish fire back of Ludwicks furn iture store Wednesday evening created considerable smoke and caused an alarm of fire to be sent in There was a re sponse by the companies but it was not necessary to turn on the water There was no damage